Rio Paraguai, Corumbá MS., passeio de Chalana./ River boat, canoe tour Brazil
Corumbá, (corruptela de Coimbra, nome da sua fortaleza que marcou a ocupação portuguesa na região, conforme pronunciado pelos seus antigos habitantes) é um município da Região Centro-Oeste do Brasil, situado no estado de Mato Grosso do Sul e a cidade mais antiga deste estado considerando a data de fundação do Forte Coimbra de 13 de setembro de 1775. Pertencente à Mesorregião dos Pantanais Sul-Mato-Grossenses e à Microrregião do Baixo Pantanal[5] , sempre foi muito estratégica regionalmente para a entrada das mercadorias europeias e sua localização, após a serra de Albuquerque (que finaliza o Pantanal ao sul), no último trecho facilmente navegável do Rio Paraguai para embarcações de maior calado e a beira do Pantanal, que lhe garantiu um rápido e rico crescimento entre o final do século 19 e começo do século 20
Best of the Pantanal, October 16th-22nd, 2011
Highlights from our The Best of the Pantanal tour in October 2011
Escritório - (65)3664-2499
Hotel Baiazinha - (65)3291-1036 / 3223-1766
Pantanal and Bonito Trip
Had such and amazing trip with the best best people from all over the world. So glad to be here in Brazil with the best people and having amazing adventures.
Boat Party 2013 - Cáceres, MT
Video da festa itinerante que rolou em Cáceres-MT no mês de Outubro de 2013, muita diversão e alegria a bordo do barco cometa!!!!
Track: John Newman - Cheating (Filtertypen edit).mp3
Barco hotel, Rio Paraguai, Corumbá MS,/ Boat Hotel , Rio Paraguay Brazil.
O rio Paraguai é um rio da América do Sul que banha quatro países. Nasce no município de Alto Paraguai no estado brasileiro do Mato Grosso e banha também o estado do Mato Grosso do Sul, sendo afluente do rio Paraná. O rio, ao contrário da percepção popular comum, não define a fronteira Bolívia-Brasil, mas sim parte da fronteira Brasil-Paraguai e da fronteira Argentina-Paraguai.
Em seu percurso inicial (cerca de 50 km) tem o nome de rio Paraguaisinho, mas logo passa a ser conhecido como rio Paraguai, percorrendo um trajeto de cerca de 2621 km até desaguar no rio Paraná.
Exploring Brazil - Pantanal
in this video about the Pantanal region of Brazil. His animals and butterflies.
Lenda Turismo - Barco Lenda do Pantanal
Vídeo institucional da Lenda Turismo sobre o barco Lenda do Pantanal.
para mais informações acesse:
Barco Hotel Veneza - Rio Paraguai
Barco Hotel Veneza
Barco Aguape
This boat is used for jaguar tracking tours during the dry season and also for expedition tours which takes place in September 2014!
KAYAMÃ ***** Um novo Barco Hotel no Pantanal - Oficial JOICE TUR
Jaguars of the Pantanal
Join Todd Gustafson as he explores Brazil's Pantanal in search of stunning photo opportunities of jaguars.Jaguars of the Pantanal. In the Pantanal of South America lies one of the largest populations of jaguars (panthera onca). Here the diet allows the male jagua.Video of Jaguars currently being viewed by Projeto Onçafari. Filmed by Adam Bannister at Caiman Ecological Refuge, southern Pantanal, Brazil. To view the acc.This was from our Wildside Nature Tours August 2011 trip to the Pantanal, in Brazil. With the boat rocking it is tough to steady the video, but this sequence.Jaguar season is beginning at the pantanal and this is the first of many jaguars to be seen during our safaris out there. This one was seen during a Pantanal.Whilst being a solitary cat and one of the most secretive species in the world, it was a great surprise to see two adult male jaguars resting together on the.We are working on a project to help habituate the iconic jaguar in the incredible wetlands of the Brazilian Pantanal.Paraguay river of Cáceres - Mato Grosso - Brazil, knowing as the last keep secrets on Earth is also the wilderness side of Pantanal and the Jaguar Kingdom! L.This short video clip shows the beautiful wildlife surrounding a riverbank in the Pantanal -- a region in western Brazil, on the border with Bolivia and Para.Video footage of a female jaguar eating and dragging a cow carcass. A segment of the video is filmed via the use of a camera trap. The female jaguar in quest.Video footage of a large male jaguar feeding on a kill. Filmed by Adam Bannister of Projeto Onçafari at Caiman Ecological Refuge in the southern portions of .Travel along the CUIABÁ RIVER in Brazil to explore the rhythm of the birds, river otter, jaguar, caiman and capybara along the river. Life takes on a faster .To view the accompanying story for this video, and to find out more news from the Jaguar Habituation Project please follow the links below: ENGLISH - search of the jaguar in 2010. I saw a jaguar in the Pantanal. Located in central - western Brasil, the Pantanal is a UK - sized mosaic of seasonally - flo.Whilst searching the river banks for jaguars in the incredible wetlands of Brazil, we spotting this female bounding through the vegetation on the opposite ba.Highlights from our The Best of the Pantanal tour in October 2011.This short video clip shows the beautiful wildlife surrounding a riverbank in the Pantanal -- a region in western Brazil, on the border with Bolivia and Para.This video and still images were featured, in part, in Nat Geo Wild's broadcast of the Feisty Films Ltd. production Hunt for the Shadow Cat during 2011's a.Traveling to the Pantanal in search of wildlife is one of the worlds best wildlife watching experiences. There is a huge abundance and diversity of life here.Shan and I have just returned from an inspiring expedition to Caiman Ecological Refuge situated in Southern Pantanel, South America. We were kindly hosted by.We were very privileged to get get such good close up views of this adult female jaguar as she came out onto the river bank to sunbathe and try and spot some.Pantanal Jaguar Safaris specializes in jaguar safaris, photographic safaris, bird watching, natural history tours to the finest wildlife destinations of Brazil.This short video clip shows the beautiful landscape surrounding a riverbank in the Pantanal -- a region in western Brazil, on the border with Bolivia and Par.
Passeio de Barco - Rio Abobral - Pantanal 2015
Jaguar swimming. Pantanal, Brazil.
One of 5 Jaguars seen by our group last week in Brazil's Pantanal. They were really liking the water!
Barco Cruzeiro do Pantanal
Barco Cruzeiro do Pantanal
Pescaria da Turma da Casa. Pantanal/Porto Cercado em 2008
Pescaria da Turma da Casa na Chalana Anaconda.
Brasil/Mato Grosso/Poconé/Pantanal/Porto Cercado.
Turma da Casa, Moacir, João Batista, Dinho...
Barco Hotel KAYAMÃ 5 estrelas - Oficial JOICETUR
Vídeo de apresentação da estrutura do novo KAYAMÃ 5 estrelas.
Paraguay River Caceres Brazil - seeking for the Jaguar
It was an impressive experience to go by boat thruough Paraguay river in order to look for the bigest beast of all America, the Jaguar...very we did not see them yet, but ahead I will add for sure!!
Zuuera na Praça In Caceres ;D