4. Peter the Great
European Civilization, 1648-1945 (HIST 202)
Peter the Great's historical significance stems not only from his military ambitions and the great expansion of the Russian Empire under his supervision, but also from his efforts to introduce secular, Western customs and ideas into Russian culture. Despite his notorious personal brutality, Peter's enthusiasm for science and modern intellectual concerns made an indelible mark both on Russia's relationship to the West and on its internal politics. The struggle under Peter's reign between Westernizers and Slavophiles, or those who resist foreign influences, can be seen at work in Russia up to the present day.
00:00 - Chapter 1. Peter the Great and the Territorial Expansion of Russia
07:37 - Chapter 2. Russia as a European Power: The Influence of the West on the Russian State
14:47 - Chapter 3. The Peculiarities of Peter the Great: The Peasant Czar
27:37 - Chapter 4. A New Culture: Divergences from the Russian Orthodox Religious Tradition
32:40 - Chapter 5. The Boyars: Junior Partners in Russian Absolutism
37:29 - Chapter 6. Peter the Great: The Ambivalent Child of European Rationalism
Complete course materials are available at the Open Yale Courses website:
This course was recorded in Fall 2008.
Рейсы Арктического плавучего университета (АПУ 2011-2017)
Арктический плавучий университет —
это инновационный проект, объединяющий науку и образование арктических территорий с целью сохранения арктической среды и обеспечения устойчивого развития региона для будущих поколений.
Организаторы проекта: Северный (Арктический) федеральный университет имени М.В. Ломоносова; ФГБУ Северное управление по гидрометеорологии и мониторингу окружающей среды.
Проект реализуется посредством организации и проведения морских комплексных научно-образовательных экспедиций в Арктическом регионе.
Инновационность проекта заключается в интеграции образовательного и научно-исследовательского процессов, обеспечивающих успешное выполнение целей проекта.
Город тысячи ступенек - Herceg Novi - the city of a thousand stairs
Хе́рцег-Но́ви (также Герцег-Нови, серб. Херцег Нови, Herceg Novi, итал. Castelnuovo) — город в Черногории. Расположен на берегу Которского залива Адриатического моря. Город лежит в долине у подножия горы Орьен.
Из-за холмистого рельефа в Херцег-Нови много крутых тропинок и лестниц, поэтому его называют «городом тысячи ступенек».
Город был основан как крепость в 1382 году боснийским королём Твртко I под названием Свети Стефан — или, на итальянский манер, Сан-Стефано (сейчас так называется другой город в Черногории). После смерти короля Твртко I крепость перешла под власть князя Сандаля Хранича из династии Косача. Во время его правления здесь сформировался важный центр торговли солью. От Сандаля Хранича крепость унаследовал его племянник, герцог Стефан Вукшич. При нём населенный пункт получил права города и своё современное название (и именно от титула Стефана Вукшича в названии появилось слово «Херцег»). В 1466 году Венецианская республика предложила герцогу обменять города Херцег-Нови и Рисан на остров Брач в Адриатическом море и дворец в Сплите — однако Стефан Вукшич отказался.
В 1482 году Османская империя отвоевала города Рисан и Херцег-Нови у сына герцога Стефана, Владислава Херцеговича, и владела этим городом в течение двух веков с кратким перерывом в 1538—1539 годах, когда город ненадолго захватили испанцы. Только в 1688 году венецианцы отбили оба города у турок и включили Херцег-Нови в состав Венецианской республики как часть провинции «Албания Венета» под итальянским названием Кастельнуово (Castelnuovo), что на итальянском языке означает «Новый замок». В последующие столетия судьба Херцег-Нови не отличалась от судьбы всей Боки Которской — венецианское господство до 1797 года, недолгое российское покровительство (1806—07 годы) в период наполеоновских войн, краткий период французского правления в составе Иллирийских провинций, австрийское владычество до 1918 года, вхождение в состав Югославии до её распада.
Почти на одинаковом расстоянии от Херцег-Нови (около 30 км) располагаются два аэропорта: аэропорт Тивата — один из двух международных аэропортов Черногории и аэропорт Дубровника (Хорватия). Херцег-Нови соединен с остальной частью Черногории двухполосной автодорогой — т. н. Адриатической трассой (Jadranska magistrala). Неподалеку от города действует паромная переправа Каменари—Лепетане через пролив Вериге, позволяющая не объезжать Боку Которску на пути из Хорватии в Черногорию (в будущем на этом месте планируется строительство моста).
Херцег-Нови — одно из основных туристических направлений Черногории. Это известный центр спа-медицины: поблизости от Игало находится лечебно-грязевой курорт «Игальско Блато» и минеральный источник «Игальске Слатине». Также там располагается Институт физиотерапии и реабилитации им. Милошевича, открытый в 1949 году.
Самые известные достопримечательности города — морская крепость (Forte Mare), построенная боснийским королём Твртко I в 1382, Часовая башня, построенная австрийцами в XIX веке, Кровавая башня (тур. Канли-Кула), построенная во время турецкой оккупации, и православная церковь Михаила Архангела на площади Белависта, выдержанная в духе эклектики).
За городом можно посетить Савинский монастырь (Manastir Savina) — мужской православный монастырь, основанный монахами, переселившимися из Герцеговины в XVII веке.
В городе находится восстановленное в 2007 году русское кладбище, где похоронены генералы и офицеры русской армии, эмигрировавшие в Югославию после 1917 года, и установлен небольшой памятник в честь всех русских, нашедших вечный покой в земле Черногории.
За пышность растительности и обилие реликтовых деревьев и кустарников Херцег-Нови называют «ботаническим садом Черногории». В его собственном Ботаническом саду регулярно проходят праздники цветов, самый известный из них Фестиваль мимозы.
В середине исторической части города находится музей якорей, над которым совершенно свободно развиваются черногорский, российский и андреевский флаги. Черногорцы в целом прекрасно относятся к России и русским. Удивительный факт: в знак благодарности об освобождении страны от турецкого ига, Черногория в 1904г. объявила войну Японии и формально находилась с ней в состоянии войны более 100 лет! Российские власти очень ценили дружбу с Черногорией, и Александр Третий сказал в свое время дословно следующее: у России нет друзей, кроме Черногории, а наши союзники — лишь армия и флот. Потом упоминание Черногории из этой крылатой фразы куда-то подевалось.
Сегодня в Херцег-Нови бережно относятся к истории российского присутствия в Которском заливе: тут бывал адмирал Ушаков, в городе есть русское кладбище и памятники черногорцам, верой и правдой служивших России. Потому наличие российских флагов - не удивляет.
Cat on tour, Krasnodar
Blackwell Academy (Jonathan Morali)
Peter / Пётр
A documentary 'Peter' tells a story about Russian Soviet oceanographer, hydrobiologist, polar explorer, statesman, academician, the Hero of the Soviet Union - Peter Shirshov and the Research Institute of Oceanology which he founded.
Фильм посвящен ученому-гидробиологу, исследователю Арктики, государственному деятелю Петру Петровичу Ширшову.
Sukhumi or Sokhumi is a city in western Georgia and the capital of Abkhazia, a disputed region on the Black Sea coast. The city suffered significant damage during the Georgian–Abkhazian conflict in the early 1990s.
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Tromsø (Norwegian pronunciation: [ˈtrʊmsø] ( listen); Northern Sami: Romsa; Kven: Tromssa) is a city and municipality in Troms county, Norway. The administrative centre of the municipality is the city of Tromsø.
Tromsø is the largest urban area in Northern Norway, and the second largest north of the Arctic Circle in Sápmi (following Murmansk). Most of Tromsø, including the city centre, is located on the island of Tromsøya in the county of Troms, 350 kilometres (217 mi) north of the Arctic Circle. Substantial parts of the urban area are also situated on the mainland to the east, and on parts of Kvaløya—a large island to the west. Tromsøya is connected to the mainland by the Tromsø Bridge and the Tromsøysund Tunnel, and to the island of Kvaløya by the Sandnessund Bridge. The city is warmer than most other places located on the same latitude, due to the warming effect of the Gulf Stream.
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Timeline of Christian missions | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:00:12 1 Apostolic Age
00:01:57 2 Early Christianity
00:05:57 3 Era of the seven Ecumenical Councils
00:16:04 4 Middle Ages
00:19:07 5 1000 to 1499
00:27:30 6 1500 to 1600
00:44:58 7 1600 to 1699
01:03:37 8 1700 to 1799
01:26:16 9 1800 to 1849
01:42:16 10 1850 to 1899
01:59:20 11 1900 to 1949
02:11:58 12 1950 to 1999
02:24:01 13 2000 to present
02:26:46 14 Footnotes
02:26:55 15 See also
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
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Speaking Rate: 0.7752023995226462
Voice name: en-GB-Wavenet-B
I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
This timeline of Christian missions chronicles the global expansion of Christianity through a listing of the most significant missionary outreach events.
DJI Osmo Mobile на российских дорогах! (+ iPhone SE). 4K
Osmo Mobile + iPhone SE. Лес + посёлок Кулой. (Лесное видео ускорено в 2 раза) Видео от 2017.09.17-19. Вельский район, Архангельской области, Россия.
Saint Petersburg | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Saint Petersburg
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Saint Petersburg (Russian: Санкт-Петербу́рг, tr. Sankt-Peterburg, IPA: [ˈsankt pʲɪtʲɪrˈburk] (listen)) is Russia's second-largest city after Moscow, with 5 million inhabitants in 2012, part of the Saint Petersburg agglomeration with a population of 6.2 million (2015). An important Russian port on the Baltic Sea, it has a status of a federal subject (a federal city).
Situated on the Neva River, at the head of the Gulf of Finland on the Baltic Sea, it was founded by Tsar Peter the Great on 27 May [O.S. 16 May] 1703. On 1 September 1914, the name was changed from Saint Petersburg to Petrograd (Russian: Петрогра́д, IPA: [pʲɪtrɐˈgrat]), on 26 January 1924 to Leningrad (Russian: Ленингра́д, IPA: [lʲɪnʲɪnˈgrat]), and on 1 October 1991 back to Saint Petersburg. During the periods 1713–1728 and 1732–1918, Saint Petersburg was the capital of Imperial Russia. In 1918, the central government bodies moved to Moscow, which is about 625 km (388 miles) to the south-east.
Saint Petersburg is one of the most modern cities of Russia, as well as its cultural capital. The Historic Centre of Saint Petersburg and Related Groups of Monuments constitute a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Saint Petersburg is home to the Hermitage, one of the largest art museums in the world.
Many foreign consulates, international corporations, banks and businesses have offices in Saint Petersburg.
Varna | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:00:54 1 Etymology
00:02:22 1.1 Other places named Varna
00:03:02 2 History
00:03:10 2.1 Prehistory
00:03:45 2.2 Thracians
00:08:10 2.3 Antiquity
00:12:09 2.4 Bulgarian conquest
00:13:09 2.5 Middle Ages
00:15:52 2.6 Battle of Varna
00:16:48 2.7 Late Ottoman rule
00:18:32 2.8 Third Bulgarian State
00:20:19 3 Geography
00:22:22 3.1 Climate
00:23:28 4 Governance
00:23:53 4.1 Local government
00:25:11 4.2 Boroughs and urban planning
00:25:48 4.3 Policing and crime
00:26:33 4.4 Consulates
00:26:54 4.5 Twin towns and sister cities
00:27:05 5 Demography
00:29:40 5.1 Ethnic, linguistic and religious composition
00:33:01 6 Economy
00:36:39 7 Transport
00:37:41 8 Landmarks
00:41:12 8.1 Churches
00:43:22 8.2 Architecture
00:46:02 9 Education
00:46:16 9.1 Higher education
00:47:49 9.2 Institutes and colleges
00:48:33 9.3 Secondary education
00:49:18 9.4 Libraries
00:49:29 10 Culture
00:50:10 10.1 Museums
00:51:11 10.2 Galleries
00:51:31 10.3 Performing arts professional companies
00:52:06 10.4 Art networks
00:52:17 10.5 Other performing arts groups
00:52:32 10.6 Notable bands and artists
00:53:35 10.7 Concert halls
00:53:59 10.8 International arts festivals
00:55:09 10.9 National events
00:55:47 10.10 Local events
00:56:27 10.11 Varna in fiction
00:57:31 11 Media
00:59:04 12 Healthcare
00:59:48 13 Sports
00:59:56 13.1 Football
01:00:46 13.2 Swimming
01:02:04 13.3 Other sports
01:03:46 14 Notable people
01:04:00 15 See also
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
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Speaking Rate: 0.9994740521644461
Voice name: en-AU-Wavenet-D
I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
Varna (Bulgarian: Варна, Varna [ˈvarna]) is the third largest city in Bulgaria and the largest city and seaside resort on the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast. Situated strategically in the Gulf of Varna, the city has been a major economic, social and cultural centre for almost three millennia. Varna, historically known as Odessos (Ancient Greek: Ὀδησσός), grew from a Thracian seaside settlement to a major seaport on the Black Sea.
Varna is an important centre for business, transportation, education, tourism, entertainment and healthcare. The city is referred to as the maritime capital of Bulgaria and headquarters the Bulgarian Navy and merchant marine. In 2008, Varna was designated seat of the Black Sea Euroregion by the Council of Europe. In 2014, Varna was awarded the title of European Youth Capital 2017.The oldest gold treasure in the world, belonging to the Varna culture, was discovered in the Varna Necropolis and dates to 4200–4600 BC.
St. Petersburg | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:01:30 1 Name
00:03:33 2 History
00:03:43 2.1 Imperial era (1703–1917)
00:12:53 2.2 Revolution and Soviet era (1917–1941)
00:16:51 2.3 World War II (1941–1945)
00:18:42 2.4 Post-war Soviet era (1945–1991)
00:21:29 2.5 Contemporary era (1991–present)
00:25:32 3 Geography
00:29:05 3.1 Climate
00:31:12 3.2 Toponymy
00:35:43 4 Demographics
00:39:59 4.1 Religion
00:40:17 5 Government
00:43:07 6 Economy
00:49:37 7 Cityscape
00:58:06 8 Tourism
01:02:05 9 Dramatic Theatre
01:02:30 10 Media and communications
01:03:04 11 Culture
01:03:13 11.1 Museums
01:05:30 11.2 Music
01:11:14 11.3 Film
01:13:19 11.4 Literature
01:15:54 12 Education
01:16:56 13 Sports
01:20:57 13.1 2018 FIFA World Cup
01:21:30 14 Infrastructure
01:21:39 14.1 Transportation
01:22:37 14.1.1 Roads and public transport
01:25:12 14.2 Saint Petersburg public transportation statistics
01:26:06 14.2.1 Waterways
01:27:15 14.2.2 Rail
01:29:32 14.2.3 Air
01:31:02 14.3 Parks
01:33:13 15 Famous people
01:33:51 16 Crime
01:37:12 17 Twin towns and sister cities
01:37:44 18 See also
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
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Speaking Rate: 0.8733509262978975
Voice name: en-US-Wavenet-D
I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
Saint Petersburg (Russian: Санкт-Петербу́рг, tr. Sankt-Peterburg, IPA: [ˈsankt pʲɪtʲɪrˈburk] (listen)) is Russia's second-largest city after Moscow, with 5 million inhabitants in 2012, part of the Saint Petersburg agglomeration with a population of 6.2 million (2015). An important Russian port on the Baltic Sea, it has a status of a federal subject (a federal city).
Situated on the Neva River, at the head of the Gulf of Finland on the Baltic Sea, it was founded by Tsar Peter the Great on 27 May [O.S. 16 May] 1703. During the periods 1713–1728 and 1732–1918, Saint Petersburg was the capital of Imperial Russia. In 1918, the central government bodies moved to Moscow, which is about 625 km (388 miles) to the south-east.
Saint Petersburg is often considered Russia's cultural capital. The Historic Centre of Saint Petersburg and Related Groups of Monuments constitute a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Saint Petersburg is home to the Hermitage, one of the largest art museums in the world. Many foreign consulates, international corporations, banks and businesses have offices in Saint Petersburg.
Angelica archangelica | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Angelica archangelica
00:01:45 1 Use and history
00:04:04 2 Chemistry
00:04:30 3 Etymology
00:05:22 4 See also
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
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Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Angelica archangelica, commonly known as garden angelica, wild celery, and Norwegian angelica, is a biennial plant from the Apiaceae family, a subspecies of which is cultivated for its sweetly scented edible stems and roots. Like several other species in Apiaceae, its appearance is similar to several poisonous species (Conium, Heracleum, and others), and should not be consumed unless it has been identified with absolute certainty. Synonyms include Archangelica officinalis Hoffm. and Angelica officinalis Moench.During its first year it grows only leaves, but, during its second year, its fluted stem can reach a height of 2.5 meters (just over 8 feet), from that stem the root, which is used in medicinal preparations. Its leaves comprise numerous small leaflets divided into three principal groups, each of which is again subdivided into three lesser groups. The edges of the leaflets are finely toothed or serrated. The flowers, which blossom in July, are small and numerous, yellowish or greenish, are grouped into large, globular umbels which bear pale yellow, oblong fruits. Angelica grows only in damp soil, preferably near rivers or deposits of water.
Angelica archangelica grows wild in Russia, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Greenland, the Faroe Islands, and Iceland, mostly in the northern parts of the countries. It is cultivated in France, mainly in the Marais Poitevin, a marsh region close to Niort in the department Deux-Sèvres. Commercially available sources of angelica are often sourced from Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Germany and Poland. Some Angelica is sourced from Asia as well, though it may be confused with similar plants like Angelica Glauca, which are also sometimes sold simply as Angelica.
NYSTV - The Genesis Revelation - Flat Earth Apocalypse w Rob Skiba and David Carrico - Multi Lang
So Flat Earth is OFFICIALLY a thing now. Whether you believe it or think it's crazy, people are talking about it. Everyone knows someone who is looking into it.
Rob Skiba has been at the fore front, along with Mark Sargent and Patricia Steere. He's the one who took the boat across lake Michigan with a camera to prove that the Chicago Skyline (which is visible despite the fact it should be under 8 miles of curvature) wasn't a mirage.
For all you Flat Earther's out there.
Most of you are hesitant about this topic because there's been a globe in every classroom since kindergarten.
If Flat Earth is real, then this is the biggest one. All the other lies were told just to cover this one up.
Free Truth Productions
If the Truth was easy, everyone would be seeking it...
Azərbaycanca / آذربايجان
བོད་ཡིག / Bod skad
Sinugboanong Binisaya
ᏣᎳᎩ (supposed to be Burmese but it doesn't show...)
словѣньскъ / slověnĭskŭ
Krèyol ayisyen
Bahasa Indonesia
Basa Jawa
Kurdî / كوردی
Kırgızca / Кыргызча
ລາວ / Pha xa lao
Lazuri / ლაზური
Bahasa Melayu
Norsk (bokmål / riksmål)
Diné bizaad
ਪੰਜਾਬੀ / पंजाबी / پنجابي
Romani / रोमानी
Srpskohrvatski / Српскохрватски
Gagana Samoa
Basa Sunda
ไทย / Phasa Thai
Lea Faka-Tonga
Reo Mā`ohi
מה שטוחה
bumi datar
ბინა დედამიწაზე
жалпақ жер
ಫ್ಲಾಟ್ ಭೂಮಿಯ
plokšti žemė
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פלאַך ערד
ilẹ alapin
umhlaba flat
British Museum Department of Conservation and Scientific Research | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:01:45 1 History
00:01:54 1.1 Sir Hans Sloane
00:03:04 1.2 Foundation (1753)
00:04:31 1.3 Cabinet of curiosities (1753–78)
00:06:33 1.4 Indolence and energy (1778–1800)
00:08:05 1.5 Growth and change (1800–25)
00:10:54 1.6 The largest building site in Europe (1825–50)
00:12:59 1.7 Collecting from the wider world (1850–75)
00:15:08 1.8 Scholarship and legacies (1875–1900)
00:17:42 1.9 New century, new building (1900–25)
00:19:39 1.10 Disruption and reconstruction (1925–50)
00:21:35 1.11 A new public face (1950–75)
00:23:36 1.12 The Great Court emerges (1975–2000)
00:25:07 1.13 The British Museum today
00:27:59 2 Governance
00:29:24 3 Building
00:35:44 4 Departments
00:35:53 4.1 Department of Ancient Egypt and Sudan
00:44:08 4.2 Department of Greece and Rome
00:52:20 4.3 Department of the Middle East
01:00:10 4.4 Department of Prints and Drawings
01:03:03 4.5 Department of Britain, Europe and Prehistory
01:17:06 4.6 Department of Asia
01:25:16 4.7 Department of Africa, Oceania and the Americas
01:32:22 4.8 Department of Coins and Medals
01:33:02 4.9 Department of Conservation and Scientific Research
01:33:41 4.10 Libraries and archives
01:34:50 5 British Museum Press
01:35:48 6 Controversy
01:38:34 6.1 Disputed items in the collection
01:39:45 7 Galleries
01:40:05 7.1 Digital and online
01:40:41 8 Notes
01:40:50 9 See also
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
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Speaking Rate: 0.9553434347114003
Voice name: en-US-Wavenet-C
I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
The British Museum, located in the Bloomsbury area of London, in the United Kingdom, is a public institution dedicated to human history, art and culture. Its permanent collection numbers some 8 million works, and is among the largest and most comprehensive in existence having been widely sourced during the era of the British Empire, and documenting the story of human culture from its beginnings to the present. It is the first national public museum in the world.The British Museum was established in 1753, largely based on the collections of the Irish physician and scientist Sir Hans Sloane. It first opened to the public on 15 January 1759, in Montagu House, on the site of the current building. Its expansion over the following two and a half centuries was largely a result of expanding British colonisation and has resulted in the creation of several branch institutions, the first being the British Museum (Natural History) – now the Natural History Museum – in 1881.
In 1973, the British Library Act 1972 detached the library department from the British Museum, but it continued to host the now separated British Library in the same Reading Room and building as the museum until 1997. The museum is a non-departmental public body sponsored by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, and as with all other national museums in the United Kingdom it charges no admission fee, except for loan exhibitions.Its ownership of some of its most famous objects originating in other countries is disputed and remains the subject of international controversy, most notably in the case of the Parthenon Marbles.
Varna | Wikipedia audio article
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Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Varna (Bulgarian: Варна, Varna [ˈvarna]) is the third-largest city in Bulgaria and the largest city and seaside resort on the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast. Situated strategically in the Gulf of Varna, the city has been a major economic, social and cultural centre for almost three millennia. Varna, historically known as Odessos, grew from a Thracian seaside settlement to a major seaport on the Black Sea.
Varna is an important centre for business, transportation, education, tourism, entertainment and healthcare. The city is referred to as the maritime capital of Bulgaria and headquarters the Bulgarian Navy and merchant marine. In 2008, Varna was designated seat of the Black Sea Euroregion by the Council of Europe. In 2014, Varna was awarded the title of European Youth Capital 2017.The oldest gold treasure in the world, belonging to the Varna culture, was discovered in the Varna Necropolis and dates to 4200–4600 BC.
List of fictional planets by medium | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:00:08 1 Novels and short stories
00:00:18 1.1 Adams, Douglas
00:01:06 1.2 Anthony, Piers
00:01:29 1.3 Asimov, Isaac
00:02:32 1.4 Banks, Iain
00:02:40 1.4.1 The Culture series
00:03:09 1.5 Bear, Greg
00:03:30 1.6 Brin, David
00:05:14 1.7 Bujold, Lois McMaster
00:06:09 1.8 Clement, Hal
00:06:44 1.9 David, Peter
00:07:16 1.10 De Camp, L. Sprague
00:07:59 1.11 Farmer, Philip Jose
00:08:27 1.12 Feist, Raymond E.
00:08:40 1.13 Forward, Robert L.
00:08:55 1.14 Hamilton, Peter F.
00:10:16 1.15 Heinlein, Robert A.
00:11:09 1.16 Herbert, Frank
00:12:25 1.17 Le Guin, Ursula K.
00:13:04 1.18 Lem, Stanisław
00:13:24 1.19 L'Engle, Madeleine
00:13:55 1.20 McCaffrey, Anne
00:14:46 1.21 Niven, Larry
00:15:29 1.22 Niven and Pournelle
00:16:07 1.23 Pournelle, Jerry
00:18:00 1.24 Reynolds, Alastair
00:18:33 1.25 Silverberg, Robert
00:18:56 1.26 Simmons, Dan
00:20:12 1.27 Smith, E. E.
00:21:17 1.28 Strugatsky, Boris and Arkady
00:22:55 1.29 Tolkien, J. R. R.
00:23:40 1.30 Vance, Jack
00:25:15 1.31 Weber, David
00:25:45 1.32 Westerfeld, Scott
00:26:06 1.33 Other authors
00:29:43 2 Comics
00:29:52 2.1 Calvin and Hobbes
00:31:46 2.2 DC Comics
00:33:38 2.3 Marvel Comics
00:34:37 2.4 Valérian and Laureline
00:34:56 2.5 Other comics
00:35:15 3 Film and television
00:35:24 3.1 Alien (film)
00:35:52 3.2 Babylon 5
00:36:25 3.3 Battlestar Galactica
00:36:45 3.4 Blake's 7
00:38:46 3.5 Challenge of the GoBots
00:38:58 3.6 Dragon Ball
00:39:50 3.7 Doctor Who
00:41:14 3.8 Escape from Planet Earth
00:41:38 3.9 Firefly/Serenity
00:42:08 3.10 Galaxy Express 999
00:42:41 3.11 Galaxy Quest
00:43:02 3.12 Metal Hero Series
00:44:09 3.13 Other Tokusatsu Series
00:45:14 3.14 Red Dwarf
00:45:45 3.15 Riddick
00:46:08 3.16 Robotech
00:46:26 3.17 Space Battleship Yamato
00:46:54 3.18 Star Trek
00:47:45 3.19 iStar Wars/i
00:49:05 3.20 Super Sentai Series
00:53:22 3.21 Titan A.E.
00:53:39 3.22 Transformers seriessup[1]/sup
00:53:55 3.23 Ultra Series
00:55:29 3.24 Vandread
00:55:46 3.25 War of the Worlds (TV series)
00:56:22 3.26 Other Film and TV
00:59:53 4 Role-playing games
01:00:03 4.1 Rifts
01:00:21 5 Computer and video games
01:00:31 5.1 Unreal series
01:00:40 5.2 Total Annihilation
01:02:29 5.3 Elite
01:03:31 5.4 Freelancer
01:04:04 5.5 Halo
01:06:41 5.6 Homeworld
01:07:00 5.7 Little Big Adventure
01:07:39 5.8 iLittleBigPlanet/i franchise
01:08:20 5.9 Metroid series
01:10:18 5.10 Phantasy Star
01:10:41 5.11 Star Fox
01:13:07 5.12 Star Ocean
01:14:11 5.13 Commander Keen
01:14:35 5.14 Kerbal Space Program
01:16:55 5.15 Other games
01:19:19 6 Music
01:19:49 7 Hoaxes and urban legends
01:20:06 8 Experimental planets
01:20:28 9 See also
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
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Speaking Rate: 0.8048035807444756
Voice name: en-AU-Wavenet-C
I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
This is a list of fictional planets organized by the medium in which they primarily appear.
Kiev | Wikipedia audio article
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Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Kiev ( KEE-ef, -ev) or Kyiv (Ukrainian: Київ, translit. Kyiv [ˈkɪjiu̯] (listen); Russian: Киев, translit. Kiyev [ˈkʲi(j)ɪf]; Old East Slavic: Кыѥвъ, translit. Kyjev) is the capital and largest city of Ukraine, located in the north central part of the country on the Dnieper. The population in July 2015 was 2,887,974 (though higher estimated numbers have been cited in the press), making Kiev the 7th most populous city in Europe.Kiev is an important industrial, scientific, educational, and cultural centre of Eastern Europe. It is home to many high-tech industries, higher education institutions, and world-famous historical landmarks. The city has an extensive infrastructure and highly developed system of public transport, including the Kiev Metro.
The city's name is said to derive from the name of Kyi, one of its four legendary founders (see Name, below). During its history, Kiev, one of the oldest cities in Eastern Europe, passed through several stages of great prominence and relative obscurity. The city probably existed as a commercial centre as early as the 5th century. A Slavic settlement on the great trade route between Scandinavia and Constantinople, Kiev was a tributary of the Khazars, until seized by the Varangians (Vikings) in the mid-9th century. Under Varangian rule, the city became a capital of the Kievan Rus', the first East Slavic state. Completely destroyed during the Mongol invasion in 1240, the city lost most of its influence for the centuries to come. It was a provincial capital of marginal importance in the outskirts of the territories controlled by its powerful neighbours; first the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, followed by Poland and Russia.The city prospered again during the Russian Empire's Industrial Revolution in the late 19th century. In 1917, after the Ukrainian National Republic declared independence from the Russian Empire, Kiev became its capital. From 1921 onwards Kiev was a city of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, which was proclaimed by the Red Army, and, from 1934, Kiev was its capital. During World War II, the city again suffered significant damage, but quickly recovered in the post-war years, remaining the third largest city of the Soviet Union.
Following the collapse of the Soviet Union and Ukrainian independence in 1991, Kiev remained the capital of Ukraine and experienced a steady migration influx of ethnic Ukrainians from other regions of the country. During the country's transformation to a market economy and electoral democracy, Kiev has continued to be Ukraine's largest and richest city. Kiev's armament-dependent industrial output fell after the Soviet collapse, adversely affecting science and technology. But new sectors of the economy such as services and finance facilitated Kiev's growth in salaries and investment, as well as providing continuous funding for the development of housing and urban infrastructure. Kiev emerged as the most pro-Western region of Ukraine where parties advocating tighter integration with the European Union dominate during elections.
Kaunas | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:01:40 1 Etymology
00:02:26 2 Folk history
00:03:12 3 Coat of arms
00:04:40 4 History
00:04:49 4.1 Early history
00:05:25 4.2 Grand Duchy of Lithuania
00:07:26 4.3 Russian Empire
00:10:00 4.4 Interwar Lithuania
00:18:59 4.5 Soviet occupation and the June Uprising
00:24:48 4.6 Nazi occupation
00:26:33 4.7 Jewish community of Kaunas
00:29:38 4.8 Soviet administration
00:32:43 4.9 Restored independence
00:34:44 5 Geography
00:35:09 5.1 Administrative divisions
00:35:21 6 Climate
00:36:44 7 Religion
00:37:37 8 Culture
00:40:03 8.1 Museums
00:42:01 8.2 Theaters
00:43:04 9 Parks, Leisure, and Cemeteries
00:44:40 10 Economy
00:49:39 11 Demographics
00:51:46 12 Municipality council
00:52:17 12.1 Mayors
00:54:00 13 Transportation
00:54:09 13.1 Airports
00:55:07 13.2 Highways
00:55:53 13.3 Bridges
00:57:06 13.4 Railways
00:58:00 13.5 Hydrofoil
00:58:24 13.6 Public transportation
00:59:48 14 Sports
01:02:25 15 Education
01:04:26 16 Annual events
01:05:27 17 Notable residents
01:05:36 18 Twin towns – sister cities
01:05:49 19 Honours
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Kaunas (; Lithuanian: [ˈkɐʊˑnɐs] (listen); also see other names) is the second-largest city in Lithuania and the historical centre of Lithuanian economic, academic, and cultural life. Kaunas was the biggest city and the centre of a county in Trakai Municipality of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania since 1413. In the Russian Empire, it was the capital of the Kaunas Governorate from 1843 to 1915.
During the interwar period, it served as the temporary capital of Lithuania, when Vilnius, the traditional capital, was considered part of Poland between 1920 and 1939. During that period Kaunas was nicknamed the Little Paris because of its rich cultural and academic life, fashion, construction of countless Art Deco and Lithuanian National Romanticism architectural-style buildings as well as popular furniture, the interior design of the time, and a widespread café culture. The city interwar architecture is regarded as among the finest examples of European Art Deco and has received the European Heritage Label. It contributed to Kaunas being named as the first city in Central and Eastern Europe to be designated as a UNESCO City of Design. Kaunas has been selected as the European Capital of Culture for 2022, together with Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg.The city is the capital of Kaunas County, and the seat of the Kaunas city municipality and the Kaunas District Municipality. It is also the seat of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Kaunas. Kaunas is located at the confluence of the two largest Lithuanian rivers, the Nemunas and the Neris, and is near the Kaunas Reservoir, the largest body of water in the whole of Lithuania.
Catania | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:01:53 1 Etymology
00:04:24 2 Geography
00:05:16 2.1 Climate
00:07:05 3 Demographics
00:09:02 4 History
00:09:11 4.1 Foundation
00:10:06 4.2 Greek Catania
00:15:07 4.3 Roman rule
00:18:33 4.4 Middle Ages
00:20:34 4.5 Early Modern times
00:21:24 4.6 Unified Italy
00:23:00 5 Metropolitan area
00:24:08 5.1 Catania administrative divisions
00:24:38 6 Main sights
00:26:44 6.1 Classical buildings
00:27:54 6.2 Roman thermal structures
00:28:29 6.3 Baroque and historical churches
00:35:33 6.4 Other
00:37:09 7 Economy
00:40:29 8 Education
00:41:39 9 Culture
00:44:30 10 Food and cuisine
00:47:29 11 Transport
00:49:10 11.1 Catania Public Transportation Statistics
00:50:00 12 Notable residents
00:51:45 13 International relations
00:51:55 13.1 Twin towns – sister cities
00:52:26 13.2 Influence on the planning of Adelaide, Australia
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
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Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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Speaking Rate: 0.9515365776991219
Voice name: en-GB-Wavenet-D
I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
Catania (UK: , US: , Sicilian and Italian: [kaˈtaːnja] (listen)) is the second largest city of Sicily after Palermo; it is located on the east coast facing the Ionian Sea. It is the capital of the Metropolitan City of Catania, one of the ten biggest cities in Italy, and the seventh largest metropolitan area in Italy. The population of the city proper is 320,000 while the population of the city's metropolitan area, Metropolitan City of Catania, stood at 1,116,168 inhabitants.
Catania was destroyed by catastrophic earthquakes in 1169 and 1693, and by several volcanic eruptions from the neighbouring Mount Etna, the most violent of which was in 1669.Catania was founded in the 8th century BC by Chalcidians. In 1434, the first university in Sicily was founded in the city. In the 14th century and into the Renaissance period, Catania was one of Italy's most important cultural, artistic and political centres.The city is noted for its history, culture, architecture and gastronomy. Its old town, besides being one of the biggest examples of baroque architecture in Italy, is a World Heritage Site, protected by UNESCO.
Catania has been a native or adoptive homeland of some of Italy's most famous artists and writers, including composers Vincenzo Bellini and Giovanni Pacini, and writers Giovanni Verga, Luigi Capuana, Federico De Roberto and Nino Martoglio.
The city is the main industrial, logistical and commercial center of Sicily. It is the home of the Catania-Fontanarossa Airport, the largest in Southern Italy.