[MyVlog] Waduk Cacaban
Waduk Cacaban adalah sebuah bendungan yang terletak di Kecamatan Kedungbanteng, Kabupaten Tegal, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia. Luas areal waduk adalah 928,7 hektar dan berisi air sebanyak 90 juta m³. Waduk ini didukung dengan latar belakang pemandangan hutan dengan panorama yang indah.
Waduk Cacaban mulai digagas pembangunannya sejak tahun 1914 dan dibuat perencanaan detailnya pada tahun 1930 oleh pemerintah kolonial Belanda. Namun baru diresmikan oleh Presiden Soekarno pada tahun 1952. Waduk ini sebenarnya berfungsi mengairi sawah-sawah di sekitarnya, namun juga difungsikan sebagai objek wisata. Letaknya tidak jauh dari Slawi, lebih kurang 9 km ke arah timur tepatnya di desa Karanganyar, Kecamatan Kedungbanteng, dan merupakan salah satu objek wisata di daerah tersebut.
Cacaban Reservoir is a dam located in Kedungbanteng District, Tegal Regency, Central Java, Indonesia. The reservoir area is 928.7 hectares and contains 90 million m juta of water. This reservoir is supported by a backdrop of forest scenery with beautiful panoramas.
The construction of the Cacaban Reservoir began its development since 1914 and made detailed plans in 1930 by the Dutch colonial government. However, it was only inaugurated by President Soekarno in 1952. This reservoir actually functions to irrigate the surrounding rice fields, but it also functions as a tourist attraction. The location is not far from Slawi, about 9 km to the east, precisely in the village of Karanganyar, Kedungbanteng District, and is one of the tourist attractions in the area.
Sumber Wikipedia :
Song Writer : Shigit Slawi
A Glimpse of Cacaban
A Glimpse of Cacaban - a short film by Yankotinu Jonnata. Shooted in Cacaban Reservoir, Tegal on August 19th 2016.
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O.W Waduk Cacaban kab. Tegal
Pada 1952, Presiden Soekarno pernah mendatangi salah sebuah pelosok, di Tegal, Jawa Tengah. Di sana dia membangun sebuah waduk yang diberi nama Waduk Cacaban.
#wisatategal #wadukcacaban
Waduk Cacaban yang mempesona di tegal jawa tengah
Waduk Cacaban adalah sebuah bendungan yang terletak di Kecamatan Kedungbanteng, Kabupaten Tegal, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia. Luas areal waduk adalah 928,7 hektar dan berisi air sebanyak 90 juta m³. Waduk ini didukung dengan latar belakang pemandangan hutan dengan panorama yang indah.
Wonderful Indonesia: Cacaban Lake #JalanJalanTegal
Waduk Cacaban adalah sebuah bendungan yang terletak di Kecamatan Kedungbanteng, Kabupaten Tegal, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia. Luas areal waduk adalah 928,7 hektar dan berisi air sebanyak 90 juta m³.
Cacaban dam lake is located in the District Kedungbanteng, Tegal, Central Java, Indonesia. comprehensive reservoir is 928.7 hectares and contain as much as 90 million m³ of water.
Amazing Tegal Slawi : I've Sailed on Cacaban Reservoir
Cacaban Reservoir is a dam located in Kedungbanteng District, Tegal Regency, Central Java, Indonesia. The reservoir area is 928.7 hectares and contains 90 million m3 of water. This reservoir is supported by a backdrop of forest scenery with beautiful panoramas.
The Cacaban Reservoir began its development since 1914 and detailed planning was made in 1930 by the Dutch colonial government. However, it was only inaugurated by President Soekarno in 1952. This reservoir actually functions to irrigate the surrounding rice fields, but also functions as a tourist attraction.
At first, before the reservoir was built, the area was a deep river. At that time his name was Kedung Pipisan. Kedung means very deep times. If Pipisan is a place of glituk (container concocting medicine).
After 6 years of work, Soekarno changed the name of the place, which initially became Kedung Pipisan Cacaban Reservoir.
The origin is from the Javanese language, namely ancaban. That is to say, which attracts attention or is curious.
Kekeringan Melanda Tegal dan Kawasan Menoreh
Belum adanya bantuan air bersih dari pemerintah membuat ratusan warga Dermasuci, Kecamatan Pangkah, Tegal, Jawa Tengah, mengonsumsi air kotor dari sungai. Sementara warga di pelosok perbukitan Menoreh,Magelang, harus antre hingga tiga hari untuk mendapatkan satu jeriken air.
Official Website:
Festival Naga di Bendungan Tegal Sungai Opak DIY
Bendung Tegal adalah bendungan untuk saluran irigasi di ruas Sungai Opak, wilayah Desa Kebonagung, Kecamatan Imogiri, Kabupaten Bantul, DIY. Pada posisi 17 KM arah Selatan dari pusat Kota Yogya. Luasnya, 768 hektare dengan komposisi pandangan meliputi geriap air, hijau tanaman, dan pepohonan serta tabir biru perbukitan. kawasan ini, kini menjadi daerah tujuan pecinta bentang alam dan pemancing.
Setahun sekali, di tempat ini digelar Festival Perahu Naga skala nasional.
Sejarah dan Latar Belakang di Bangunnya Objek Wisata Waduk Cacaban Tegal
Sejarah dan Latar Belakang di Bangunnya Objek Wisata Waduk Cacaban Tegal
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PKB Tour - Cacaban
Touring bersama PKB ( Partai Komsita Bersatu ) menuju OW waduk Cacaban
waduk cacaban tegal
Perjalanan menuju Waduk Cacaban, Tegal pada hari senin 20 Februari 2012.Setelah kami mengkonekan akses internet di PLIK Kedungbanteng, Tegal.
On the way to Cacaban Reservoir on Monday February Th 2012.After we had connected at Public Internet Service of Kedungbanteng Distric Tegal Regency
Putra Jaya Komputer (PJK)
Hardware, Software, Networking, & Internet Service
Layanan Transportasi Nyaman, Murah dan Terpercaya.
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Sistem Jaringan Irigasi Waduk Cacaban Kab. Tegal
Sistem Jaringan Irigasi Waduk Cacaban Kab. Tegal
This video was uploaded from an Android phone.
Naik Perahu di Waduk Cacaban Tegal, Seru Coy..!! Vloggg #3
Waduk Cacaban adalah sebuah bendungan yang terletak di Kecamatan Kedungbanteng, Kabupaten Tegal, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia.
waduk cacaban merupakan salah satu destinasi wisata yang ada
di kab. tegal yang murah meriah karena tiket masuknya hanya Rp. 3.500,- saja.
nah, kami berdua naik perahu bersama wisatawan lainya dengan membayar Rp. 10.000,- saja... saya dan isteri pasti naik perahu kalo mengunjungi waduk cacaban dan mengelilingi pulau-pulau kecil yang berada di tengah-tengah waduk.
Bendung Tegal Imogiri
nyari spot buat mancing yg super syahdu
Wisata Cacaban
Panorama alam di Bendungan Cacaban Kabpaten Tegal cukup menawan. Kehidupan masyarakat disekitar waduk yang ramah, membuat wisatawan domestik betak berkunjung.
Waduk Cacaban - Jawa Tengah | Tempat Wisata di Indonesia
Waduk Cacaban adalah sebuah bendungan yang terletak di Kecamatan Kedungbanteng, Kabupaten Tegal, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia. Luas areal waduk adalah 928,7 ha dan berisi air sebanyak 90 juta m³. Waduk ini didukung dengan latar belakang pemandangan hutan dengan panorama yang indah.
Waduk Cacaban diresmikan oleh Presiden Soekarno pada tahun 1952. Waduk ini sebenarnya berfungsi mengairi sawah-sawah di sekitarnya, namun juga difungsikan sebagai obyek wisata. Letaknya tidak jauh dari Slawi, lebih kurang 9 km ke arah timur tepatnya di desa Karanganyar, Kecamatan Kedungbanteng, dan merupakan salah satu obyek wisata di daerah tersebut. Cacaban adalah objek wisata andalan di Kabupaten Tegal, selain Wisata Guci dan Pantai Purwahamba Indah. Wisatawan dapat menikmati suasana santai, dengan memancing ikan, jalan-jalan di atas bendungan ataupun dapat mengelilingi waduk dengan kapal motor. Adapun makanan khasnya adalah aneka ikan air tawar yang setiap saat tersedia.
Seeker shrimp in the reservoir CACABAN
This documentary is dedicated to the communities around CACABAN, Tegal, Central Java. Perhaps the future of fish and shrimp in the reservoir CACABAN enough for all of you life.
The Last Steam Locomotives of Pangkah Sugar Mill
This video was recorded by my friend (and mentor in railfanning), Paul Collin, during our visit at Pangkah sugar mill in 2014 Java Steam & Sugar tour.
Located to the southwest of Tegal in Central Java, Indonesia, this historic mill was a favorite destination among steam locomotive enthusiast as it was one of very few last places in the world to see steam locomotives at regular work.
At the time of our visit, there were 4 steam locomotives at work. The majority of them were Arnold Jung/Jungenthal 0-6-2 locomotives which were built in 1915 and 1920. Three of them can be seen in the video. They’re helped by a lone Orenstein & Koppel built locomotive which feature unique 0-8-0 Klien Lindner axle. In addition of those steam locomotives, Pangkah sugar mill also employ one Moës diesel locomotive to assist their workings.
The nature of railway operations at Pangkah sugar mill during our visit was purely for shunting. In the morning, they would normally haul empty wagons into the road yard on the northern part of mill complex where the trucks will transfer their loads into the railway wagons. Once sufficient number of loaded wagons are achieved by midday, the steam locomotives will return back to collect the wagons and hauling them back into the mill in a trip that is more than 1 kilometer which provide an excellent attraction to visiting railway heritage enthusiasts.
This pattern of railway operation is actually a recent thing, up until early 1990s the sugarcane was brought from the field by these train instead of truck. Pangkah sugar mill had a vast field lines network that encompass the areas to the east and north of the mill. A trip to the outlying field lines could take almost whole day to complete where the furthest field trip was 25 km one way. At the height of their railway operation, Pangkah sugar mill had 10 steam locomotives for such demanding tasks (including a rare DeCouillet locomotive). Rumor has it that its field lines network was interconnected with Jatibarang sugar mill on the west of Tegal, owing to the fact that both share similar 600mm gauge. The field lines were also connected with Cacaban dam construction line, about 10 km to the southwest of the mill, although this line was dismantled when the dam construction completed in 1952 (after decades of construction which was started during Colonial era in 1914).
However, competition with trucks plus depletion of sugarcane fields around the mill (which either due to Tegal’s urban expansion and conversion to other crops) in 1980s meant the number of field workings dwindled. Rob Dickinson informed me that the last recorded field workings was in 1991, and it too was just a single steam hauled field train. Since then a new road yard was built to the north of the mill to accommodate transfer and haulage of sugarcane from trucks to the train. Parts of the field lines saw intermittent chartered operation up until 2008 or 2009 when the field lines to east are too damaged to be used.
Sadly, and much to my eternal regret, my first visit to Pangkah was also the last time I saw the steam locomotives working. I wasn’t too interested to record its workings as I was too focused to search for steam field workings (which was available in the nearby Sumberharjo mill in Pemalang), and didn’t paid too much attention of those in Pangkah. I only manage to record a few which can be seen here: . Worse still, I even slept during last few hours of our visit, while Paul and others busy recording, as I ran out of space in my camera’s memory card.
By following year, after report of major financial losses of its parent company (PTPN IX), Pangkah sugar mill and all other sugar mills in Central Java who operated their steam locomotives had to stop operating their steam locomotives. Even the field lines in Sumberharjo is also closed, ending all field workings in Central Java.
These days, the motive power used in Pangkah is just the Moës diesel locomotive, supplanted by tractors. The steam locomotives are only used for chartered basis.
#orensteinundkoppel #orensteinkoppel #javasteam #javasteamlocomotives #indonesiansteamlocomotives #pangkah #sugarmill #pabrikgula #loritebu #lokomotifuap