Sleeping in a real igloo
The Iglootel in Arjeplog
The Iglootel in Arjeplog
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This small place called Arjeplog lies in the heart of Lapland, about 50 kilometres south of the Polar Circle. You can come here and stay in an Iglohootel!
Daniel Knap, one of the people who built it, is sitting right next to me. Daniel, what gave you the idea to build such an Igloohotel?
“It fits into the landscape. We habe a lot of snow, cold and white up here so it’s the ideal place for the Iglohootel. It’s the perfect completion of the other attractions we have here.”
“Is it really only made of snow?”
“Yes, the whole construction consists of nothing but snow except for the doors and the wooden floors inside.”
“That’s crazy! How long will the whole thing last?”
“We hope until mid-April, depending on the temperatures. But that should definitely work out.”
“Well, I’m going to spend the night here. I am excited to find out if it gets cold …”
“It won’t be cold. You won’t freeze. You’ll get a really great sleeping bag and we have interior temperatures of up to plus 2° C. That shouldn’t be a problem.”
“So have a wonderful night here!”
An overnight stay in an igloo raises some questions for em:
Is there a toilet in there? What about doors? Will it be cold? What should I wear?
After a short tour one thing becomes clear: it is cold in here, but it’s also incredibly cosy!
There are little sleeping igloos. They have a wooden platform with mattresses, reindeer hides and polar sleeping bags.
And I found a toilet too!
To ensure a perfect evening, you should heed the following Iglootel survival tips:
Don’t forget to warm yourself from the inside.
You have to dress warmly. But that’s not enough. You need ‘inner warmth’, too!
Besides coffee and tea in the snug community igloo this also means to have some alcohol. Therefore, just check the bar at the Iglootel!
After a hearty draught of Champagne beer I make a short stop at the grill station where they serve a special treat: reindeer kebab!
Dancing enhances the warming effect and increases the fun.
But after a few hours the cold starts creeping back into your clothing. Then it’s time to take the next step:
Venture into the outdoors. Here you’ll find the obligatory sauna along with hot tubs– which are heated whirlpools. And if you’re lucky you’ll even see the Northern lights! Unfortunately I wasn‘t this time.
The right sleepwear
Every guest gets a polar sleeping bag with a thermal fleece inlet. To ensure optimal sleeping comfort, the Iglootel staff recommends muffling yourself up in your sleeping bag unclothed or in thermal underwear. That’s because polar sleeping bags utilize body warmth.
How it was?
It wasn’t cold at all, like I expected it to be. You can really breathe deeply. The air is fantastic. I must say, I really slept well.
Those who can’t endure the cold for long can return to the cosy Hotel Kraja any time. The tiny Swedish village is the best base station for a divine winter holiday.
Film Fisk 4
Sandviken utmed Silvervägen mellan norska gränsen och Arjeplog,
vi övernattade där. På väg mot Arjeplog stötte vi på renar. Vi besöker silvermuseet i Arjeplog. På väg mot Arvidsjaur fler renar
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I Jukkasjärvi midsommarfirande. Notdragning, sikrökning – ätning. Utflykt till gruvan Lassavaara-Kirunavaara
Abisko – älgar en bit in på Kungsleden. Rastplats på vägen till Stora Sjöfallet. Stora Sjöfallets nationalpark - 14.21
E-evik juli, Daniel 9 månader, första badet i havet, 14.22 - 17.49 E-evik, Varbergs fäste 17.50 - 21.10
Skansen i juli, morfar skojar med Daniel. L-L och Gunilla barnvakter 21.11 - 24.35
Farfars 70 årsdag 11 augusti i E-evik – Majs hus – Eivor, Per, Herbert och Naima Middag i Kärra, Bernt, Barbro, Kristina och Anna-Karin 24.36 - 27.32
Tjolöholm, Gunilla, Anette, Ewa och Bosse 27.23 - 28.03
Farfars 70 årsdag tidig morgon, Syskonen 28.04 - 31.27
Ewa och Daniel 1 årsdagen Skansen 31.28 - 34.52
Pepparkaksbak 18/12, Daniel jul tomte 34.53 - 38.16
Påsk Skansen med Bibbis 38.17 - 41.38
Lekskolan 72-78
1972 Vårterminen em-grupp Monika Olausson praktik 41.39 - 45.05
Em-gruppen. Fm-gruppen avslutning Gunilla 45.06 - 48.34
1972-73 Martin Brink, Anette Höglund lagar mat. Krister Björklund, Håkan Englund m.fl i byggrummet, vid Vattentornet 48.35 - 52.03
1972-73 2:a gruppen Henrik Forsell m.fl. 52.04 - 55.28
1974 Ramnaparken 2 april
Gungbrädan: Evangelos, Henrik, Catharina, Carina, Ann, Martin Forsell. Tommy ser på. Björn och Johan gungar.
Fåglarna: Alla matar i början av staketet, Lena, Tommy, Ann, Catharina, Björn..
Rutchkanan: Ann, Lena, Henrik, Johan, Tommy, Claes, Björn, Evangelos, Ann, Lena, Mari, Elsi.
Lekskolan 4 april: Björn, Henrik, Tommy bygger. Mari och Johan skoluppgift. Evangelos snickrar 55.28 - 58.55
Våren-74, 2:a gruppen, Ramnaparken 1 april
Fåglarna: Ulrik, Tomas, Pernilla, Peter.
Rutchkanan: Urban, Ulrik, Hans, Tomas, Eva Britta Camén, Jonas, Andreas, Urban, Peter.
Lekskolan 3 april, Urban pusslar, Yvonne, Eva och Marie påskkärring. Jonas, Ulrik, Eva Britta, Helene Nittborn målarbänken. Hans o Andreas snickrar. Bengt, Eva Britta, Helene spelar 58.56 - 1.02.20
1975 våren Grupp 1 Ramnasjön, Brandstation. Pia Torstensson, Susanne Olsson... 1.02.21 - 1.05.28
1975 våren Grupp 2, Ramnaparken, lekskolan. Åsa Gustavsson, Anna Hederen, Per M., Tomas T. Kinnarumma B. 1.05.29 - 1.08.55
1976 19 februari. 7 och 9 april påskägg. Louise, Ann, Kristoffer, Pelle, Torbjörn m. fl. 1.08.56 - 1.12.22
1976 våren. Besök på Kilens gård. Hos Mary Lindgren. Lärark: Eva och Ingela. 1.12.23 - 1.15.48
1978 våren. Jan Friberg, Tommy, Frank m. fl. På lekskolan. Hos Mary Lindgren. Eva Holm Lärarkandidat,, Lisbeth Olausson Beredskaps arbetare. Praktikant Maja från 8:an. 1.15.49 - 1.18.44