Exploring Korea: Bullodong Tombs | Daegu, South Korea
Hello to all my Journals, Planners, and travelers (JPTs),
I had a bit of energy after work working my online job today and decided to do some exploring here in Daegu. In this video I checked out the Bullo-dong Ancient Tomb Park. (대구 불로동 고분군) .
It is said that there are about 100+ tombs located in this park, and they belong to those who controlled theat area of Korea area back in ancient times.
If anyone is interested, the address is 335, Bullo-dong, Dong-gu, Daegu. To get there, I took bus 101 (there are a few others that may go there as well.
Official Bullodong website:
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4k 불로 고분군 - Bullo-dong, Ancient tomb. Daegu, Korea
2018.10.31 Wednesday morning walk
The first part of the video is a little noisy because it's next to the highway.
I'd like to meet you on the road.
Adventure through Bullodong Ancient Tomb Park in Daegu, Korea.
5 *Different* Things To Do in Daegu, South Korea
Honourable mention goes to this amazing dinosaur track site, which i couldn't include in the video because I've already made a video solely about it! -
I had such a day making this video, I felt so bad for Kevin (my dog) because this was the longest day of filming I have EVER had! None of these places are particularly close (except the Samsung Memorial and the Korean Cultural Center) so it meant hours of travelling - which is fine because I knew that would happen EXCEPT before the last place I went to, which in real life was The Arc (디아크), I got on the bus there, except nowhere did it mention that only once every SEVERAL HOURS does it actually go to The Arc. So as the bus went past the turning, I thought to myself, oh it'll turn soon....nope. I continued only for a short while before deciding to turn round, hit the bell, AND I WAS ON THE HIGHWAY WITH NO EXIT.
It took ANOTHER SEVERAL HOURS for a bus to come round, only for the driver to refuse to talk to me when I asked if he was going to The Arc, so I got off. WAITED ANOTHER HOUR for another bus, which never came, I ran (safely as possible) to another bus stop I could see just to get ANY BUS to take me back to civilisation.
I was so stressed at this point and was about to give up, when the bus I needed was coming, so i asked the driver if he was going to the Arc - which he told me that its not a common bus to get there so I should get a taxi.
Well, did the problems stop there? NO!
The taxi refused to pick me up from where I was and couldn't explain to me where he was, just kept saying not there, so I assumed he was refusing to speak to me to avoid taking me. I asked another Korean person to help me, who he also refused to explain himself to.
I was pretty darn angry at this point trying to get to The Arc, when he actually came to pick me up.
Turned out he was THE NICEST GUY EVER and his phone was broken! So we ended up talking the whole way to The Arc, he had never met a foreigner who could speak Korean before, we talked about everything and he CHOSE to wait to take me back after I was done filming! HOW NICE IS THAT?! I'm so grateful to that man for dealing with me at my not-finest and ending my day with such a high! Turns out just about anyone can make a sour day sweet :)
//////Please note Google Maps does not work in Korea, so please copy this address onto Kakao maps, Naver Maps or Daum Maps/////
Bullo-Dong Ancient Site (Not Bullo-Dong Tomb Site) Address
대구 동구 봉무동 1567
Samsung Memorial Address
대구 중구 달성로 100 (인교동)
The Arc Address
대구 달성군 다사읍 강정본길 57 (다사읍 죽곡리)
Korean Cultural Center Address
대구 중구 서성로 6-1 (계산동2가)
Prehistoric Excavation Site Address
대구 달서구 진청동 470-38
Bullo-Dong Ancient Site (Not Bullo-Dong Tomb Site) Directions
1)From Bangwoldang Station take Line 1 (Red) eastbound towards Ansim
2) Disembark from Ayang Station and exit from Exit 2
3) Just behind you is a bus stop, wait here for the 급행1
4) Disembark at Bullo-Dong Ancient Tomb Site - I'm not sure of the exact name of this in English, so in Korean it is 불로동고분군앞 정류장
5) Walk north and cross the road, you will go under a really big bridge just after a carved statue store, it will be on your left before the Textile Museum
Samsung Memorial Directions
1) From Banwoldang, exit from Exit 18 and continue to walk on that road until you see the next subway station Cheongna Hill (청라언덕)
2) Turn right and keep going until you see it on your right.
The Arc Directions
1) Get a Taxi, did you not read my horror story above?
Korean Cultural Center Directions
1) From Bangwoldang Station, exit from Exit 18 and walk forwards until the road begins to bend - you'll actually see a little brown sign pointing you in the right way
2) Turn right down the road you can *kinda* see it at the end of and you're there
Prehistoric Excavation Site Directions
1) From Bangwoldang Station take Line 1 (Red) westbound towards Seolhwa
2) Disembark from Jincheon Station and exit from Exit 2
3) Turn the first left you come to and walk straight through the houses until you see the excavation site in front of you.
Subscribe for more videos:
If you're interested in my Instagram: @koreanollie
Daegu city tour first course- Duryu park
Duryu park address: 154, seong dang dong, dalseo gu, daegu, ROK.
If you are considering a tour of Daegu city, I recommend you visit duryu park.
4k 오후 산책, 불로동 고분군 - Ancient Tombs walk. Daegu, Korea
Map -
Thank you for watching, and subscribe to my channel for more travel videos.
#korea #gopro #4k #고프로 #대구 #landscape #daegu #풍경 #산책 #walk #さんぽ #散步
Tour vs Tour-Daejeon and Daegu
아홉 번째 여행, ‘한국의 광역시 여행′ 대전광역시 vs 대구광역시
Tour vs Tour is a real road program that takes viewers to Korea′s most scenic sites.
Episode 9 is all about metropolitan cities, and we are off to Daejeon and Daegu.
First stop
Benji and his partner Gosia are off to Daejeon. They start at Daecheong Lake, where they play with the water roller, and enjoy a soothing experience at a beautiful arboretum. Meanwhile, Tina and her partner Roman are in Daegu, where they spend time with numerous animals at a ranch, and ride a duck boat at Suseong Resort.
Second stop
Both teams go to representative amusement parks of their respective cities. They ride roller coasters and have fun with drop towers. They also have a special mission. Who will win in each city?
Third stop
Benji and Gosia will be able to try mukbab after their mission. Following their meal, they head to Expo Park. While that′s happening, Tina and Roman visit a luxurious restaurant with a beautiful view. Where do they go after their meal to enjoy the night lights?
대한민국의 아름다운 여행지를 찾아 떠나는 Real Road Program Tour vs Tour
아홉 번째 여행, ‘한국의 광역시 여행′ 대전광역시 vs 대구광역시
First stop
먼저, 대전을 여행한 Benji와 파트너 Gosia
대청호수의 워터롤러 체험과 아름다운 수목원에서 힐링의 시간을 가져보는데...
한편, 대구를 여행한 Tina와 파트너 Roman
목장의 동물들과 함께하는 다양한 체험들, 수성유원지에서의 오리보트 체험을 해본다!
Second stop
대전과 대구를 대표하는 놀이동산을 찾은 양 팀.
롤러코스터도 타고, 자이로드롭도 타면서 즐겁게 시간을 보내는데...
이 때, 양 팀에게 주어진 특별한 미션!
과연 미션에서 승리하는 사람은 과연 누가 될 것인지?
Third stop
미션을 마친 Benji&Gosia에게 주어진 메뉴는 대전의 묵밥!
묵밥을 맛있게 먹은 두 사람이 향한 곳은 바로 엑스포 과학공원이라는데...
한편, 럭셔리한 패밀리 레스토랑을 찾은 Tina&Roman
멋진 전망과 함께하는 식사를 마친 두 사람이 찾은 야경의 명소는 어디일까?
Hello Daegu!!
It was my first trip to Korea early of this year, I've participated for a student exchange programme (ACCE) to Daegu. Been lots of interesting places around Daegu and had lots of fun + activities w/ my other friends from ASEAN and Korea. There's one part of the video where we got to see a live performance of Korean traditional music, it's one of those special moments where they poured their hearts/ emotion throughout the performance.
From my experience, Daegu is such a peaceful feeling environment, I am amazed how the mother nature looks from there. It's different from Seoul but still I love wherever am I in Korea. Sadly, I didn't take a lot of video footage while I was there due to my camera issue otherwise, it would be nice to show more of Daegu's beauty.
*Cr. songs are by Sheila Majid - 'Sinaran', Verbal Jint feat. 10cm - 'Good Morning' and Busker Busker - '소나기 (주르르루)'.
대구 동구 옻골마을#001_달빛 아래 징검다리_13회
대구 동구 옻골마을 제 1편
Glimpse of Korea - Daegu's Seomoon Market
Glimpse of Korea
Seoul is not the only city to travel in Korea! In this program, we can eat, experience, enjoy all the landmarks in Korea.
In the field of travel, fashion, food and etc, all those power bloggers travel all over the country, and introduce precious memories of Korea. Glimpse of Korea will suggest new paradigms of tourism in Korea. Must go places to recent trendy places! Don't miss out the tips that only can watch from Glimpse of Korea.
Daegu's Seomoon Market.
국립대구박물관 대구의 뿌리 달성 특별전 개최
[국제i저널 = 대구 여의봉, 황선현 기자] 국립대구박물관(관장 함순섭)은 국립대구박물관의 개관 20주년을 기념(개관일: 1994.12.7.)하여 2014년 12월 6일(토)부터 2015년 2월 22일(일)까지 ‘대구의 뿌리, 달성達城’ 특별전을 개최한다.
국립대구박물관은 성곽인 대구 달성(사적 제62호)과 달성고분군으로 이뤄진 복합 문화유적 '달성유적'에서 일제강점기에 발굴된 문화유산을 이번에 처음으로 한자리에서 공개한다.
이번 전시는 달성고분군 37호분 1곽에서 출토된 금동관 2점, 55호분에서 출토된 화려한 장식대도(裝飾大刀)를 비롯해 출토품 1천500여 점을 소개한다.
박물관 측은 전시에 대한 이해를 돕기 위해 영상물을 시청할 수 있는 코너를 마련했다. 매주 토요일에는 삼국시대 토기 성형을 체험할 수 있는 체험교육 프로그램도 운영한다.
국립대구박물관 관계자는 달성유적은 대구의 고대 역사를 고스란히 담고 있는 타임캡슐이라며 전시품에는 달성을 중심으로 활동했던 삼국시대 대구 사람들과 그 지배자의 흔적이 모두 담겨 있다고 말했다.
???? 【4K】 가을 인생사진 맛집! 불로동 고분군
※ 영상이 흥미로웠다면, 구독과 좋아요를 눌러주세요.
팔공산 남쪽 기슭에 펼쳐진 올록볼록 솟은 거대한 고분군.
삼국시대 형성된 대규모 고분군.
210여 기의 고분이 밀집되어 있다.
한 바퀴 둘러보는 데 약 1시간~1시간 30분 소요된다. 능선이 완만해 아이들도 쉽게 오른다.
봄, 가을철에는 고분군 사이로 코스모스 등이 피어 한층 아름답고 서정적인 풍경을 선사한다.
능선을 따라 올록볼록 솟은 고분군 뒤로 대구 시가지가 한 눈에 들어온다.
그 곳에서 정말 예쁜 가을 인생사진을 남길 수 있다.
고분 아래 생태 습지가 조성되어 있어 아이들 학습 공간으로 활용도가 높다.
※이어폰이나 헤드폰을 사용하여 들으면서 보시는 걸 추천드립니다.????
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• 장비????
카메라: A7M3 (A7iii)
렌즈: 탐론 28-75
짐벌: 모자 에어크로스
마이크: 오디오테크니카 AT9946CM
편집및색보정: 어도비 프리미어프로CC
#대구 #불로동 #불로동고분군
[대구MBC뉴스] 울릉 여객선 황금시대..노선 경쟁 치열
방송: 2016.04.22 (금) 대구 MBC 뉴스데스크
내용: 울릉 여객선 황금시대..노선 경쟁 치열 - 김기영 기자
[✨수성빛예술제✨] 대구 수성못빛축제 밤산책 즐기기 / 축제Vlog / 대구여행
#씬나Travel #수성빛예술제 #수성못빛축제
제1회 수성빛예술제를 한다는 소식을 듣고 대구 수성못에 갔습니다!! 식사 후 가볍게 걸을 겸 빛축제를 보며 밤산책을 하였습니다.
돌아가는 기차 시간에 맞춰 즐기려다 보니 여유를 가지지 못한 점이 아쉽지만 수성빛예술제의 모습을 소개해 드리겠습니다ㅎ
씬나 Travel 구독하기
대구 불로동 고분군 다녀왔어요???????? | 유튜브를 시작할 때 제일 필요한 것은❓???? | 대구 여행 추천, 대구 핫플, 대구 팔공산, 대구 동구 불로동
안녕하세요♥️ 대구 동구 불로동에 위치한 불로동 고분군에 다녀왔어요. 선선한 가을 날씨 그득히 느끼고 왔습니다???????? 단풍나무도 갈대도 다 너무 예뻤습니다. 셀프웨딩 찍으시는 분들도 있었어요 ! 더 추워지기 전에 대구 불로동 고분군 다녀오세요????
Insta ID : @DOONDOON__
#대구불로동고분군 #대구여행지 #vlog
Track : A Peaceful Afternoon
Music by 브금대통령
Music provided by 브금대통령
Watch :
한국여론방송_지자체 매거진 2 (18회) - 대구광역시
지역의 소식을 다채롭게 전하는 지자체 매거진
대한민국 안에서도 가장 덥다는 대구 !
핫플레이스가 많아서 대구라고 하는데 ~
컬러풀 대구에서 배우 송중기와 함께 떠나는
대구 데이트부터 역사가 숨쉬는 테마 골목까지
대구의 매력에 빠져 보세요 ^^