Wonderful Indonesia | Bukit Lawang 2017 @GEOPARKTOBASCAPERS
This information on Bukit Lawang, North Sumatra, Indonesia. We also offer a booking service for jungle treks, accommodation and other activities in Bukit Lawang, North Sumatra, Indonesia.
Bukit Lawang is a popular tourist destination located on the edge of the Gunung Leuser National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site home to numerous bird, plant and mammal species, most famously the Sumatran orangutan (Pongo abelii), which can be seen in the jungle in Bukit Lawang as well as at the daily feedings.
Apart from visits to the jungle, Bukit Lawang offers a relaxed atmosphere alongside the banks of the Bohorok river, with many guests staying for weeks or months on end.
We offer transportation from Medan airport, city, and other local destinations, accommodation and trek and tour booking services. Please see our trekking page for more information and/or to make a booking.
EINFACH UNGLAUBLICH - Orang Utans Trek in Bukit Lawang, Indonesien
Wir sehen wilde Orang Utans im Dschungel Indonesiens. Eine der besten und aufregensten Treks auf dieser Welt!
Wir schenken dir 25€ Guthaben für AirBNB
Treking Anbieter + Unterkunft in Bukit Lawang:
15 € Booking Guthaben auf deine Unterkunft
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#jederkannreisen #indonesia
Sumatra Kids RESCUED ME from Bukit Lawang River! ????????
I left the big city of Medan to travel to the more peaceful and serene Bukit Lawang. A jungle village of Sumatra, located in the Gunung Leuser National Park, that's famous for it's wild orangutans and rivers.
I took the cheap public bus which leaves from outside Mawar Bakery on the street called Pinang Baris. There's a common scam there where touts will try to convince you to pay for your ticket up front at an extortionate rate. I'd read about this before hand and sure enough it happened to me while I was sitting on the bus waiting for it to leave. Unfortunately I didn't get that on camera. The correct fare is only 30,000 and it paid AFTER reaching your destination.
The food in the Mawar Bakery is excellent and very good value, so it's worth stocking up there before getting on the bus.
At Bukit Lawang Bus Station there were many touts. They are just trying to help you by sell orangutan trekking tours. I just told them all no as I would prefer to book a trusted guide through my hotel. They were very persistent and sticky though.
In Bukit Lawang village, which is only 1.3 km away on a flat road, so is easily walkable, I checked in to my hotel: Wisma Leuser Sibayak. It's one of the more costly hotels in the area but still very cheap. I took one of their best rooms at 400,000 IDR but it seemed like other than size there wasn't much difference between that and the cheaper rooms, starting at 200,000 IDR.
I started the stay with a light meal in the hotel restaurant. Gado Gado is a local Indonesian meal of boiled vegetables and peanut sauce. The healthiest food I'd eaten in a while.
My main activity of the day was tubing and swimming in the river. It didn't start off too well and I had to rely on the locals kids to rescue me.
My first (half) day concluded with a delicious goat barbecue beside the river, hosted by the hotel owner Bob.
Check out my previous videos from Sumatra:
They LOVE Foreigners in Medan, Indonesia:
Arriving in Medan / $8 Hotel Room:
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The People of Bukit Lawang
North Sumatra, Indonesia
The film is based in Bukit Lawang, where devastating floods caused over 239 deaths in 2003. The flooding was attributed to illegal logging in the surrounding Gunung Leuser National Park. Since the floods, this village community has been involved in voluntary forest governance enforcement schemes in an attempt to curb illegal logging in the National Park. The community has also started to recognise the important role of ecotourism in the preservation of their surrounding forests. See more on The films were made by Handcrafted Films and Gekko Studios.
See more on gekkovoices.com
Bukit Lawang Impact Org View
100% Free Accommodation 1 Night - Getaway DEAL Orangutan Trekking -Min 3 Paxs.
We're offering limited-time promotions of amazing tours to the most unique destinations in Indonesia.
Package Orangutan Trekking, with the best rates available.
Fee one night Accommodation if are you booking activities Orangutan Trekking with us...
Dschungel Unterkunft - Thomas Retreat Roomtour - Bukit Lawang - Sumatra - Indonesien
Willkommen zu unserer Dschungel Unterkunft Roomtour vom Thomas Retreat in Bukit Lawang, Sumatra, Indonesien..
5 Tage waren wir im Thomas Retreat Bukit Lawang um um dort die geniale Orang Utan Trekking Tour mit Übernachtung im Dschungel zu machen.
Das Thomas Retreat ist ein schönes kleines Hotel mit aktuell 8 Zimmern (2 sollen wohl noch hinzu kommen), netten Angestellten und einem richtig coolen Restaurant!
Bei uns war kein Frühstück inklusive, also sind wir einfach 3x pro Tag im hauseigenen Restaurant essen gewesen.
Das Essen dort war günstig, sehr lecker und die Portionen wirklich gut.
Probier mal das Sweet Potatoe Curry und zum Frühstück die kleine Fruchtplatte (die bei uns anstatt klein wirklich groß war).
Unser erstes Zimmer war nicht so toll, als haben wir das Upgrade auf ein Deluxe Zimmer genommen, welches uns für 2 Personen pro Tag nur 13,33€ kostete.
Echt genial...
Das Thomas Retreat liegt in Bukit Lawang direkt an einem Fluss, in dem du baden und dich abkühlen kannst.
Die Einheimischen waschen sich sogar weiter unten im Fluss und putzen sich dort die Zähne!
Es war ein wahnsinnig großer Kontrast vom Großstadtdschungel Singapurs in den echten Dschungel nach Bukit Lawang zu kommen.
Insgesamt möchten wir euch aber Unterunft/Orang Utan Tour definitiv empfehlen!
Hier geht es direkt zum Thomas Retreat ⭐⭐ in Bukit Lawang:
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#SumatraHotel #Sumatra #Indonesien
Bukit Lawang - A wild orangutan appeared!
Come with us into the Sumatran jungle as we look for wild orangutan's!
Eine Nacht im Dschungel - Orang Utans hautnah - Tubing in Bukit Lawang - Weltreise | VLOG #120
Hier nun Teil 2 unserer Orang Utan Trekking Tour von Bukit Lawang aus, in welchem ihr u.a. unsere Nacht im Dschungel seht, Orang Utans hautnah, unser Camp, wie man sich in einem Camp im Dschungel wäscht, viele Tiere und natürlich auch weitere Action in Form von Tubing, vom Camp im Dschungel, zurück zur Thomas Retreat Unterkunft in Bukit Lawang, über den wilden Fluss.
Wir hatten eine wirklich tolle Zeit in Bukit Lawang, siehe auch die letzten Videos, und die Trekking Tour zu den wilden Orang Utans hat uns extrem begeistert.
Wir hatten 70€ pro Person gezahlt, und die Tour bei Thomas Jungle Tours gebucht, da wir dort auch gewohnt hatten:
Man muss jedoch sagen, dass im Nachhinein die Fütterung und das Anlocken der wilden Tiere nicht wirklich ok war.
In den Momenten waren wir nur fasziniert, aber zurückblickend greifen die Guides so doch schon sehr stark in den Lebensraum ein und ändern das Verhalten der Tiere...
Darüber sollte man sich also auch zuvor einmal Gedanken machen!
Mehr über die Tour mit vielen zusätzlichen Bildern in unserem Blogbeitrag:
Mehr auch im tollen Beitrag auf:
Ach ja, übernachtet haben wir in Bukit Lawang hier:
Dort hatten wir Vor-Ort auch die Tour gebucht!
Alternativ können wir euch für Übernachtung und Tour (dann auch ohne anlocken und füttern der Tiere), diese 2 Eco Stays empfehlen:
Das Roomtour Video zu unserem Aufenthalt in Bukit Lawang folgt im nächsten Video und ist dann auch hier zu finden:
Hat dir das Video gefallen, gib uns einen Daumen hoch und lass uns einen Kommentar da.
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• LTG Video Intro: Music provided by NCS!
OLWIK - This Life (feat. Johnning) [NCS Release]
• Desmeon - Hellcat [NCS Release]
#Indonesien #OrangUtan #BukitLawang #Sumatra
Bukit Lawang Impact Org Trekking
100% Free Accommodation 1 Night - Getaway DEAL Orangutan Trekking -Min 3 Paxs.
We're offering limited-time promotions of amazing tours to the most unique destinations in Indonesia.
Package Orangutan Trekking, with the best rates available.
Fee one night Accommodation if are you booking activities Orangutan Trekking with us...
SUMATRA: Bukit Lawang and Gunung Leuser (Indonesia) - Orang-utan Trek
How to get to Bukit Lawing/Gunung Leuser national park?
Most of the guides tell you, you need to take a bus at the bus terminal Pinang Baris. But when we arrived no bus was going and some people tried to scam us. So we went back to main road, just next the to Pinang Baris (Jalan T.B. Simatupang - walk up to Mawar Bakery).
Some small mini busses are driving around here, so we talked to one guy and he took us to Bukit Lawang (Gunung Leuser national park) for 25.000 Indonesian Rupiah. The bus ride takes around 2,5 hours and they will drop you at a bus terminal close to the actual town of Bukit Lawang.
Good advice: Book your accomodation in advance! Some of the guesthouses will send someone who picks you up. You still need to take a becak though, But the ride takes around 10 minutes only and costs 5.000 Indonesian Rupiah.
Where to stay in Bukit Lawang?
There are many guesthouses in Bukit Lawang (in the middle of the Gunung Leuser national park) where you could stay. The town is great, small and very relaxed. You could easily stay here for a week or longer. We stayed in a guesthouse called Garden Inn. Before booking your accommodation, check out where it is. Some of them are a little bit up in the hills, you have a great view, but you also need to hike up a little bit. In low season we paid 150.000-175.000 Indonesian Rupiah per night for a double room. There is no ATM in Bukit Lawang, so bring some money. We got around 3.000.000 Indonesian Rupiah (205 €; $220; £145) for the both of us inlcuding:
-accommodation for 4 nights
-food and some beers
-the bus going back to Medan
-two day Orangutan tour
How to do a orang-utan Trek in Bukit Lawang?
There are several ways to do a Orang-utan trek: 1 day tour, 2 day tour or 3 day tour. We did a 2 day tour and we can really recommend this. We wouldn't do a shorter one, as you won't see that much. Doing this tour you will see thomas leaf monkeys, gibbons and orang-utans (we saw four grown-ups and three babies). A two day tour costs 60 € ($65; £42,50) and includes food and the camp. But keep in mind, it will be a lot hiking (uphill and very very hot), so it is exhausting. Anyways, it was one the best experiences we made during our travel, so do it! Bring some mosquito protection for the way and water. There were nomosquitos at the camp. For an extra 10 € you can raft out of the jungle, back to Bukit Lawang. It's worth it and you don't really want to hike back.
How to leave Bukit Lawang?
There are two ways to leave Bukit Lawang, you can book a bus in your guesthouse, maybe going to Lake Toba. Our you take a becak back to the bus terminal, where you can get a public bus to Binjai (25.000 Indonesian Ruphia). Here you can take an ALS bus back to Medan.
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River trip into the Acacia Plantationsat Bukit Batu, near Pekanbaru, Sumatra, Indonesia
A boat trip into acacia plantations with ecologists working for Sinar Mas Forestry / Asia Pulp & Paper. The company is trying to map species in the reserve and preserve the forest area as part of its forest conservation policy.
Bukit Lawang Trekking
100% Free Accommodation 1 Night - Getaway DEAL Orangutan Trekking -Min 3 Paxs.
We're offering limited-time promotions of amazing tours to the most unique destinations in Indonesia.
Package Orangutan Trekking, with the best rates available.
Fee one night Accommodation if are you booking activities Orangutan Trekking with us...
The Heritage Bukit Lawang Deluxe Room B
The Heritage Resort and Restaurant Bukit Lawang ????
Available Deluxe Rooms B dengan standard fasilitas terbarunya yaitu
-Tv Flat 32,
-water heater
-Gelas Teh dan coffee
Dapat kan sensasi menginap di dalam hutan belantara
Book now
Aggressive Mina nearby Bukit Lawang
Indonesia - Sumatra - Bukit Lawang - OrangUtan (aggressive Mina)
Sumatra Jungle Tours
Booking and Trekking Tour Bukit Lawang ...
Sumatran Orangutans Center - Bohorok, Bukit Lawang.
visit : sumatrajungletours.com
(DON'T MISS!) Guide to the Jungle | Northern Sumatra
Hello Guys. Hope you enjoy this one! It's my first guide/vlog that I'm posting.
If you have ever considered going to the jungle to trek with beautiful wild Orangutans, this is the video for you!
I outline what you need to know and my recommendations for booking the trip based on my experience.
Location : Northern Sumatra, Bukit Lawang
First step - Book directly with Junia Guest House.
I booked my trip via a third party tour organiser and ended up at the Junia Guest House to start the trek (along with guides from Junia Guest House). You can totally skip the middle man and book directly with them.
I stayed in the Hornbill Room - more expensive but you get your own rooftop jungle hideaway complete with hammock to enjoy your coffee in the morning, pre trek. Watch out for the monkeys over head! You can nearly touch the trees at the edge of the jungle.
Eamon & C-Lo - our guides, were amazing! C-Lo has an incredible knowledge of the plants and animals in the jungle. If you are curious he can answer any questions while you trek. Eamon will make sure you have everything you need, food, water, help with bags etc to make your trek as easy as possible, a really great guy.
Email Junia guest house and enquire about dates, accommodation & transport to and from the airport. You can take the bus to save costs (I didn't do this). It is a 3-4 hour drive from the airport by car. The price for transport is negotiable so make sure to ask. I was told it is 50 euro each way.. I asked another company and they charged 35 euro each way.
If you are travelling solo, let them know and you will be put together with others (min 3 people)
The trek is 5-6 hours long with plenty of stops and breaks to take in the jungle and of course spot Orangutans.
Upon reaching the campsite you will drop your bags, take a swim in the river to freshen up while your guides cook dinner and make you hot drinks.
Don't miss the fireflys and stars above your head when the sun goes down!
Bring with you
- A Towel
- Swimming outfit
- Toilet rolls
- Water
- Mosquito Spray
- Toiletries
—Currently Hannahs Guide—
—Junia Guest House—
Email - info@JuniaGuestHouse-bukitlawang.com
Epidemic Sound
iPhone 7+
iPhone X
Zhiyun Smooth Q
GoProHero 5
Canon 700D
Sigma 18-35mm
DJI Mavic Pro
Can I wear trainers?
Yes. No need for hiking boots but it would make it more comfortable.
Where do I leave my belongings?
You can store everything in the guest house. They will lock it away for you.
Am I guaranteed to see Orangutans?
You would have to be EXTREMELY unlucky not to.
Is it safe going into the jungle?
With your guide you have nothing to worry about. Their knowledge is unparalleled.
How much will it cost?
I went for convenience and it cost a little more - around 150 Euro (230 AUD, 170 USD, 130 GBP). This included transport to and from the airport (3-4 hours each way). 2 days & 1 night in the jungle. Lunch, dinner & drinks in the jungle. River rafting and waterfall on day 2. First nights accommodation (night before trek)
You could always get the bus and or negotiate your car price.
Feel free to ask any more questions in the comments section :)
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Orangutan encounter during a Jungle Trek in Bukit Lawang, Indonesia
Jungle Trek
Orangutan Sumatra Bukit Lawang
Bukit lawang jungle trekking
booking trekking, Sumatran orangutans, Elephants tour, Bukit lawang, Tangkahan, National park.
Via : sumatrajungletours.com
Orangatun mother with baby in Bukit Lawang
Orangatun mother with baby in Bukit Lawang, Sumatra, Indonesia