Botafumeiro en la Catedral de Santiago de Compostela / Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela
- Español: Vídeo del botafumeiro en la Catedral de Santiago de Compostela el día 24-09-2011 en la Misa de las 6 de la tarde.
- English: Video of botafumeiro in the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela on September 24, 2011 at Mass of 18 PM
GoPro: Botafumeiro - Santiago de Compostela Cathedral
The Botafumeiro is one of the most characteristic elements of the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela.
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The first reference to the botafumeiro appears in a marginal note of the Codex Calixtinus, written precisely in the dawn of the XV century. It links it to the grand solemnities celebrated in the interior of the basilica.
The botafumeiro is filled with incense and coal and is set in motion by driving a few men who swing it through a pulley system. This runs around the cathedral spreading smoke from the burning purifying and perfuming the interior of the basilica.
The censer is used on special dates during the liturgy such as Easter Sunday, Christmas, Pentecost ...
With this video we made all the way through the cathedral through a GoPro camera on the top of the botafumeiro, accompanied by a great music that accompanies the movement of large censer.
Botafumeiro - Santiago de Compostela - Misa del Peregrino - 10/08/2014
Acto del Botafumeiro durante la Misa del Peregrino, en la catedral de Santiago de Compostela, el domingo 10 de agosto de 2014.
Filmado con Canon EOS 650D + Canon EF-S 18-135 STM f/3.5-5.6
The famous Botafumeiro at the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela (Spain)
Information about the Botafumeiro:
The Botafumeiro is a famous thurible found in the Santiago de Compostela Cathedral. The name Botafumeiro means smoke expeller in Galician.
The Santiago de Compostela Botafumeiro is one of the largest censers in the world, weighing 80 kg and measuring 1,60 m in height.
The censer is pushed initially to start its motion. Eight red-robed so called tiraboleiros pull the ropes, producing increasingly large oscillations of the censer. The turible's swings almost reach the ceiling of the transept. The incensory can reach speeds of 68 km/h as it dispenses thick clouds of incense.
At the top of the swing, the Botafumeiro reaches heights of 21 meters. It swings in a 65 meter arc between the Azabachería and Praterias doorways at the ends of the transept.
Néhány szó a Botafumeiroról:
A Botafumeiro a Santiago de Compostela-i katedrális híres füstölője.
A legenda szerint régen a zarándokok mikor megérkeztek Compostela-ba egy éjszakát a templomban aludtak. Viszont egy 800 km-es hosszú út után a sok zarándoknak kellemetlen „szaga volt. Mivel mindenkit nem lehetett egyenként beparfümözni, ezért „központilag belengettek egy füstölőt.
Manapság vasárnaponként a déli mise alkalmával, ill. nagyobb ünnepeken lengetik be a füstölőt. A Botafumeiro a világ egyik legnagyobb tömjénezője, súlya 80 kg, magassága 1,60 méter.
A füstölőt meglökik, hogy mozgásba lendüljön, majd nyolc vörösruhás ún. tiraboleiro meghúzza a kötelet, lendületet adva ezzel a füstölőnek. A füstölő sebessége elérheti a 68 km/h-t, legnagyobb kilengési magassága pedig a 21 métert.
Swinging the censer at Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Swinging the censer at the Catholic cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, Spain. It is supposedly the largest censer used in a church. It crosses the nave and into both transepts of this cathedral.
Botafumeiro, Catedral de Santiago de Compostela (España)
Al finalizar la misa de los peregrinos, se le coloca el incienso y por un sitema de poleas, los tiraboleiros lo ponen en funcionamiento en forma de péndulo. Según la historia, era utilizado para tapar los olores de los peregrinos que llegaban caminando a la Catedral compostelana. Este artefacto data de 1851 y fué considerado el rey de los incensiarios.
Botafumeiro Santiago de Compostela spain 2010
The botafumeiro ritual in Galician cathedrals explained
The Botafumeiro is a famous thurible found in the Santiago de Compostela Cathedral. The Botafumeiro is suspended from a pulley mechanism in the dome on the roof of the church. The Santiago de Compostela Botafumeiro is one of the largest censers in the world, weighing 80 kg and measuring 1.60 m in height.
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Botafumeiro, Cathedral Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Last swing of the Botafumeiro in the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, Spain. Shot on 6 January 2015 with a Nikon P7800
Benedict XVI. Visit at the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela. Botafumeiro
Places to see in ( Santiago de Compostela - Spain) Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela & Botafumeiro
Places to see in ( Santiago de Compostela - Spain) Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela & Botafumeiro
Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela & Botafumeiro is a huge building with many impressive and interesting features. It claims to be where the remains of St James are buried although this looks like a later story of little credibility, it nonetheless is of great historical and cultural importance. The building is worthy of a visit from religious and non-religious alike.
the building is a beautiful example of medieval architecture and lavishly decorated inside and outside. There is a special ceremony whereby a huge silver incense burner is violently swung by four clergy to great heights .
Within the cathedral of Santiago de Compostela there is this immense swinging brass and bronze container plated in silver which is used to burn incense during the religious ceremonies. This one has to be the largest or one of the largest in the world and when used swings from one side of the cathedral to the other burning incense.
Its almost impossible not to get emotional when you see the Botafumero. But you have to go easy to get a sit near the front so you can see it very close. If you do not go early you will be annoyed by everybody in front of you with they mobiles and cameras trying to get a photo of Botafumero.
(Santiago de Compostela - Spain) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting the city of Santiago de Compostela.
Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Santiago de Compostela - Spain
Subscribe for more Places to see
Places to see in ( Santiago de Compostela - Spain) Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela & Botafumeiro
Places to see in ( Santiago de Compostela - Spain ) Plaza del Obradoiro
The famous Botafumeiro - Santiago de Compostela Incense Burner 2017
Swing - 0:55
Highest swing - 2:00
On the final day of my pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela, I was very lucky to be able to see the huge Incense Burner at the local cathedral for my second time. It only comes to use at special events or with people sponsoring.
It is 1,60 m big, weighs 70-80 kg and needs 8 men to swing.
Attached to a 66 m long rope, it´s able to reach a height of about 25 m, whilst almost touching the roof of the cathedral.
During swinging, the Botafumeiro reached speeds of up to 68 km/h.
Botafumeiro - Santiago de Compostela
The botafumeiro is a very large incense burner located in the cathedral in Santiago de Compostela. By tradition, some sort of swinging censer has been used in the cathedral in Santiago since the middle ages. Arriving pilgrims did not smell so great and at the time it was thought that the smoke might protect people from disease.
This censer dates from 1851 and is normally on exhibition in the cathedral library. On special religious occasions (or if a private party pays a substantial fee), it is brought out and attached to a pulley system. Eight men hoist the botafumeiro up and swing it from side to side. It goes so high you feel it will hit the roof. I was really glad I had the chance to see this while I was in Santiago.
Botafumeiro Santiago de Compostela Cathedral Spain Pilgrims Mass Easter Sunday 2014
Swinging the Incense Botafumeiro 2014 Reaching 68km per Hour During Easter Sunday / Holy Week.
The 'Botafumeiro' is the famous giant thurible or censer of Santiago de Compostela cathedral. A 'Botafumeiro' has been used since the Middle Ages, originally to clean the air when crowds of pilgrims having completed the Camino de Santiago arrived in Santiago de Compostela after their long journey. The Codex Calixtinus, the first Camino de Santiago 'guide-book', refers to the 'Botafumeiro' as Turibulum Magnum, which means this ritual has been taking place at least since the 12th century. The current 'Botafumeiro' dates back to 1851 and it's made of silver-plated brass, weighting 62kgs when empty and up to 10 kgs more when full. Eight men are required to move the 'Botafumeiro', they are called 'tiraboleiros'. After being filled by the 'tiraboleiros' with incense and coal, the 'Botafumeiro' is tied to a rope hanging by the altar and set in motion with great precision, forming an impressive 65-metre long arched trajectory along the cathedral. In only a minute and a half, the 'Botafumeiro' reaches 68km per hour.
El Botafumeiro (literalmente 'esparcidor de humo', en gallego) es uno de los símbolos más conocidos y populares de la Catedral de Santiago de Compostela, Galicia. Es un enorme incensario que oscila por la nave lateral de la Catedral mediante un sistema de poleas tiradas por ocho hombres llamados tiraboleiros. El impulso y la parada del mismo se lleva a cabo por el 'tiraboleiro mayor', que además es el que marca el ritmo del impulso.
El botafumeiro pesa 53 kg y es de un metro y medio de altura. Se eleva a 20 metros y puede llegar a alcanzar una velocidad de 70 kilómetros por hora. Debido a la velocidad y el peso puede adquirir una enorme energía. Debido a ello, en épocas pasadas, hubo desprendimientos de la cuerda. En 1499 se desprendió el botafumeiro y salió por la Puerta de Platerías, en presencia de la Catalina de Aragón, que estaba de visita en Santiago. Similares situaciones ocurrieron en 1622 y 1937. En nínguna oportunidad hubo víctimas por el desprendimiento.1 En la actualidad se mantiene despejado el crucero de la Catedral durante el vuelo del botafumeiro para que los turistas o curiosos accedan solamente hasta al perímetro desde el cual se maniobra.
Le Botafumeiro, encensoir en laiton argenté, est haut de 1,60 m et pèse 54 kg. Il fut exécuté par l'orfèvre Losada en 1851.
À l'origine, cet encensoir servait à parfumer la cathédrale. Il pend à une corde sous le transept. À l'occasion de célébrations liturgiques spéciales et pendant l'Année Sainte Compostellane, au cours de la messe du pèlerin qui se déroule tous les jours à 12h00, les visiteurs peuvent contempler la singulière cérémonie du botafumeiro.
El botafumeiro puede admirarse en las misas solemnes. El resto de los días se utiliza y está expuesto una copia de tamaño algo menor al original realizada en alpaca que se conoce con el nombre de La alcachofa.
143: Dr Marshall Talks Botafumeiro or Smoke Boat in Spain
I finished the Camino de Santiago and Spain and I was blown away by the Botafumeiro in the Catholic Cathedral of Santiago:
Santiago de Compostela Cathedral Botafumeiro
The Botafumeiro is a famous thurible found in the Santiago de Compostela Cathedral. Incense is burned in this swinging metal container, or incensory. The name Botafumeiro means smoke expeller in Galician. This was filmed at the Pilgrim mass on 2nd June 2011
Botafumeiro Ceremony at St James Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Botafumeiro Ceremony after the Pilgrims Mass at St James Santiago de Compostela, Spain. The biggest incense in the world.
Botafumeiro Cattedrale di Santiago de Compostela
Cattedrale di Santiago de Compostela, cerimonia con il Botafumeiro, alto 1,60 m ed un peso maggiore di 50 Kg, l'incensiere più grande al mondo, utilizzato solo in occasione di messe solenni e messe nel corso dell'anno Santo oppure a richiesta ed a pagamento e viene fatto oscillare dai tiraboleiros.
Il primo Botafumeiro risaliva al XVI secolo ed era stato regalato dal re di Francia Luigi XI, era in argento e fu sottratto dall'esercito di Napoleone nel 1809.
Il Botafumeiro odierno è del 1851 ed è di argento ed ottone.
In passato era usato per coprire i cattivi odori prodotti dai Pellegrini che visitavano la Cattedrale di Santiago de Compostela.
Ascension 2017, Santiago! Botafumeiro at Catedral de Santiago de Compostela
We completed our Camino on the Eve of the Feast of the Ascension, a holy day celebrated as a National holiday in Spain, and with great festivities in Santiago de Compostela. We attended the noon Mass on Ascension 2017 and the famed, enormous, and deeply significant Botafumeiro was used for the Holy Day and to bless all the Pilgrims who had arrived, like us, the day before and on that very day.
This is a deeply moving scene, and many had seen it in the movie The Way and were looking forward to this as a culmination of the pilgrimage. The Botafumeiro is now only brought out on Feast days and special occasions. We were lucky to arrive on Ascension!
Photography was not allowed during the liturgy, but was allowed when the Mass was over and the blessing and incensing occurred, along with the reading of the names of the countries from which all the recent arrivals on pilgrimage had come. USA!
Buen Camino!
Botafumeiro at Santiago de Compostela Cathedral, Galicia, Spain
The Botafumeiro was created by the gold and silversmith José Losada in 1851. The Botafumeiro is carried and swung by eight men in red robes, called tirabol.