Bylong, Australia, A small bush town.
A magnificent place to stay and enjoy it's remoteness.
Bylong is a village in New South Wales, Australia, in the Mid-Western Regional Council. It is located on the Bylong Valley Way. The area is home to numerous horse studs. The champion racehorse horse and sire Heroic was born in the area. Bylong hosts an annual Mouse racing event.
It's a big town, population 23. One shop several farms and that's about it.
The pie at the best shop in town, the only shop, are very tasteful.
Gotta love these little gems.
Bylong Valley Way
Bylong Valley Way New South Wales
Bylong Valley Way twisties
This video shows some of the nice bends encountered on the 2 mountain crossing along the Bylong Valley Way. The roads are all recently tarred and you rarely see any cars (or cops), but it's a long way from anywhere, so take it safe.
NOTE: I'm on a dual-sport bike, so there is no racing here.
Exported to YouTube in 1280x720 (the highest def YouTube allows).
Winding up Bylong Valley Way NSW
Winding up Bylong Valley Way NSW
Bylong Valley Way Jan 2014
Bylong Valley Way NSW, motorcycle road trip.
Near miss on the Bylong Valley Way NSW Australia
On comming car overtakes on bend and on double unbroken lines. Were are the police when you need them?
180128 Bylong Valley Way
Jan 2018, Lue Road and Bylong Valley Way, leaving Mudgee
Hitting Bylong Valley No 2
This is video number 2 of the Bylong Valley way hill climb practice. This time with a clear screen so the viewer (you guys) have more of a visual smorgasbord.
Elektronomia - Sky High [NCS Release]
Uplink & Jason Gewalt - Euphoria [NCS Release]
Bylong Valley Way - NSW Australia - Capt Howdy BMW K1200R
Bylong Valley Way - NSW Australia - Capt Howdy BMW K1200R
This is on the way to the iBMW Australian Rally 2015.
Indian Motorcycles on Bylong Valley Way (NSW) Australia
552 Bylong Valley Way, Ilford
Bylong Valley Way Cliff Flying
Cliff Flying Bylong Valley Way
이제 우리는 우리가 바이롱 계곡은 (Bylong Valley) 를 구할 수 있도록 한국을 요청합니다. (A Better Vision For Bylong)
아름다운 바이롱 계곡은 (Bylong Valley)
Beautiful Bylong Valley
호주의 자연을 되살릴 비밀을 지니고 있으며
Holds the secret to restoring Australia.
타윈 파크 (Tarwyn Park) 는 이를 여는 열쇠입니다.
And Tarwyn Park is the key.
하지만 아름다운 바이롱 계곡은 (Bylong Valley) 큰 위기에 처해있습니다.
But the beautiful Bylong Valley is in great danger.
한국전력공사가(Kepco) 바이롱 계곡을 탄광으로 개발하려고 합니다.
KEPCO wants to develop the Bylong Valley as a coal mine.
바이롱 계곡의 더 나은 미래를 상상해보세요.
Imagine a better future for Bylong Valley.
타윈 파크는 (Tarwyn Park) 복원 농업 (Restorative Agriculture) 의 중심지입니다.
Tarwyn Park as a center for Restorative Agriculture.
전세계의 학생, 연구자, 전문가들이 이곳을 방문하며,
Students, researchers and practitioners visiting from around the world.
지역사회(Mudgee)와 그 너머까지 아우르는 수 천개의 일자리와 수출의 기회가 이곳에서 만들어집니다.
Thousands of jobs and export opportunities covering Mudgee and beyond!
또한 피터 앤드류의 OAM (Peter Andrews OAM) 은 이곳 타윈 파크 (Tarwyn Park)
에서 자연복원농법(Natural Sequence Farming) 을 개발했습니다.
Here, Peter Andrew's OAM developed Natural Sequence Farming at Tarwyn Park.
피터는 호주의 풍경에 생물 다양성을 복원하고 농장 생산성을
회복에 필요한 청사진을 가지고 있음을 입증했습니다.
Peter has proven how to restore biodiversity in Australian landscapes
and has the blueprint for restoring farm productivity.
자연복원농법은 유엔이 선정한 5가지의 몇 안 되는 지속가능한 농법 중 하나입니다.
Natural Sequence Farming is one of the five few sustainable agriculture methods selected by the United Nations.
유엔은 향후 10년을 “자연 복원의 10년”으로 선언할 예정입니다.
The United Nations will declare the next decade as “The Decade of Landscape Restoration.
호주 정부는 “자연복원농법이 전국에 널리 퍼져야 한다”고 이야기했습니다.
The Australian Government said that “Natural Sequence Farming should spread throughout the country.
그들은 가뭄 방지를 위해 5십억 예산을 따로 보유하고 있습니다.
They have a budget of AUD$5 Billion to drought-proof Australia.
피터 앤드류는 (Peter Andrews) 나설 준비가 되었습니다.
Peter Andrews is ready to go.
타윈 파크 (Tarwyn Park) 는 나설 준비가 되었습니다.
Tarwyn Park is ready to go.
수많은 사람들이 이 이야기에 감명을 받았습니다.
Millions of people have been impressed by this Australian Story.
저희들이 한국전력의 호주 바이롱밸리(Bylong Valley) 석탄 광산사업을 막을 수 있도록 도와주세요.
Now, please help us to stop KEPCO's Bylong Coal Project in Australia.
그로 인해 더 나은 바이롱 (Bylong Valley) 계곡으로 나아갈 수 있습니다.
So we can move forward with a better vision for Bylong valley.
당신은 큰 변화를 만들 수 있습니다.
You can make a big change.
이 이야기를 공유해주세요.
Please share this story.
아름다운 바이롱 계곡을 (Bylong Valley) 위해 함께 해주세요.
Join us in a better vision for the beautiful Bylong valley.
Korean translation kindly assisted by our friends:
강유진, 김다형 and 기후솔루션 (Solutions for Our Climate)
Peter Andrews Responds to Bylong Coal Project taking over Tarwyn Park
Peter Andrews says mining company KEPCO wouldn't even get a C-Grade pass when it comes to understanding Natural Sequence Farming and the landscape function of Bylong Valley.
KEPCO, a South Korean mining company, took possession of Tarwyn Park, the home of Natural Sequence Farming in 2017. They have bought out the beautiful Upper Bylong Valley and plan to dig a huge new open cut coal mine in some of NSW's best farmland. KEPCO somehow claim to further improve the knowledge of the Natural Sequence Farming land use.
Peter Andrews, pioneer farmer and inventor of Natural Sequence Farming, responds to Bylong Coal Project taking over the reins at Tarwyn Park...
Embankment Stabilisation at Bylong Valley Way
Bylong Valley Way is a Regional Road, which traverses through Muswellbrook Shire Council and Mid-Western Regional Council connecting towns of Sandy Hollow and Bylong.
There were two steep cuttings on Bylong Valley Way, which may pose a safety risk to the road users. These two cuttings, namely Widden Cutting and Cox's Gap cutting are located approximately 25 Km and 39.5 Km respectively from the intersection of Bylong Valley Way with the Golden Highway at Sandy Hollow.
The site was approx. 540m long along Bylong Valley Way.
Specialised Geo utilised high production drill during installation of 2,840 x 2m galvanised bar.
The black rolls of mesh called enkamat was used to protect against soil erosion, approx. 4,200 square metres were installed via 66 foot EWP.
The team also installed approx. 4,650 square metres of high tensile HR30 mesh
Bylong Valley Lightning
Slow motion Lightning
Summer along the Bylong Valley NSW Australia
I Took the Mavic 2 down the Goulburn River NSW Australia. Along hot summer and a long drought, but there is still some beauty in the landscape and the forms. I love the freedom the drone gives to explore the world from different angles
The Incredible Blueprint of the Ancient Australian Landscape
Can you imagine… going directly from drought to productivity?
Australia is experiencing the worst drought for more than 100 years.
But despite this, there is still hope and a great opportunity...
The UN is declaring 2021-2030 The Decade of Ecosystem Restoration. And Australia can take a leading role.
Peter Andrews is a farmer who believes this is possible by using the basic patterns and following simple rules that can be observed in the
ancient Australian landscape.
For many millions of years Australia evolved a highly productive and fully automated ecosystem with a huge diversity of plants (and animals) that managed the landscape from watershed to estuary with nearly 100% efficiency despite enduring many cycles
of extreme climate conditions.
40 years ago, Peter Andrews began to study this natural sequence at Tarwyn Park in the Bylong Valley. Peter's agricultural methods of Natural Sequence Farming have become wildly popular and the UN has officially recognised Natural Sequence Farming as a sustainable agricultural practice -one of only five in the world.
Now, Peter has a bold new vision. A new beginning for the Australian landscape. The complete restoration of river systems and floodplains across Australia, by 2030.
In collaboration with a panel of international experts and scientists this major project will restore soil health, water health, food health... and generate thousands of sustainable jobs in the process.
The next steps forward are:
1. Establish an advisory body
2. Train-the-trainers program
3. Community group activation
Within one month, there can be groups restoring every region.
The ancient Australian landscape contains the blueprint we need to go from drought to productivity.
Peter is ready to go today. But he can’t go it alone. Everyone has a role to play... You can make a big difference. Send this message across Australia, and share it around the world. Let’s make it happen!
Sign up for updates and be a part of the plan.
Raised relief maps by Anton Balazh
Produced by Friendly Farms