Go Explore Božidar Jakac Gallery in Slovenia
Božidar Jakac Gallery is a must-see destination for art lovers. It is situated in a gorgeous and serene location and exhibits the finest collections of Slovenian and European artists. A real jewel among galleries and museums ... Go Explore!
Forma Viva Symposium of Sculptors 2019 in Kostanjevica na Krki - Slovenija
The three participants of the Forma Viva Symposium of Sculptors 2019 in Kostanjevica na Krki are:
Bojan Mavsar, Slovenia
Robert Canev, Bolgaria
Aldo Shiroma Uza, Peru
The International Symposium of Sculptors Forma Viva is considered to be the oldest still ongoing sculpture symposium in the world. Two Slovenian sculptors Janez Lenassi and Jakob Savinšek established the first sites of the symposium in Kostanjevica na Krki and in Seča near Portorož in 1961, following an example of open-air sculptors symposium in St Margharethen (Austria, 1959). The two original sites were soon augmented with another pair in Ravne na Koroškem (1964) and Maribor (1967). For each of the sites, a defining material was selected with regards to the local context; oak wood in Kostanjevica na Krki, stone in Seča near Portorož, steel in Ravne na Koroškem and concrete in Maribor. The symposium in Kostanjevica na Krki, which since 1998 takes place biennially and lasts one month, hosts chosen artists from around the world. In the Sculpture Park Forma Viva, which stretches around the Božidar Jakac Art Museum and the town Kostanjevica na Krki, more than 100 sculptures, which were created in the symposia, are on display.
Galerija Božidar Jakac / Božidar Jakac Art Museum
Grajska cesta 45
8311 Kostanjevica na Krki, Slovenija
+38674988140, info@galerija-bj.si
Day 3 - The Kostanjevica Museum of Art
In the hearth of Slovenia there is a great surprise at the Božidar Jakac Art Museum, a collection of art exhibited in the most amazing old monastery reconverted to amaze you with its beauty.
(Oh my god! How bad are my hair ????... I guess the helmet is a bit harsh on them)
Zarathustra's path based on Friedrich Nietzsche's philosophical novel of the same name
Anton Podbevšek Teater (APT) is staging the première of Thus Spoke Zarathustra, directed by Matjaž Berger, on 15 March 2016 at 8 pm at the Božidar Jakac Art Museum in Kostanjevica na Krki. The performance is based on one of Nietzsche's central ideas regarding the overman surpassing himself through inner transformation. The project is a collaborative effort featuring Laibach (original music) and actors and co-creators. The performance, staged at the historic Kostanjevica church, will offer the interpretation of Nietzsche as a radical and original thinker oriented towards the future.
Opening night: 15 March 2016 at 8 pm
Repeat performances: 16 - 29 March 2016 at 8 pm
Staged at the monastery church in the Božidar Jakac Art Museum / Kostanjevica na Krki
Sales points: Eventim
Sales over the internet: eventim.si;
TIC Novo mesto: (Monday - Saturday), tel.: 07 393 92 63; the Božidar Jakac Art Museum, Kostanjevica na Krki: 1 hour before the show;
Information: vstopnice@antonpodbevsekteater.si, 051 316 166 (Mitja).
Ticket prices: 12 €; 10 € for groups, 8 € for pupils, students and pensioners
No longer will my spirit walk on worn-out soles. Friedrich Nietzsche
The philosophical novel Thus Spoke Zarathustra, which is considered a seminal philosophical work, written by the controversial German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, one of the most praised, yet also one of the most suppressed and scorned philosophers, has gone through numerous musical (Richard Strauss) and literary adaptations ever since its creation (1883–1885). Nietzsche's Zarathustra, which was written over a period of two years at different locations between the Alps and the Mediterranean Sea, reflects the philosopher's spasmodic and sharp style of writing, which may at times come out in short bursts or it may be spread out in prolonged flourishes and digressions whereby it might be possible to throw the interpretative matrix over the entire horizon of his thought. In Thus Spoke Zarathustra, the director Matjaž Berger and the co-creators have elected to walk the line of Niezsche's bridge between animal, man and overman. In doing so, they have affirmatively mapped out the intimate path of the performance in the direction of man's inner transformation. Zarathustra, who rechristens the Christian commandment of loving one's neighbour into love of the furthest, is, according to Nietzsche, someone who teaches people and encourages them to constantly surpass (overcome) themselves, recognizing and pursuing volition itself whereby strength must be found and recognized. According to Nietzsche, the human being is always an over-going: a bridge and not a goal, a rope over an abyss seeking companions – fellow creators to share and create with – along its path. Willing emancipates: for willing is creating.
This is now my path, where is yours? Thus Spoke Zarathustra.
Pavle Ravnohrib
Jana Menger
Joseph Nzobandora
Ana Pandur Predin
Janez Hočevar
Jure Rovan
Barbara Ribnikar
Lana Voljč
Director: Matjaž Berger
Text adaptation: Eva Mahkovic and Andreja Kopač
Music: Laibach
Dramaturgy: Andreja Kopač
Choreography: Jana Menger
Costume design: Peter Movrin in Metod Črešnar
Projection mapping: Gangl Production
3D animation: Tomislav Gangl and Jaka Kotnik
Proofreading: dr. Jože Faganel
Stage design: APT
Assistant director: Tjaša Črnigoj
Dramaturgy assistant: Nastja Vidmar
Lighting design: Simon Žižek
Sound design: Uroš Bon
Video design and design of printed materials: Gašper Brezovar
Assistant lighting designer: Srečko Malovič
Prop master: Matej Korbar
Dresser: Nataša Recer
Stage managers: Andrej Berger, Mitja Sočič
Project leader: Andrej Berger
Production: Anton Podbevšek Teater
Co-production: The Božidar Jakac Art Museum, Kostanjevica na Krki; in cooperation with the production company Eurokaz, Zagreb and Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana
Acknowledgement: Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana, Gorazd Kosmina, Gorazd Canić, the Novo mesto Sports Agency, the Sports Museum, the Gimnazija Novo mesto Grammar School, the Center Primary School, the Sokol Bežigrad Sports Club
Anton Podbevšek Teater, Laibach - F.W. Nietzsche: Tako je govoril Zaratustra (finale)
Performers: Laibach, Pavle Ravnohrib, Jana Menger, Joseph Nzobandora, Ana Pandur Predin, Janez Hočevar, Jure Rovan, Barbara Ribnikar, Lana Voljč
Director: Matjaž Berger
Text adaptation: Eva Mahkovic, Andreja Kopač
Music: Laibach
Dramaturgy: Andreja Kopač
Choreography: Jana Menger
Costume design: Peter Movrin, Metod Črešnar
Stage design: APT
Project manager: Andrej Berger
Production: Anton Podbevšek Teater
In this production based on Thus Spoke Zarathustra by the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, director Matjaž Berger and his co-creators have chosen to walk the line of Nietzsche’s bridge between animal, man and superman. In doing so they have affirmatively mapped out the intimate path of man’s inner transformation. According to Nietzsche, Zarathustra, who “rechristens” the Christian commandment “love thy neighbour” as “love for the furthest”, is someone who teaches people and constantly encourages them to transcend their own selves, which, in identifying and pursuing the will itself, is the power they need to seek and recognise. Man is always an “over-going” for Nietzsche: a bridge not a goal, a rope over an abyss. On his way he seeks fellow travellers, fellow creators with whom to share and create. Willing emancipates: for willing is creating.
“This then is my path, where is yours?” Thus spoke Zarathustra.
Co-production: Galerija Božidar Jakac, Božidar Jakac Art Museum, Kostanjevica na Krki; in cooperation with the production company Eurokaz, Zagreb and Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana
The performance is in Slovenian language with English subtitles.
V predstavi Tako je govoril Zaratustra nemškega filozofa Friedricha Nietzscheja so si režiser Matjaž Berger in soustvarjalci izbrali hojo po liniji Nietzschejevega zasledovanja mostu med živaljo, človekom in čezčlovekom. Pri tem gre za afirmativno zastavitev intimne linije dela k notranji preobrazbi človeka. Zaratustra, ki krščansko zapoved po ljubezni do bližnjega »prekrsti« v »ljubezen do nadaljnjega«, je po Nietzscheju nekdo, ki ljudi uči in jih spodbuja k nenehnemu preseganju lastnega sebstva, ki je v razpoznavanju in zasledovanju volje same, moč, v kateri je treba najti in prepoznati. Človek je za Nietzscheja vselej prehod: most, in ne cilj, vrv nad prepadom, ki na svoji poti išče sopotnike, soustvarjalce, s katerimi bi delil in ustvarjal. Hoteti osvobaja: hoteti je ustvarjati.
»To je torej moja pot, kje je vaša?« Tako je govoril Zaratustra.
Anton Podbevšek Teater, Laibach
Laibach, Pavle Ravnohrib, Jana Menger, Joseph
Nzobandora, Ana Pandur Predin, Janez Hočevar, Jure Rovan,
Barbara Ribnikar, Lana Voljč
Režija: Matjaž Berger
Adaptacija besedila: Eva Mahkovic, Andreja Kopač
Glasba in izvedba: Laibach
Dramaturgija: Andreja Kopač
Koreografija: Jana Menger
Kostumografija: Peter Movrin, Metod Črešnar
Scenografija: APT
Vodja projekta: Andrej Berger
Produkcija: Anton Podbevšek Teater
Koprodukcija: Galerija Božidar Jakac, Kostanjevica na Krki; v sodelovanju s produkcijsko hišo Eurokaz, Zagreb, in Cankarjevim domom, Ljubljana
Predstava je v slovenščini z angleškimi nadnapisi.
Slovénie - Vallée de la Krka - août 2017
Découverte de la vallée de la rivière Krka, de Ljubljana à la frontière Croate.