brasserie du Quercorb
Ambiance du samedi soir à Puivert.
Funk n' Frites live sample vid 2019
Live at the Brasserie du Quercorb, Puivert, somewhere in the south of France, May 2019. Funk n' Frites is a nostalgic collaboration between Huggy & The Bears and Mr. Lovebucket. Based in Brighton/Canterbury. Many thanks to Vink and also the Puivert MJC for loan of equipment that made the gig possible. A bientot nos amis!
Day1 Stage1 Ride out of Puivert France
Ailas e qu'em fau miei huelh
La Rosa Trobadoresca performs the troubadour song Ailas e qu'em fau midi huelh by Sordello at Musée du Quercorb in Puivert, France, on September 24, 2014.
The Angelic Code Retreat in Puivert, France - March 2015
A culmination of 2 years work and a life changing experience for me and hundreds of other people that have come to see me.
Do you think you may had a previous life as a Cathar, Essene or Knights Templar? Or have you ever felt that you are not from plant earth and can't understand the greed, violence, war and suffering that besieges this planet. If so, then this retreat is for you.
I have been working consistently with the ascended masters, super-luminal beings who have shown and guided me to help the human race upgrade their energy field.
I have been shown the Fractal Decad System of Integrated Ascension which enables trillions of higher chakras to be downloaded into our 144 lightbody activation.
This creates a very fast detox emotional, physical and mental resulting in a massive increase in psychic abilities and powers.
The retreat takes place in a beautiful farmhouse in the most beautiful land and an energy matrix and portal very close by which will rocket the energies we will be working with.
If this resonates with you please get in touch with me by emailing
21-28 March for £1747 per person for accommodation, food, yoga, healings and teachings
10% discount if purchased in full before 11 March
Private room supplement £250
More info at
Ninth Gate, la neuvaine, les lieux de tournage en HD
La neuvaine c'est la clé de la neuvième porte, les lieux de tournage: Paris , Puivert, Tolède, New York. Mais à compléter. Si vous voulez m'aider, vous serez les bienvenus.
l'autre feu d'artifice de Puivert
Je vous défie de trouver en juillet et aout un village de 500 habitants offrant un tel niveau dans le domaine des animations, une telle qualité et de telles structures. Sans compter les couts!!!
Camping de Puivert-Juni 2013
Freigegebene Videodatei von colonia20111.
Espace VTT-FFC Aude en Pyrénées
L'Intense Crew Vtopo sur l'Espace VTT-FFC Aude en Pyrénées.
Vidéo tournée à Rennes-le-Château, Château de Puivert, Château de Puilaurens, Gorges de la Pierre-Lys, Quillan, Domaine de Mayrac, l'Espinet Vacances.
Musique : Adore (Asleep in the Dark)
Réalisation : VTopo
Rêves de Planeurs - Les Planeurs de Puivert en Quercorb
Hameau de Campgast, 11230, Puivert
Vidéo réalisé et monté par Guibs
Caméra : iPhone 8 (1080p 30ips)
GoPro HERO7 Black (1080p 30ips)