Places to see in ( Bonn - Germany )
Places to see in ( Bonn - Germany )
Bonn is a city in western Germany straddling the Rhine river. It’s known for the central Beethoven House, a memorial and museum honoring the composer’s birthplace. Nearby are Bonn Minster, a church with a Romanesque cloister and Gothic elements, the pink-and-gold Altes Rathaus, or old city hall, and Poppelsdorf Palace housing a mineralogical museum. To the south is Haus der Geschichte with post-WWII history exhibits.
When this relaxed city on the Rhine became West Germany’s ‘temporary’ capital in 1949 it surprised many, including its own residents. When in 1991 a reunited German government decided to move to Berlin, it shocked many, especially Bonn's own residents.
More than a generation later, Bonn is doing just fine, thank you. It has a healthy economy and lively urban vibe. For visitors, the birthplace of Ludwig van Beethoven has plenty of note, not least the great composer’s birth house, a string of top-rated museums, a lovely riverside setting and the nostalgic feel of the old government quarter. Expect a big line-up of special events in 2020 – Beethoven's 250th birthday.
Bonn was the capital of the Federal Republic of Germany (previously, West Germany) and lies on the river Rhine some 20 km south of Cologne. The city remains a popular choice for large-scale exhibitions and conferences. Bonn is best known culturally as the birthplace of Ludwig van Beethoven. Its population is 315,000.
You should consider a trip to Bonn if you like atmospheric smaller cities with many students and a rich culture. Admirers call it Germany's most northern city because of its street culture with many cafes and beer gardens in the summer. It is also a good base for day trips to Cologne, Düsseldorf, the romantic Rhine and the Eifel region.
Bonn's beginning dates between 13 - 9 BC when Romans began building roads, bridges, and fortresses at a location known as Bonna. One well-documented event was the martyrdom of two Thebaean legionaries. The Thebaean Legion was an all Christian legion, which refused to worship the emperor as a god. As punishment, the Thebaean Legion's commander, Mauritius was executed in St. Moritz as were many other Thebaean legionaries including Cassius and Florentius, Bonn's patron saints, who were martyred at the location of the present-day Münster basilica.
In December 1770 Bonn's most famous son, Ludwig van Beethoven, was born on Bonngasse. Bonn is probably best known as Beethoven's birth place and this fact is well advertised by the city despite Beethoven's vehement disgust towards his hometown. Beethoven spent some time in Vienna hoping to study with Mozart, but after his mother's death he was forced to return to Bonn for five years to raise his two younger brothers since his alcoholic father was unable to. In 1792 Beethoven returned to Vienna and never came back to Bonn.
A lot to see in Bonn such as :
Schloss Drachenburg
Beethoven House
Middle Rhine
Bonn Minster
Siebengebirge Nature Park
Drachenfels Railway
Burg Drachenfels
Poppelsdorf Palace
SEA LIFE Konigswinter
Beethoven Monument, Bonn
Haus der Geschichte
Botanical Garden, Bonn
Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Ludendorff Bridge
Kunstmuseum Bonn
Museum Koenig
Rheinisches Landesmuseum Bonn
Electoral Palace, Bonn
Deutsches Museum Bonn
Wolkenburg castle
Erpeler Ley
Bonn Egyptian Museum
Hammerschmidt Villa
Forest and Wildpark Rolandseck
Rheinhöhenweg Trail
Alter Zoll
Akademisches Kunstmuseum
Bonn Women's Museum
Arboretum Park Härle
Stadtmuseum Bonn
Arp Museum Bahnhof Rolandseck
Japanischer Garten
Holy Name Church
Stadtmuseum Siegburg
Schumannhaus Bonn
Langer Eugen
Schloßkirche Bonn
( Bonn - Germany ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Bonn . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Bonn - Germany
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Ägyptisches Museum | Bonn | Rhein-Eifel.TV
- Film über die Ausstellungsbereiche Haus, Grab und Tempel des Ägyptischen Museums der Universität Bonn. Das Ägyptische Museum in Bonn, Teil der Universität, widmet sich in seinem öffentlich zugänglichen Teil in einer Dauerausstellung der ägyptischen Kulturgeschichte. Das bei Fachleuten geschätzte Museum ist auch für den an der ägyptischen Hochkultur interessierten Laien empfehlenswert.
Ägyptisches/Egyptian Museum Bonn
A small but nice exhibition with over 3000 exhibits (visited: 09.10.08)
Pharao aus dem Keller geholt - Gipsabgüsse Ägyptisches Museum
Eine Sonderausstellung des Ägyptischen Museums der Uni Bonn präsentiert noch bis zum 7. April 2013 wieder gefundene Gipsabgüsse, die über Jahrzehnte im Keller der Universität lagen. Dr. Thomas Becker, Archivar der Universität Bonn, und Dr. Martin Fitzenreiter, Kustos des Ägyptischen Museums, berichten hier von den Funden.
Hier geht's zum Ägyptischen Museum der Universität Bonn
Eine Produktion von Uni-Bonn.TV
Beitrag und Schnitt: Denis Nasser
Kamera: Henner Euting & Marc Plönnes
Copyright © Universität Bonn
Cleopatra Exhibition in Bonn (Germany)
Cleopatra Exhibition in Bonn (Germany)
Kleopatra Ausstellung Bonn Kunsthalle
Cleopatra Tentoonstelling Bonn (Bundeskunsthalle)
Die Ewige Diva
Elizabeth Taylor
Marcus Antonius
Ancient Rome
Kunsthalle Bonn
Geschenke für Verstorbene
Das Aktuielle Objekt aus Museen und Sammlungen der Universität Bon kommt diesmal aus dem Ägyptischen Museum: ein Keramikgefäß, das Geschenke der Überlebenden für einen Verstorbenen enthielt; diese Grabbeigabe stammt aus einer Grabung Bonner Wissenschaftler, die Dr. Andreas Dorn, Kurator des Ägyptischen Museums hier vorstellt.
Team: Nils Schlieske, Daniel Schriek
(c) Universität Bonn /
Altes Skelett in neuer Montage - Plesiosaurier im Bonner Goldfuß-Museum
Seit über hundert Jahren gibt's das Skelett des Bonner Plesiosauriers schon im Goldfuß-Museum; nun wissen Bonner und Bochuimer Forscher, dass das Skelett der Paddelechse anders ausgesehen haben muss. Die Neumontage ist jetzt im Goldfuß-Museum auf dem neuen Stand der Erkenntnis ausgestellt.
Eine Produktion von Uni-Bonn.TV
Produktionsteam: Marcus Berinski, Ole Lentfer & Daniel Schriek
Copyright © Universität Bonn
Nalbinding Socks from Late Roman Egypt (3rd-7th CE)
The collection of Textiles and Fashion at the Royal Ontario Museum Toronto is full of surprises: It holds eleven late Roman socks that were excavated in Egypt and acquired by the museum in the early 20th century. It's the world's largest collection of late Roman socks in the Tarim stitch (coptic stitch), a special nalbinding stitch. In November 2016, the Veronika Gervers Research Fellowship made it possible to invite textile archaeologist Barbara Köstner M.A. (Bonn, Germany) to study these fascinating objects dating from 3rd to 7th century AD.
Re:animation: Ringer im Museum
Die neue Sonderausstellung re:animation des Ägyptischen Museums der Uni Bonn zeigt Objekte aus dem Alten Ägypten im Dialog mit Zeichnungen und Skulpturen von Ruth Tauchert. Die Ausstellung ist bis zum 1. Februar 2018 zu sehen. Ringer des Turn- und Kraftsportvereins Bonn-Duisdorf nehmen die „Auseinandersetzung“ mit altägyptischen Vor-Bildern auf.
Team: Ole Lentfer, Klaus Herkenrath
(c) Universität Bonn / 2017
Das Ägyptische Museum Berlin. DVD-Trailer.
Das Ägyptische Museum Berlin. Regie Hubert Schäfer
Fünf aufwändig produzierte Filme erzählen vom Ägyptischen Museum Berlin, einem der bedeutendsten
Museen seiner Art weltweit. Sie zeigen, was sonst unsichtbar bleibt: Herkunft, Hintergründe und Details der einzigartigen Sammlung -- und die Menschen, die sie zum Leben erwecken.
mehr Informationen unter:
Wissenschaftler | Ethnologisches Museum - Phonogramm Archiv | Episode 4 (DE/EN)
Unsere Film Reihe Behind the Scenes stellt die Arbeit einiger Mitarbeiter der Staatliche Museen zu Berlin aus verschiedensten Bereichen und Häusern vor. // Our film series Behind the Scenes introduces the work of some of the staff in different areas and museums of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin.
Folge 4: Lars-Christian Koch, Wissenschaftler, Phonogramm-Archiv, Ethnologisches Museum// Episode 4: Lars-Christian Koch, Scientist, Phonogram Archive, Ethnologisches Museum
Interview: Constantin Lieb
Kamera&Montage: Felix von Boehm
Munich The Egyptian Museum Germany
Video by Liliana Usvat
Wie duftete Königin Hatschepsut?
Dr. Helmut Wiedenfeld vom Pharmazeutischen Institut der Uni Bonn berichtetr hier von den ersten Ergebnissen seiner Untersuchung: der Inhalt eines kleines Tongefässes könnte nämlich den Duft der Königin Hatschepsut enthalten.
Eastern Germany's biggest problem explained | DW News
Three decades after the fall of the Berlin Wall, Eastern Germany has lost lots of its population: almost 2 million people since 1989 to be exact. Overall, the population in the east has dipped to the same level it was in 1905. So is Eastern Germany on the verge of disappearing? Searching for answers, DW's Carl Nasman takes a closer look at Eisenhüttenstadt, a city that has lost more than half of its population.
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Für Videos in deutscher Sprache besuchen Sie:
German History Museum
Video 18 of 30
The House of the History of the Federal Republic of Germany is a museum located in Bonn and presents German history from 1945 to the present.
A film by Brad Imsdahl
Music by Brad Imsdahl
(3 Feb 1971) Michael Kohl, from the East German parliament arrives in Bonn for his fifth round of talks with Egon Bahr, the personal advisor to West German Chancellor, Willy Brandt.
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Kunstmuseum Bonn The Saatchi Gallery
The Kunstmuseum Bonn or Bonn Museum of Modern Art is an art museum in Bonn, Germany, founded in 1947.[1] The Kunstmuseum exhibits both temporary exhibitions and its collection. Its collection is focused on Rhenish Expressionism and post-war German art. It is part of Bonn's Museum Mile.
Photo Opportunity with Heads of State at Federal Chancellery in Bonn on May 3, 1985
Full Title: Trip to West Germany. Photo Opportunity with heads of state at Federal Chancellery, Head of state walking through garden to Federal Chancellery on May 3, 1985
Creator(s): President (1981-1989 : Reagan). White House Television Office. 1/20/1981-1/20/1989 (Most Recent)
Series: Video Recordings, 1/20/1981 - 1/20/1989
Collection: Records of the White House Television Office (WHTV) (Reagan Administration), 1/20/1981 - 1/20/1989
Transcript: N/A
Production Date: 5/3/1985
Access Restriction(s):Unrestricted
Use Restriction(s):Unrestricted
Das ägyptische Museum
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Imagefilm Ägyptisches Museum München