Ari Behn og Per Heimly besøkte Buen Kulturhus i Mandal
10.2.2018 at Buen Kulturhus Mandal.
Ari Behn og Per Heimly åpner utstilling på Galleri Buen og vi får også høre Behn lese fra sin bok Tiger i hagen.
Review and pictures:
Amaranthe live mandal buen kulturhus
Gode og vonde dager - Tønes @ Buen kulturhus, Mandal
Fatal Society - Obsession
Performing our song Obsession at UKM in Buen Kulturhus, Mandal, Norway
Buen Mandal Construction site HD time-lapse
Time-lapse of the Mandal kulturhus Buen construction site in Norway.
Created on GNU/Linux with gPhoto2, php-gd and MEncoder (MPlayer)
KHSF deltok i konsert i Buen Kulturhus Mandal 25 sep 2016 med Den Norske Sjømann er
KHSF åpnet sin del med Den Norske Sjømann er ...
Sinatra i Buen kulturhus
Odd René Andersen og Gro Gahre Hægeland synger The lady is a tramp i Buen kulturhus, Mandal lørdag kveld.
Communic - Live - Mandal
Mandal - Norway - Buen Kulturhus 15.09.2017
The construction of Buen, Mandal, HD time-lapse
The construction site of Buen kulturhus in Mandal, Norway, one picture taken every hour over several years.
Pictures were shot in raw format by a Nikon D90 camera controlled by gphoto2 on a GNU/Linux-box.
The Elton Show - Live in Buen Kulturhuset Mandal 12.12.15
Don't go breaking my heart (cut)
Mandal Kuturhus Buen Timelapse, July 2010
Timelapse of Mandal Kulturhus (in Norway), Buen, summer of 2010.
Pictures were taken with a Nikon D90 and processed into this movie by using the following tools:
GNU/Linux (Archlinux)
MEncoder (MPlayer)
(CC) Some Rights Reserved
Fatal Society - Lost
Performing our song Lost at UKM in Buen Kulturhus, Mandal, Norway
Fyrverkeri i Mandal
Åpning Buen kulturhus
Mandal kulturhus Buen time lapse may 2010
Bare en test, ca en uke etterat kameraet ble satt opp
Maria Reitan åpner Buen kulturhus
Maria klipper snoren under den offisielle åpningen av kulturhuset, sammen med Helene Bøksle og ordfører Tore Askildsen.
KHSF med Mandal Sangforening - Konsert i Buen - Mandal 25 sep 2016 med Gud Signe Noreg Land
Buen Mandal
Cultural centre and masterplan, competition win 2007. Buen (The Arch) is like a green blanket that elevates and makes room for the cultural centre, and thus integrates it in the surrounding landscape.
The master plan, also conceived by 3XN, comprises a hotel integrated with the cultural centre and a number of houses for both residential and retail use around the cultural centre, adjusted in scale and proportion after the characteristic and classic Norwegian wooden houses. It focuses on making the new town area reflect the rest of Mandal on the other side of the river and ensuring that all the houses including the cultural centre will have maximal enjoyment of the short distance to the river. As the building is reflected in the river, activities in the new cultural centre reflect the cultural life of Mandal town.
The glass façade opens and expose the lobby to the river bank, and the green blanket roof provides the users of The Arch with an extra outdoor space, where they can go and bring a cup of coffee from the café underneath, or a book from the cultural centre library, and enjoy the view. Integrating the hotel with the cultural centre the design allows hotel guests easy access to the library and exhibitions in the gallery, and users of the centre may dine in the hotel restaurant.
Whereas the cultural centre is a signifier of the area, the hotel and the surrounding housing form a coherent low-dense area referring to the scale of the town. The master plan tries to keep motoring traffic at a minimum and establish instead the narrow pathways and greens characteristic of the garden city.
Buen Mandal
some shots from Buen Mandal with Egil Svartdahl
Filmed; 15 April 2012.
Battle Beast - Black Ninja - Live - Norway
Mandal - Buen Kulturhus 15.09.2017
Mandal Sommerrevy 2012
Et lite tilbakeblikk på Sommerrevyen 2012 som hadde stor suksess i Buen kulturhus.
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