Georgia/Signagi Bodbe,St Nino Part 6
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The Monastery of St.Nino at Bodbe,Signagi:
The Monastery of St. Nino at Bodbe is a Georgian Orthodox monastic complex and the seat of the Bishops of Bodbe located 2 km from the town of Sighnaghi, Kakheti, Georgia. Originally built in the 9th century, it has been significantly remodeled, especially in the 17th century. The monastery now functions as a nunnery and is one of the major pilgrimage sites in Georgia, due to its association with St. Nino, the 4th-century female evangelist of Georgians, whose relics are shrined there.
The Bodbe Monastery is nested among tall Cypress trees on a steep hillside overlooking the Alazani Valley, where it commands views of the Greater Caucasus mountains.
The extant church – a three-nave basilica with three protruding apses – was originally built between the 9th and 11th centuries, but has been significantly modified since then. Both exterior and interior walls have been plastered and bear the traces of restoration carried out in the 17th and 19th centuries. It consists of a small hall church with an apse built over St. Nino’s grave that is integrated into a larger aisled basilica. A free-standing three-storey bell-tower was erected between 1862 and 1885. Part of the 17th-century wall surrounding the basilica was demolished and the earlier original one restored in 2003.Some 3 km from the convent, a small Chapel of St. Zabulon and St. Sosana was constructed, in the 1990s, to house a St. Nino’s Spring, which, according to a local legend, emerged through Nino’s prayers and is believed to have a healing power.
According to Georgian tradition, St. Nino, having witnessed the conversion of Georgians to the Christian faith, withdrew to the Bodbe gorge, in Kakheti, where she died c. 338-340. At the behest of King Mirian III (r. 284-361), a small monastery was built at the place where Nino was buried. The monastery gained particular prominence in the late Middle Ages. It was particularly favored by the kings of Kakheti who made choice of the monastery as the place of their coronation. Pillaged by the troops of Shah Abbas I of Persia in 1615, the Bodbe monastery was restored by King Teimuraz I of Kakheti (r. 1605-1648). With the revival of monastic life in Bodbe, a theological school was opened. The monastery also operated one of the largest depositories of religious books in Georgia and was home to several religious writers and scribes.
In 1924, the Soviet government closed down the monastery and converted it into a hospital. In 1991, after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the Bodbe monastery was resumed as a convent. Restoration works were carried out between 1990 and 2000 and resumed in 2003.Wikipedia
Georgia trip 2019. Day Fourth. Bodbe St. Nino Monastery. Signagi. Georgia
Georgia trip 2019. Day Fourth. Bodbe St. Nino Monastery. Signagi. Georgia
Georgia trip 2019. Day Fourth. Bodbe St. Nino Monastery. Signagi. Georgia
Georgia trip 2019. Day Fourth. Bodbe St. Nino Monastery. Signagi. Georgia
Georgia trip 2019. Day Fourth. Bodbe St. Nino Monastery. Signagi. Georgia
Georgia trip 2019. Day Fourth. Bodbe St. Nino Monastery. Signagi. Georgia
Georgia trip 2019. Day Fourth. Bodbe St. Nino Monastery. Signagi. Georgia
Georgia Signagi holy nino church
church of holy nino georgia signagi beautyfull place
【K】Georgia Travel-Signagi[조지아 여행-시그나기]보드베 수도원/Bodbe Monastery/St. Nino/Coffin/Caucasus
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포도밭을 지나 조금 더 갔더니 이번에는 끝없이 펼쳐진 평야가 나타난다. 며칠 사이 험준한 코카서스 산맥도 보고, 흑해도 봤는데 이번엔, 드넓은 평원이다. 조지아는 땅은 넓지 않지만 자연환경이 무척이나 변화무쌍한 것 같다. 이곳에서 조금 더 가면 멀리 코카서스 산맥이 보이는 평원에 작고 아름다운 도시 시그나기가 있다. 시그나기는 아제르바이잔과의 국경 가까이에 있다. 옛날에는 코카서스 산맥을 넘어 온 카라반들이 쉬어가는 실크로드의 기착지였다. 주황색 지붕은 시그나기의 상징이다. 때문에 실크로드라기보다는 이탈리아의 작은 도시에 온 것 같은 느낌이 든다. 시그나기에 오는 사람들이 반드시 찾는 곳이 보드베 수도원이다. 이곳은 조지아 사람들에게 무척 각별한 곳이다. 자신의 머리카락으로 묶어 만든 포도나무 십자가를 들고 조지아에 기독교를 전파했던 성녀 니노의 관이 이곳에 있기 때문이다. 니노는 불치병에 걸린 왕비의 병을 기도로 고쳐줬다. 왕비는 어떤 소원이라도 들어주겠다고 했지만 니노는 거절하고 이곳에 와 여생을 마쳤다고 한다.
[English: Google Translator]
I went a little further through the vineyard, and this time, an endless plain emerges. I saw the rugged Caucasus Mountains for a few days, saw the Black Sea, and this time it is a wide plains. Georgia does not have a lot of land, but the natural environment seems to be very varied. A little further from here is the small and beautiful city Signaggi on the plain overlooking the Caucasus Mountains. Siggnag is located near the border with Azerbaijan. In the past, the caravans that crossed the Caucasus Mountains were the stopping point for the Silk Road. The orange roof is a symbol of Sigourney. It feels like coming to an Italian small city rather than a silk road. The place where people coming to Siggna must visit is the Vaudeville monastery. This is a very special place for the people of Georgia. This is because there is a coffin of Nino, a woman who preached Christianity in Georgia with a vine cross tied with her own hair. Nino restored the sickness of the queen, who had an incurable disease, by prayer. The queen said she would listen to any wishes, but Nino refused and finished her life here.
[Georgia: Google Translator]
ცოტა ხნით ვეღარ მივდიოდი ვენახით, და ამ დროს, გაუთავებელი ველი აღმოვაჩინე. რამდენიმე დღით დავინახე კავკასიონის მთაგორიანი მთები, დაინახა შავი ზღვა და ამჯერად ეს ფართო ფართებია. საქართველოს არა აქვს ბევრი მიწა, მაგრამ ბუნებრივი გარემო, როგორც ჩანს, ძალიან მრავალფეროვანია. აქედან პატარა პატარა და ლამაზი ქალაქი სიღნაღი კავკასიონის მთებზე გადახედილია. სიღნაღი აზერბაიჯანის საზღვართან მდებარეობს. წარსულში, ქარავანი, რომელიც კავკასიონის მთების გადაკვეთა იყო, აბრეშუმის გზის შეჩერება იყო. ფორთოხლის სახურავი სიგრევის სიმბოლოა. იგი იგრძნობა იტალიის პატარა ქალაქში, ვიდრე აბრეშუმის გზაზე. ადგილი, სადაც სიღნაში ჩამოსული ადამიანები უნდა მოინახულონ, არის მონასტერი. ეს არის განსაკუთრებული ადგილი საქართველოს ხალხისთვის. ეს იმიტომ, რომ ნინოს კუბოშია ქალბატონი, რომელიც საქართველოში ქრისტიანობას ქადაგებდა, თავის თმასთან ერთად ვაზის ჯვრით. ნინომ აღადგინა დედოფლის ავადმყოფობა, რომელსაც განუკურნებელი დაავადება ჰქონდა ლოცვით. დედოფალმა განაცხადა, რომ ის უსმენს ნებისმიერ სურვილს, მაგრამ ნინომ უარი თქვა და დაასრულა მისი ცხოვრება.
■클립명: 유럽112-조지아04-18 니노의 관이 있는 보드베 수도원
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 윤성도 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2018년 4월April
종교시설,church,추모관련,tomb, cemetery,사람,man,유럽Europe조지아GeorgiaSakartvelo그루지아윤성도20184월카헤티 주KakhetiკახეთიApril걸어서 세계속으로
Georgia, Bodbe Monastery - To the Caspian Sea ep14 - Travel vlog calatorii tourism video HD
The Monastery of St. Nino at Bodbe is a Georgian Orthodox monastic complex and the seat of the Bishops of Bodbe located 2 km from the town of Sighnaghi, Kakheti, Georgia. Originally built in the 9th century, it has been significantly remodeled, especially in the 17th century. The monastery now functions as a nunnery and is one of the major pilgrimage sites in Georgia, due to its association with St. Nino, the 4th-century female evangelist of Georgians, whose relics are shrined there.
My trip to the Caspian Sea
Bodbe Monastery, Signaghi, St Nino's day
We were invited to the Supra (Georgian feast) after the service at Bodbe monastery, Signaghi, in Eastern Georgia. This priest got up and sang. He's 75!
Nick Mills
The Life of St. Nina, The Enlightener of Georgia
St. Nina (Nino), The Enlightener of Georgia
Commemorated January 14th
조지아 시그나기 보드베 수도원 Georgia Sighnaghi Bodbe Monastery
아름다운 시그나기 입구에 있는 보드베 수도원은 조지아를 세계 최초의 기독교 국가로 이끈 성녀 니노의 무덤이 있다. (어떤 곳에서는 아르메니아가 최초의 기독교 국가라고 하는데... 어느게 맞는지는 몰겠지만...)
Bodbe Monastery
Sighnaghi Georgia
Sighnaghi or signagi [ Explore The city of love in Georgia ] All you need to know about Sighnaghi
Sighnaghi is the city of love in Georgia, Signagi is located in the eastern Georgian region of Kakheti. It's one of the smallest towns in Georgia.
As of the 1770 century, Signagi is built by 100 families, chiefly craftsmen and merchants.
Signagi is called The City of Love in Georgia, Because of many Georgians couples visiting it just to get married.
Sighnaghi also is famous for its wine industry.
Make sure to watch the video till the end because you will find the answer to this question :
How to go to Sighnaghi from Tbilisi ?
If you want to know how to start a business in Georgia watch this video:
If you want to know more information about Georgia's history and culture watch this video:
Please watch: The cost of living in the country of Georgia | Is it expensive to live in Georgia? must know info
Road trip: Kakheti wine house, Bodbe Monastery - Signage Georgia / vlog # 9
Bodbe Monastery;
The Monastery of St. Nino at Bodbe (Georgian: ბოდბის წმინდა ნინოს მონასტერი, bodbis ts’minda Ninos monasteri) is a Georgian Orthodox monastic complex and the seat of the Bishops of Bodbe located 2 km from the town of Sighnaghi, Kakheti, Georgia.
Originally built in the 9th century, it has been significantly remodeled, especially in the 17th century.
The monastery now functions as a nunnery and is one of the major pilgrimage sites in Georgia, due to its association with St. Nino, the 4th-century female evangelist of Georgians, whose relics are shrined there.
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Georgia day 2 | Khaketi part 1 Wine Factory | Signagi | Bodbe Monastary | Georgia Vlog
Khaketi wine factory tour was awesome and explanation about different wines.
Everyone enjoy seeing this Georgia khaketi wine tour
Bodbe monastery history and Saint Nino life in Signagi church
Signagi small town and its history and about different buildings
Steep road pleasure walk
please watch my part 2 video of khaketi
Bodbe Monastery
*please adjust the playback speed (slower), before viewing to prevent you of having headache while watching. Sorry for the inconvenience. It will be better next time, promise:)
Bodbe Monastery of St. Nino and Episcopacy is located in Kakheti, 2 kilometers away from Sighnaghi.
According to the legend it is built on the burial place of Saint Nino. Georgian kings were paying great attention to the Bodbe Monastery. It has been repaired and restored many times. In XVII-XVIII centuries, there were scribes: Zakaria Bodbeli (XVII c.), Onofre Bodbeli (XVIII century), Ioane Jorjadze (XVIII century), David Bodbeli (XVIII), Ioane Makashvili (1743-1837) and others.
From 1837 Bodbe Monastery was abolished and became a church for believers. In 1889 the Bodbe Mother's Monastery was opened. There was a teaching school with an artistic department. In the complex there is a monument of Georgian architecture- three-nave basilica( with three apsides). With the initial architectural shapes it belongs to the earlier feudal age. Nowadays, it significantly changed. Plastered from the inside and outside. The footprints of the XVII and XIX centuries restoration are apparent. According to the inscription, in the 20s of the XIX century, the church was thoroughly repaired and painted under the direction of Metropolitan Sighnaghi and Kiziki Ioane Makashvili.
Music Credit: 8 letters by Why Don't We
Visiting Bodbe Monastery, Cathedral in Signagi, Georgia, United States
The Monastery of St. Nino at Bodbe is a Georgian Orthodox monastic complex and the seat of the Bishops of Bodbe located 2 km from the town of Sighnaghi, Kakheti, Georgia.
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