3 treningowe zjechane bez problemu, pierwszy przejazd zawodów niestety nie wyszedł
We interview M. Podyma at Mont-Ormel for #DDay70
M. Podyma is a franco-polish veteran, who landed at Arromanches on Gold Beach in July 1944 and fought in the 1st Polish Armoured Division through France, Belgium, Holland and Germany until 8th May, 1945.
Follow me at @AnnieCDarling or
Downhill City Tour Kłodzko 28.06.2015
Miasto Szczytna - Filmik z wakacji :)
Miejsce w samym centrum Kotliny Kłodzkiej w Sudetach. Super miejsce na urlop, mnóstwo atrakcji turystycznych dookoła. :))
On a Train to Wroclaw - Warszawa Centralna to Wroclaw Glowny
There's trains in Poland! It's a common way to get around. Check out my adventure on a PKP Intercity train from Wrocław Główny. And learn just a little bit about trains. But, mostly, this is just nonsense!
Wodospad Wilczki w Międzygórzu / The Wilczki waterfall in Międzygórze
(PL) & (EN)
Ponieważ Fiorekolej to nie tylko filmy kolejowe.
Dla odrobiny relaksu prezentuję Wa jeden z większych wodospadów w Polsce. Wodospad Wilczki w Międzygórzu ma ponad 20m. wysokości.
Because Fiorekolej it's not railway videos only.
For a bit of relaxation one of the largest waterfalls in Poland. Waterfall Wilczki in Międzygórze has more than 20m. height.
bike town przemyśl 2015
Majówka 2015 w Przemyślu
Krótka wycieczka do Korbielowa po oscypki.
R1200gsa z młodym nawinęliśmy 180km, głównie po bocznych drogach. Udało się bez deszczu. Oscypki kupione ;) trafiliśmy na tradycyjny redyk (czyli wyjście pasterzy z owocami na hale). Było całkiem przyjemnie.
CabView ET22 BEZPRĄDOWO // Kamieniec Ząbkowicki - Wrocław Brochów PARK Ewa linia 276
Kolejna podróż do Brochowa. Od Kamieńca do Starczowa na tyle EU07 na niesprzęgniętym popychu. Przed wjazdem do Starczowa otworzyły mi się drzwi od przedziału gdzie znajduje się przetwornica i sprężarka i nie było możliwości ich zamknąć ( okazał się zepsuty zamek ). Nie miałem żadnego sznurka czy drutu żeby je przywiązać i postanowiłem wyłączyć przetwornicę, bo na dłuższą metę bym chyba ogłuchł. Mogłem sobie pozwolić na wyłączenie przetwornicy, gdyż praktycznie cała trasa w stronę Wrocławia jest po spadku i miałem bardzo dobre baterie. Po drodze kilka razy otwierałem się i ciągnąłem, gdyż był to dzień i jakiś tam ruch na linii jest. W nocy z takim bruttem co miałem dojechałbym do Żórawiny bez otwierania się. Za Żórawiną jest kawałek pod górkę i tam trzeba ciągnąć i dopiero na podg Lamowice otwieramy się na nowo i ciągniemy do przełamania za semaforem wjazdowym na WBB i dalej z górki.
Another trip to Brochów. From Kamieniec to Starczów, EU07 on uncorrupted fast. Before entering Starczów I opened the door from the compartment where there is a converter and compressor and it was not possible to close them (it turned out to be a broken lock). I did not have any string or wire to attach them and I decided to turn off the converter, because in the long run I would probably be deaf. I could afford to turn off the converter, because practically the entire route towards Wroclaw is after the decline and I had very good batteries. On the way, I opened and pulled several times, because it was a day and there is traffic on the line. At night with such a brutt I had to go to Żórawina without opening. Behind Żórawina, there is a piece uphill and you have to pull it there and only at the Lamowice glacier we open again and continue to break through the entry semaphore on WBB and further down the hill.
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Any questions? Just ask! Please, subscribe and click the bell next to the subscription button to receive instant notifications of new videos! I can not revolutionize type movies CabView, Cab Ride, Führerstandsmitfahrt, but all your suggestions are very welcome! Movies will be displayed approximately once a week. All content is my creation and created by me, and ANY use outside this channel is FORBIDDEN
Bartłomiej Marusik FUJI - SAN
Kompozycja FUJI-SAN wykonana przez MajęJodłowską na XIX Międzynarodowym Konkursie Gitarowym w Trzęsaczu. Nagroda specjalna przyznana przez Bartłomieja Marusika za najlepsze wykonanie jego utworu.
The view of Wschowa (Veschova, Fraustadt) part 2
Round the western borders of my town
on a gloomy winter day.
1. Dwayne Bakewell & Ari Yliaho The Call of Ktulu
2. Tim Follin Sky Shark
Niemczanka Niemcza - Victoria Tuszyn 1-1 (gol Victorii)
W wałbrzyskiej klasie A Niemczanka prowadziła 1:0 z Victorią, która pod koniec meczu wyrównała z rzutu karnego (14.06.2014).
Więcej informacji o tym i innych meczach (oraz wyprawach groundhopperskich) na stronie:
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MTB trip (Swiebodzin - Wilkowo - Krzeczkowo - Niesulice - Swiebodzin)
szybki wypad za miasto :)
Wrocław | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
- improves your listening skills
- improves your own spoken accent
- learn while on the move
- reduce eye strain
Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Wrocław (Polish: [ˈvrɔt͡swaf] (listen); German: Breslau [ˈbʁɛslaʊ]; Czech: Vratislav; Latin: Vratislavia) is a city in western Poland and the largest city in the historical region of Silesia. It lies on the banks of the River Oder in the Silesian Lowlands of Central Europe, roughly 350 kilometres (220 mi) from the Baltic Sea to the north and 40 kilometres (25 mi) from the Sudeten Mountains to the south. The population of Wrocław in 2018 was 639,258, making it the fourth-largest city in Poland and the main city of Wrocław agglomeration.
Wrocław is the historical capital of Silesia and Lower Silesia. Today, it is the capital of the Lower Silesian Voivodeship. The history of the city dates back over a thousand years, and its extensive heritage combines almost all religions and cultures of Europe. At various times, it has been part of the Kingdom of Poland, Kingdom of Bohemia, Kingdom of Hungary, Habsburg Monarchy, Prussia and Germany. Wrocław became part of Poland again in 1945, as a result of the border changes after the Second World War, which included a nearly complete exchange of population.
Wrocław is a university city with a student population of over 130,000, making it one of the most youthful cities in the country. Since the beginning of the 20th century, the University of Wrocław, previously Breslau University, produced 9 Nobel Prize laureates and is renowned for its high quality of teaching.Wrocław is classified as a Gamma- global city by GaWC. It was placed among the top 100 cities in the world for the quality of life by the consulting company Mercer.The city hosted the Eucharistic Congress in 1997 and the Euro 2012 football championships. In 2016, the city was a European Capital of Culture and the World Book Capital. Also in this year, Wrocław hosted the Theatre Olympics, World Bridge Games and the European Film Awards. In 2017, the city was the host of the IFLA Annual Conference and the World Games.
Wrocław | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:03:18 1 Etymology
00:05:34 2 History
00:07:07 2.1 Middle Ages
00:13:17 2.2 Renaissance, Reformation and Counter-Reformation
00:16:25 2.3 Napoleonic Wars
00:17:45 2.4 Prussia and Germany
00:26:32 2.5 Second World War and afterwards
00:29:46 2.6 After the war
00:34:52 3 Environment
00:35:14 3.1 Air pollution
00:37:29 3.2 Climate
00:39:34 3.3 Fauna
00:41:41 3.4 Water
00:42:31 4 Government and politics
00:43:12 4.1 Districts
00:45:31 4.2 Municipal government
00:47:21 5 Tourism
00:47:53 5.1 Landmarks and points of interest
00:53:22 5.2 Swimming
00:54:25 5.3 Shopping malls
00:55:36 5.4 Entertainment
00:57:11 5.5 Museums
00:58:54 6 Wrocław in literature
01:00:14 7 Education
01:03:46 8 Transport
01:08:05 9 Demographics
01:08:15 9.1 Population
01:08:25 9.2 Religion
01:12:17 10 Professional sports
01:14:09 10.1 Men's sports
01:16:02 10.2 Women's sports
01:16:31 11 Economy
01:21:14 12 Major corporations
01:21:25 13 International relations
01:21:36 13.1 Twin towns and sister cities
01:21:51 13.2 Partnerships
01:22:05 14 Gallery
01:22:14 15 Notable people
01:22:24 16 See also
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
- improves your listening skills
- improves your own spoken accent
- learn while on the move
- reduce eye strain
Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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Speaking Rate: 0.7052910390209712
Voice name: en-US-Wavenet-F
I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
Wrocław (UK: , US: , Polish: [ˈvrɔtswaf] (listen); German: Breslau [ˈbʁɛslaʊ]; Czech: Vratislav; Latin: Vratislavia) is a city in western Poland and the largest city in the historical region of Silesia. It lies on the banks of the River Oder in the Silesian Lowlands of Central Europe, roughly 350 kilometres (220 mi) from the Baltic Sea to the north and 40 kilometres (25 mi) from the Sudeten Mountains to the south. The population of Wrocław in 2018 was 640,648, making it the fourth-largest city in Poland and the main city of the Wrocław agglomeration.Wrocław is the historical capital of Silesia and Lower Silesia. Today, it is the capital of the Lower Silesian Voivodeship. The history of the city dates back over a thousand years, and its extensive heritage combines almost all religions and cultures of Europe. At various times, it has been part of the Kingdom of Poland, Kingdom of Bohemia, Kingdom of Hungary, Habsburg Monarchy, Prussia and Germany. Wrocław became part of Poland again in 1945, as a result of the border changes after the Second World War, which included a nearly complete exchange of population.
Wrocław is a university city with a student population of over 130,000, making it one of the most youthful cities in the country. Since the beginning of the 20th century, the University of Wrocław, previously Breslau University, produced 9 Nobel Prize laureates and is renowned for its high quality of teaching.Wrocław is classified as a Gamma-global city by GaWC. It was placed among the top 100 cities in the world for the quality of life by the consulting company Mercer and in the top 100 of the smartest cities in the world in the IESE Cities in Motion Index 2019 report.The city hosted the Eucharistic Congress in 1997 and the Euro 2012 football championships. In 2016, the city was a European Capital of Culture and the World Book Capital. Also in this year, Wrocław hosted the Theatre Olympics, World Bridge Games and the European Film Awards. In 2017, the city was the host of the IFLA Annual Conference and the World Games.
Mikołaj Obieżyświat - 1 - Szczeliniec Wielki i Błędne Skały
Dziewczyny i chłopaki - łapki w górę proszę!
Amateur documentary about short stay in Table Mountains National Park - Easter 2017.
Equipment used: DJI Osmo, Sony RX100m3