M090304 Detektor Ortodoxna Synagoga
Ernest Bloch - Prayer (from Jewish Life) - Cello Guitar Duet Duo Vitare
Cello Guitar Duet - Duo Vitare
Agnieszka Kotulska-Rahunen, cello
Kimmo Rahunen, guitar
Video: Adam Gawenda / AG Studio
Welcome to watch our new music video Prayer . Music is composed by Swiss-American composer Ernest Bloch and it's
the first movement of the suite called From Jewish Life The arrangement for the cello guitar duet was made by Duo Vitare.
Ernest Bloch composed From Jewish Life suite originally for cello and piano, but it can be arranged easily for cello guitar duet. Bloch composed many pieces for cello. Most well know piece is Schelomo for Cello and Orchestra. From Jewish Life was composed in 1924.
We filmed this video in a beautiful old ruined Synagogue in Bytca, Slovakia, near Polish border. And in the Silesian Opera House in Agnieszka's hometown Bytom, Poland. Bytom used to be an old German town called Beuthen, where used to live about 4000 Jews before the World War II.
Jediná synagóga na Horehroní je zachránená
Viac ako polstoročie chátrajúca synagóga v Brezne sa pred očami domácich mení zo dňa na deň. Vďaka rekonštrukcii, ktorou prechádza, sa nakoniec túto národnú kultúrnu pamiatku podarí zachrániť.
Synagóga chátra, opravu brzdí kúrenie
Príspevok bol odvysielaný 2. novembra 2014 v hlavných Správach na Jednotke.
A synagogue is ruined, the restoration is interrupted due to the heating
Moderator (00:00:04):
After 70 years the synagogue in Bardejove will be restored. This monument is enlisted in the UNESCO World Heritage. The restoration will be funded from the Norway Grants, however, the town hall has interrupted a construction proceedings, it wants to solve a heating.
Maros Cerny, redactor: (00:00:08):
The town of Bardejov was inscribed in the UNESCO World Heritage also thanks to this synagogue from 18th Century. Since the time the last Jews were deported from Bardejov this object has been ruined. Together with other buildings comprise the so-called Jewish Suburbia.
Paul Hudak (00:00:31) :
There are only few similar objects in Europe. On very small area are situated all Jewish ritual buildings that are important for observance of their faith. There are only few similar objects in Europe. On very small area are situated all Jewish ritual buildings that are important for observance of their faith - the Mikveh, we have here the Beth HaMidrash that served as communal and study center and there was the apartment of the rabbi too.
Redactor (00:00:49) :
The owner, the Federation of Jewish Communities in Slovakia, has successfully obtained an half of million EUR for the restoration of the synagogue from the Government Office. It is money from the Norway Grants. In the future the object should serve for cultural purposes
Paul (00:01:03):
Most likely here will be established a tiny exhibition dedicated to the Jewish Community. The interior of the synagogue will be able to serve also for other events, f.e. concerts, small theater performances, exhibitions of art and photos and so on.
Redactor (00:01:21):
The restoration works cannot begin yet. The the town hall has interrupted the construction proceedings. It wants that the synagogue was connected to the town´s central heating. However, the project contains a proposal of the independent heating system that has already been approved by the Monuments Board.
Jan Krcho, architect (00:01:34):
These particular building actions consist : a single gas pipe will be tucked up into the center of the object (synagogue) next to existing chimney the where will be situated a boiler for heating. From this place will lead a minimum of heating pipes to the radiators.
Jozef Guliga, speaker of the Mayor (00:01:52):
The construction proceedings was interrupted due to missing documents and so there is no possible to prejudge a final decision of the building authority.
Redactor (00:01:59):
The Federation of the Jewish Communities in Slovakia insists on the project that contains an independent heating.
Martin Kornfeld , the FJCS (00:02:03):
The construction of the connection to the central heating system, that indeed is not necessary, would require to conduct complete archaeological research in whole complex of the suburbia. These circumstances could cause a significant disruption and complication for the project as well as lead to its cancel.
Redactor (00:02:20):
The town hall should issue a final decision in few days. Maros Cerny, RTVS.
Vysielané naživo: 27. 7. 2016
President’s Cup
DATE: 27.07.2016
TIME: 09:30 CET
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