Golden Butterfly Gala 2017 (7)
17 June 2017, PalaDesio
Sofia Lodi Zanica 27.10.12
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Kite Making | Ghost Kite How to Tie & Fly | Patang making | 2019
Ghost Kite Making | How to Make a Simple Kite at Home | Patang making for sankranti Festival.
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Credit: Kavita Mohi
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Khaossia, Magellano, La Partenza (studio 2019)
Registrazione in studio de La Partenza dall'opera Magellano 2019
Luca Congedo, flute
Fabio Turchetti, bandoneon
Vincenzo Urso, bouzouki
Silvia Innocenzi, vibraphone
(Registrazione in Studio a Roma 2019)
Ientu ca spira te la terra ammera
allu mare erde e blu
Acqua ca stae a tutte le parti e se ndae…
Uardu ammera all’0rizzonte ca se ncurva a picca a picca tenanti a nui
Sentu tantu vuotu tantu vuotu intra a mie
Ete beddhra la farfalla e ieu nu picca comu a iddhra
Aggiu cangiatu cu rriu volandu finu a quai
Ientu ca spira te la terra ammera
allu mare erde e blu
Acqua ca stae a tutte le parti e se ndae…
Nu sacciu se nuaru giurnu tornu a quai
Ma sacciu ca tocca mme ndau
Acqua te quai … acqua te ddhrai
The wind that blows from the land to the green blue sea
Water that flows all around and away...
I look at the horizon, curving slowly before our eyes
I feel so much space, so much space inside of me
A beautiful butterfly – I am a bit like it –
I have changed to fly to where I am
The wind that blows from the land to the green blue sea
Water that flows all around and away...
I don’t know if I’ll come back one day
But I know I have to leave
Ispirandosi liberamente all’opera Relazione del primo viaggio intorno al mondo del vicentino Antonio Pigafetta, Magellano raccoglie le musiche dell’omonimo spettacolo teatrale basato sul tentativo di circumnavigazione di Ferdinando Magellano. I brani ripercorrono la cronaca del suo viaggio, rievocando non solo lo stupore per la scoperta di luoghi e di popoli sconosciuti, ma anche l’affaticamento per gli imprevisti e la delusione per i tradimenti e le congiure. Rivivono, quindi, i momenti emotivi dettati dall’inquietudine, eterna compagna del navigatore portoghese, tanto affascinante quanto rovinosa, indagata attraverso i contributi letterari di Gadda, Pasolini e Pessoa. I brani musicali completamente originali indagano quell’inquietudine che ha in pugno l’animo di Magellano e ne scardina le sue certezze da europeo del Cinquecento svelando le sue debolezze: la paura di amare, il terrore della solitudine, la smania incontrollabile di conoscenza e gli intollerabili dubbi sulla fede in Dio. Le musiche di Magellano hanno le classiche caratteristiche poliritmiche e plurilinguistiche di un’improbabile ciurma di varie origini, Salento incluso, terra natia dei Khaossia.
Freely inspired by Antonio Pigafetta’s “A recount of the first journey around the world”, Magellano collates the soundtrack of the homonymous play, which tells the story of Ferdinando Magellano’s attempt to circumnavigate the Earth. The musical pieces follow the explorer’s journey, evoking the wonder at the discovery of new lands and people, the strain caused by unforeseen events, and the disappointment triggered by betrayals and conspiracies. They evoke the emotional moments brought about by restlessness - faithful companion of the Portuguese explorer – fascinating and disastrous at the same time, which is explored through the literary contributions of Gadda, Pasolini and Pessoa. The original music investigate the restlessness that has a hold on Magellano’s soul, shakes his certainties as a European of the 16th century, and unveils his weaknesses: his fear of loving, his dread of loneliness, the uncontrollable desire for knowledge, and the intolerable doubts in his faith in God.The music displays the original polyrhythmic and plurilingual characteristics of a motley crew such as Khaossia, whose land of origin is Salento.
Flameworking a Seahorse at my studio Dockyard Glassworks in Bermuda
This is my new seahorse design for 2012, flameworked at the studio in Bermuda.
A World Between us_Cap.2_Concerto in famiglia (part 3)
-hey fratellino...bel concerto stasera vero?? ritardo ha fatto bene...spero non ve la siate presa...- disse Joe buttandosi sul divanetto marrone del mio camerino.
-perché dovrei prendermela con te...non è colpa tua...- dissi io un po' confuso dalle sue parole. Già era difficile capirlo figuriamoci quando parlava di cose di cui non ero a conoscenza. Joe guardò furtivamente Kevin che cercava furtivamente di segnalargli di tenere la bocca chiusa. Io capii subito che c'era qualcosa di cui non ero stato messo al corrente. --non è colpa tua vero Joe??- dissi con la rabbia di chi si sente preso in giro e solo ora si accorge di esserci cascato come un pollo. è colpa mia...-cercava di scivolare piano fuori dalla porta seguito da Kevin. Li anticipai chiudendoli a chiave con me nel camerino. Non li avrei fatti uscire fin quando non mi avessero detto tutta la verità.
-allora...voglio la verità...o rimarrete tutta la nottata qui dentro.- quando volevo una cosa non c'erano santi a trattenermi.
-è tutta colpa di Joe!!!!- confessò Kevin tirando fuori un sospiro di sollievo dopo aver lanciato quella bomba a mano che aveva fatto tanta fatica a trattenere. Joe lo guardò malissimo.-sono libero???- mi chiese.
-non ancora...voglio prima sapere tutto nei minimi dettagli e poi sarete Joe sto aspettando di sentire la tua versione...perché il concerto è stato rimandato???-
-tutto è iniziato questo pomeriggio.- Joe iniziò a raccontare- il sole splendeva alto nel cielo, gli uccellini cinguettavano e c'era un leggero soffio di vento che muoveva le foglie dell'albero.- Kevin si addormentò subito sul divano.
- Joe so com'era il tempo stamattina...vai al sodo...- mi faceva arrabbiare tantissimo quel suo atteggiamento dispersivo.
-stavo dicendo...questa mattina c'era un tempo perfetto come tu hai ben notato ed io ho pensato che fosse la giornata perfetta per dedicarmi alla mia più grande passione...l'alpinismo...iniziai a praticarlo circa all'età di tre anni e vinsi subito la medaglia di apprendista alpinista dell'anno...-
-ti stai di nuovo perdendo in chiacchiere- non avrei trattenuto il sonno per molto. Quel discorso era noioso ed io ero stanco morto.
-sì...così ho preso il jet e sono andato in montagna...naturalmente prima di partire ho fatto una chiamata a Chelsea e le ho chiesto se le andava di accompagnarmi...sai che non mi piace viaggiare da solo...così l'ho chiamata e lei ha risposto. Io ho detto : ciao come stai???..e lei ha risposto:bene tu???...anche io sto bene ,le dissi,...- volevo piangere non lo sopportavo più , era mezz'ora che parlava a vuoto.
- Joe mi vuoi dire perché cazzo hai fatto rimandare il concerto???- gli urlai in faccia esasperato. Il mio urlo svegliò Kevin che cade a terra e batte la testa. Fui così convincente che Joe si decise a dirmi la verità.
-avevo un appuntamento con una ragazza !!!!- disse timoroso della mai reazione.
-e tu hai fatto rimandare il concerto per un appuntamento con una ragazza???- ora sì che ero furioso.
-non volevo...è stato il jet che ha fatto ritardo...- mentre avanzavo verso di lui scivolava contro la orta impaurito.
-sei un incosciente!!!!! Questo è il nostro lavoro lo vuoi capire...quelle persone pagano molti soldi per vederci e tu non puoi mandare all'aria il nostro lavoro solo per una ragazza di cui non ricordi neanche più il nome...- la partaccia era finita. Mi allontanai infuriato.
-andiamo Nick non prenderla così...non lo ha fatto apposta...-cercò di scusarlo Kevin.
-tu non dovresti parlare proprio...per coprirlo ti sei inventato questa stupida storia delle luci...bel fratello che sei...-aprii la porta.-ora fuori dal mio camerino!!!!- gli indicai l'uscita e loro se ne andarono con la coda tra le gambe. Il punto del mio discorso non era il concerto rimandato.
Ray Ban Sunglasses THE BEST!
The vintage RayBan sunglasses in this video were produced in the late 1970s and early to mid 1980s. Some of the best Ray Bans ever made were made during this timeframe.
The history of the Ray-Ban Aviator dates back to the 1920s, when new airplanes allowed people to fly higher and farther. Many US Army Air Service pilots were reporting that the glare from the sun was giving them headaches and altitude sickness. In 1929, when US Army Air Corps Lieutenant General John MacCready asked Rochester New York-based medical equipment manufacturer Bausch & Lomb to create army pilot sunglasses that would stop his men suffering headaches and nausea caused by the intense blue and white hues of the sky, a new kind of glasses was introduced. The prototype, created in 1936 and known as 'Anti-Glare', had plastic frames and green lenses that could cut out the glare without obscuring vision. The sunglasses were remodeled with a metal frame the following year and rebranded as the 'Ray-Ban Aviator'. On May 7, 1937, Bausch & Lomb took out the patent, and the Aviator was born.
In 1939, Ray-Ban launched a new version of the aviator called the Outdoorsman. It was designed for specific groups such as hunting, shooting and fishing enthusiasts, and featured a top bar called a sweat bar that was designed to catch sweat from falling into the eyes. They also featured temple end pieces to distinguish it from the standard aviator. A few years later, in the 1940s, Gradient lenses were introduced. These were mirrored lenses which featured a special coating on the upper part of the lens for enhanced protection, but an uncoated lower lens for a clear view of the plane's instrument panel.
In 1952, Ray-Ban created another classic style, the Ray-Ban Wayfarer, this time with plastic frames. They soon became popular in Hollywood, and can be seen on James Dean in 1955's Rebel Without a Cause. The now-standard G-15 green and gray lenses were introduced a year after the Wayfarer, in 1953. For more see
video by
Sardinia 2015
I don't own any rights to this song
Please enjoy! :) YOLO
Short vid from trip around the Sardinia.
Krátký sestřih z cesty po Sardinii.
In The Wild - Snow Edit - Winter Camp
Fast & Furious 8
Vin Diesel, Dwayne Johnson and Jason Statham return for the eighth installment of Universal’s globally popular Fast & Furious saga. Following the record-breaking success of Furious 7, the high-octane franchise is revving up for its biggest adventure yet. Oscar®-winners Charlize Theron and Helen Mirren join the cast alongside returning favorites Michelle Rodriguez, Tyrese Gibson, Kurt Russell and Chris Bridges. The Fate of the Furious is directed by F. Gary Gray (Straight Outta Compton, The Italian Job) from a script by Chris Morgan (Furious 7, Wanted). - ( Original Title - Fast & Furious 8 )
Pole Spiral
Erika Ferrari
Spettacolo proposto dal 2007.
con Marta Belloni, Alessandro Salvatori, Cristina Fraternale, Lynn Jamieson, Corrado Pitzalis, Liana Severgnini, Federica Bastici, Danilo Monardi.
Riduzione, ideazione e realizzazione di Cristina Fraternale e Alessandro Salvatori
Per Agnese
My niece was born while I was doing my Erasmus in Berlin, Germany. Waiting for the day of my flight back to Italy, I thought I could say a few words in a video, with the help of some of the awesome friends I made there.
A female CIA agent who has been convinced that she can't do field work by her boyfriend does exactly that after her boyfriend is supposedly killed by the daughter of an enemy agent with a nuclear bomb for sale. Luckily, it turns out that she's a far better agent than her intimidated boyfriend, who it turns out isn't really dead, led her to believe.
DO THE MIRANDA! - Original song by Miranda Sings
Check out my new song Do The Miranda!, do u lick it???
and don't 4get to check out #UEMEGABOOM.
click here for more info on UE MEGABOOM -
thanks to UE MEGABOOM for sponsoring the video
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(Go here for all concert ticket info)
What I learned from going blind in space | Chris Hadfield
There's an astronaut saying: In space, there is no problem so bad that you can't make it worse. So how do you deal with the complexity, the sheer pressure, of dealing with dangerous and scary situations? Retired colonel Chris Hadfield paints a vivid portrait of how to be prepared for the worst in space (and life) -- and it starts with walking into a spider's web. Watch for a special space-y performance.
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Silent Night Official Trailer #1 (2012) - Santa Claus Horror Movie HD
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Silent Night Official Trailer #1 (2012) - Santa Claus Horror Movie HD
You better watch out! Santa Claus is coming to town, and he knows who's been bad. On November 30th, Anchor Bay Films presents SILENT NIGHT on screen in ten major U.S. metropolitan areas. Blu-ray™/DVD combo and DVD will be available to unwrap nationwide on December 4th.
A loose remake of the horror classic SILENT NIGHT, DEADLY NIGHT, the film's stellar cast includes Malcolm McDowell (Rob Zombie's Halloween, Easy A), Jaime King (Sin City, My Bloody Valentine 3D), Donal Logue (Shark Night 3D, Blade), Lisa Marie (Sleepy Hollow), Brendan Fehr (Final Destination, X-Men First Class), and Ellen Wong (Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World).
McDowell and King star as a small-town sheriff and deputy on the hunt for a murderous Santa Claus terrorizing their community on Christmas Eve. But with the streets full of Santas for the annual Christmas parade, the killer is hiding in plain sight. He's made his list, checked it twice, and the naughty are going to pay with their lives.
SILENT NIGHT was directed by Steven C. Miller (Automaton Transfusion, The Aggression Scale) and produced by The Genre Company and Insidious Pictures.
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Official Twitter: @SilentNightSCM
Fireworks Finale up Close
Ground zero of a fireworks finale. Always cool to look at.
Robots, springs and stained glass
This year's installation of Fresh Art at the Summit Artspace features a range of unique mediums, from paper sculptures to welded steel and fabric. Fresh & Springy, which runs through April 14, carries a spring theme and at an artists' reception March 9, a number of winners were announced: first place ($500) was awarded to Joseph Walton of Ravenna for Reductive Painting, 1x1 Series; the $300 second place prize was given to Kristi Wall of west Akron for her paper installation titled Some Strange Specimen; and third place ($200) was given to to Carol Klingel of Lodi for her mixed media piece titled Awake, Thou Wintery Earth! Honorable mentions were awarded to Connie Bloom, Robert Carpenter, Carol Paquay, Bob Peck and Michelle Surrena. Summit Artspace is located at 140 E. Market St.
90 Minutes In Heaven
Pastor Don Piper died January 18, 1989 when a semi-tractor truck crushed his car. Declared dead by the first rescue workers to arrive on the scene, Don's body lay under a tarp for the next 90 minutes. Don's soul, meanwhile, was experiencing love, joy, and life like he'd never known before. Don was in Heaven. When another pastor's prayers helped bring Don back to life, he became a living miracle! Yet this is one miracle Don wished never happened. Heaven's bliss was replaced by excruciating pain and emotional turmoil. With the support and prayers of his beloved Eva, their three kids, and friends near and far, Don clings to his faith in God and fights to regain a semblance of his previous life. The Piper family's incredible true story of perseverance and overcoming the challenges of life--and death--will bring hope and encouragement to all who see it. Starring Hayden Christensen and Kate Bosworth, 90 Minutes In Heaven is based on the inspiring New York Times best-selling book that has sold 7 million copies.