Albania: Bunk'Art 1 @ Tirana
In den kommenden 52 Wochen werde ich euch 52 außergewöhnliche und zeitgeschichtlich interessante Bunker quer durch die Welt vorstellen. Wir beginnen in der ersten Kalenderwoche mit dem Buchstaben A. A wie Albanien. Das einstige »Objekt 0774« in der Hauptstadt des Landes ist einer der mindestens 170.000 gebauten Bunker des einst abgeschotteten Landes. Ehemals Führungspunkt Enver Hoxhas und seiner Partei wird das unterirdische Bauwerk seit einiger Zeit als Museum, Kunst- und Kulturort BUNK'ART bespielt. Ein Besuch Tiranas ist mehr als zu empfehlen. Wer Interesse an einer Reise in das Land hat, kann sich gern im Herbst 2018 bzw. Frühjahr 2019 an einer Exkursion anschließen.
Albania Bunk Art
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Albania has the most bunks in the world, turn communist time bunks into today's art, bunk exhibition must see. take this and cable car as one trip. Visit Albania, walk in Albania, Taste Albania, Albania life today. Travel with Daniel.
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Bunkart 1 - Në Shtëpinë Tonë, 18 Janar 2019, Pjesa 4
Bunkart1 është një ndër destinacionet më të vizituara në Tiranë. Ky muze është ngritur brenda bunkerit atomik të diktatorit Enver Hoxha, i cili ndodhet në zonën e “Freskut”.
Emisioni “Në Shtëpinë Tonë” sot do ju sjellë një pasqyrë se çfarë mund të shihni në këtë muze
Bunk'Art in Tirana
On September 19, a few members of my team decided to spend our adventure day exploring Bunk'Art. We initially thought that it would be an art exhibit of spray painted bunkers. However, it ended up being a bunker turned into a museum. Come find out a little bit about Albania with us by watching the video above.
Tirana Albania ???????? BunkArt 1 - Part 1
BunkArt 1
After the inaguration, in June 1978 by the dictator Enver Hoxha, opened to the public the anti-nuclear bunker built by the communist government. A 5 floor palace underground, with 106 rooms and an assembly hall, now turned into an historical and art center called BUNK'ART. The passageways, the areas provided for the meetings of the General Staff of the Army in case of war, the rooms where was thought would sleep the communist exdictator Enver Hoxha and the former Prime Minister Mehmet Shehu in case of a nuclear attack, the gigantic hall dedicated to the meetings of the political Bureau which contains also an albanian tipical Buffe are transformed into a video museum exhibition and into art. Starting from April 2016, BUNK'ART is now made permanent, turning into a unique attraction site for tourists in the region, showing the Albanian life during the 45 years of communism.
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#BunkArt #Tirana #Albania
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Report TV - Speciale/Inaugurohet Bunk'Art 2 në Tiranë
TIRANE-“Muzeun kushtuar viktimave të terrorit komunist ia kemi boxh historisë, kush e shau, të qep gojën e ta vizitojë”.
Kështu u shpreh sot kryeministri Edi Rama gjatë inaugurimit të “Bunk’art 2”.
Në inaugurim ishin të pranishëm Kryeministri i Shqipërisë, Edi Rama, Ministrja e Ekonomisë Milva Ekomomi dhe Ministri i Brendshëm, Saimir Tahiri. Vizitorët e parë u bënë dhe pjesëmarrësit nga Diaspora në kuadër të Samitit që po mbahet këto ditë në Tiranë
Ministri Tahiri e ka cilësuar si një investim gjigand që të lë pa frymë. Ministrja Ekonomi ka falenderuar edhe realizuesit e këtij Muzeu, kuratorin Carlo Bollino dhe përgjegjësen e kërkimit historik gazetaren Admirina Peçi.
BunkArt 1, Tirana, Albania
Video innstallation in BunkArt1, Tirana
Tirana Albania ???????? BunkArt 1 - Part 2
BunkArt 1
After the inaguration, in June 1978 by the dictator Enver Hoxha, opened to the public the anti-nuclear bunker built by the communist government. A 5 floor palace underground, with 106 rooms and an assembly hall, now turned into an historical and art center called BUNK'ART. The passageways, the areas provided for the meetings of the General Staff of the Army in case of war, the rooms where was thought would sleep the communist exdictator Enver Hoxha and the former Prime Minister Mehmet Shehu in case of a nuclear attack, the gigantic hall dedicated to the meetings of the political Bureau which contains also an albanian tipical Buffe are transformed into a video museum exhibition and into art. Starting from April 2016, BUNK'ART is now made permanent, turning into a unique attraction site for tourists in the region, showing the Albanian life during the 45 years of communism.
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#BunkArt #Tirana #Albania
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Tirana Albania ???????? BunkArt 1 - Part 3
BunkArt 1
After the inauguration, in June 1978 by the dictator Enver Hoxha, opened to the public the anti-nuclear bunker built by the communist government. A 5 floor palace underground, with 106 rooms and an assembly hall, now turned into an historical and art centre called BUNK'ART. The passageways, the areas provided for the meetings of the General Staff of the Army in case of war, the rooms where was thought would sleep the communist exdictator Enver Hoxha and the former Prime Minister Mehmet Shehu in case of a nuclear attack, the gigantic hall dedicated to the meetings of the political Bureau which contains also an Albanian typical Buffe are transformed into a video museum exhibition and into art. Starting from April 2016, BUNK'ART is now made permanent, turning into a unique attraction site for tourists in the region, showing the Albanian life during the 45 years of communism.
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#BunkArt #Tirana #Albania #BunkArt1
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Në Bunk’art 1 rikthehet Festivali XI, artistët që dënoi diktatori Hoxha rrëfejnë kujtimet e tyre
Në këtë 9 dhjetor të zhurmshëm reflektorët e jetës artistike, u kthyen pas në kohë, për të fokusuar Festivalin më të bujshëm të Këngës shqipe, atë të vitit 1972. Në një djep solid të memories, siç është Bunk’Art përkunden këngët e kënduara 47 vite më parë, kur në një moment u duk se liria ngriti krye. Në këtë mbrëmje të ftohtë dhjetori, artistë të rinj e personalitete të skenës mëkuan sadopak vuajtjet e dënimet e Plenumit të Katërt, duke dhënë një mesazh shprese: “ATA, s’mundën ta vrisnin shpresën, artin, këngën, ngjyrat”.
E kaluara dhe e tashmja qëndrojnë në këtë skenë të improvizuar krah për krah, për të treguar se ajo “liri” e cilësuar si kontrabandë nga udhëheqësi triumfoi. Bujar Kapexhiu rimerr rolin e prezantuesit e në vend të artistes “avangardë” Edi Luarasi qëndron këngëtarja Marsela Çibukaj.
Bunk'Art, Tirane/Albania.
Cfare fshihet brenda Bunkierit ne Tirane?
Cila eshte historia e ketij bunkieri?
Imazhe te filmuara brenda bunkierit.
Na ndiqni ne rrjetet tona sociale:
BunkArt Tirana
One of the rooms
Bunkeri i Enver Hoxhës - BunkArt, Express 26/11/2014
Muzeu BUNK’ART 1, 5 kate nën tokë dhe 106 dhoma - Top Channel Albania - News - Lajme
Bunkart1 është një ndër destinacionet më të vizituara në Tiranë. Ky muze është ngritur brenda bunkerit atomik të diktatorit Enver Hoxha, i cili ndodhet në zonën e “Freskut”.
Exploring a Communist Bunker in Albania / Bunk'Art | Ep. 60 (The Wildering Camper)
After weaving through Albania's capital city, Tirana, we decided to stop looking above ground and start searching below. 5 levels underground to be precise - in Albania's elitist nuclear Bunker, secretly built by the countries old Communist ruler....
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Report Tv - Made in Albania - BUNK ART
Interrogation by Secret Police Sigurimi - Art Installation, BunkArt Albania
This room is in the BunkArt 2 complex in the middle of Tirana. It is an art installation showing the dark art of interrogation by the political police - the Sigurimi.
BunkArt 2 is the second phase of a historical-cultural project focused on telling the story of the communist regime.
The project started in November 2014 with the opening to the public of BunkArt 1, a video museum exhibition situated inside the atomic bunker of the dictator Enver Hoxha, on the outskirts of Tirana and continues with the opening of BunkArt 2, in November 2016 in the centre.
BunkArt 2 reconstructs the history of the Albanian Ministry of Internal Affairs from 1912 to 1991 and reveals the secrets of the Sigurimi, the political police, used to persecute and terrorise political dissidents.
For more information go to
Article 1 - Tirana
Art. 1 is a touring exhibition from some of Sweden's more prominent museums, with accounts and reflections of the history and contemporary life of LGBT persons. The participating museums are The Swedish Police Museum, The Royal Armoury, The Nobel Museum, The National Museum of Science and Technology, The National Sports Museum, and The Swedish History Museum. These contributions are complemented with works from the Albanian exhibition Hide and Seek and objects and stories of the Albanian LGBT
Taking the first article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as its point of departure, Art. 1 wants to take a small step in the long struggle to secure equal rights for all mankind.
This video has been created as part of the SHARECULTURE citizen journalism project to document and spread European culture online.