The National Park De Groote Peel consists largely of a contiguous remainder bog and that is rare in the Netherlands. The open landscape and the well-known and special bird richness make this area special.
There is water and marsh in the peat diggings at various points. Now it is the seagulls who gratefully use the so called 'peat pimples' (peelpuisten) to build their nests on. 'Peat pimples' are dead tree trunks that are covered by a package of peat moss and that stuck out again after the digging of the peat, to the great annoyance of the peat diggers.
Where the peat is dug away almost entirely, there are vast plains all over where the pipe straw (pijpestrootje) arises. The drier areas are sometimes covered by high bracken. The bare, shallow ponds still do remember most about the former treeless bog landscape.
At the time I visited the park in May, there was only a small part of it open for the public. The central part was closed because of the breeding season of the birds.
National Park De Groote Peel the Netherlands
Rondlopen in het natuurgebied De Groote Peel op de grens van Brabant en Limburg. Walking around in the De Groote Peel.
Film Groote Peel
Ochtendwandeling in de grote peel
Nationaal Park De Groote Peel
Ospel - De Groote Peel (dijk tussen Aan 't Elfde)
Tussen twee grote waterplassen in het natuurgebied ligt een dijkje. Vanaf dit smalle wandelpad heb je een fraai uitzicht over beide waterplassen.
De Groote Peel. Foto-impressie:geervannesmeed
Natuurgebied de Groote Peel in september 2013, zie ook
Monument voor in 1943 gecrasht vliegtuig - 27 september 2016 - Peel en Maas TV Venray
Monument voor in 1943 gecrasht vliegtuig. _____
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