Rio robbery attempt filmed by TV crew - BBC News
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So you go on local TV to talk about crime and thefts in Rio De Janeiro and what happens? Yes you guessed it right, a robbery attempt. A Brazilian woman has narrowly avoided being robbed - while being interviewed about local crime. The television crew's camera caught the thief's unsuccessful attempt to steal the woman's necklace.
The team was investigating thefts and muggings in an area of Rio de Janeiro notorious for crime.
Alpa Patel reports.
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André Rieu - Song of Olympia
André Rieu & Carla Maffioletti performing Song of Olympia live in Brazil. For concert dates and tickets visit:
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Subscribe to André Rieu's YouTube channel at:
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© 2019 -- André Rieu Productions |
Our custom, wheelchair accessible home in Brazil!
I finally got around to filming a display of our new house. It's been a busy month! Since no one here speaks English without a heavy accent, I was forced to do it myself. I know it's horrible; please don't judge! I'm used to being on the other side of the mic.
Also, I didn't have access to my tripod and automated pan head, so the camera work is dodgy.
De Saquarema até Marica em Time Lapse com uma canon 60d
Tema: Saquarema - Marica
Câmera: Canon 60d
Software: Magic Lantern
Função Intervalômetro, 7 segundo por foto
Editor: Adobe Premiere CS6
Áudio instrumental:
The gated community part3
Video work from exhibition serie gated community
Outside Authentic Residences - (21) 96503 0001- Real Estate - Residential Development in Recreio-RJ
Outside Authentic Residences
One more time Recreio dos Bandeirantes has the opportunity to receive a great residential development for lovers of travelling, nature, sports but specially for those who search for a lifestyle of enjoying every minute of life.
WHAT AN INVESTMENT IN HOTEL ? Investing in property is much more than buying a property . It is a business based real estate and hospitality to be profitable nature that needs to be conceptualized , developed and operated by specialized companies and the real estate and hotel industry .
IS AN INVESTMENT PROPERTY, THAT IS, THE CUSTOMER EST BUYING A PROPERTY ? Yeah, when you purchase a fraction of the development , you are buying a part of the Hotel which is a property . So who have purchased has all the advantages of buying the property , ie, property security, but in addition , has a monthly income that will be distributed after operating the property ( hotel ) without worry about renting the property .
- Land and huge wooded lot . Many fruit trees . Peaceful and safe place .
- Types of homes and medium films :
Comes a Business Centre with all the magnificence center of the river is to the city .
The future of business is in the North Zone and is at Avenida Dom Helder Camara showing all their greatest potential .
Excellent Commercial Complex . Offices and Stores across the North Mall . A great business location .
2 commercial buildings + all you need to make a big deal Salas and Commercial Stores across the North Mall - Offices Sun . Better than having your business in Dom Helder , is to have your business the way you imagined . Office Suites 20-108 m² , a great opportunity for those seeking comfort and agility in your routine . Meeting rooms , auditorium and a whole structure to his professional life complete .
Again , the Playground receives a product unusual and highly attractive to lovers of travel , nature , sports and above all and above all this to lovers of life !
Development and construction / PDG - Merger and agency : AGER
Born the corporate and commercial area that will change the face of business in Rio !
The 1st and only Business District of Rio de Janeiro inspired by the most important in the world .
The shape of the buildings is designed for you to contemplate on your office window, the magnificent view of the lagoon
The LEDUCA homebuilder , announced for the month of August the launch of Olimpia Epic Residences , residential development with houses and apartments in an area of 23,098 m² , comprising 06 residential towers with 04 floors and residences Duo Design with just 01 garden apartments and 01 cover duplex and private elevator , located in Recreio , near the Zico.Serão Clube 3 apartments and 2-bedroom Garden and type and duplex penthouses with 4 or 3 bedrooms .
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A little about Soraya !
I am a realtor for almost a decade and I have to offer to my clients is a unique and personalized work.
Timeliness , transparency and mutual trust are the basis for the realization of my work items .
Education , knowledge , common sense , honesty ... are some of the differences that I offer to my clients who are in search of buying, selling or management of a property.
DICKS: Do you need to be one to be a successful leader?
This is a question that has been eating away at me for a long time, so I decided to make a movie about it. This is also the first video in a new series I am doing. Follow me on Vero to see the rest:
PS if you want to discuss the themes or ideas in this follow me on Vero. Much more likely to see and respond there.
Animation by Marina Valentina:
Additional Animation by Ben Chapin:
Music by Jonathan Zalben:
Adam Grant's book Give and Take -
Robert Greene's book The 48 Laws of Power -
Michael Maccoby's book Narcissistic Leaders -
Aaron James' book Assholes: A Theory -
Meet youngest US woman on death row (FULL VERSION) | A Hidden America with Diane Sawyer PART 4/6
Hidden America: Nation of Women Behind Bars Act 4: Convicted of murder, Emilia Carr, 30, is imprisoned at Lowell Correctional Institution in Ocala, Florida. [Original Air Date 2/27/2015]
Panning shot of houses in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Purchase this clip here: (
Panning shot of houses in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The camera starts at the right, at first focusing on trees and then pans to the left, showing different types of houses. For questions, email us at
Gênero e sexualidade com Marcia Tiburi, Berenice Bento e Marie-Helène Bourcier
Debate com Berenice Bento, Marie-Helène Bourcier e Marcia Tiburi no I Seminário Queer, em 2015, no Sesc Vila Mariana. Foram dois dias de debates sobre Cultura e Política; Educação, Saúde e Aprendizados; Gênero e Sexualidade e Contra-Hegemonias.
Este eixo de discussão foca em uma das temáticas mais presentes na produção queer: a generificação e sexualização dos sujeitos por meio das tecnologias sociais presentes na esfera da educação, da saúde e outras formas de pedagogia.
A Teoria Queer surge da confluência de vertentes radicais do feminismo e dos estudos gays e lésbicos, e propõe uma crítica à hegemonia heterossexual, interpretada como uma imposição cultural que permeia o discurso e a prática em diversos âmbitos da realidade social, cultural e política.
Essa discussão foi apresentada por pesquisadores brasileiros e internacionais de destaque na discussão da Teoria Queer, com especial destaque para a filósofa Judith Butler, uma das principais referências sobre o tema no mundo.
De interesse para educadores, estudantes, pesquisadores interessados nas temáticas da sexualidade, do gênero e dos saberes insurgentes, as discussões do I Seminário Queer, realizado pelo Sesc em parceria com a Revista Cult, pretendem aguçar o olhar para as formas menos visíveis de normalização corporal e subjetiva vigentes na sociedade contemporânea.
Com Judith Butler, Marie-Helène Bourcier, Richard Miskolci, Carla Rodrigues, Karla Bessa, Leandro Colling, Guacira Lopes Louro, Jorge Leite Junior, Pedro Paulo Gomes Pereira, Berenice Bento, Marcia Tiburi e Larissa Pelúcio.
Berenice Bento
É professora da UFRN (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte) e pesquisadora do CNPq. Doutorou-se em Sociologia pela UnB com a primeira tese de doutorado sobre transexualidade no Brasil, publicada como A Reinvenção do Corpo (2006). Tem produzido reflexões sobre gênero, sexualidade e direitos humanos. Em 2011, foi agraciada com o Prêmio Nacional Direitos Humanos.
Marcia Tiburi
É professora da Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. Doutora em Filosofia pela UFRGS, suas principais áreas de interesse são filosofia contemporânea, ética, estética, biopolítica e feminismo. Autora de diversos livros de filosofia, dentre eles As Mulheres e a Filosofia (2002) e Mulheres, Filosofia ou Coisas do Gênero(2008).
Marie-Hélène Sam Bourcier [FRA]
É professora da Universidade de Lille. Doutora em Sociologia pela Haute École en Études Sociales, foi professora visitante em diversas universidades do mundo e é autora de vários livros e artigos com impacto na produção queer contemporânea mundial. Entre seus interesses de pesquisa destacam-se as reflexões sobre epistemologias queer. Tem reconhecida atuação política em movimentos queer internacionais.
Marta Colabone (mediadora)
É historiadora com especialização em Comunicação e em Artes. É gerente de estudos e desenvolvimento no Sesc SP.
• 3:10 Início da fala de Berenice Bento
• 27:11 Início da fala de Marie-Helène Bourcier
• 44:00 Início da fala de Marcia Tiburi
Abejuela que buscas-JUAN DEL VADO~Spanish Court Music in the New Spain.Manuscrito Sutro (Siglo XVII)
Abejuela que buscas de Juan Bautista del Vado y Gómez (ca. 1625-1691). Canción de un manuscrito de la Corte Real Española en la Nueva España del Siglo XVII.
Tonos humanos a solo con acompañamiento de arpa. Concordancias entre el manuscrito 2478 de la Biblioteca Nacional de España y el manuscrito Sutro, SMMS-M1, de la biblioteca Sutro de San Francisco, California. El descubrimiento reciente de cuatro manuscritos de los siglos XVII al XIX localizados en la Biblioteca Sutro de San Francisco, California, que contienen música teatral, de salón y de danza de la Nueva España y de principios del México independiente, amplían nuestro conocimiento sobre el repertorio que interpretaban músicos profesionales y amateurs durante esa época. Estos manuscritos demuestran que los músicos novohispanos conocían e interpretaban la música en boga en Europa. La antología manuscrita de música teatral de origen español, probablemente empleada en el México colonial, expande significativamente el repertorio vocal conocido del periodo. Este manuscrito contiene una cantidad relevante de música no disponible en otras fuentes, de importantes compositores españoles para el teatro barroco como Juan Hidalgo, Juan de Nabas, Manuel Villaflor y Juan de Serqueira.
Uno de los documentos virreinales más notableses el cuaderno que se conserva en la Biblioteca Sutro de San Francisco, conocido como Manuscrito Sutro N°1. Se trata de una colección de 124 canciones para voz y acompañamiento en tablatura, que fue llevado de México a Estados Unidos en el siglo XIX. La colección parece haber sido copiada en España, acaso en Madrid, y traída a México en algún momento una vez iniciado el siglo XVIII. El primer dueño del cuaderno pudo haber sido un señor Nicolás Aragón, natural de Oaxaca, que se trasladó a la ciudad de México para obtener un grado en la Real y Pontificia Universidad. El manuscrito fue adquirido por el coleccionista de libros Adolph Sutro de manos del librero Francisco Abadiano y de su hijo Eufemio entre 1885 y 1889. Parte del acervo que Abadiano tenía a la venta provenía de colegios, monasterios, conventos e iglesias, secularizados durante el régimen reformista del presidente Juárez. Sorprendido por la riqueza de la librería de Abadiano, Sutro la adquirió completa. Este cuaderno de canciones y otros materiales musicales de interés histórico que comprenden una colección de piezas escogidas para dos guitarras, una agrupación de 17 piezas arregladas para teclado destinadas al ballet, así como danzas y marchas populares, un método de canto copiado en Puebla en 1816, un conjunto de 83 obras, unas para bailar y otras que son piezas de cámara; un manuscrito con música de ópera y un manual para administrar el Sagrado Viático, forman parte del inmenso acervo bibliográfico que Sutro adquirió en México.
En el Manuscrito Sutro N°1 están representados, sobre todo, compositores peninsulares, vinculados a la Corte Real y a la vida teatral madrileña. Juan Hidalgo, Sebastián Durón, Manuel de Villaflor, Juan de Vado, Matías Vaena, José Marín, Mateo Peñalva, Juan de Serqueyra, entre otros, tienen estupendas muestra de tonos humanos y canciones para voz sola, ceñidos a la forma de villancico hispano del siglo de Oro. Los textos, quizá de poetas de la misma época, se refieren mayoritariamente al tema del amor, lo que remarca la naturaleza profana del manuscrito.
Obra extraída del álbum: Oíd, oíd mis suspiros. Canciones de un manuscrito de la Nueva España del siglo XVII.
Intepretan: Ruth Ramírez (Mezzosoprano), Jennifer Sayre (Arpa), Richard Savino (Guitarra Barroca), Juán Antonio Guzmán (Clave), Abel Maní (Viola da Gamba).
LUZAM, Contacto Cultura: Fideicomiso para la Cultura México-Estados Unidos.
Imágenes: Desnudos 1926-1932.
Fotografías de Luis Márquez Romay.
Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas (UNAM), CONACULTA-INBA. Museo Nacional de Arte.
Música Virreinal, Música Colonial
Homeless German Shepherd cries like a human! I have never heard anything like this!!!
To celebrate Hope For Paws' 10th birthday, we are honored to be the first ones to introduce the NEW - DONATE BUTTON directly here on YouTube. On your mobile device it will be below the video, on your computer it will be to the right. Please join our team and
help us save many more lives.
Special thanks to our friends at LoveJoy foundation for fostering Rain and for handling her adoption:
Rain was scared and expressed it in a way that I have never heard in my life! Her cry was heartbreaking, and I am so happy that Carey Linnell called Hope For Paws and asked for help.
Her ears were eaten by flies, her coat was filthy, and I can't imagine what caused her to be so fearful.
Loreta Frankonyte was able to secure her, calm her down, and I initiated the first contact while Loreta was ready to pull her away from me if needed. Rain never did anything aggressive, she allowed me to touch her and along with Carey, we gained her trust and got her into the crate and from there to the hospital.
The next day, Loreta and I met our friend Allison Dunbar on a rescue of a dog named Monkey. After the rescue we headed to the hospital to clean him up, and at the hospital, Allison met Rain and fell in love!
A few days later, after a short recovery and a little bit of training with the Lovejoy Foundation, Allison, Kyle and Ernie came to visit Rain again, and the way to the adoption application was short :-)
Rain was renamed Sassy Pants Dunbar, and she just LOVES her new life!
We really need your help so we can save more lives, so if you enjoy our videos, please donate $5 and help us change the world of these animals.
Thank you so much!!!
#HopeForPaws #DogRescue #DogVideos
#HopeForPaws #DogRescue #DogVideos
Turning Myself Into a Bratz Doll
HI SISTERS! There is a CRAZY trend going around the makeup community right now where people are using MAKEUP to turn themselves into BRATZ DOLLS! Watch as I attempt this makeup challenge and transform into the iconic dolls with a passion for fashion. Enjoy and don't forget to thumbs up and SUBSCRIBE!
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SNAPCHAT » jamescharless
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EDITOR: Louis & Anthony Gargiula
GRAPHICS: Michael Rusakov
Basically I'm Gay
Let me tell you a queer little story about a boy named Dan.
Follow me online to see the rest of my tale as it unfolds in real time:
And subscribe to my channel! (lol)
Content warning: this video contains far too much strong language and discussions of general sexuality, discriminatory language, bullying and an attempt on my own life. Otherwise totally appropriate for education, instilling good values in young children and my grandma who I will expect a disappointed text from.
Special thanks to for production assistance.
Art by Hector aka
Handel - Messiah
Camille Saint-Saëns - Danse Macabre
Tchaikovsky - 1812 Overture
Chopin - Fantasie Impromptu
Schubert - Ave Maria
Additional Music by Kevin Macleod
Disclaimer - This video is just a starting point for me, what I felt was the bare minimum (ha) required for me to get this out there so I can move forward with my life, a mix of explanation, justification and opinion. It scratched the surface of several things I could have gone into more detail about, but the purpose of this was to be ..reasonably concise and above all entertaining. In the future, in the right places, I will surely talk much more about everything touched on in this video and more. It’s also likely that something will get misunderstood or misrepresented, perhaps from the way I phrased things or people assuming my thoughts on things that I didn’t specify. Also my story is just the truth of what happened to me and what I thought at certain points of time in my environment, good and bad - of course not my opinions today. So JUST to be clear my opinion on general sexual and gender identities are that everyone is valid and deserves equal rights and the freedom to exist. The only thing I don’t tolerate is intolerance. Cheers to an inevitable bright future, either because people become nice and the old people die or the sun explodes first lmao.
Some resources and charities for anyone who needs support or wants to learn more:
All 7 Chakras Healing Meditation Music
This Track Features Music based on Indian Classical Raaga for Each Chakra, with the Root Note Frequency at the Resonating Frequency of Each Chakra. Starting with Root Chakra - The Muladhara - The Foundation of All Chakras and moving all the way up to Crown Chakra - The Sahasrara. Each Chakra music is roughly around 7 Mins Long.
This entire month we will be posting a new chakra meditation music and chants everyday.
SUBSCRIBE using the link below for your Daily Chakra Meditations and updates on the new uploads.
i. Chakra Sleep Meditation Series ending with peaceful Morning Mantra starting with Root Chakra
ii. Special Request Video for Root Chakra Healing Meditation Music - Extended Version.
♫ WATCH YESTERDAY's VIDEO - Crown Chakra(Sahasrara) Healing Meditation Music :
1. Root Chakra :Healing Meditation Music Starts at 00:00
Sanskrit Name - Muladhara
Associated Raag - Shyam Kalyan
Root Note Frequency - 256Hz
Color - Red
Location - Base of the Spine
Function - It governs over our physical energies, giving us a sense of safety and security with other people and ourselves.
2. Sacral Chakra : Healing Meditation Music Starts at 07:15
Sanskrit Name - Svadhishthana
Associated Raag - Yaman
Root Note Frequency - 288Hz
Color - Orange
Location - In your lower abdomen, about one to two inches below your naval.
Function - The Sacral chakra is about feeling and sexuality. When it is open, your feelings flow freely, and are expressed without you being over-emotional.
3. Solar Plexus Chakra : Healing Meditation Music Starts at 14:28
Sanskrit Name - Manipura
Associated Raag - Bhimpalasi
Root Note Frequency - 320Hz
Color - Yellow
Location - At the navel or slightly above the solar plexus
Function - Manipura is considered the center of dynamism, energy, willpower, and achievement (Itcha shakti), which radiates prana(the life energy) throughout the entire human body.
4. Heart Chakra : Healing Meditation Music Starts at 21:58
Sanskrit Name - Anahata
Associated Raag - Ahir Bhairav
Root Note Frequency - 341Hz
Color - Green
Location - In the central channel of the spine at the heart
Function - It is associated with the ability to make decisions outside the realm of karma. In Anahata one makes decisions or follows one's heart based on one's higher self, not the unfulfilled emotions and desires of lower nature.
5. Throat Chakra : Healing Meditation Music Starts at 29:33
Sanskrit Name - Vishuddha
Associated Raag - Desh
Root Note Frequency - 384Hz
Color - Sky Blue
Location - At the throat region, near the spine
Function - It is known as the purification center of our body and is associated with creativity and self-expression.
6. Third Eye Chakra : Healing Meditation Music Starts at 36:59
Sanskrit Name - Ajna
Associated Raag - Bhupali
Root Note Frequency - 448Hz
Color - Indigo
Location - Directly behind the center of the forehead
Function - Ajna translates as command, and is considered the eye of intuition and intellect. When something is seen in the mind's eye, or in a dream, it is being seen by Ajna
7. Crown Chakra : Healing Meditation Music Starts at 44:36
Sanskrit Name - Sahasrara
Associated Raag - Darbari
Root Note Frequency - 480Hz
Color - Violet
Location - Either at or slightly above the top of the head.
Function - The Sahasrara Chakra symbolises detachment from illusion; an essential element in obtaining higher consciousness of the truth that one is all and all is one.
Root Chakra {Muladhara} :
Sacral Chakra {Swaddhisthana} :
Solar Plexus Chakra {Manipura} :
Heart Chakra {Anahata} :
Throat Chakra{Vishuddha} :
Third Eye Chakra {Ajna} :
Crown Chakra{Sahasrara} :
✜ LET'S CONNECT - Meditation Music, Mantra Meditations, Chakra Healing Chants & Healthy Living Tips.
✜ CREDITS : Composition & Music : Dilpreet Bhatia
Our Mission is to bring more peace and mindfulness in people's lives through Music for Meditation, Chakra Healing, Mantra
Zombie Parasites | Nat Geo Live
What if, unbeknownst to you, someone—or something—was controlling your behavior for its own nefarious ends? Join photographer Anand Varma as he reveals this nightmare scenario being acted out over and over across the natural world, as unsuspecting hosts are compelled to nurture and protect mind-sucking parasites.
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#NationalGeographic #Zombies #Parasites
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Thought-provoking presentations by today's leading explorers, scientists, and photographers.
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National Geographic is the world's premium destination for science, exploration, and adventure. Through their world-class scientists, photographers, journalists, and filmmakers, Nat Geo gets you closer to the stories that matter and past the edge of what's possible.
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The National Geographic Live series brings thought-provoking presentations by today’s leading explorers, scientists, photographers, and performing artists right to you. Each presentation is filmed in front of a live audience at National Geographic headquarters in Washington, D.C. New clips air every Monday.
Zombie Parasites | Nat Geo Live
National Geographic
Football VS Basketball
Friend was in town a few weeks back, got the camera out and shot this. Subscribe!
Jeng as Basketball guy
Fabian as Football guy
Robbit as himself
Fabian - Writer, Director, Editor, Producer, Camera
Jeng - Camera
Seng - Camera
Aero Chord - Mortar
Aero Chord - Alt-Ctrl-Destruction
Rossini - William Tell Overture (Part 1 - Dawn)
Twitter: @tastyliciouss
Planador AXN em Maricá
Voo com aeromodelo AXN em Maricá, vista linda
Sim Ou Não - Anitta Feat Maluma
▶ Ouça o álbum Kisses / Escucha el album Kisses / Listen to the album Kisses:
▶ Assista aos clipes de Kisses / Ver los vídeos de Kisses / Watch the music videos from Kisses:
Clipe oficial do single Sim Ou Não com participação do cantor Maluma.
Você também pode ouvir a Anitta aqui:
☆ Spotify:
Ficha técnica single:
Composição: Anitta / Maluma / Jefferson Junior / Umberto Tavares
Voz: Anitta / Maluma
Bateria: Mãozinha
Guitarra: Umberto Tavares
Teclados: Toninho Aguiar
Percussão: Jefferson Junior, Marcos Saboia, Mãozinha, Toninho Aguiar,Umberto Tavares
Ficha técnica clipe:
Direção: Jessy Terrero
Styling: Flavia Pommianosky
Make up/Hair: Henrique Martins
Participação especial: Maluma
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Sim Ou Não
Se quiser jogar, vem
Mas tem que arriscar, vem…
Vai ser sim ou não, oh no, oh no
Não, oh no
Y tú lo sabes que me gustas
Mueve el cuerpo suave
Pa mí así yeah yeah yeah yeah
Bailame que quiero verte
Posa pa mí bien sexy
No sé si volveré a verte
Pero voy a disfrutarte
Solo tú, tú, tú me enloqueces
Y solo tú tú tú te mereces
Que te diga al oído
Las cosas que me excitan
Lo que el niño necesita, baby
Não encosta, não me beija
Só me olha, me deseja
Quero ver se você vai aguentar
A noite inteira sem poder me tocar
Eu rebolo, te enlouqueço
Bate palma que eu mereço
Quero ver se você vai aguentar
A noite inteira sem poder me tocar
Tudo pode acontecer, vai ter que pagar pra ver
Se vai rolar, se é pra valer, oh no
Pode ser só diversão mas a minha intenção
Não vou dizer só vai saber
Se quiser jogar, vem
Mas tem que arriscar, vem…
Vai ser sim ou não, oh no, oh no
Não, oh no
Si quieres jugar, ven
Que quiero tocarte
Y aquí mismo dártelo
No digas que no
Bailame que quiero verte
Posa pa mí bien sexy
Então segura a pressão, muita pressão
Minha intenção, é sedução
Solo tú, tú, tú me enloqueces
Y solo tú tú tú te mereces
Cê tá querendo um sim, mas pode ser um não, no, no, no…
Tudo pode acontecer, vai ter que pagar pra ver
Se vai rolar, se é pra valer, oh no
Pode ser só diversão mas a minha intenção
Não vou dizer só vai saber
Se quiser jogar, vem
Mas tem que arriscar, vem…
Vai ser sim ou não, oh no, oh no
Não, oh no
Si quieres jugar, ven
Que quiero tocarte
Y aquí mismo dártelo
No digas que no
????????BRAZIL PENALTY SHOOTOUT Brazil vs Chile 1-1???????? Highlights 28.6.2014 (World Cup Cartoon)
✋Please note: these shit cartoons are not made for kids in anyway. They contain swearing, cartoon violence and non-children themes✋
Watch Brazil's tense penalty shoot-out highlights, 442oons style!
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????442oons is a one-man team, me! Me being Dean Stobbart. No, not a relation of Eddie...????
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