MALTA: Birżebbuġa, Pretty Bay, Borġ in-Nadur Temple, Marsascala, St Thomas Bay
Birzebbuga is a fishing village on the south of Malta. It has a modern church and adorned with beautiful seaside areas. Here we find the Freeport which is one of the main industries in Malta and many containers pass through this port. We find some historic sites and buildings, amongst which the old St George's Church and the remains of the prehistoric temple of Borg in-Nadur.
St George's Church (1575, reopened in 1683). In the earth nearby are traces of prehistoric cart ruts.
Borg-in-Nadur Prehistoic Temple ruins not only reveal 4-apse temple (c.2500-2000 BC ) but also a fortified, Bronze Age domestic settlement. The settlement was fortified with megalithic wall facing inland. The remains of a large, defensive wall lie nearby, running across the head of a promontory between two valleys leading down to two bays.
Pretty Bay: This is a man made beach which has become a popular spot for many Maltese.
Traces of Bronze Age huts and other materials were discovered lying just behind the wall.
Marsascala or Wied il-Ghajn:
Marsascala is a modest sea-side village in Malta that has grown up around the small harbour at the head of Marsascala Bay, a long narrow inlet also known as Marsaskala Creek. The bay is sheltered to the north by Ras iż-Żonqor, the south-east corner of Malta, and to the south by the headland of Ras il-Gżira.
The Razzett tal-Hbiberija is a charity organization which cares for people with special needs. Their grounds include a zoo using the animals as therapy for children. They also have a swimming pool used as a hydroptherapy and other facilities. Every Sunday a flea market is held and to help support the organization.
St Thomas Bay
A beautiful and popular beach on the south of Malta.
Malta, Tempio di Borg in-Nadur
Eucharistic Phenomena at Borg in Nadur Malta Pt1
Borg in Nadur Birzebbugia Malta - Apparition Site - 30 June 2013
Filmed by Canon Powershot SX50HS
Borg in Nadur - Malta
Every Wednesday Angelik Caruana climbs the hill at Borg in Nadur, Malta. Here, it is said that he receives messages and experiences Marian apparitions.
Rosary 02/01/13 at Borg in Nadur Malta
Message of Our Lady 070410 at Borg in Nadur Malta.wmv
Message of 7th April, 2010, given at Borg in-Nadur
My dear children, and my children the ones of my heart! This is for Fr Hayden and Fr David to convey to the people.
I am the Virgin who listens to and accepts all that the Lord says to her. I obey him. My children, you too are to be like this. Listen to and accept these messages, that I am sending to you by means of Angelik. Do not play at being deaf or blind.
You know what is taking place round about you: natural disasters. You do know! Look deeply inside yourselves. You do know what happened in LAquila a year ago how many lost their lives. Reflect a little, my children. You are in the same context as these. You do not enjoy being preferred. You are within the same one world. Other countries far away have totally rejected my Son Jesus. They continue to thrust him aside. Now all is trivialized, everything goes!
My children, what I am about to say takes place daily, or rather hourly. Place your hand over your heart. Do you know, my children, that in Europe, every hour five hundred babies die or are torn up within their mothers womb? Do you know this or do you not? Indeed, do you know that in Germany every day, every day, a thousand babies are killed in their mothers wombs? My children, do you or do you not know this? Only what the Nazis used to do continues to be mentioned. Yet, modern day Nazis are not mentioned. But rather such is applauded and voted for and intended to be legalised in the country. This is the sorrow of my heart. Woe to those doctors, or others those butchers let me call them such, who are staining their hands with the blood of the innocent. It would have been better had they never been born. Do you not think that nature is horrified at the sight of such things?
In the beginning all was well. But some of the people began to shatter things, as they imagined that they knew better than God. This is the reason why I listen to and serve God. I repeat that this is the way you ought to be.
Make a noise! If each were to put a sign on a piece of paper, than the sign would become a large one. Do not be afraid of spreading these messages on the media and on the papers. Do not be afraid. Others spread everything and fear nothing. You too, be courageous! Pass on these messages, yes, pass them on with full force, because the stones have had enough of weeping and waiting! You be the ones who convey these messages.
Thank you for having listened to my call.
Borg in Nadur
Bronze age fort and temple
Apparition of Our Lady 26/07/15 at Borg in Nadur Malta
Maria Meilak - Set Fire to the Rain (Mnarja Nadur 2013)
Apparition of Our Lady 26/04/15 at Borg in Nadur Malta
Borg in-Nadur- Apparizjonijiet-Testimonjanzi Pt1
Other Testimonies about the Apparitions of Borg in nadur Pt2
Borg in nadur
Bronze Age in Malta (Zmien il-Bronz)
Bronze Age, Malta, Prehistory, Bronze Age - Malta, Cart-Ruts, Dolmen, Menhir, Cairns, Cremation - Bronze Age, Borg in-Nadur, Bahrija, Tarxien Temple
MALTA 1993 - Pretty Bay 2, Birżebbuġa
Vintage video of Pretty Bay, Birżebbuġa, Malta. July 1993
Rosary 11/07/12 at Borg in Nadur Malta
P400) Messagg Tal Madonna tal-11 ta' Lulju 2012, Fuq Borg in-Nadur
Gheziez uliedi u wliedi ta' qalbi! Dan biex tghadduh lin-nies.
Kulhadd ghandu xi album tar-ritratti. Ghal wiehed hemm min
ghandu aktar.
Uliedi, meta intom tifthu xi album tar-ritratti, iggeddu hafna
memorji. Memorji ta' ferh u memorji ta' niket. Specjalment
meta xi hadd ma jkunx aktar maghkhom.
Pero uliedi, tergghu tqanqlu l-memorji tal-passat u f idejkom
kwazi jgu realta.
Jien ghalhekk qed nigborkom hawnhekk fuq din l-gholja ta'
Borg in-Nadur gewwa Birzebbuga. Qeghdin inqallbu flimkien
l-album tar-ritratti ta' Ibni Gesu - ta' minn meta kien zghir sa
Ha nuza din il-kelma maghkom: Jiena hadt hafna ritratti u
vidjows lll ibni Gesu`, pero b'differenza, ghax dak lz-zmien
ma kienux jezistu dawk l-affarijiet bhal-lum. Hadthom
b'differenza u ostorthom fil-qalb tieghi. U llum, permezz. ta'
din il-persuna, qieghda nqalleb dan l-album maghkom. Qed
taraw ritratt, ritratt. Qed taraw it-tfulija ta' lbni Gesu`. Qed
taraw l-istorja tieghu fit-talba tar-ruzarju .Jista' jifhimni hafna
mln hu fotografu jew jiehu l-vidjows.
Uliedi, lntom - personali u individwali - forsi se ninstema
stramba f'widnejkom illejla.
Nitlobkom, hudu ritratt t'Alla. Huduh, imma tahsbux li se jigi
Nerga' nghidilkom, hudu ritratt t'Alla. lmmeditaw fuqu.
Irriflettu fuqu. U wara Ii taghmlu dan, ghidu b'entuzjazmu kbir
fil-qalb taghkom dan il-kliem: 'Jiena f'hajti hadt ritratt ta'
Alla!'. Ibqghu ghozzuh. Uliedi, illum dan xtaqt naqsam
maghkom, billi ngieghelkom tqallbu l-album tar-ritratti ta' Ibni
Gesu u nitlobkom, nerga' nitlobkom, biex tiehdu ritratt t'Alla.
Grazzi talli smajtu s-sejha tieghi.
Maltese Reenactnment
Reenactment of the Milizia Maltese, by the Maltese Historical Reenactment Group, at the inauguration of the restored TORRE NUOVA (Torri ta' Sopu) in Nadur, Gozo, Malta.
Malta - Hasans Cave
Hasan's Cave, Kalifrana, Malta, birzebugga, hasan