Botanic Garden of the Irkutsk State University
botanic garden of the irkutsk state university
botanic garden irkutsk
Seeds that survived Hiroshima to be planted in Irkutsk University Botanic Garden
緑のレガシー広島 Hiroshima Green Legacy
Seeds from plants that survived the atomic bombing of Hiroshima are to be planted at the Irkutsk State University Botanic Garden in the Siberian town of Irkutsk. The set of seeds of A-bombed survivor trees, picked in Hiroshima in 2011, have arrived at the Irkutsk Botanic Garden, in Siberia, Russia. And these seeds are from the Ginko, Camphor, Kurogane holly, Persimmon and Aogiri trees. The director of Botanic Gardens of Irkutsk State University, Dr. Victor Kuzevanov and his team have been working closely with the Green Legacy Hiroshima team (see and have prepared to receive the seeds for planting in the spring.
Some 170 specimens of plants survived the attack on Hiroshima. Their seeds have been carefully preserved and have been given national-heritage status in Japan. Russian scientists say they are not radioactive.
Russia will become the first country other than Japan to plant some of the seeds. They will eventually be planted in 200 cities around the world.
TV-Novosti March 9th, 2012
Video presentation “Irkutsk campus”
Irkutsk National Research Technical University is among top thirty of Russian best universities having “National Research University” status.
Since 2017, INRTU has been forming a new educational environment for its future students. This pilot project is first of all for those who want to enjoy their chosen major, social recognition, and comfortable living conditions.
Video presentation “Irkutsk campus”
«Иркутский технический университет входит в топовую тридцатку лучших университетов России со статусом национальный исследовательский университет.
С 2017-го года ИРНИТУ начинает формировать новую образовательную среду для своих абитуриентов. Этот пилотный проект вуза рассчитан прежде всего на тех, кто хочет получить удовольствие от выбранной специальности, признание в обществе и комфортное жизненное пространство.
Фильм-презентация «Иркутский кампус»
Irkutsk State Medical University - ISMU - IRSMU - Study in Russia
Irkutsk State Medical University - ISMU - IRSMU - Study in Russia
【K】Russia Travel-Novosibirsk[러시아 여행-노보시비르스크]아카뎀고로도크, 중앙시베리아식물원/Akademgorodok/Botanical Garden
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button)
■ '구독' 버튼을 누르고 10,000여 개의 생생한 【HD】영상을 공유 해 보세요! (Click on 'setting'-'quality'- 【1080P HD】 ! / 더보기 SHOW MORE ↓↓↓)
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[한국어 정보]
이곳은 러시아 최대 과학연구단지 아카뎀고로독이다. 강력한 러시아가 시베리아를 부흥시킬 것이다. 라브렌티예프 박사가 이 단지 설립에 중요역할을 한다. 냉전 시절 수 만 명의 연구자들이 그들의 가족과 함께 특권을 누리며 연구 활동에 전념할 수 있었다. 30여개의 교육 연구기관 중 한 곳을 찾았다. 중앙시베리아식물원에는 세 곳의 정원이 있다. 누구나 자유롭게 방문해서 식물들을 감상할 수 있다. 영하 2-30도를 오르내리는 시베리아의 찬 겨울바람을 이긴 꽃들. 그래서인지 생명의 싱그러움이 더하다. “이 식물은 알타이 지역에서만 자랍니다. 1억 년 정도 된 고대식물이죠.“ 이외에도 생물 종 다양성을 위해 14,000여종의 식물들을 연구하고 있다. “이건 뭐예요?” “귀룽나무 열매예요.” “드셔 보세요. 먹을 수 있어요. 이 열매로 파이도 만들어요.“ 시베리아 야생에서 쉽게 볼 수 있는 열매들. 자연은 늘 기대이상의 많은 것을 준다. “이 부분으로 즙을 내서 잼도 만들고 설탕에 절여서 파이도 만들죠. 아주 맛있어요. 비타민도 풍부하고요. 자 맛보세요.“ 비타민 정제 알을 씹는 것처럼 시다. 하지만 자꾸 씹으니 단맛이 난다.
[English: Google Translator]
This is the only blast furnace aka Dame poison Russia's largest scientific research. The powerful Russian will revive Siberia. Dr Brent D plays an important role in T Aliyev just established. Cold War tens of thousands of researchers devoted to the research activities could enjoy the privilege with their families. I found one of the 30 different educational institutions. Central Siberian Botanical Garden has a garden of three. Anyone can freely visit to admire the plants. The cold of the Siberian winter winds fluctuating even though the minus 2-30 flowers. So whether tot the freshness of life. This plant grows only in the Altai region. It's about an ancient plant 100 million years. In addition to studying the 14,000 species of plants for biodiversity. What's that? Gwirung's nuts. Try. I can eat. Also it did make this pie with fruit. Fruit that can be easily seen in the wild in Siberia. Nature always gives that much more than expected. Take the juice into the jam section also create jeolyeoseo also sheltering in the sugar pie. Very delicious. Wo rich vitamins. Taste characters. Let's tell as chewing vitamin tablets. But I keep chewing the sweet smells.
■클립명: 유럽082-러시아07-14 아카뎀고로도크, 중앙시베리아식물원/Siberian Garden/Akademgorodok/Central Siberian Botanical Garden
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 김병수 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2011년 7월 July
유럽,Europe,,러시아,Russia,,Russian Federation,김병수,2011,7월 July
Doctor of Philology, professor (Irkutsk state linguistic university, Irkutsk, Russia)
Nous vous présentons un nouveau numéro de la revue pédagogique «Magister Dixit» éditée par l'Université linguistique d'Etat d'Irkoutsk. Cette revue multidisciplinaire a vu le jour en 2011. Nous espérons que notre édition deviendrait un lieu de rencontre des enseignants aussi bien du secondaire que du supérieur, qu'elle servirait de plate-forme virtuelle pour échanger d'opinions sur les problèmes pédagogiques les plus actuels, tout en permettant de s'exprimer sur leurs aspects théoriques et pratiques discutables et souvent ambigus.
La conception d'une version électronique de cette revue pédagogique prévoit :
d'abord, faire connaître aux lecteurs les résultats des recherches les plus récentes, l'expérience d'une activité d'innovation des enseignants qui se distinguent par leur créativité ; discuter un large éventail des approches de l'étude de langue en tant qu'un milieu culturel de l'individu ;
ensuite, offrir la possibilité de publier des contributions des enseignants, jeunes et chevronnés, destinés aux étudiants de deuxième et de troisième cycles, aux étudiants en master, aux thésards, à tous ceux qui en sont à leurs débuts de formation et de recherche.
Le comité de rédaction de la revue comprend les chercheurs de rénom et les spécialistes reconnus en Russie et à l'étranger ayant contribué à organiser le système d'enseignement et à développer les axes prioritaires de la linguistique d'aujourd'hui.
La particularité de notre revue consiste en ce que chaque article fait l'objet de critique d'un grand spécialiste du domaine concerné.
C'est le russe qui est la première langue des contributions à paraître dans la revue «Magister Dixit». Cependant, notre revue est plurilingue, cela veut dire que nos auteurs ont la possibilité de choisir leur public cible : la communauté scientifique mondiale qui parle et écrit en anglais, allemand, français, chinois et en d'autres langues, ou, pour telle ou telle raison, ce ne serait que le public russophone.
Une chose importante : les versions électroniques de tous nos articles sont publiés dans la Bibliothèque scientifique électronique russe, font partie de Scholar Google et le Comité de rédaction entame des actions pour entrer dans la base des données Scopus.
Nous faisons appel aux contributions des chercheurs qui se sentent concernés par la situation dans l'enseignement d'aujourd'hui, à tous ceux qui s'intéressent aux problèmes de la communication langagière.
Je suis profondément convaincue que la revue «Magister Dixit» offre à ses auteurs une très bonne possibilité d'intégrer les résultats de leurs recherches dans l'espace scientifique russe et mondial.
【K】Russia Travel-Sochi[러시아 여행-소치]크라스나야팔라냐 공원, 리프트 투어/Krasnaya Polyana Park/Lift Tour/Air travel
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button)
■ '구독' 버튼을 누르고 10,000여 개의 생생한 【HD】영상을 공유 해 보세요! (Click on 'setting'-'quality'- 【1080P HD】 ! / 더보기 SHOW MORE ↓↓↓)
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[한국어 정보]
러시아의 작은 스위스, 크라스나야팔라냐! 듣던 대로 멋졌다. 2천m가 넘는 산꼭대기까지 설치된 리프트! 대단하다. 왕복요금은 800루블루, 4만원! 공포심을 최고로 느낀다는 10m 높이. 오금이 저렸다. 이국땅에서 외줄을 타고 떠난 하늘여행은 정말 멋진 경험이었다. 30분에 걸친 공중부양 뒤에 도착한 정거장엔 설인도 있었다. 잠시 휴식을 취한 나는 다시 리프트에 몸을 실었다. 걸어서 올라가는 사람도 있다. 한겨울, 3m 높이까지 쌓인 눈! 또 다른 풍경이 상상 속에 그려진다. 바로 여기가 2013년 동계올림픽, 스키 경기장! 4개의 슬로프가 있는데 가장 높은 게 3200미터. 헬기를 타고 올라간다고 한다. 이러다 중간에 멈춰서면 어쩌지? 걱정은 현실이 됐다. 리프트가 정말 멈춰 선 것이다. 공포도 잠시, 특별한 경험은 이제 모두의 즐거움이 되었다. “도대체 왜 여기 서 있는 건지.” 한 시간 30분의 만만치 않은 공중여행! 뭔지 모를 답답함이 한꺼번에 사라진 것만 같다. 서로 다른 시간과 공간이 나란히 존재하는 색다른 세상의 문으로 향하는 기분이다. 해발 2238미터! 1950미터 높이의 한라산보다도 더 높다. 8월의 뜨거운 여름에 만나는 겨울의 흔적, 잔설! 시간에서 자유로워진 곳. 세상의 꼭대기에 선 이 기분! 최고였다. 눈에 익은 풍경이다. 인간의 기도는 어디서나 닮았다. 이름 모를 야생화를 즈려밟고 걷는 이 기분이 구름 위를 걷는 느낌과 비슷할까?
[English: Google Translator]
Russia's little Switzerland, Krasnoyarsk Palazzo me 'cause! As heard it was great. Lifts up to 2,000 m are installed over the top of the mountain! Awesome. Round-trip fare is 800 Lu blue, ₩ 40,000! I feel the best is 10m in height phobia. Ohgeumyi went low. Travel sky ride away from the wire using someone else 's land was a really cool experience. Yeti stops yen was also behind levitation arriving over 30 minutes. I took a moment to relax carried the body back to the lift. There are people climbing on foot. Winter, snow piled up to 3m in height! Another landscape is portrayed in imagination. Here are just 2013 Winter Olympics, ski stadium! There are four slopes to 3200 meters the highest. The olragandago helicopter. Writing cr What if caught in the middle? This worry was real. It will really stop the lift line. Horror a moment, a special experience has now become the enjoyment of all. Why in the hell what the document here one hour and 30 minutes of formidable aerial tour! I do not know what heaviness is equal to just disappear altogether. The mood toward the door of the different world that exists alongside different time and space. 2238 m above sea level! Higher than the 1950-meter-high Mt. August's winter meeting on a hot summer trail janseol! Where freed in time. I feel good on top of the world! It was the best. The ripe scenery to the eyes. Prayer is anywhere resemble a human. Name stepping jeuryeo feel like a wildflower walk do not know the feeling of walking on clouds?
■클립명: 유럽082-러시아05-09 크라스나야팔라냐 공원, 리프트 투어/Krasnaya Polyana Park/Lift Tour/Air travel
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 민승식 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2008년 8월 August
유럽,Europe,,러시아,Russia,,Russian Federation,민승식,2008,8월 August
Night steps on Irkutsk main road before Popcafe which colored by green light
Walk in the park which was under night on Irkutsk city
TOMSK Top 49 Tourist Places | Tomsk Tourism | RUSSIA
Tomsk (Things to do - Places to Visit) - TOMSK Top Tourist Places
City in Russia
Tomsk is a city on the Tom River in Siberia, Russia. Part of Tomsk State University, the Siberian Botanical Garden features greenhouses with tropical plants. To the northwest, the Central Park of Culture and Recreation contains a lake and an amusement park.
Farther north, Tomsk History Museum displays traditional tiles, samovars, and porcelain. The Tomsk Regional Art Museum showcases Russian paintings and sculpture.
TOMSK Top 49 Tourist Places | Tomsk Tourism
Things to do in TOMSK - Places to Visit in Tomsk
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TOMSK Top 49 Tourist Places - Tomsk (Томск), Russia
ботанический сад (Санкт-Петербург - март 2015 г.) - Botanical Garden (Saint Petersburg - March 2015)
Nature_Romantic Places (HD1080p)
Irkutsk State Medical University, Russia for MBBS in Russia - Medquestt
Study MBBS in Irkutsk State Medical University, Irkutsk, Russia with Indian students at low fees and affordable package. Located in the Irkutsk Region near Lake Baikal in East Russia. Bookyourseat today with us. Contact us: +91-79-40391352 or Visit our website: Please do subscribe our channel.
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I went on a missionary trip this year to Russia and this what I captured
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salsa casino in restaurant Botanic
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Irkutsk State Medical University class
MBBS Student Class
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Irkutsk State University
Irkutsk State University is public university located in Irkutsk, Russia.
Read more about Irkutsk State University here;
Tofalaria 1 italian v1 1
Amazing video done in Tofalaria Federal Natural Reserve.
The Tofalaria Reserve was founded first in imperial period in 1914 and then specifically in 1971 to preserve the sable and other animals used for furs along with the brown bear and noble deer. Located in central Siberia, about 500 km north of Mongolia, this area has heretofore been untouched by foreigners and Russians alike. With its 1.327 sq km of Taiga it is unaccessible by road. In fact, travelers will be brought in by boat and out by helicopter on their excursions into the park. Tofalaria is also an extraordinary botanical garden.
Visitors will explore the protected area guided by local Rangers who strive to assure the minimum impact on a wholly preserved environment as delicate as Tolfaria. Travelers will experience firsthand patrol rounds, take in the natural beauty of Bears’ Lake, the Kinzelyuk Waterfalls, the Strelka Camp at the confluence of the Small and Big Agul rivers and the plateaus of the Sayan Mountains bordering the Irkutsk and Krasnoyarsk regions.
For any information visit
Выпускники ИГУ – самые востребованные специалисты на рынке труда в Иркутске, Вести-Иркутск
Получить работу ещё до окончания учебы. Так везёт большинству выпускников Иркутского госуниверситета. Его руководство утверждает: тех, кто заканчивает естественно-научные специальности, работодатели буквально расхватывают.
Сибирские просторы. Сибирский ботанический сад.
Сибирский ботанический сад (СибБС)
Подразделение Томского государственного университета (ТГУ).
Площадь сада 126,5 га, из них:
10 га — заповедный парк, в том числе оранжерейно-тепличный комплекс (в Университетской роще)
116,5 га — экосистемная дендрологическая территория (в районе мкр. Мокрушинский — мкр. Энергетик — Степановка).
В оранжереях сибирского ботанического сада Томского государственного университета созданы уникальные для северных регионов планеты растительные фонды: свыше 6000 видов, форм и сортов, из них 1800 тропических и субтропических, декоративных древесных и кустарниковых открытого грунта — 796, декоративных травянистых — 1200 ,лекарственных — 535, плодово-ягодных — 235, кормовых — 514, овощных — 421, редких и исчезающих из флоры Томской области — 551 вид и видообразец. Центральная оранжерея имеет высоту 31 метр — это вторая по высоте оранжерея в России![1].