Riga Latvia Brothers Cemetery Bralu Kapi 2010
War Dead and Independence Dead
Brothers cemetery Riga
Riga Latvia Brothers Cemetery Bralu Kapi 2010
Brāļu kapsēta The National Military Cemetery of Riga.wmv
May 8, 2010
Riga, Latvia
Come join TheCeļotājs journey through time past and time present with a visit to the Brālu kapsēta The National Military Cemetery of Riga is the last resting place of more than thousand Latvian soldiers and officers.
The cemetery is a memorial to and burial ground for thousands of Latvian soldiers who were killed between 1915 and 1920 in World War I, during World War II and the Latvian War of Independence.
It was built as an integrated combination of sculpture and landscaping between 1924 and 1936, to designs by the sculptor Kārlis Zāle, many of whose sculptures feature prominently, by the architects P. Feders, A. Birzenieks, P. Kundziņš, the landscape gardener Andrejs Zeidaks, the sculptors J. Cirulis and F. Valdmanis and others.
We were also present on this day when Latvia celebrated Victory Day the end of World War II on this day 8th day of May 1945 and watch as the President of the Republic of Latvia Valdis Zatlers and the Latvian Military Staff Officers laying bouquets of Roses on the wall to Brāļu kapsēta The National Military Cemetery of Riga
Riga Vacu karaviru kapi World War II German Military Cemetery
Riga Cemetery of German Soldiers that perished in World War II
Herberts Cukurs (Latvian heroes) commemoration in Riga Brethren Cemetery 17.05.2012. Riga Latvia
Herberts Cukurs commemoration in Riga Brethren Cemetery 17.05.2012. Riga Latvia
Latvian always remember our heroes!
At the end of 1941, an unusual district appeared on the territory of the Minsk Ghetto that was one of the
largest ghettos in Europe. The “old-timers” of the Minsk Ghetto called the district “Hamburg’s district”,
because the first train with German Jews arrived on the Belarusian territory from Hamburg. Jews were
assured: “You are going to live on the new territories”. The “displaced residents” even paid for the
Trains with the “displaced residents” arrived in Minsk from Hamburg, Dusseldorf, Koenigsberg, Berlin,
Frankfurt... and then from Austria and the Czech Republic till the middle of 1942.
However, it was not necessary for the deported Jews to live on the new territories: the Jews were sent
away from the city and murdered in the death camp “Trostenez” that was situated just within a few
kilometers of Minsk. Some trains with the deported Jews drove straight to the death camp, without
stopping in the city.
According to some reports, 7 transports with Jews from Germany (6,428 people), 11 transports from Austria (10,476 people) and 7 transports from the Czech Republic (7,000 people) were sent to the Minsk
region in 1941-1942. 23,904 people were deported in 25 transports. Almost every Jew was murdered!
Some historians suppose that there were “displaced residents” from Poland, Hungary and France...
The documental film “Sonderghetto” is about this little-known chapter of the Holocaust, the Names and tragic destiny of the murdered Jews. It is also about the daily life in “Sonderghetto” and the relations
between “Hamburg’s district” and “Minsk’s district” Jews...
It is planned to shoot the film in those cities of Germany, the Czech Republic and Austria, from where
Jews were sent away by Nazis. In this regard the materials from the local museums will be used, the
interviews with historians and family members of the Holocaust victims will be prepared and the sites of
memory will be screened.
In the middle of the film there are stories of three children, who were saved from deportation. Edna Magder, Kurt Marx and Michael Rozenberg will tell us about their losses and their rescue.
Svinīgā vainagu nolikšanas ceremonija Brāļu kapos
2014.gada 8.maijs. Svinīgā vainagu nolikšanas ceremonija, atzīmējot Nacisma sagrāves un Otrā pasaules kara upuru piemiņas dienu. Video: Ilgonis Linde, Saeimas Kanceleja Izmantošanas noteikumi: saeima.lv/lv/autortiesibas
Vainagu nolikšanas ceremonija Brāļu kapos
2013.gada 8.maijs. Solvita Āboltiņa piedalās Nacisma sagrāves un Otrā pasaules kara upuru piemiņas dienai veltītā vainagu nolikšanas ceremonijā Brāļu kapos. Video: Ilgonis Linde, Saeimas Kanceleja Izmantošanas noteikumi: saeima.lv/lv/autortiesibas
Searching for the Lost WWII Soldiers In Northern Latvia
Today we are driving around Northern Latvia searching and picking up MIA soldiers on WWII battlefields. Part II, Estonian border.
Atklāj restaurēto pilsētu ģērboņu galeriju Rīgas Brāļu kapos
Pirmdien, 21.oktobrī Valsts prezidents Andris Bērziņš, eksprezidents Guntis Ulmanis, Latvijas Pašvaldību savienības priekšsēdētājs Andris Jaunsleinis, Valsts kultūras pieminekļu aizsardzības inspekcijas vadītājs Juris Dambis, īsi pirms izcilā latviešu tēlnieka Kārļa Zāles 125. gadskārtas atklāja Rīgas Brāļu kapu Noslēdzošās sienas pilsētu ģerboņu galeriju, kas ir pilnībā atjaunota.
Restaurācijas darbi ilga divus gadus un tos veica restauratori Ivo Grauduma vadībā. Kopējās projekta izmaksas ir Ls 57 126,77 no kuriem lielākā daļa ir tautas ziedojumi 2011. un 2012.gadā LTV akcijās 11.novembrī Lāčplēša dienā un otra daļa - piešķirtais pašvaldību līdzfinansējums. Video: LA.lv
Rigas Most Holy Virgin Church and Pokrova kapi Cemetery.wmv
May 19, 2010
Riga, Latvia
Come join TheCeļotājs journey through time past and present, as we visit the Rigas Most Holy Virgin Church in the Asylum and Riga's Pokrova kapsēta Pokrov Cemetery and the Russian World War II Memorial and Burial Site located at Mēness iela 3. The Rīgas Vissvētās Dievmātes Patvēruma baznīca Rigas Most Holy Virgin Church in the Asylum ANNO 1773 is an Orthodox Church.
Pokrova kapsēta Pokrov Cemetery located at Mēness iela 3 was created in 1773. Together with Vagaņskas, Novodevičas and Pokrova graves, graves of the Russian Empire including the five largest cemeteries. Necropolis orthodoxy and tradition of cultural heritage is priceless. The cemetery miraculously served the 20th century and the Russian occupation.
Although this old cemetery is seldom visited by anyone apart from the occasional animal enthusiast out to walk his dog, it's a fascinating place to stroll about for an hour or so. Most of the headstones are from the 19th century and tell tales of tsarist bureaucrats who will be dearly missed, but a small section is also dedicated to fallen communist soldiers crowned by a large gold-colored monument depicting a soldier carrying a Soviet flag. One bizarre stone also immortalizes roughly a dozen orphans who were supposedly drained of their blood by the Nazis.
Ceremony at old Jewish cemetery in Riga 4.7.2014
Hagit Ben Yaacov Israeli ambassador to Latvia at the Memorial ceremony 4.7.2014
Ināra Mūrniece apmeklē piemiņas pasākumu Lestenes Brāļu kapos
2015.gada 8.maijs.Ināra Mūrniece apmeklē Otrā pasaules kara cīnītājiem veltītu piemiņas pasākumu Lestenes Brāļu kapos. Video: Ilgonis Linde, Saeimas Kanceleja Izmantošanas noteikumi: saeima.lv/lv/autortiesibas
Remembrance Day Of The Latvian Legionnaires
Remembrance day of the Latvian legionnaires (Latvian: Leģionāru piemiņas diena), often known simply as Legionnaire Day (Leģionāru diena) or March 16 (16
#remembrance #latvian #legionnaires
Piemiņas pasākums arī Lestenes Brāļu kapos
Pēc leģionāru gājiena Rīgas centrā, daudzi tālāk devās uz piemiņas brīdi Lestenes brāļu kapos. Tur kritušo karavīru atcere notika krietni mazāk saspīlētā gaisotnē. Stāsta Līva Rauhvargere.
Latvia: Axis and Allied soldiers remembered in Riga
Latvia's President Andris Berzins laid flowers at Riga's Brother's Cemetery to commemorate those who died in the Second World War.
Video ID: 20150508-078
Video on Demand:
Contact: cd@ruptly.tv
Ievai Akurāterei bail vienai staigāt pa kapiem
Šodien Rīgas kapus apmeklēja Rīgas domes mājokļa un vides komitejas deputāti. Šobrīd kapus finansējuma trūkuma dēļ neapsargā.
Kā intervijā «Panorāmai» atzina Ieva Akurātere, šobrīd svarīgāk ir nodrošināt kārtību kapos un saglabāt esošo, lai nākotnē varētu attīstīt kapu tūrismu.
Reportāžu par domes deputātu izbraukumu uz kapiem, skatieties šovakar «Panorāmā».
16.Marts. 2013.gads Lestenes brāļu kapos. Video nr. 311
Lūdzu uzbalsot video ar īkšķiem ar augšu un abonēt manu kanālu, lūdzu.
Latvia: TB-Latvijai party commemorates 139th anniversary of SS-group leader Rudolfs Bangerskis
Representatives of the right-wing TB-Latvijai party commemorated the 139th anniversary of SS-group leader Rudolfs Bangerskis at the military cemetery in Riga on Friday.
Video ID: 20170721 059
Video on Demand:
Contact: cd@ruptly.tv