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British Lion

British Lion
British Lion
British Lion
British Lion
British Lion
British Lion
British Lion
British Lion
British Lion
British Lion
British Lion
British Lion
British Lion
British Lion
British Lion
British Lion
British Lion
British Lion
British Lion
British Lion
British Lion
British Lion
British Lion
British Lion
British Lion
+44 1303 251478

Sunday12pm - 4pm, 7pm - 11pm
Monday12pm - 4pm, 7pm - 11pm
Tuesday12pm - 4pm, 7pm - 11pm
Wednesday12pm - 4pm, 7pm - 11pm
Thursday12pm - 4pm, 7pm - 11pm
Friday12pm - 4pm, 7pm - 11pm
Saturday12pm - 4pm, 7pm - 11pm

Operation Sea Lion, also written as Operation Sealion , was Nazi Germany's code name for the plan for an invasion of the United Kingdom during the Battle of Britain in the Second World War. Following the Fall of France, Adolf Hitler, the German Führer and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, hoped the British government would seek a peace agreement and he reluctantly considered invasion only as a last resort if all other options failed. As a precondition, he specified the achievement of both air and naval superiority over the English Channel and the proposed landing sites, but the German forces did not achieve either at any point during the war, and both the German High Command and Hitler himself had serious doubts about the prospects for success. A large number of barges were gathered together on the Channel coast, but, with air losses increasing, Hitler postponed Sea Lion indefinitely on 17 September 1940 and it was never put into action.
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