Brasov Historical Center in Brasov, Romania
The Brașov County Museum of History is a history museum in Brașov, Romania.
In the central square of the old city, in 1420, the town's town, once called Rathaus or the House of the Council, was built. The ground floor still retains elements of the Gothic style, and the tower and the tower are built in Renaissance and Baroque style. From 1950 the building hosts the History Museum of Brasov County .
Brasov County Historical Museum was founded as a regional museum in 1950, and it has inherited a large part of the collections of the Bârsa and Astra Country Museum in Brasov.
The collection of the Museum has been enriched by systematic research, acquisitions and donations, reaching today 36,000 objects of historical and artistic interest.
In 1950, the Museum of History received in heritage the House of the Council, a Baroque building in the Council Square, a Baroque building in the Council Square, which was certified as a headquarters of the furry guild since 1420. The 1420 document was a contract between the Guardsman and the Magistrate of Brasov by which the Council of the Centurions was given the right to raise a courtroom over the guild building. During the fifteenth and eighteenth centuries, the House of Councilors underwent various modifications, and new rooms and the tower were added to it.
In the 7th century of the last century, the History Museum of Brasov received the patrimony of the building on the 21st Heroes Boulevard, which was destined to accommodate the art department, a decade later, the museum's patrimony was later added to the building of the museum in which it was organized ethnography section.
Also in the museum, the Muresen Memorial House developed as a memorial museum dedicated to the Mures family, which played an important role in the cultural and national life of the Romanians in the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century.
In 1990, the Museum has a first break through the detachment of the art and ethnography sections that become the Museum of Art and Ethnography.
The House of the Muresen became a museum since 1997.
At present, the History Museum has three sections housed within representative historical monuments in Brasov: the Council House, the Fabric Bastion and the Black Tower.
The Board House houses the basic exhibition and has a showroom for temporary exhibitions. The museum is organized on three levels (basement, ground floor and floor) and has thirteen exhibition halls, displaying 1673 objects that make up the basic exhibition.
The basic exhibition has as its theme the history of Brasov from the earliest times to the present and is divided into three sections: the archeology department, the medieval history department, the modern and contemporary history department.
The archeology section is located in the basement of the House of the Council and includes archaeological remains from the Upper Palaeolithic to the 14th century; arms and stone, bronze and iron, neolithic ceramics, Roman and medieval Dacians, etc.
The Medieval History Department is located on the ground floor and contains objects and products of medieval Brasov guilds: crates, convoys and guild seals, weapons, ornaments, church items, torture tools, etc. Two reconstructions are also featured in the exhibition: a blacksmith workshop and a medieval scourge.
The Modern and Contemporary History Department presents an old Romanian and German book exhibition (XVI-XVIIth century) and an exhibition devoted to urban civilization from the nineteenth century to the beginning of the 20th century, which comprises various manufactures manufactured by small industry and the reconstitution of a newspaper editorial. Another hall is devoted to the events preceding the formation of Great Romania and presents personalities of Romanian history and personalities of the history of Romanians and local personalities who participated in the Great Assembly in Alba-Iulia.
The Weavers Bastion is situated at the end of the Castle Street, next to the sports base Olimpia was built in two stages between 1421-1573, it is the only one of the eight bastions of the fortress preserved in its original form. The bastion has a hexagonal plan surrounded by walls with a thickness of 4, 30 m at the base, pierced with pitted and fire holes at which the access was provided by four levels of wooden galleries. In 1800, inside the bastion were built two rooms for wreaths of the weavers' guild, in which today is housed the exhibition that includes a collection of weapons, the medieval fortress model made in 1896 and the Skeiului model made in the 1950s.
The Black Tower entered the heritage of the County Historical Museum in 2001 after having undergone restoration works. The tower includes an exhibition devoted to craftsmen of the XV century, in which the most diverse weapons (lances, arches, lips, swords, crossbows, etc.), mugs, tin plates and ironware (locks, frogs, keys etc.) )
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SUBSCRIBE: - Christmas in Brasov, Romania, my best photos. Vic Stefanu, Brașov is a city in the Transylvania region of Romania, ringed by the Carpathian Mountains. It's known for its medieval Saxon walls and bastions, the towering Gothic-style Black Church and lively cafes. Piaţa Sfatului (Council Square) in the cobbled old town is surrounded by colorful baroque buildings and is home to the Casa Sfatului, a former town hall turned local history museum.
Romania is a southeastern European country known for the forested region of Transylvania, ringed by the Carpathian Mountains. Its preserved medieval towns include Sighişoara, and there are many fortified churches and castles, notably clifftop Bran Castle, long associated with the Dracula legend. Bucharest, the country’s capital, is the site of the gigantic, Communist-era Palatul Parlamentului government building.
Brașov, Transylvania, Romania - virtual tour
Brașov is a city in Romania and the administrative centre of Brașov County. It is the 7th most populous city in Romania. Brașov is located in the central part of the country, about 166 kilometres north of Bucharest and 380 kilometres from the Black Sea. It is surrounded by the Southern Carpathians and is part of the Transylvania region.
The city is notable for being the birthplace of the national anthem of Romania and for hosting the Golden Stag International Music Festival.
It's known for its medieval Saxon walls and bastions, the towering Gothic-style Black Church and lively cafes. Piaţa Sfatului (Council Square) in the cobbled old town is surrounded by colorful baroque buildings and is home to the Casa Sfatului, a former town hall turned local history museum.
With its central location, Brașov is a suitable location from which to explore Romania, and the distances to several tourist destinations are similar. It is also the largest city in a mountain resorts area. The old city is very well preserved and is best seen by taking the cable-car to the top of Tâmpa Mountain.
Brașov benefits from a winter tourism season centered on winter sports and other activities. Poiana Brașov is the most popular Romanian ski resort and an important tourist center preferred by many tourists from other European states.
Brasov, Romania, history, museum, pupils, students, concert, opera - 20170408 162906
Brasov, Romania | Μπρασόβ, Ρουμανία
Brasov, Romania
Brașov is a city in the Transylvania region of Romania, ringed by the Carpathian Mountains. It's known for its medieval Saxon walls and bastions, the towering Gothic-style Black Church and lively cafes. Piaţa Sfatului (Council Square) in the cobbled old town is surrounded by colorful baroque buildings and is home to the Casa Sfatului, a former town hall turned local history museum.
explore the world with us!
Credits for the video footage to Danny Paun
Video Edit: Blue Travel Plus TV
At the Ethnography Museum in Brasov, Romania
Brasov, between my past and its present:
Romania: Christmas Markets in beautiful Brașov
23rd episode of 'Going East', traveling in East Europe.
At the Ethnography Museum, Brasov, Romania
Brasov, between my past and its present:
SUBSCRIBE: - Let's visit the Râșnov Fortress (Romanian: Cetatea Râșnov) which is a historic monument and landmark in Romania. It is situated in Râşnov, Brașov County, in the immediate vicinity of Brașov. The fortress was built as part of a defence system for the Transylvanian villages exposed to outside invasions. A decisive aspect for building the fortress at its location was the route of the invading armies which were coming from the Bran pass and were passing through Râșnov, on their way to Braşov and other parts of the Burzenland region. The only chance of survival for the inhabitants of the area, including from Cristian and Ghimbav, was the refuge inside the refuge castle at Râşnov. Compelled to stay there for decades, the people of Râșnov and the nearby villages turned the fortification into their long-term place of residence.
Romania is a southeastern European country known for the forested region of Transylvania, ringed by the Carpathian Mountains. Its preserved medieval towns include Sighişoara, and there are many fortified churches and castles, notably clifftop Bran Castle, long associated with the Dracula legend. Bucharest, the country’s capital, is the site of the gigantic, Communist-era Palatul Parlamentului government building.
Vic Stefanu,
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Winter 3-Day TOUR București - Brașov - Sibiu [February, 2012]
ENGLISH: The first time I had the courage in 2012 for a weekend railtrip through the Romanian railway stations was in the middle of February, when snow from Predeal slightly exceeded 1 meter, and in Sibiu ... 1 cm. But the mantle of historical flair of European Capital in 2007, Hermannstadt, was more important than the mantle of snow through Museum exhibits steam engines of locomotives and motorcars Depot exposed here.
But Brasov is not an inferior point of tourist attraction, especially if we consider the thousands of railway students that went out from schools in the field near the Depot Brasov, including my father. From here, under the Tâmpa hill, was founded the first private passenger transport company in Romania, Regiotrans, whose units you can watch in a few moments in this video.
For train enthusiasts, many diesel locomotives, 060-DA Sulzer engine or EGM GeneralMotors engine and generator accompanied by the Siemens Desiro railcars or by the attractive modernized ex-DB VT 614 Remarul February 16 is a proper environment for as many shots of cameras or frequently pushes of the red RECORD button of the camcorder.
Finally, it only remains for me to wish you pleasant viewing! I wish you all the best!
ROMÂNĂ: Periplu FeRoviaR de iarnă între București, Brașov și Sibiu [Februarie, 2012]
Prima oară când mi-am făcut curaj în 2012 pentru un periplu de un week-end prin stațiile și pe Căile Ferate Române a fost în mijlocul lui februarie, când zăpada de la Predeal depășea lejer 1 metru, iar în Sibiu... 1 centimetru. Însă mantaua cu iz istoric din Capitala Europeană din 2007, Hermannstadt, era mult mai însemnată decât mantaua de nea datorită exponatelor Muzeului de Locomotive cu Aburi din Depoul de Locomotive și Automotoare de aici.
Dar nici Brașovul nu este mai prejos, mai ales dacă ne gândim la miile de feroviari care au ieșit de pe băncile școlilor de profil de pe lângă Depoul Brașov, printre care și tatăl meu. Tot de aici de sub Tâmpa a luat ființă prima companie de transport privat de călători din România, Regiotrans, ale cărei automotoare le puteți urmări în câteva momente din videoclip.
Așadar, invitat de prietenii mei pasionați de trenuri, Vasy din Brașov și Andrei din Sibiu, am făcut drum de la București până la Sibiu și cale întoarsă înapoi în capitală în decursul a 48 de ore trăite dens, cu trenuri frumoase, dar care s-au lăsat așteptate atât la Dârste, cât și la Sibiu sau în incredibil de bine luminată pe timp de noapte gară a Brașovului.
De asemenea, traseul Brașov - Sibiu, parte a Magistralei 200, pregătește călătorilor câteva stații cu o arhitectură aparte: Perșani sau Brădet, în timp ce decorul natural al râului Olt și al Țării Făgărașului închide în mintea privitorului relieful calm, dar ferm, al Podișului Transilvaniei. La fel, pentru pasionații de trenuri, numeroasele locomotive diesel, 060-DA cu motor Sulzer sau 060-EGM cu motor și generator GeneralMotors, acompaniate de automotoare Siemens Desiro sau cele ex-DB VT 614 modernizate atractiv de Remarul 16 Februarie reprezintă un mediu propice pentru cât mai multe declanșări ale aparatelor de fotografiat sau ale butoanelor roșii de RECORD ale camerelor video.
În fine, nu-mi rămâne decât să vă doresc vizionare plăcută la o prezentare video redusă la extrem și care vizează principalele momente ale călătoriei, în curând urmând să apară și edițiile desfășurate ale reportajului. Toate cele bune vă doresc!
0:00 Intro
0:10 R 3007, București Basarab - Brașov (right consist)
0:16 R 5010, Mărășești - București Basarab
0:21 Romanian Snow Plow WPZ & 060-DA
0:33 IR 1643, București - Salva, in Chitila
0:49 R 3007 in Brașov
0:58 Brașov
1:01 Maneuvres in Brașov Rail Station
1:22 IR Pannonia 375 from Budapest
1:45 R 14727, Brașov - Zărnești, in Brasov
1:55 R 14727 in Bartolomeu
2:26 Bartolomeu
2:40 R 14700, Zărnești - Brașov
3:08 R 2101, Brașov - Sibiu
3:23 IR 1624, Sibiu - Brașov
3:28 Brădet on M200 line
3:45 Perșani
3:53 Șercaia
4:00 Făgăraș
4:06 IR 1528, Sibiu - București Nord
4:23 Ucea
4:40 R 2512, Sibiu - Făgăraș, in Porumbacu
4:56 R 2071, Piatra Olt - Râmnicu Vâlcea - Podu Olt
5:00 Passing Railway Bridge over Olt River
5:16 Arrival of R 2071 from Piatra Olt in Podu Olt
5:33 Podu Olt
5:52 Cibin River
5:58 Tălmaciu
6:08 Șelimbăr
6:16 Sibiu Locomotive & Railcar Depot
6:30 Sibiu
6:39 Sibiu Rail Station
6:56 Sibiu Steam Locomotives Museum
8:10 IR 1347, Budapest - București
8:30 IR 1763, Brașov - Iași
8:37 IR 1621, București - Timișoara
8:47 3 x 060-EA CFR Marfă
9:05 R 3006, Brașov - București
9:11 GFR Coal Freight Train în Dârste
9:26 Climbing Brașov - Predeal 2,7%-2,8% slope
9:34 High snow in Predeal
9:40 IR 1746, Satu Mare - București
9:46 R 3003, București - Brașov
Astra Historic Village Museum Near Sibiu Romania E028
I made a day trip with two friends (Yuval and Nozomi) to the Astra Museum which is really more of a historic village. One of the highlights was learning how to use a manual scythe to mow grass! Each of us took a try at it! Enjoy!
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Nikon S6900
GoPro Session 4
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Killercats - Kaibu [NCS Release]
NCS: Music without limitations. | artist: @kcatsofficial
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Released by: NoCopyrightSounds
Release date: 14 May 2016
Inukshuk - Future Past (Original Mix)
NCS: Music without limitations. | artist: @iaminukshuk
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Brasov Romania 2004 part 2
The medieval city of Brasov Romania.
Sighisoara, Brasov, Prejmer Fortified Church, and Biertan Fortified Church in Romania in 4k
Travel video shows Beautiful Old Town in Brasov, Fortified Churches of Prejmer and Biertan, and Sighisoara. The Historic Center of Sighisoara built in the 12th century by Saxon settlers.
It is an inhabited medieval citadel that, in 1999, was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site for t850-year-old testament to the history and culture of the Transylvanian Saxon.
Video was taken in May 2018 with Sony A7Rmk3 with 24-105f4G.
Music: Mozart Piano Quartet in E Flat, K. 493, -1. Allegro 14:14, -2. Larghetto 9:14, -3. Allegretto 8:24, Beaux Arts Trio & Bruno Guuranna
Visiting Dracula's Castle (Bran Castle) in Transylvania, Romania
With howling winds we ascended the many steps leading up to the infamous Bran Castle. The castle associated with Bram Stoker's Dracula Castle is a national landmark and monument in Transylvania, Romania (Romanian: Castelul Bran; Hungarian: Törcsvár; German: Törzburg). We found the experience fascinating as most areas of the castle were open for tourists to explore including some dimly lit staircases. After checking out the castle we headed back down to briefly check out a market selling all kinds of trinkets and restaurant featuring hearty Romanian cuisine. Overall, if you're based in Brasov this makes for a fantastic 'spooky' day trip ;)
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Visiting Dracula's Castle (Bran Castle) in Transylvania, Romania Travel Video Transcript:
So at last the destination we've been waiting for. We have arrived in Bran to visit Bran Castle which may or may not be associated with the Dracula. Hahaha. Let's go!
Oh ho ho, it's going to blow me over.
This is officially one of the windiest places I have ever experienced. The castle sits on a really rocky cliff so you get wind coming in every direction possible. And it is pretty crazy. We're just hiding out in this little nook for now.
Bran Castle sits on the border between Wallachia and Transylvania and it is the setting of Bram Stoker's horror novel Dracula. That being said, there are other castles in Romania linked to the legend of Dracula.
We're now entering the secret staircase.
Now we're checking out the torture chamber rooms and it is pretty gruesome the methods that were used back in the day. It makes feel quite lucky to be alive this present moment.
Overall impressions of Bran Castle? It was phenomenal. What really surprised me is that from a distance it doesn't look that big but when you get inside there is a lot to explore. Like we probably spent well over an hour just checking all of the different rooms, climbing up and down the stairs and just getting an overall impression of the caste.
Alright, so now that we have visited the castle it is time to go for lunch and I am hungry.
So it is very cold day here in Bran and it is also lunchtime so we've popped into a little restaurant and we're trying to warm up with the hottest, heartiest foods we can find. I'm having some soup with some polenta and a cup of tea. Sam's gone with a salad and the beef. Meh, a little healthy a little bland but here we are enjoying our Romanian lunch.
So the food I'm most excited about trying is something called Romanian Mici and if you look down here it's kind of like a pork sausage or a pork roll. And, oh wow, check this out. Oh, that looks good. It almost looks like a spicy sausage.
Mmmmm. That is an amazing sausage. So juicy, so tasty, so flavorful. I love it. Oh, now I'm going to try some next.
So the polenta with cheese has arrived and it looks a little bit different from what I had yesterday. Yesterday my polenta came with cottage cheese and sour cream but this one appears to have cheese melted on top so I think maybe they put it in the oven. It looks like it was kind of baked. Yeah, baked polenta. Look at the gooey cheese. Oh la la. Wow. That's going to be hot. Mmmm.
I think it actually has goat cheese in the middle. Like a salty goat cheese and then mozzarella on top. Pretty good.
After lunch, we did a little wandering around the town and we found that it reminded us of Halloween with all its spooky trinkets and souvenirs.
There is a cool little market nearby the Bran Castle selling all kinds of trinkets including warm hats, Halloween costumes and other kinds of souvenirs.
Hello, pup. Hello. Meet Dracula's dog. Or are you a wolf? You're a wild wolf. Yes, you are. Yes, you are.
It's biting my ass now. It's not a game anymore puppy. No, hey. Hahahahaha.
This is part of our Travel in Romania series. We're making a series of videos showcasing Romanian culture, Romanian arts, Romanian foods, Romanian religion, Romanian cuisine and Romanian people.
All photos and video taken by Samuel Jeffery (Nomadic Samuel) and Audrey Bergner (That Backpacker).
Music in this video courtesy of Audio Network
City Moments Brasov City Romania
Brașov (Romanian pronunciation: [braˈʃov] ( listen); German: Kronstadt; Hungarian: Brassó, Hungarian pronunciation: [ˈbrɒʃʃoː]; Medieval Latin: Brassovia or Corona; 1950–1960: Orașul Stalin) is a city in Romania and the administrative centre of Brașov County.
The city was described in 1235 AD under the name Corona, a Latin word meaning crown, a name given by the German colonists. According to Binder, the current Romanian and Hungarian names are derived from the Turkic word barasu, meaning white water with a Slavic suffix -ov.[2] Other linguists proposed various etymologies including an Old Slavic anthroponym Brasa[3][4]
The first attested mention of Brașov is Terra Saxonum de Barasu (Saxon Land of Baras) in a 1252 document. The German name Kronstadt means Crown City and is reflected in the city's coat of arms as well as in its Medieval Latin name, Corona. The two names of the city, Kronstadt and Corona, were used simultaneously in the Middle Ages.
From 1950 to 1960, during part of the Communist period in Romania, the city was called Orașul Stalin (Stalin City), after the Soviet leader Joseph Stalin.
Pinoy Enjoying day 2 in Brasov
this is my second day and last day in Brasov, i have combined both since it is continuation of the free tour! Special thanks to Brasov Tourism Board for this free tour.
#hanunah #cezarkarl
Brașov is a city in the Transylvania region of Romania, ringed by the Carpathian Mountains. It's known for its medieval Saxon walls and bastions, the towering Gothic-style Black Church and lively cafes. Piaţa Sfatului (Council Square) in the cobbled old town is surrounded by colorful baroque buildings and is home to the Casa Sfatului, a former town hall turned local history museum.
check my blog: cezarkarl.blogspot
follow me on instagram: @cezarkarl
follow me on twitter: @cezarkarl
Bran Castle, Rasnov citadel, and Black Church in Brasov, Romania in 4k
Travel video shows Beautiful Bran Castle, Rasnov citadel, and Black Church in Brasov.
Bran Castle became famous due to the noble by Stoker “Dracula”.
Video was taken in May 2018 with Sony A7Rmk3 with 24-105f4G.
Music: J. S. Bach Sonatas for Flute and Harpsichord Obbligato No. 1 in G Major, BVW 525 10:07, No 23 in D Minor, BVW 527 11:13,
Aurele Nicolet, Michio Kobayashi
Brasov city of Romania - Город Брашов
Brasov city of Romania
Brasov is a mountain resort city in Transylvania, Romania. Brasov is one of the largest cities in Romania. It is located almost in the centre of the country and surrounded by the Carpathian Mountains. Brașov, also known as Kronstadt in German or Brassó in Hungarian. The population of the city is 283,901 people.
The city provides a mix of wonderful mountain scenery in the nearby Poiana Braşov and medieval history with German influences in the old town. The city is 176 km from Bucharest.
Braşov is up there with Sinaia and the surrounding mountain resorts as the most visited city in Transylvania, Romania, and this is something that's not in vain. Braşov boasts everything from dynamic modern city life to old world charm and fascinating scenery. Also, it's pleasant to have some of the extras as well, including some of the best cleanliness records in the country, great transport and great food. Even though it's a bit overpriced for Romanian standards, especially in the high season, Braşov is definitely worth it. As some people say, Why bother coming to Romania if you're not going to see Braşov?
The Braşov county is one of the most visited by tourists. Other than Braşov city and its immediate attractions, the resorts of Poiana Braşov (12 km west) and Predeal (27 km south), are also well worth visiting. Other places and tourist attractions of the county: Bran, Moeciu, Râşnov, Făgăraş, Prejmer, Zărneşti, Sâmbăta (at the foot of the Făgăraş mountains).
Braşov has relatively cold and wet weather, especially at night. This region of Romania enjoys four seasons (i.e. spring and autumn as well as winter and summer). The average temperature is 7.6°C only, even though in summer temperatures may reach up to 35°C.
Due to fairly large minority populations, Hungarian and German are also spoken in addition to Romanian. Many locals also speak English.
Main attractions:
1.Old Town
2.The Black Church
3.Town History Museum
4.Strada Sforii (Rope Street) - Narrowest street in Europe
5.Panoramic Tâmpa - beautiful view of the old city and the surrounding nature from 900 meters above sea-level
6.The old Synagogue
7.The Braşov Citadel
8.Town History Museum
9.Schei district - Just outside the citadel
Main attractions:
1.Biserica Sf. Nicolae
2.Biserica Sf. Treime
3.Prima Scoala Romaneasca
В этом видео снято одна из красивейших площадей Европы - главная площадь Брашова. Брашов это очень красивый старинный город с прекрасными пейзажами, который находиться в Румынии между очаровательных гор Карпат.В самом центре города находиться готический собор, по левою руку которого виднееться гора. На горе, возле самой вершины стоят большые буквы, которыми латиницей написано название города - BRASOV. Именно по этому многие ассоциируют город с Голливудом, но многие считают что он больше похож на австрийский Зальцбург - красивые горные пейзажы, архитектура, старинные улочки.
For more information visit Wikipediașov
Official webpage
Romania 2010 - Sibiu-Medias-Sighisoara-Brasov Cities
Sibiu is an important city in Transylvania, Romania that straddles the Cibin River, a tributary of the river Olt. It is the capital of Sibiu County and between 1692 and 1791 it was the capital of the Principality of Transylvania. Sibiu is one of the most important cultural centres of Romania, and was designated as Culture Capital of Europe for the year 2007, in tandem with Luxembourg. Formerly the centre of the Transylvanian Saxons, the old city of Sibiu was ranked as Europe's 8th most idyllic place to live by Forbes. Set in the Cibin Depression, the city is close to Făgăraş Mountains, Cibin Mountains, and Lotrului Mountains. The geographical position of Sibiu makes it one of the most important transportation hubs in Romania.
Mediaş City, Sibiu county, Romania, on the Târnava Mare River, was founded by German colonists in the 13th century on the site of a Roman camp called Media. Formerly a part of Austro-Hungarian Empire, Mediaş was united with Romania in 1918. The city centre is a large, tree-filled square, surrounded by old houses with tiled roofs. There is still a tower with an entrance gate and remnants from the walls of the 14th-century fortress. Mediaş has become an important industrial centre, utilizing nearby natural gas deposits.
Sighişoara is a city and municipality on the Târnava Mare River in Mureş County, Romania, considered to be the most beautiful and well preserved inhabited citadel in Europe, with an authentic medieval architecture. In Eastern Europe, Sighişoara is one of the few fortified towns which are still inhabited. The town is made up of two parts. The medieval stronghold was built on top of a hill and is known as the Citadel, the lower town lies in the valley of Târnava Mare river. Central Sighişoara has preserved in an exemplary way the features of a small medieval fortified city, it has been listed by the UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. Each year, a Medieval Festival takes place in the old citadel in July.
On top of the Tampa Mountain, Brasov, amazing cityscapes (1/2) #Brasov - ????️ Travel video
Tâmpa is a mountain, part of the Postăvarul Massif, located in the southern part of the Eastern Carpathians and almost entirely surrounded by the city of Braşov. Its elevation is 960 m, almost 400 m above the city.
Most of the mountain is a declared nature reserve, due to the rare animal and plant species that are found there: a rare Liverleaf variety (Hepatica transsilvanica), birds, 17 rare wasp species, butterflies (35% of Romanian butterfly species are here), bears (the brown bear is a protected species, for the conservation of which the European Community has a special responsibility due to the low proportion of its area within the EU).
The view from the summit is absolutely spectacular, offering a panoramic landscape of the city; on a clear day, the entire Burzenland is visible. (Burzenland is a historic and ethnographic area in southeastern Transylvania, Romania with a mixed population of Romanians, Germans and Hungarians.)
Tampa mountain is not only an amazing tourist attraction, but it's also one of the most legendary places in Brasov.
The best known are those that talk about the existence of a large underground lake or the fact that there are some tunnels that break through the mountain.
If the lake was not discovered, the existence of some tunnels dug in the mountain is real. Today, only one of them is practical and links the former Council House (today Brașov County Museum of History) to one of the towers of the old city. The others have fallen over time and are closed.
Recorded in early spring, during our trip in Transylvania.