Kalofer, home of the Bulgarian hero Hristo Botev!!
Kalofer, home of the Bulgarian hero Hristo Botev, is a pretty town nestled on the southern edge of the Balkan (Stara Planina) mountains. There are some nice restaurants and cafes and it is the starting point for the hike up to the top of Botev mountain. There is a hotel and a few guesthouses and a bus station.
I climbed Botev peak-2376 and yhe main ridge Central Balkani,Bulgaria.I started from Kalofer and I reached Botev peak ,31 of July 2011.then I walked up solitaire Zhaltets peak,kostenurkata peak,krastets peak,Ambaritsa peak and Vasil Levski peak,5 days on the main ridge.Troyanski Balkani,Bulgaria
The weather was good.
Централен Балкан, Райското пръскало и връх Ботев - Raysko Praskalo and Botev peak 2014
Национален парк Централен Балкан е разположен в сърцето на Стара планина. Той опазва уникално богатство от горски масиви, растителни и животински видове.Тук дивата природа е изваяла неописуеми пейзажи, скални феномени, дивни водопади. Централен Балкан е място предпочитано за отдих сред всички българи, както и любима дестинация на туристи в световен мащаб. В околностите на Парка местните хора развиват традиционен поминък и занаяти.
Райското пръскало се намира в Централната част на Стара планина в подножието на първенеца на планината - връх Ботев,на територията на национален парк Централен Балкан.Райското пръскало принадлежи към територията на резерват Джендема,който е резерватът с най-голяма надморска височина в парка. Пръските на водопада - падащи от невероятната височина от цели - 124,5 метра създават неописуема красота и удивление у туриста.
Ботев е най-високият връх в Стара планина с надморска височина 2376 м. Върхът се намира в Централна Стара планина, близо до Карлово и Калофер. Представлява обширно пасище с гранитна основа, страдащо от значителна ерозия, причинена от мащабното строителство и полагането на множество кабелни трасета. Върхът попада в територията на резерват „Джендема“. В него се срещат множество ендемични видове, уникални по рода си и разпространени единствено на територията на резервата.
Central Balkan National Park is located in the heart of the Balkan Mountains. It protects a unique wealth of forests, plant and animal wildlife. Here you can find sculptured indescribable landscapes, rock formations, wondrous waterfalls. Central Balkan is a favorite place for recreation among all Bulgarians, as well as a favorite destination for tourists worldwide. In the vicinity of the park locals develop traditional livelihoods and crafts.
Rayskoto waterfall is located in the central part of the mountain at the foot of the highest peak of the mountain - Botev peak in the National Park Central Balkan. Rayskoto waterfall belongs to the territory of the reserve Djendema who reserve with the highest altitude in the park. The spray of the waterfall - falling from the amazing height of purposes - 124.5 m create indescribable beauty and excitement among tourists.
Botev is the highest peak in the Balkan Mountains at an altitude of 2376 meters. Tip is located in the Central Balkan Mountains, near Karlovo and Kalofer. The peak lies within the reserve Djendema. It found many endemic species are unique and distributed only within the territory of the reserve.
До връх Ботев с велосипед-10.08.17!Тo the Botev peak with a bicycle
Да се изкачим и спуснем от първенеца на Стара планина!
Водопад Райско пръскало - връх Ботев - Стара планина 4К Видео / Botev Peak - Balkan Mountains
Stara planina - Raisko praskalo - Vryh Botev. Raysko praskalo. връх Ботев. Райското пръскало. Raiskoto praskalo
Райско пръскало е известна природна забележителност и като такава привлича туристи от страната и чужбина.Водопадът е подходяща дестинация за любителите на походи,скално катерене,екотуризъм,парапланеризъм и за всички,които просто обичат планината и свежия планински въздух.Райското пръскало е най-пълноводно през летните месеци,затова и през този период е най-посещавано от туристи.
Официален сайт :
Връх Ботев е най-високият връх на Стара планина и на нейния дял Калоферска планина, висок е 2376 метра. Представлява обширно пасище с гранитна основа, страдащо от значителна ерозия. На връх Ботев са изградени метеорологична станция и радиорелейна и телевизионна станция (отворена на 10 юли 1966 г.), която покрива с телевизионен и радио сигнал над 65% от територията на България. Върхът се намира в Троянско-Калоферския дял на Средна Стара планина, на границата между област Ловеч и област Пловдив.
English : The highest waterfall on the Balkan Peninsula - Rayskoto Praskalo (the Paradise Waterfall) is located in the central part of Stara Planina (Balkan Mountains) at the foot of peak Botev near Kalofer. The majestic waterfall belongs to the territory of the natural reserve Dzhendema. It gets its frothy waters from the snowy drifts of peak Botev. The splashes of waterfall falling from the amazing height of 124.5 meters create indescribable beauty and excitement among tourists.
Raisko Praskalo (Paradise Waterfall) is situated within one of the three national parks included in the list of World Natural Heritage sites - the Central Balkan. In particular, Raisko Praskalo Waterfall enters the territory of the North Dzhendem Reserve, considered the reserve with the highest altitude in the entire park.
Raisko Praskalo is often referred to as the Kalofer waterfall, because the waterfall is very near the Kalofer revival. The extreme beauty of this place is the cause of strong tourist interest not only by the Bulgarians but also many foreigners.
In the area of Raisko Praskalo there has developed active mountain and ecological tourism. The waterfall is formed among the mountain peaks that do have magnetic challenges for fans of rock climbing, which also created excellent conditions.
Raisko Praskalo is fed water from the snow on the highest peak in the Central Balkan Mountain - Botev Peak. Indescribable is the beautiful waterfall that runs down from a record height of 124.5 meters. To reach the lower part of the natural phenomenon the water is broken down into millions of small drops which provide the basic charm of Praskalo.
To reach the base of the waterfall, the water forms a small stream which flows into the White River. Its catchment in turn enters the Dzhendem reserve. As official landmark for the country Raisko Praskalo Waterfall was announced in 1965.
This major landmark for Bulgaria is the most watered during the summer months, due to which at this time of year there, is full of most visitors. At the foot of the waterfall there is chalet located, which is a starting point to the beautiful natural landmark.
The main tourist route to the reserve Dzhendem is a starting point for the Kalofer. From there on the asphalt road with a length of about 6 km passing through the picturesque gorge of the river leads to the Tundja bowls place. There is the starting point for the route to the hut Ray, and there visitors can find hotels and car parks, where to stay or leave their vehicle.
The trail is indicated by signs and blue-white markings, after about 15-20 minutes reachs the main entrance of the National Park area. After about 40 minutes during the transition through the beech-oak forest you will reach the southern part of the mountain pasture, Paradzhika, with an impressive view of the Dzhendema reserve.
From the entrance to the reserve and the Rai hut itself and then to the Raisko Praskalo Waterfall the transition is less than 2 hours. The path is beautifully surrounded by the beech forests. Annually 7000 people pass through this trail.
In the beautiful area of the natural waterfall, you can enjoy the natural wonder and indulge in some pleasurable line outdoor activities - skiing paragliding, horseback riding, hiking, or jeep safari.
- стара планина. връх ботев. райското пръскало. стара планина ботев. raisko praskalo. raiskoto praskalo. райско пръскало. планина 4К. raysko praskalo. Rayskoto Praskalo
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In gratitude, I will continue to upload videos, trying to improve the channel's look and content!
Моля, абонирайте се за моят канал като подкрепа на още бъдещи видеа! В знак на благодарност ще продължа да излъчвам всякаквки приключения, опитвайки се да подобрявам визията и съдържанието на каналът! PLEASE SUBSCRIBE :)
Real Deal a.k.a. Daniel Mihaylov
Climbing Botev Peak - Изкачване до вр. Ботев
Райското пръскало, Стара планина, връх Ботев, резерват Джендема, град Калофер, река Тунджа, Джендем, хижа Рай, пътуване
Bulgaria travel, Raiskoto praskalo, Balkan mountain, Kalofer, town of Kalofer, Tundja River, Djendem National Park, Central Balkan Natural Reseve
Background Music: Stradz - Reborn [Rewind Remix Release] - non-copyrighted music for your enjoyment
Изкачване на връх Ботев в Стара планина 4К Видео / България
Stara planina - Raisko praskalo - Vryh Botev. Райското пръскало. Raysko praskalo.
Raiskoto praskalo. връх Ботев
Райско пръскало е известна природна забележителност и като такава привлича туристи от страната и чужбина.Водопадът е подходяща дестинация за любителите на походи,скално катерене,екотуризъм,парапланеризъм и за всички,които просто обичат планината и свежия планински въздух.Райското пръскало е най-пълноводно през летните месеци,затова и през този период е най-посещавано от туристи.
Официален сайт :
Връх Ботев е най-високият връх на Стара планина и на нейния дял Калоферска планина, висок е 2376 метра. Представлява обширно пасище с гранитна основа, страдащо от значителна ерозия. На връх Ботев са изградени метеорологична станция и радиорелейна и телевизионна станция (отворена на 10 юли 1966 г.), която покрива с телевизионен и радио сигнал над 65% от територията на България. Върхът се намира в Троянско-Калоферския дял на Средна Стара планина, на границата между област Ловеч и област Пловдив.
English : The highest waterfall on the Balkan Peninsula - Rayskoto Praskalo (the Paradise Waterfall) is located in the central part of Stara Planina (Balkan Mountains) at the foot of peak Botev near Kalofer. The majestic waterfall belongs to the territory of the natural reserve Dzhendema. It gets its frothy waters from the snowy drifts of peak Botev. The splashes of waterfall falling from the amazing height of 124.5 meters create indescribable beauty and excitement among tourists.
Raisko Praskalo (Paradise Waterfall) is situated within one of the three national parks included in the list of World Natural Heritage sites - the Central Balkan. In particular, Raisko Praskalo Waterfall enters the territory of the North Dzhendem Reserve, considered the reserve with the highest altitude in the entire park.
Raisko Praskalo is often referred to as the Kalofer waterfall, because the waterfall is very near the Kalofer revival. The extreme beauty of this place is the cause of strong tourist interest not only by the Bulgarians but also many foreigners.
In the area of Raisko Praskalo there has developed active mountain and ecological tourism. The waterfall is formed among the mountain peaks that do have magnetic challenges for fans of rock climbing, which also created excellent conditions.
Raisko Praskalo is fed water from the snow on the highest peak in the Central Balkan Mountain - Botev Peak. Indescribable is the beautiful waterfall that runs down from a record height of 124.5 meters. To reach the lower part of the natural phenomenon the water is broken down into millions of small drops which provide the basic charm of Praskalo.
To reach the base of the waterfall, the water forms a small stream which flows into the White River. Its catchment in turn enters the Dzhendem reserve. As official landmark for the country Raisko Praskalo Waterfall was announced in 1965.
This major landmark for Bulgaria is the most watered during the summer months, due to which at this time of year there, is full of most visitors. At the foot of the waterfall there is chalet located, which is a starting point to the beautiful natural landmark.
The main tourist route to the reserve Dzhendem is a starting point for the Kalofer. From there on the asphalt road with a length of about 6 km passing through the picturesque gorge of the river leads to the Tundja bowls place. There is the starting point for the route to the hut Ray, and there visitors can find hotels and car parks, where to stay or leave their vehicle.
The trail is indicated by signs and blue-white markings, after about 15-20 minutes reachs the main entrance of the National Park area. After about 40 minutes during the transition through the beech-oak forest you will reach the southern part of the mountain pasture, Paradzhika, with an impressive view of the Dzhendema reserve.
From the entrance to the reserve and the Rai hut itself and then to the Raisko Praskalo Waterfall the transition is less than 2 hours. The path is beautifully surrounded by the beech forests. Annually 7000 people pass through this trail.
In the beautiful area of the natural waterfall, you can enjoy the natural wonder and indulge in some pleasurable line outdoor activities - skiing paragliding, horseback riding, hiking, or jeep safari.
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In gratitude, I will continue to upload videos, trying to improve the channel's look and content!
Моля, абонирайте се за моят канал като подкрепа на още бъдещи видеа! В знак на благодарност ще продължа да излъчвам всякаквки приключения, опитвайки се да подобрявам визията и съдържанието на каналът! PLEASE SUBSCRIBE :)
Real Deal Dan a.k.a. Daniel Mihaylov
Райско пръскало - връх Ботев - Стара планина
Stara planina - Raisko praskalo - Vryh Botev. Raysko praskalo. връх Ботев. Райското пръскало
Raiskoto praskalo
Райско пръскало е известна природна забележителност и като такава привлича туристи от страната и чужбина.Водопадът е подходяща дестинация за любителите на походи,скално катерене,екотуризъм,парапланеризъм и за всички,които просто обичат планината и свежия планински въздух.Райското пръскало е най-пълноводно през летните месеци,затова и през този период е най-посещавано от туристи.
Официален сайт :
Връх Ботев е най-високият връх на Стара планина и на нейния дял Калоферска планина, висок е 2376 метра. Представлява обширно пасище с гранитна основа, страдащо от значителна ерозия. На връх Ботев са изградени метеорологична станция и радиорелейна и телевизионна станция (отворена на 10 юли 1966 г.), която покрива с телевизионен и радио сигнал над 65% от територията на България. Върхът се намира в Троянско-Калоферския дял на Средна Стара планина, на границата между област Ловеч и област Пловдив.
English : The highest waterfall on the Balkan Peninsula - Rayskoto Praskalo (the Paradise Waterfall) is located in the central part of Stara Planina (Balkan Mountains) at the foot of peak Botev near Kalofer. The majestic waterfall belongs to the territory of the natural reserve Dzhendema. It gets its frothy waters from the snowy drifts of peak Botev. The splashes of waterfall falling from the amazing height of 124.5 meters create indescribable beauty and excitement among tourists.
Raisko Praskalo (Paradise Waterfall) is situated within one of the three national parks included in the list of World Natural Heritage sites - the Central Balkan. In particular, Raisko Praskalo Waterfall enters the territory of the North Dzhendem Reserve, considered the reserve with the highest altitude in the entire park.
Raisko Praskalo is often referred to as the Kalofer waterfall, because the waterfall is very near the Kalofer revival. The extreme beauty of this place is the cause of strong tourist interest not only by the Bulgarians but also many foreigners.
In the area of Raisko Praskalo there has developed active mountain and ecological tourism. The waterfall is formed among the mountain peaks that do have magnetic challenges for fans of rock climbing, which also created excellent conditions.
Raisko Praskalo is fed water from the snow on the highest peak in the Central Balkan Mountain - Botev Peak. Indescribable is the beautiful waterfall that runs down from a record height of 124.5 meters. To reach the lower part of the natural phenomenon the water is broken down into millions of small drops which provide the basic charm of Praskalo.
To reach the base of the waterfall, the water forms a small stream which flows into the White River. Its catchment in turn enters the Dzhendem reserve. As official landmark for the country Raisko Praskalo Waterfall was announced in 1965.
This major landmark for Bulgaria is the most watered during the summer months, due to which at this time of year there, is full of most visitors. At the foot of the waterfall there is chalet located, which is a starting point to the beautiful natural landmark.
The main tourist route to the reserve Dzhendem is a starting point for the Kalofer. From there on the asphalt road with a length of about 6 km passing through the picturesque gorge of the river leads to the Tundja bowls place. There is the starting point for the route to the hut Ray, and there visitors can find hotels and car parks, where to stay or leave their vehicle.
The trail is indicated by signs and blue-white markings, after about 15-20 minutes reachs the main entrance of the National Park area. After about 40 minutes during the transition through the beech-oak forest you will reach the southern part of the mountain pasture, Paradzhika, with an impressive view of the Dzhendema reserve.
From the entrance to the reserve and the Rai hut itself and then to the Raisko Praskalo Waterfall the transition is less than 2 hours. The path is beautifully surrounded by the beech forests. Annually 7000 people pass through this trail.
In the beautiful area of the natural waterfall, you can enjoy the natural wonder and indulge in some pleasurable line outdoor activities - skiing paragliding, horseback riding, hiking, or jeep safari.
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In gratitude, I will continue to upload videos, trying to improve the channel's look and content!
Моля, абонирайте се за моят канал като подкрепа на още бъдещи видеа! В знак на благодарност ще продължа да излъчвам всякаквки приключения, опитвайки се да подобрявам визията и съдържанието на каналът! PLEASE SUBSCRIBE :)
Real Deal Dan a.k.a. Daniel Mihaylov
Дарина Шишкова - изказване на среща на фермери в Калофер
Слизане от връх Ботев към Райско пръскало - Стара Планина / Botev Peak - Balkan Mountains
Stara planina - Raisko praskalo - Vryh Botev. Raysko praskalo. връх Ботев. Райското пръскало
Raiskoto praskalo
Райско пръскало е известна природна забележителност и като такава привлича туристи от страната и чужбина.Водопадът е подходяща дестинация за любителите на походи,скално катерене,екотуризъм,парапланеризъм и за всички,които просто обичат планината и свежия планински въздух.Райското пръскало е най-пълноводно през летните месеци,затова и през този период е най-посещавано от туристи.
Официален сайт :
Връх Ботев е най-високият връх на Стара планина и на нейния дял Калоферска планина, висок е 2376 метра. Представлява обширно пасище с гранитна основа, страдащо от значителна ерозия. На връх Ботев са изградени метеорологична станция и радиорелейна и телевизионна станция (отворена на 10 юли 1966 г.), която покрива с телевизионен и радио сигнал над 65% от територията на България. Върхът се намира в Троянско-Калоферския дял на Средна Стара планина, на границата между област Ловеч и област Пловдив.
English : The highest waterfall on the Balkan Peninsula - Rayskoto Praskalo (the Paradise Waterfall) is located in the central part of Stara Planina (Balkan Mountains) at the foot of peak Botev near Kalofer. The majestic waterfall belongs to the territory of the natural reserve Dzhendema. It gets its frothy waters from the snowy drifts of peak Botev. The splashes of waterfall falling from the amazing height of 124.5 meters create indescribable beauty and excitement among tourists.
Raisko Praskalo (Paradise Waterfall) is situated within one of the three national parks included in the list of World Natural Heritage sites - the Central Balkan. In particular, Raisko Praskalo Waterfall enters the territory of the North Dzhendem Reserve, considered the reserve with the highest altitude in the entire park.
Raisko Praskalo is often referred to as the Kalofer waterfall, because the waterfall is very near the Kalofer revival. The extreme beauty of this place is the cause of strong tourist interest not only by the Bulgarians but also many foreigners.
In the area of Raisko Praskalo there has developed active mountain and ecological tourism. The waterfall is formed among the mountain peaks that do have magnetic challenges for fans of rock climbing, which also created excellent conditions.
Raisko Praskalo is fed water from the snow on the highest peak in the Central Balkan Mountain - Botev Peak. Indescribable is the beautiful waterfall that runs down from a record height of 124.5 meters. To reach the lower part of the natural phenomenon the water is broken down into millions of small drops which provide the basic charm of Praskalo.
To reach the base of the waterfall, the water forms a small stream which flows into the White River. Its catchment in turn enters the Dzhendem reserve. As official landmark for the country Raisko Praskalo Waterfall was announced in 1965.
This major landmark for Bulgaria is the most watered during the summer months, due to which at this time of year there, is full of most visitors. At the foot of the waterfall there is chalet located, which is a starting point to the beautiful natural landmark.
The main tourist route to the reserve Dzhendem is a starting point for the Kalofer. From there on the asphalt road with a length of about 6 km passing through the picturesque gorge of the river leads to the Tundja bowls place. There is the starting point for the route to the hut Ray, and there visitors can find hotels and car parks, where to stay or leave their vehicle.
The trail is indicated by signs and blue-white markings, after about 15-20 minutes reachs the main entrance of the National Park area. After about 40 minutes during the transition through the beech-oak forest you will reach the southern part of the mountain pasture, Paradzhika, with an impressive view of the Dzhendema reserve.
From the entrance to the reserve and the Rai hut itself and then to the Raisko Praskalo Waterfall the transition is less than 2 hours. The path is beautifully surrounded by the beech forests. Annually 7000 people pass through this trail.
In the beautiful area of the natural waterfall, you can enjoy the natural wonder and indulge in some pleasurable line outdoor activities - skiing paragliding, horseback riding, hiking, or jeep safari.
Please subscribe to my channel as a support!
In gratitude, I will continue to upload videos, trying to improve the channel's look and content!
Моля, абонирайте се за моят канал като подкрепа на още бъдещи видеа! В знак на благодарност ще продължа да излъчвам всякаквки приключения, опитвайки се да подобрявам визията и съдържанието на каналът! PLEASE SUBSCRIBE :)
Real Deal Dan a.k.a. Daniel Mihaylov
A trip for one day (VLOG) Kalofer, Bulgaria
Me and some friends going to Kalofer, Bulgaria for a day. Enjoy!
1st song: Kris Allen - Alright With Me
2nd song: Vessy Boneva - Rodinata
Kalòfer is a town in central Bulgaria, located on the banks of the Tundzha, between the Balkan Mountain to the north and Sredna Gora to the south. Kalofer is part of the Plovdiv Province and the Karlovo municipality. It is best known as the birthplace of Bulgarian poet and revolutionary Hristo Botev. Botev was a Bulgarian poet and national revolutionary. He is widely considered by Bulgarians to be a symbolic historical figure and national hero.
Follow the amazing Vessy Boneva here:
Follow Kris Allen:
Follow my buddy Luke C. Jackson here:
Botev peak
on the way to Botev peak, Balkan mountain chain, Bulgaria. treck details: Apriltsi - Pleven mountainhouse - Botev peak. photos taken in september 2006. music: Isihia, Key; license: Creative Commons 2,5 Non Commercial.
Iliikova House - Kalofer , Bulgaria - Awesome place!
Iliikova House - Book it now! -
Iliikova Guest House is set in a traditional Bulgarian Revival Style building in a picturesque area of Kalofer, just 150 feet from the Nunnery Monastery, offering en-suite rooms and a garden with barbecue facilities. The garden opens to mountain views.
The fully-renovated house combines traditional elements with modern comfort. Each room comes with a bathroom, a flat-screen TV with satellite channels and free WiFi.
A common air-conditioned dining room with a fully equipped kitchen is available for guest. Iliikova Guest House can also organise various activities such as horse riding, paragliding, hiking or a Jeep ride to the Botev Peak.
The spa resorts of Banya and Pavel Banya are reachable within a 30-minute drive. Plovdiv International Airport is 43.5 miles away.
Най-страхотното балканско място за живеене.
Стара планина - Връх Ботев - Райско пръскало / Botev Peak - Raysko Praskalo - Balkan Mountains
Stara planina - Raisko praskalo - Vryh Botev
Raiskoto praskalo
Райско пръскало е известна природна забележителност и като такава привлича туристи от страната и чужбина.Водопадът е подходяща дестинация за любителите на походи,скално катерене,екотуризъм,парапланеризъм и за всички,които просто обичат планината и свежия планински въздух.Райското пръскало е най-пълноводно през летните месеци,затова и през този период е най-посещавано от туристи.
Официален сайт :
Връх Ботев е най-високият връх на Стара планина и на нейния дял Калоферска планина, висок е 2376 метра. Представлява обширно пасище с гранитна основа, страдащо от значителна ерозия. На връх Ботев са изградени метеорологична станция и радиорелейна и телевизионна станция (отворена на 10 юли 1966 г.), която покрива с телевизионен и радио сигнал над 65% от територията на България. Върхът се намира в Троянско-Калоферския дял на Средна Стара планина, на границата между област Ловеч и област Пловдив.
English : The highest waterfall on the Balkan Peninsula - Rayskoto Praskalo (the Paradise Waterfall) is located in the central part of Stara Planina (Balkan Mountains) at the foot of peak Botev near Kalofer. The majestic waterfall belongs to the territory of the natural reserve Dzhendema. It gets its frothy waters from the snowy drifts of peak Botev. The splashes of waterfall falling from the amazing height of 124.5 meters create indescribable beauty and excitement among tourists.
Raisko Praskalo (Paradise Waterfall) is situated within one of the three national parks included in the list of World Natural Heritage sites - the Central Balkan. In particular, Raisko Praskalo Waterfall enters the territory of the North Dzhendem Reserve, considered the reserve with the highest altitude in the entire park.
Raisko Praskalo is often referred to as the Kalofer waterfall, because the waterfall is very near the Kalofer revival. The extreme beauty of this place is the cause of strong tourist interest not only by the Bulgarians but also many foreigners.
In the area of Raisko Praskalo there has developed active mountain and ecological tourism. The waterfall is formed among the mountain peaks that do have magnetic challenges for fans of rock climbing, which also created excellent conditions.
Raisko Praskalo is fed water from the snow on the highest peak in the Central Balkan Mountain - Botev Peak. Indescribable is the beautiful waterfall that runs down from a record height of 124.5 meters. To reach the lower part of the natural phenomenon the water is broken down into millions of small drops which provide the basic charm of Praskalo.
To reach the base of the waterfall, the water forms a small stream which flows into the White River. Its catchment in turn enters the Dzhendem reserve. As official landmark for the country Raisko Praskalo Waterfall was announced in 1965.
This major landmark for Bulgaria is the most watered during the summer months, due to which at this time of year there, is full of most visitors. At the foot of the waterfall there is chalet located, which is a starting point to the beautiful natural landmark.
The main tourist route to the reserve Dzhendem is a starting point for the Kalofer. From there on the asphalt road with a length of about 6 km passing through the picturesque gorge of the river leads to the Tundja bowls place. There is the starting point for the route to the hut Ray, and there visitors can find hotels and car parks, where to stay or leave their vehicle.
The trail is indicated by signs and blue-white markings, after about 15-20 minutes reachs the main entrance of the National Park area. After about 40 minutes during the transition through the beech-oak forest you will reach the southern part of the mountain pasture, Paradzhika, with an impressive view of the Dzhendema reserve.
- Райско пръскало. връх Ботев. Стара планина. Водопад. Balkan Mountains. Raysko praskalo. Stara Planina. Rayskoto Praskalo. Botev peak. highest waterfall. Raisko Praskalo. райското пръскало. Botev. водопад стара планина. Stara planina. raisko praskalo. Vryh Botev. raiskoto praskalo. стара планина ботев. Dzhendema. Райско пръскало. планина. райското пръскало. ботев. botev
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Real Deal Dan a.k.a. Daniel Mihaylov
Поход до Райското пръскало и вр.Ботев - Ден 1
Chasing the Autumn - Botev peak Hike&Fly
Hike from Kalofer - Panitsite (~800m) to Botev Peak (2376m a.s.l.)
Glider: BGD Base Lite
Harness: Gin Yeti Convertible
Cameras: Garmin VIRB Ultra 30; Samsung Gear 360
Премиерът разпореди спасителна акция над Калофер, има слаба надежда Мирослав да е жив
Премиерът Бойко Борисов разпореди сутринта след молба и разговор с калоферския кмет Румен Стоянов, спасителна акция в Калоферския балкан на военни от бригадата в Карлово. 204 мъже под пагон, 40 полицаи, спасители и доброволци обходиха района, но следа от изчезналия турист Мирослав Късовски и днес няма. Както Карлово ТВ съобщи, следите му се губят от Димитровден, когато с колело от хижа „Тъжа“ е тръгнал да покорява връх „Ботев“. Бе сформиран кризисен щаб. На място в Калофер пристигнаха шефът на карловската бригада генерал Груди Ангелов, началникът на отбраната генерал Константин Попов, кметът Стоянов, шефът на областната полиция Христо Разсолков, ченге номер едно на Карлово Христо Бахлов. Беше решено военните да обхождат Балкана по 50 души в редица, близо един до друг, за да няма инциденти. С настъпването на вечерта акцията бе прекратена. Утре издирвателните действия ще продължат, коментира пред Карлово ТВ генерал Ангелов. Вечерта на хижа „Тъжа“ Мирослав Късовски е пил няколко ракии с хижаря. На сутринта е закусил супа с бира, поискал е кило ракия, но хижарят му само дал 200 грама. В раницата на туриста не е имало храна. Бил е леко облечен. Споделил е, че ако времето се влоши, ще слезе от към „Паниците“ към Калофер, разказа пред Карлово ТВ хижарят на „Тъжа“. Днес бе локализиран телефона на младия мъж, сигналът дойде от хижа „Тъжа“. Миирослав обаче не е открит. Малка е вероятността да е оцелял, температурите през нощта в Балкана падат до минус 10 градуса, коментираха спасители. Все още обаче има слаба надежда и всички се молят историята да приключи с хепиенд.
Botev Shelter - Central Balkan /Bulgaria/
Райско Пръскало - Хижа Рай / Стара планина
Stara planina - Raisko praskalo - Vryh Botev. Raysko praskalo. връх Ботев. Райското пръскало
Raiskoto praskalo
Райско пръскало е известна природна забележителност и като такава привлича туристи от страната и чужбина.Водопадът е подходяща дестинация за любителите на походи,скално катерене,екотуризъм,парапланеризъм и за всички,които просто обичат планината и свежия планински въздух.Райското пръскало е най-пълноводно през летните месеци,затова и през този период е най-посещавано от туристи.
Официален сайт :
Връх Ботев е най-високият връх на Стара планина и на нейния дял Калоферска планина, висок е 2376 метра. Представлява обширно пасище с гранитна основа, страдащо от значителна ерозия. На връх Ботев са изградени метеорологична станция и радиорелейна и телевизионна станция (отворена на 10 юли 1966 г.), която покрива с телевизионен и радио сигнал над 65% от територията на България. Върхът се намира в Троянско-Калоферския дял на Средна Стара планина, на границата между област Ловеч и област Пловдив.
English : The highest waterfall on the Balkan Peninsula - Rayskoto Praskalo (the Paradise Waterfall) is located in the central part of Stara Planina (Balkan Mountains) at the foot of peak Botev near Kalofer. The majestic waterfall belongs to the territory of the natural reserve Dzhendema. It gets its frothy waters from the snowy drifts of peak Botev. The splashes of waterfall falling from the amazing height of 124.5 meters create indescribable beauty and excitement among tourists.
Raisko Praskalo (Paradise Waterfall) is situated within one of the three national parks included in the list of World Natural Heritage sites - the Central Balkan. In particular, Raisko Praskalo Waterfall enters the territory of the North Dzhendem Reserve, considered the reserve with the highest altitude in the entire park.
Raisko Praskalo is often referred to as the Kalofer waterfall, because the waterfall is very near the Kalofer revival. The extreme beauty of this place is the cause of strong tourist interest not only by the Bulgarians but also many foreigners.
In the area of Raisko Praskalo there has developed active mountain and ecological tourism. The waterfall is formed among the mountain peaks that do have magnetic challenges for fans of rock climbing, which also created excellent conditions.
Raisko Praskalo is fed water from the snow on the highest peak in the Central Balkan Mountain - Botev Peak. Indescribable is the beautiful waterfall that runs down from a record height of 124.5 meters. To reach the lower part of the natural phenomenon the water is broken down into millions of small drops which provide the basic charm of Praskalo.
To reach the base of the waterfall, the water forms a small stream which flows into the White River. Its catchment in turn enters the Dzhendem reserve. As official landmark for the country Raisko Praskalo Waterfall was announced in 1965.
This major landmark for Bulgaria is the most watered during the summer months, due to which at this time of year there, is full of most visitors. At the foot of the waterfall there is chalet located, which is a starting point to the beautiful natural landmark.
The main tourist route to the reserve Dzhendem is a starting point for the Kalofer. From there on the asphalt road with a length of about 6 km passing through the picturesque gorge of the river leads to the Tundja bowls place. There is the starting point for the route to the hut Ray, and there visitors can find hotels and car parks, where to stay or leave their vehicle.
The trail is indicated by signs and blue-white markings, after about 15-20 minutes reachs the main entrance of the National Park area. After about 40 minutes during the transition through the beech-oak forest you will reach the southern part of the mountain pasture, Paradzhika, with an impressive view of the Dzhendema reserve.
From the entrance to the reserve and the Rai hut itself and then to the Raisko Praskalo Waterfall the transition is less than 2 hours. The path is beautifully surrounded by the beech forests. Annually 7000 people pass through this trail.
In the beautiful area of the natural waterfall, you can enjoy the natural wonder and indulge in some pleasurable line outdoor activities - skiing paragliding, horseback riding, hiking, or jeep safari.
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In gratitude, I will continue to upload videos, trying to improve the channel's look and content!
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Real Deal Dan a.k.a. Daniel Mihaylov