Tanjung Lesung Beach, Banten, Indonesia - Best Travel Destination
Tanjung Lesung is nestled in the West Coast area of Java, in the Banten Province. Beaches on this coast is known to be some of the best as they offer good surf, calm swimming spots, considerably healthy reefs, and white inviting sand. Only 3 hours car ride away from bustling Jakarta and a short 30-minutes from Carita, Tanjung Lesung is a pleasant choice for a weekend getaway. Jakartans and beach-goers from other cities in the country might flock this west coast of Java area, but Tanjung Lesung will remain serene and private, as there are limited accommodations here. The beauty and serenity of Tanjung Lesung's surrounding area is also made possible by the legendary peak of Krakatoa. It is a sight that made Sunda Strait famous all around the world.
Memori at tanjung Lesung Beach saat lebaran pertama
Tanjung Lesung is nestled in the West Coast area of Java, in the Banten Province. Beaches on this coast is known to be some of the best as they offer good surf, calm swimming spots, considerably healthy reefs, and white inviting sand.
Only 3 hours car ride away from bustling Jakarta and a short 30-minutes from Carita, Tanjung Lesung is a pleasant choice for a weekend getaway. Jakartans and beach-goers from other cities in the country might flock this west coast of Java area, but Tanjung Lesung will remain serene and private, as there are limited accommodations here. The beauty and serenity of Tanjung Lesung's surrounding area is also made possible by the legendary peak of Krakatoa. It is a sight that made Sunda Strait famous all around the world.
Indonesia has over 130 active volcanoes. These volcanoes make up to what is notoriously known as the Ring of Fire, the axis of the Indonesian island arc system. A chain of volcanic mountains forms an east-west spine along the island of Java. Krakatoa or Krakatau in Indonesian is undeniably the most famous volcanoes in the archipelago due to the world's loudest recorded bang that it created in 1883. Today the area around the majestic mountain is lush and rich in biodiversity both on land and under the water. Scientists from all over the world still come to conduct researches on the volcanic richness of West Java coast and its natural surroundings.
Krakatoa, the volcanic island made of lava has been calm for more than a century now. Its grand history that shook the world for years is still and always be a great story to tell and retell. Nonetheless, Sunda Strait is now made exciting by the presence of Anak Krakatau (Child of Krakatau), a volcanic mass that has been on the boil since 1928. At times the kindred spirit mountain would send out showers of glowing rocks and belch smoke and ashes. If anything, it only makes it even more of a magical sight to be admired from afar
Pantai Cipenyu Panimbang, sebelum tsunami melanda
Tanjung Lesung is nestled in the West Coast area of Java, in the Banten Province. Beaches on this coast is known to be some of the best as they offer good surf, calm swimming spots, considerably healthy reefs, and white inviting sand.
Only 3 hours car ride away from bustling Jakarta and a short 30-minutes from Carita, Tanjung Lesung is a pleasant choice for a weekend getaway. Jakartans and beach-goers from other cities in the country might flock this west coast of Java area, but Tanjung Lesung will remain serene and private, as there are limited accommodations here. The beauty and serenity of Tanjung Lesung's surrounding area is also made possible by the legendary peak of Krakatoa. It is a sight that made Sunda Strait famous all around the world.
Indonesia has over 130 active volcanoes. These volcanoes make up to what is notoriously known as the Ring of Fire, the axis of the Indonesian island arc system. A chain of volcanic mountains forms an east-west spine along the island of Java. Krakatoa or Krakatau in Indonesian is undeniably the most famous volcanoes in the archipelago due to the world's loudest recorded bang that it created in 1883. Today the area around the majestic mountain is lush and rich in biodiversity both on land and under the water. Scientists from all over the world still come to conduct researches on the volcanic richness of West Java coast and its natural surroundings.
Krakatoa, the volcanic island made of lava has been calm for more than a century now. Its grand history that shook the world for years is still and always be a great story to tell and retell. Nonetheless, Sunda Strait is now made exciting by the presence of Anak Krakatau (Child of Krakatau), a volcanic mass that has been on the boil since 1928. At times the kindred spirit mountain would send out showers of glowing rocks and belch smoke and ashes. If anything, it only makes it even more of a magical sight to be admired from afar
Hite Tanjung Lesung Beach
Tanjung Lesung is nestled in the West Coast area of Java, in the Banten Province. Beaches on this coast is known to be some of the best as they offer good surf, calm swimming spots, considerably healthy reefs, and white inviting sand.
Only 3 hours car ride away from bustling Jakarta and a short 30-minutes from Carita, Tanjung Lesung is a pleasant choice for a weekend getaway. Jakartans and beach-goers from other cities in the country might flock this west coast of Java area, but Tanjung Lesung will remain serene and private, as there are limited accommodations here. The beauty and serenity of Tanjung Lesung's surrounding area is also made possible by the legendary peak of Krakatoa. It is a sight that made Sunda Strait famous all around the world.
Indonesia has over 130 active volcanoes. These volcanoes make up to what is notoriously known as the Ring of Fire, the axis of the Indonesian island arc system. A chain of volcanic mountains forms an east-west spine along the island of Java. Krakatoa or Krakatau in Indonesian is undeniably the most famous volcanoes in the archipelago due to the world's loudest recorded bang that it created in 1883. Today the area around the majestic mountain is lush and rich in biodiversity both on land and under the water. Scientists from all over the world still come to conduct researches on the volcanic richness of West Java coast and its natural surroundings.
Krakatoa, the volcanic island made of lava has been calm for more than a century now. Its grand history that shook the world for years is still and always be a great story to tell and retell. Nonetheless, Sunda Strait is now made exciting by the presence of Anak Krakatau (Child of Krakatau), a volcanic mass that has been on the boil since 1928. At times the kindred spirit mountain would send out showers of glowing rocks and belch smoke and ashes. If anything, it only makes it even more of a magical sight to be admired from afar
Wisata Indonesia : Tanjung Lesung Banten Jawa Barat Indonesia, Mopon ID
Nama ‘tanjung lesung’ menurut penuturan masyarakat setempat berasal dari penamaan lokasi pantainya yang berupa daratan menjorok ke laut mirip ujung lesung, yaitu alat tradisional penumbuk padi. Pantai ini luasnya sekira 1.500 hektar dan resmi dibuka untuk umum sejak Januari 1998. Kini Pantai Tanjung Lesung dijadikan Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus (KEK) Pariwisata di Provinsi Banten.
Hamparan pasir pantainya yang landai mencapai 15 kilometer memberi cukup ruang kepada pengunjung untuk melakukan berbagai kegiatan bersenang-senang, mulai dari bermain pasir, berjemur, atau berolahraga.Selain kawasan pantainya yang masih bersih dan alami, Pantai Tanjung Lesung juga menawarkan hamparan pasir putih bak permadani. Berjalan di atasnya ditemani semilir angin sepoi merupakan kenikmatan tersendiri.
Kawasan Pantai Tanjung Lesung sangat cocok bagi pasangan yang ingin berbulan madu. Suasanya tenang dengan balutan pemandangannya alam yang romantis. Berjalan di pinggir pantai saat sore hari bersama pasangan sambil bergandengan tangan dan mendengarkan deburan ombak akan sangat indah dan menjadi kenangan berkesan dan romantis.
Transportasi :
Jakarta-Pantai Tanjung Lesung berjarak sekitar 160 kilometer dengan waktu tempuh sekitar 2,5-3 jam perjalanan dengan menggunakan bus atau kendaraan pribadi.
Untuk menuju lokasi Pantai Tanjung Lesung,bisa mengambil rute jalan tol Jakarta-Merak. Berikutnya keluar melalui pintu Gerbang Tol Serang Timur. Setelah melewati Kota Serang, lanjutkan perjalanan ke arah Kota Pandeglang dan Labuan hingga berakhir di Pantai Tanjung Lesung.
Pilihan rute yang lain adalah setelah mengambil rute jalan tol Jakarta-Merak maka keluarlah melalui Gerbang Tol Cilegon. Lanjutkan perjalanan menyusuri pesisir Anyer-Carita hingga ke arah Labuan dan berakhir di Pantai Tanjung Lesung.
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SMVLOG Steve Marcel - Liburan ke Pantai Tanjung Lesung
Tanjung Lesung Aerial Video Part 1
See Tanjung Lesung, Indonesia from aerial view. Short of stock, there will be part 2 soon... More footage, 1500 ha of land to develop.
Tanjung Lesung Aerial Video Part 2
Narsis on the Bagedur Beach
Tanjung Lesung Beach West Java INDONESIA
Tanjung Lesung Beach
Pantai Pasir Putih Sirih-Anyer Banten 02
Hari Minggu,12/Oktober/2014
Acara Tours Pt.Cermai Makmur Abadi Intl
Waktu tempuh perjalanan dari Klapanunggal Bogor Ke Pantai Pasir Putih Sirih Anyer Banten sekitar 4 (empat) jam Lebih Berangkat dari Jam 07.00 Wib s/d 11.26 Wib.
Fishing at Tanjung Lesung n' Laguna Carita - Banten
Fishing Riders Community - Rangkasbitung
Kenangan akhir tahun BAGEDUR BEACH PASKUJA, SMSR, HNMC.salam satu hati
[EVENT] LIVE DJ Saturday Night at Tanjung Lesung Beach Hotel
Let's Groove & Rock Out All Night !
LIVE DJ Every Saturday Night at Tanjung Lesung Beach Hotel
with DJ AgungW & Friends [No.1 Winner Asia Pioneer Digital DJ Battle]
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Pantai Pasir Putih Sirih-Anyer Banten 01
Hari Minggu,12/Oktober/2014
Acara Tours Pt.Cermai Makmur Abadi Intl
Waktu tempuh perjalanan dari Klapanunggal Bogor Ke Pantai Pasir Putih Sirih Anyer Banten sekitar 4 (empat) jam Lebih Berangkat dari Jam 07.00 Wib s/d 11.26 Wib.
pas band kesepian kita tanjung lesung beach