fotos dels magna al cafe del port a la rapita el juny 2010 vaja concert MAGNA (clons de mana )
Diada Catalunya 2013 - Via Catalana - Cadena Humana
Diada de Catalunya 2013
Dia de Cataluña 2013
Diada 2013
Via Catalana
Cadena Humana Cataluña 2013
Cadena Humana Barcelona 2013
Independency Catalonia 2013
Indepentizia Catalunya 2013
Human Ring Catalonia 2013
HUman Ring Barcelona
Human Ring Catalunya
Video del Recorrido de la Via Catalalan para el dia 11 de Septiembre 2013
Dia de caluña 2013
dia de la independencia
diada 2013
catalonia diada
day of catalonia
day of catalonia 2013
via catalana
independency in catalonia
independencia in cataluña
spain catalonia
National day of catalonia
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Ana Botella y su inglés
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Ana Botella ingles
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Diada de Catalunya 2013
Una última ruta que ens servirà per repassar el nostre periple per les terres del sud. I, tot i que no podrem fer-ho tot, sí que tindrem temps per veure'n una part important. Us en recordeu? Vam començar al Vendrell passant per Valls, Montblanc, Vallbona de les Monges, Prades, Tarragona, el Priorat, Reus, Cambrils, l'Ametlla de Mar, Tortosa, Pinell de Brai, Arnes, la Sénia, els Ports, Sant Carles de la Ràpita, Ulldecona i Alcanar.
GR Terres del Sud
Red Poppy 2014 Part3
Red Poppy 2014 Part3
5 terrorists killed to stop attempted second attack near Barcelona, police say
Spanish police said early Friday they have killed five terrorists south of Barcelona in the city of Cambrils to foil an attempted terror attack, the BBC reports. The terrorists were carrying bomb belts, police told the Associated Press.
Authorities in the area were detonating controlled explosions, according to their Twitter account, but said the situation is under control. CNN says that six civilians were injured, two seriously, in the Cambrils incident.
This came hours after a van jumped a curb and ran over dozens of people in Las Ramblas, a promenade and a large tourist attraction in Barcelona, Spain on Thursday. ISIS claimed responsibility for the terror attack on its news agency's Amaq.
ISIS often claims responsibility for such attacks, even when they turn out to be carried out by individuals with no connection to the extremist group.
The Catalan government said that the Cambrils attack is linked to the Las Ramblas vehicle attack. They did not explain the connection, but the interior minister said the attacks followed the same trail.
CNN reported that two suspects have been taken into custody following the Thursday attack. Neither was determined to be the driver of the van, who is believed to have escaped.
The casualty numbers have steadily grown as more news became available. The most recent reports said 13 people were killed and another 100 injured. Catalonia’s regional interior chief Joaquim Forn told the AP, “Unfortunately the number of fatalities will likely rise.”
Multiple sources and news agencies have confirmed the incident as a terrorist attack.
In the early aftermath of the attack, Spanish police called the incident a massive crash, and urged people to stay away from the area around Placa Catalunya, one of the most visited sites in Barcelona. One Canadian visitor who had been there an hour before the incident said there were throngs of people milling about as one might see at Times Square in New York.
Downtown areas were evacuated, and subway stops near the area closed.
Emergency response teams flooded the area to treat the injured. Graphic video and photographs posted on social media showed many people lying motionless on the ground, some in pools of blood.
Las Ramblas is a pedestrian mall that stretches about 3/4 of a mile through the city, connecting Placa de Catalunya to the Christopher Columbus Monument at Port Vell on the Mediterranean.
A 20-year-old student who lives in Barcelona told the BBC, There was a loud noise and everybody ran for cover. There were a lot of people, lots of families (at the site)... I think several people were hit. It was horrible. There was panic. Terrible.
People quickly took shelter in nearby cafes and shops. Esparcia said he was taking cover inside a Starbucks.
CNN reported one person also died in an explosion in a house in Catalonia. Police indicated the incident is connected to the Barcelona attack, but it's not clear how at this time.
The victim is Spanish and was not on police radar.
Facebook started a Safety Checkfor the affected area, and urges those who can offer help to volunteer. Users in the area can check in, notifying loved ones that they are safe.
President Donald Trump responded to the attack in a tweet.
The Clemson men's basketball team is in Barcelona, but tweeted they are safe and secure.
The attack is the latest in a series of attackers using vehicles as a weapon in 2017. On Jan. 8, an Arab citizen of Israel truck ran into soldiers in south east Jerusalem, killing one male and three female soldiers. Fifteen others were killed.
A hijacked truck plowed over pedestrians before crashing into a department store in Stockholm, Sweden on April 7. Five people were killed, 14 injured. Swedish police said the attacker was a rejected asylum seeker from Uzbekistan and sympathized with the Islamic State.
London has had three vehicle-related terror attacks this year.
On March 22, an attacker drove over pedestrians on Westminster Bridge, turning in front of Parliament where he stabbed a police officer before he was shot and killed. The attack was apparently in retaliation for the West’s military presence in Muslim countries.A couple of months later on June 3, three men drove over pedestrians on the London Bridge before running into a restaurant area and stabbing people. Eight people were killed, 48 were injured. Police said the attackers were Islamic State sympathizers.On June 19, a van driven by Darren Osborne rammed pedestrians near the Finsbury Park Mosque during Ramadan. One was killed, 10 were injured. Osborne said the attack was retribution for London Bridge.
In Paris, also on June 19, a car containing guns and explosives rammed a police vehicle on the Champs-Elysees. The driver named Djaziri Adam Lofti, who pledged his support to the Islamic State was killed by police
Copyright 2017 Raycom News Network. All rights reserved.
Cadena humana en Cataluña en la Diada
Miles de catalanes han ocupado desde primera hora de la tarde el tramo designado para formar parte de la Vía Catalana, la cadena humana secesionista uniendo los municipios de El Pertús -ya en territorio francés- y Alcanar (Tarragona), pasando por 86 localidades para reclamar la independencia de Cataluña.
Independència... per fer què?
Vídeo muntatge en motiu de l'11 de setembre de 2013, presentat a l'acte del dia 10 de setembre a la Pl. Porxada de Granollers.
Realitzat per la CUP de Granollers.
12M 15M - Indignados Plaza Catalunya Barcelona
Gli Indignados tornano ad occupare le piazze a un anno dalla nascita del Movimiento 15-M con una manifestazione pacifica, alla quale hanno partecipato migliaia di persone.
14 detinguts en una operació antiterrorista a Barcelona i a Igualada
Font: Xarxes socials
No tinc por!
Barcelona i Cambrils han estat objectius del terror, però la ciutadania ha deixat clar que no té por. Aquest diumenge, a les 21.55, 30 minuts repassarà a fons, 72 hores després, tot el que s'ha viscut.
Subscriu-te al canal oficial de TV3 a YouTube:
Catalunya Ràdio a YouTube:
Ibers: El secret del ferro HD | Zolen Films |
Iberians: The Secret Of Iron: El pasado Julio estuvimos trabajando en un video-documental sobre un proyecto experimental de como en la época de los Iberos (s.IV a.C) creaban hierro. Podréis ver todo el proceso en 9 minutos, desde la recogida del mineral hasta la formación del hierro. Zolen Films aprendió mucho sobre los orígenes del hierro! no os lo perdáis!
Ara sí. Les amenaces terroristes de Jiménez Losantos a Alemanya en forma de rap.
Ara sí. Les amenaces terroristes de Jiménez Losantos a Alemanya en forma de rap. A veure si així actua la fiscalia.
#ProuFeixisme #ProuImpunitatFeixista #NoPassaran #DefensemLaRepública #15AOmplimBarcelona @elvellblues
Tambores de Montmelo.3gp
Els tambors dels gegants a Festa Major de Montmeló
Attentato sulla Rambla, Chemlal in aula col pigiama: Puntavamo ai simboli di Barcellona.
Attentato sulla Rambla, Chemlal in aula col pigiama: Puntavamo ai simboli di Barcellona.
In tribunale i quattro jiahidisti arrestati, incluso il 21enne Mohamed Houli Chemlal che, come rivelato due giorni fa da Repubblica, collabora con gli inquirenti. Al termine dell'udienza uno dei quattro, Mohamed Aallaa, viene rilasciato per mancanza di indizi. Il ministro dell'Interno francese, Gerard Collomb parla dopo la diffusione delle foto dell'Audi di Cambrils mentre sfreccia nella regione parigina, ad Essonne, il 12 agosto, cinque giorni prima dell'attentato. Un arresto in Marocco
L' Ovella Negra
Best video ever. In Barcelona Spain with my friends Vittor and Lautaro. You must see it. Victor does something incredible, almost unreal. Messi watch out.
Cops hunt missing middle-aged imam they fear masterminded Las Ramblas rampage – as mum of van..
North Korean News: The remains of two people in the Alcanar home reduced to rubble in an explosion have been identified, authorities have said
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Musclos - El Racó del Navegant
Capsetes de nacre que empresonen un tros de mar dins seu: com un petit tresor, els musclos ens obren un munt de possibilitats a la cuina. Us ve de gust tastar la nostra proposta?
Sorlí: “Compromís-Podem eliminará el impuesto solar del PP
La cabeza de lista de Compromís-Podem al Congreso de los Diputados, Marta Sorlí, ha manifestado hoy que “desde el Congreso acabaremos con el impuesto al sol del PP, porque esta decisión de los populares va en contra de una reforma energética clave que necesita Castellón y el mundo para frenar el cambio energético”. Sorlí ha manifestado que la medida del Gobierno del PP de “poner trabas a la energía solar constituye además un error estratégico para el País Valenciano, porque supone impedir que podamos generar energía con un recurso competitivo del que disponemos sobradamente: el sol”.
Minut de silenci i declaració institucional al Parlament de Catalunya contra el terrorisme
Minut de silenci al Parlament de Catalunya per les víctimes dels atacs de Barcelona i Cambrils. En un ple solemne contra el terrorisme, la presidenta de la Cambra ha llegit una declaració institucional en la qual s’ha destacat la resposta exemplar de la societat catalana davant una situació d’extrema gravetat, amb un “immens esperit solidari”, com també la tasca dels serveis d’emergència i l’eficàcia de l’actuació policial.