Can You See American Movies in Korea? | Movie Theaters in Korea
Seeing Movies in Daegu South Korea | Why you should choose CGV!
CGV has been our favorite places to see movies while being in Korea! There are theaters scattered across the country, and four different locations in Downtown Daegu that are within walking distance of each other!
They also serve great food, and show american movies in English!
If you are a military member, CGV gives a great discount at the ticket box!
If you are visiting South Korea
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The Biggest Christmas Event in Daegu, South Korea On Sat. 1p.m. 22nd Dec.2018
The Biggest Christmas Event in Daegu, South Korea.
Anybody can join our Taegukgi Rally if you love the Republic of Korea.
Come to Dong-daegu Train Station Square on the 22nd of December, 2018.
We'll have the first ceremony at 1:00 p.m. at Dong-Daegu Station.
And then, we're gonna march for about 5-6 km on foot from Dong daegu station to Hanil CGV.
We'll have the second ceremony at 4:00p.m. right next to the Han-il CGV.
Anybody around the world can join the rally if you love freedom and freedom loving Republic of Korea.
5 Most Instagrammable Cafes in Daegu
A quick guide to the five most instagram worthy cafes and coffee shops in Daegu South Korea. Korea is so famous for its unique and interesting coffee shops, and though there are so many Instagram worthy places in Daegu, these five are certainly atop my list.
Please note Google Maps does not work in Korea, so please copy this address onto Kakao maps, Naver Maps or Daum Maps
Cafe Pyeon (카페편 이곡점):
대구 달서구 이곡동로 11 2-3층 (이곡동)
Aventino (아벤티노):
대구 중구동성로4길 113-11 3층 (공편동)
Navidad (나비다드):
대구 수성구 상록로11길 81 1층 (범어동)
Air Cafe (에어 카페):
This place actually doesn't have an address that I can find, but its literally right next to this address - I mean its a plane, you cannot miss it.
대구 수성구 무학로 42 (상동)
Love Cafe / Art Cafe (한국 이름 찾을수 앖었다):
대구 중구 동성로12길 51 (우)41913
Cafe Pyeon:
1) From Banwoldang, take Line 2 (Green) westbound towards Munyang
2) Disembark from Seongseo Industrial Complex and exit from exit 7
3) Walk a short ways forwards until you the first larger street and turn right
4)The large building will be on your left after passing a CGV cinema but before the E-Mart.
1) From Banwoldang leave from exit 13 and head northwards towards Junangro (you can use the subway but it is very close)
2) When you hit the main road at Junangro (you will be able to see Lotte Young) turn right and keep walking until you hit the Novotel / Daegu City Centre building.
3) You can see a park opposite the Novotel / Daegu City Centre building and it is immediately after this turn right.
4) There will be a small path straight after a Japanese restaurant that looks like it leads to nowhere. Go down this path. If you see a car park to your right when walking on this path you are in the right place.
5) Go around the first building door to the second door, it will have in small-ish letters on the door 'Aventino'. Go inside and use the elevator on your right to go to the F floor.
1) From Banwoldang head eastbound on Line 2 (Green) towards Yeungnam University.
2) Disembark at Beomeo and leave from exit 1.
3) Turn first right and walk a short ways down
4) On the seventh left (which will be the second non-alleyway turning) turn almost back on yourself a little to turn left.
5) When you get to a fork in the road turn your body round and you can see the Navidad entrance
Air Cafe:
1) From Banwoldang leave from exit 1 and walk a short way forwards
2) Please stop walking at the second bus stop you see and get on the 304 bus
3) Alight from the bus at Sangdong Catholic Church
4) Walk in the same direction the bus was going until you hit a crosswalk, cross the road diagonally from where you are, and headeastbound (away from where you came)
5) After a small car park turn right, you should be able to see the airplane by then anyway.
Love Cafe / Art Cafe:
1) From Banwoldang leave at exit 13 northbound towards Jungangro
2) When you hit the main road at Junangro (you will be able to see Lotte Young) CROSS THE ROAD and turn right. Keep walking until you hit the Novotel / Daegu City Centre building.
3) Immediately after this building turn right and head a small way forwards, the first actual road (thats not the car park) turn right and you can see the cafe on your right.
Preparing for the 99th Taegukgi Rally at Dong Daegu Station Square, Korea
The Biggest Christmas Event in Daegu, South Korea.
Anybody can join our Taegukgi Rally if you love the Republic of Korea.
Come to Dong-daegu Train Station Square on the 22nd of December, 2018.
We'll have the first ceremony at 1:00 p.m. at Dong-Daegu Station.
And then, we're gonna march for about 5-6 km on foot from Dong daegu station to Hanil CGV.(Look at the Map on the video)
We'll have the second ceremony at 4:00p.m. right next to the Han-il CGV.
Anybody around the world can join the rally if you love freedom and freedom loving Republic of Korea.
180225 Han Hyo Joo ❤Golden Slumber Stage Greeting in Daegu
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4DX CGV 대구 대박 ! 4DX CGV Daegu Korea (해리 포터 CGV 4DX)
4DX CGV 대구 봐요, 저는 너무 싱기해요. 2019년 3월 1일 , 저는 해리포터 비밀방 봤어요. #4DX #해리포터 #4DXCGV #CGV대구. Backsound Crying Out -D.O
CGV Daegu Stadium 4DX 3D
CGV Daegu Stadium 4DX 3D to watching Captain Marvel
idul fitri daegu korea 2013
Minggu lalu akhirnya aku bisa ketemu kalian — yang tetap tulus mendukungku sejauh ini — di Surabaya. Aku senang sekali. Ini berkat peluncuran buku Off The Record 2.
Sebenarnya aku pengin banget ketemu kalian lebih sering tapi aku juga gak bisa ketemu tanpa ada karya yang aku bagikan. Entah. Rasanya aneh aja ketemu tanpa ada ‘perkembangan yang berarti’.
Aneh gak sih?
Makanya aku akan memacu diriku untuk terus melahirkan buku-buku lain (dan karya dalam bentuk lain) supaya bisa ketemu kalian lagi.
Oke, balik ke cerita book tour.
Selama perjalanan pulang menuju Jakarta, aku banyak berpikir dan merenung.
Berpikir betapa baiknya kalian meluangkan waktu, tenaga, uang (untuk ongkos ke mall, makan dan minum), pikiran dan hati kalian untuk kita ngueng-ngueng bareng.
Sepertinya aku gak akan pernah bisa membalas kebaikan dan ketulusan kalian selain dengan memberi karya yang lebih baik lagi ke depannya.
Aku harap apa yang aku sampaikan selama sesi ‘book talk’ bisa membantu dan memberi bekal berguna untuk kalian.
Dan waktu sesi foto bareng, ada seorang cewe nanya gini ke aku, “Kak, gimana caranya bisa ngelakuin apa yang Kak Ia suka?”
Pertanyaan itu berhasil bikin aku terdiam sejenak. Soalnya aku gak pernah mikir ‘how-to’nya. Aku gak ada tips and tricks untuk hal ini.
Yang aku tau hanya : jangan terlalu banyak mikir dan lakukan aja. YOLO.
Dan kalian tau gak? Sepertinya jawabanku jadi boomerang di beberapa hari berikutnya hahaha.
Semalam setelah kelar ngedit video ini, aku baru bisa mencerna segala hal yang terjadi di sekelilingku. Salah satunya adalah GDragon.
Ran dan Utha berisik banget tentang sepatu kolaborasi GD x Nike, Air Force 1 - Para Noise. Ah, sepatu itu! Aku pengin banget. Aku udah minta bantuan ke Soo dan managernya tapi sepatu ini emang limited banget! Sangat sulit untuk didapat kecuali aku termasuk inner-circlenya GD — sayangnya tidak hahaha.
Bahkan untuk fansnya aja kalo mau dapatin ini, harus dengan cara undian — aku paling gak suka karena gak pernah beruntung. Jangankan undian, main claw machine aja sampai sekarang belum becus hahaha.
Tunggu. Aku bukan mau bahas tentang sepatu kolaborasi. Tapi tentang perkembangan GD setelah keluar wamil.
Entah yah, untuk pertama kalinya perkembangan GD malah bikin aku mikir keras dan minder. Kenapa GD bisa sekeren dan sehebat itu? Gimana caranya aku bisa kolaborasi dengan brand ternama seperti Nike? Apa yang harus aku lakukan biar bisa kayak GD?
OMG. Ada yang salah dengan cara berpikirku. Biasanya aku senang dan antusias tiap GD keluarin karya baru — yang efeknya bisa bikin aku semangat untuk meraih semua yang aku inginkan.
Tapi ini kok efeknya jadi ‘jelek’ yah?
Setelah aku pikir, kayaknya aku terlalu shock dengan apa yang dia lakukan. Bagaimana mungkin seseorang yang baru keluar wamil tanpa istirahat atau adaptasi dengan ‘kehidupan normalnya‘ langsung ngegas dan meluncurkan roketnya dengan project luar biasa?
Ya meski aku tau ini pasti udah direncanakan GD dan Nike jauh sebelum dia wamil. Tapi tetap aja butuh energi, niat dan semangat yang besar untuk mewujudkannya.
Untungnya aku kembali tersadar setelah minder beberapa menit. Gak seharusnya aku melihat pencapaian GD dan membandingkannya dengan pencapaianku.
Aku gak akan pernah bisa seperti dia. Kenapa?
Karena keahlian kami berbeda.
Impian kami juga beda.
Bahkan keunikan dan ciri khas kami juga udah pasti gak akan pernah sama.
GD memang role modelku tapi dia bukan pembentuk kehidupanku dan diriku.
Aku akan menciptakan jejakku sendiri.
Aku gak mau jalan di atas jejaknya.
Begitu juga dengan kalian.
Apa kalian paham apa yang aku bicarakan?
Aku yakin suatu saat nanti kita akan bertemu dan berbagi ‘panggung’ yang sama dengan keahlian dan ciri khas kita masing-masing. Dan ini yang akan bikin dunia semakin berwarna.
[FANCAM] 121217 Han Hyo Joo ~ Love 911 stage greeting at CGV Daegu
cr : dchhj
[111030] HHJ and SJS ~ Stage greeting on Daegu
Hyo Joo was sick but still came to Daegu stage greeting whereas two days before she fainted and needed to rest on the hospital :(
Get well soon Hyo Joo..We pray for your health..always..fighting !!
【4K】 Korea, Daegu Jungangro Underground Shopping Area (Корея,Тэгу,韓國,大邱) / 대구 중앙로 지하상가 (대현프리몰)
This video was filmed from Banwoldang underground shopping area through Dongseongro to the Jungangro underground shopping area.
There are certain places you must come to if you come to Jungangro.
It is the underground shopping area in the middle.
There are everything from accessories to electronic devices such as cameras.
Yesterday was the last day of 2018, so there were so many people.
This is a shortcut to Lotte Cinema, CGV, Kyobo Bookstore, Alladin, and Mankyeonggwan.
Happy New Year, Subscribers&Viewers.
• SNS????
Instagram »
• Equipment????
Camera: DJI Osmo X3
Mic: Rode video micro
Accessory: Z-Axis
Edit&Grading: Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2019
Spring in Daegu!
- Keimyung University - The university where they shot Boys Over Flowers
- Former restaurant of the mom of BTS Suga
- Duryu Park for Cherry Blossoms
- CGV to watch Cheese in the Trap
[FANCAM] 121217 Han Hyo Joo ~ Love 911 stage greeting at CGV Daegu P.2
cr : naver
181110 여곡성(女哭聲)ˍ대구현대(大邱現代)CGV 舞台問候 [1]
Claudia Kim at CGV Daegu after Screening Avengers : AoU // 어벤져스2 수현 대구 무대인사
Claudia Kim who plays Dr. Helen Cho on Avengers : Age Of Ultron greets audience after screening. 2015. 5. 1 CGV 대구 8시 CGV Daegu 8PM
I also run a twitter fan account dedicated to Claudia:
비오는 날 대구 신천동. (4k) - Walk in the rain. Daegu, Korea
오랜만에 비가 많이 내렸네요.
신천동 천주교복자성당 근처에서 출발해서 신천 초등학교 까지의 영상입니다.
It's been a long time since it rained a lot.
This is a video from near the Catholic Church Cathedral in Sincheon-dong to Shincheon Elementary School.
시청해 주셔서 감사드리며, 더 많은 여행 비디오를 보시려면 채널 구독 부탁드리겠습니다.
Thank you for watching. Subscribe to the channel for more travel videos.
#HànQuốc #เกาหลี #Корея
[Vlog]방탄소년단 슈가 생일 in 대구/BTS Suga's birthday cafe tour in DAEGU(Suga's hometown)
안녕하세요 :) 3월9일날 슈가의 고향 대구에서 컵홀더 카페 투어 하고 왔습니다.
처음 컵홀더 이벤트를 해봐서 많이 설렜는데요, 덕메랑 가니까 무지 재밌더라구요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
역시 슈가 생일은 대구에서 축하해 줘야하는거 아이겠습니깤ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
총 6개 카페를 갔다왔는데 진짜 ㅋㅋ 배부르고 힘들고 ㅋㅋ그랬는데
진짜 재밌었습니다 ???? 다음에 또 덕메랑 가려구요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
그럼 재밌게 봐주세요 :)
[다녀온 카페]
-아마스빈(3/8일 우연히 계대에서!)
-호롱 커피
[2009.11.14] YeJin at CGV Daegu Theater (Partly Subtitled)
This is a video of YeJin's appearance at CGV Daegu for the promotion of her movie Chungdam Bosal. The fans throwing :) the flowers are from DC Inside RyuPark Gallery.
*NOTE about the fans throwing the flowers: They had to throw them because they were in an imax dome and there was a huge gap between them and YeJin. They apologized to YeJin afterwards, and she said it was totally fine :) So hopefully, none of you watching this video will get upset.
대구를 세계에 알려라! Daegu International Horror Festival #Creating Global Daegu
Daegu International Horror Festival
지구나라 대구촌만들기 프로젝트/#대구를 세계에 알려라