Campo Santo Teutonico
Wahrscheinlich der ruhigste Ort in ganz Rom: Der deutsche Friedhof.
Direkt neben dem Petersdom liegt diese kleine grüne Oase umgeben vom Vatikanstaat und der wuseligen Stadt.
Der Besucher muss sich bei den Schweizer Gardisten am Tor südlich des Petersdoms zwischen den Kolonnaden und dem Palazzo del Sant’Uffizio melden und in deutscher Sprache den Zugang zum Deutschen Friedhof oder Campo Santo Teutonico begehren. Leute aus anderen Nationen haben keinen Zutritt.
Probably the most quiet places in Rome: The German cemetery.
This small green oasis is located directly next to the St. Peter´s Basilica and surrounded by the Vatican State and the lively city.
The visitor has to come forward to the Swiss Guardsmen at the gate south of St. Peter´s Basilica between the colonnades and the Palazzo del Sant’Uffizio and request admission to the cemetery in German. People from other nations have no access.
The Teutonic Cemetery (Italian: Cimitero Teutonico) is a burial site adjacent to St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City.
Located where once stood the Circus of Nero, during the period of the Roman Empire, it was the site of the martyrdom of many of the early Christians of the city.
During the Middle Ages, a school was built at the site, supposedly by the Emperor Charlemagne. In the 15th century, it became dedicated to the German-speaking residents of the city. There are two institutes of study and two chapels attached to the cemetery, one being the burial place of the Swiss Guards who fell in defense of the city against the forces of the new Kingdom of Italy in 1870.
In recent times, the cemetery was reserved for the burial of German-speaking members of the various religious institutions in Rome. In February 2015, Willy, a homeless Belgian man was buried in the cemetery, with the financial assistance of a German family, after approval by Pope Francis and reflecting his maxim that he wants a poor church, for the poor.
I used music from the YouTube audio library for this video.
Music: Gymnopedie no1 by Satie.
Vatikan - Campo Santo Teutonico
Das Video zeigt Impressionen vom Campo Santo Teutonico im Vatikan - eine exterritoriale Besitzung des Heiligen Stuhls. Dies ist der deutsche Friedhof in Rom, allerdings nur über das Gelände des Vatikan zugänglich!
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Rome in 1 Minute / Rom / Vatikan / Campo Santo Teutonico
Mein Rom Trip in einer Minute. Ein paar Sehenswürdigkeiten fehlen (Engelsburg, V. Borghese). Aber Alles in Allem waren es 4 Tage vollgepackt mit Streifzügen durch die Ewige Stadt.
Created with MAGIX Video deluxe 2016 Premium
VATICANO - Library dedicated to Benedict XVI opened in Rome
Inside the Vatican, housed within the existing library of the Roman Institute of the Görres Gesellschaft, and the building known as the “Campo Santo Teutonico”, a new library has been established in honor of Pope Benedict XVI.
Although the idea was spontaneous, the new library within a library is already quite substantial in size with hundreds of books to read in over 30 languages.
Campo Santo Teutonico; Dokumentation
Campo Santo Teutonico ist der Friedhof, auf dem vor allem deutschsprachige Verstorbene, auch Schweizergardisten, die bei der Verteidigung des Papstes gestorben sind, begraben. Die Denkmäler zeugen von der reichen Geschichte der Grabstätte.
The Vatican Museum / Teutonic Cemetery - Rome Travel Guide
Another gem of a discovery on our travels, the Teutonic Cemetery, a burial site adjacent to St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City. Located where once stood the Circus of Nero, during the period of the Roman Empire, this beautiful place is accessible for free and it gives you a moment away from the crowds...highly recommended!
In this same vlog, we also visit the Vatican Museum, home of the sistine chapel...we were allowed to film in the museum but all recording in the sistine chapel was prohibited!
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Music: Clouds - Huma-Huma
Music: Clover 3 by Vibe Mountain
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Vatican cemetery a 'piece of heaven'
Paul Badde, a member of the Archconfraternity of Our Lady, discusses the importance of the small German cemetery inside the Vatican.
Vatikan - Auf der Kuppel vom Petersdom
Januar 2016 Rom - Vatikan Wir besteigen die Kuppel vom Petersdom. Von dort oben hat man einen herrlichen Blick auf die ganze Stadt
Created with MAGIX Fotos auf DVD 2014 Deluxe
Teutonic Cemetery Inside the Vatican - ENN 2018-11-02
Catholics around the world are marking All Souls' Day by visiting the graves of their dearly departed and praying for their souls. Vatican Correspondent Juliet Linley takes us to a little-known cemetery tucked away inside the Vatican.
Santa Maria della Pietà in Camposanto dei Teutonici
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The Church of Our Lady of Mercy in the German Cemetery is a Roman Catholic church in the rione Borgo of Rome, Italy.The building lies near the Vatican City, is attached to the Campo Santo dei Teutonici e dei Fiamminghi and is adjacent to the German cemetery in the Vatican City.The site belonged to the Schola Francorum, a hospice for German pilgrims which was the oldest German institution in Rome.The church, lying in piazza Protomartiri Romani, is in the area of the Palazzo del Sant'Uffizo, which belongs to Italy but according to the Lateran treaty has an extraterritorial status in favour of the Holy See.
About the author(s): The original uploader was Croberto68 at Italian Wikipedia
License: Public domain
Author(s): Croberto68
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Vatican City | The Smallest City In The World
Radiance Vision Group is one of the growing organizations that provide digital marketing as well as video services. Vatican City is the smallest country in the world.Encircled by Italy, Vatican City covers just over 100 acres it is an independent city-state, it one-eighth the size of New York’s Central Park.
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Vatikan - Der Deutsche Friedhof im Vatikan
Ein deutscher Friedhof im Vatikan? Gibt es das? Ja, und einen sehr schönen dazu.
Vatikan - Petersplatz in HD
Das Video zeigt Impressionen von der Piazza San Pietro (Petersplatz) in Rom an einem frühen Vormittag!
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Cambio della guardia Vaticano a Roma
Protestant Cemetery Rome * Cimitero protestante Roma * Protestantische Friedhof Rom PART 2
Il Cimitero acattolico di Roma (già Cimitero degli Inglesi o anche Cimitero dei protestanti) si trova nel quartiere di Testaccio, vicino a Porta San Paolo, a lato della Piramide Cestia, una piramide di stile egizio su scala ridotta costruita nel 12 a.C. come tomba ed integrata successivamente in una sezione delle Mura Aureliane che delimitano il cimitero sul lato meridionale. Dal momento che le regole della Chiesa cattolica vietavano di seppellire in terra consacrata i non cattolici — quindi protestanti, ebrei e ortodossi — nonché i suicidi e gli attori, questi, dopo morte, erano espulsi dalla comunità cristiana cittadina e inumati fuori dalle mura (o al margine estremo delle stesse). Le inumazioni avvenivano di notte per evitare manifestazioni di fanatismo religioso e per preservare l'incolumità di coloro che partecipavano ai riti funebri.[1] Un cimitero dedicato agli attori, ad esempio, era fuori Porta Pinciana, dove adesso corre via del Muro Torto; il cimitero degli ebrei invece era sulla collina dell'Aventino di fronte al circo Massimo — ora vi si trova il roseto comunale. La prima sepoltura nota è quella di uno studente di Oxford chiamato Langton, del 1738, ma il cimitero fu aperto ufficialmente (con editto della Segreteria di stato di Pio VII Chiaramonti), l'11 ottobre 1821. La decisione si era resa necessaria dato il numero sempre crescente di visitatori stranieri, in gran parte studenti, scrittori ed artisti, che nell'epoca del romanticismo e del neoclassicismo si recavano a Roma dall'Europa del Nord, con conseguente aumento dei non cattolici che morivano in città, come accadde al poeta inglese John Keats, in quello stesso anno. Come indica il nome ufficiale, il Cimitero acattolico di Roma è il posto per l'ultimo riposo non solo dei protestanti, ma dei non-cattolici in generale; è riservato però a quelli stranieri, senza distinzione di nazionalità. Col tempo, vi sono stati sepolti anche intellettuali italiani che rappresentavano in qualche modo una cultura alternativa, straniera rispetto a quella dominante, primo tra tutti Antonio Gramsci. I grandi, centenari cipressi, il prato verde che circonda parte delle tombe, la bianca piramide che svetta dietro la recinzione di mura romane, insieme ai gatti che prendono il sole e passeggiano indisturbati tra le lapidi redatte in tutte le lingue del mondo, conferiscono a questo piccolo cimitero uno stile inimitabile. Attualmente la custodia e la gestione del cimitero è affidata alle rappresentanze straniere in Italia. Dato lo spazio esiguo a disposizione, e per mantenere intatto il carattere del luogo, solo eccezionalmente viene concessa la sepoltura a italiani illustri che, sia per la qualità della loro opera che per le circostanze della vita, siano stati in qualche modo stranieri nel proprio paese. Der Protestantische Friedhof (italienisch: Cimitero acattolico, auch Cimitero degli Inglesi oder Cimitero dei protestanti) ist einer der berühmten Friedhöfe in Rom. Neben den oben genannten sind hier auch folgende bekannte Persönlichkeiten bestattet: Hendrik Andersen (1872--1940), norwegischer Bildhauer Karl Briullov (1799--1852), russischer Maler Johann Jürgen Busch (1758--1820), deutscher Bildhauer Asmus Carstens (1754-1798), deutscher Maler Adam Eberle (1804--1832), deutscher Historienmaler und Lithograf Carlo Emilio Gadda (1893--1973) italienischer Schriftsteller August von Goethe (1789--1830), Sohn Johann Wolfgang von Goethes Helga von Heintze (1919--1996), deutsche Archäologin John Keats (1795-1821), einer der wichtigsten Dichter der englischen Romantik Hans von Marées (1837--1887), deutscher Maler Malwida von Meysenbug (1816--1903), deutsche Schriftstellerin Axel Munthe (1857--1949), schwedischer Arzt und Schriftsteller Max Peiffer-Watenphul (1896-1976), deutscher Maler Johann Christian Reinhart (1761-1847), deutscher Maler Amelia Rosselli (1930--1996), italienische Schriftstellerin Renato Salvatori (1933--1988), italienischer Schriftsteller Gottfried Semper (1803--1879), deutscher Architekt Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792--1822), ein englischer Schriftsteller Franklyn Simmons (1839--1913), amerikanischer Bildhauer und Maler Emelyn Story (1820--1895), Frau des amerikanischen Bildhauer und Dichter W.W.Story Wilhelm Friedrich Waiblinger (1804--1830), deutscher Dichter Friedrich Adolf Freiherr von Willisen (1798--1864), preußischer General, als Gesandter Preußens beim Heiligen Stuhl Protektor dieses Friedhofes Ebenso befinden sich die Gräber von zwei Kindern Wilhelm von Humboldts, seinerzeit preußischer Gesandter in Rom, auf dem Friedhof.
Rome from the Monte Mario's Hill (manortiz)
The Teutonic Cemetery, a cemetery within the Vatican
Between St. Peter's Basilica and the Paul VI Audience Hall, someone may pass between the areas high walls without realizing that this is the Vatican's Teutonic Cemetery. In ancient times, the area served as the circus of Nero which is where many Christians were martyred. .
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Camposanto Monumentale, Pisa, Tuscany, Italy, Europe
The Campo Santo, also known as Camposanto Monumentale (monumental cemetery) or Camposanto Vecchio (old cemetery), is a historical edifice at the northern edge of the Cathedral Square in Pisa, Italy. Campo Santo can be literally translated as holy field, because it is said to have been built around a shipload of sacred soil from Golgotha, brought back to Pisa from the Fourth Crusade by Ubaldo de' Lanfranchi, archbishop of Pisa in the 12th century. A legend claims that bodies buried in that ground will rot in just 24 hours. The burial ground lies over the ruins of the old baptistery of the church of Santa Reparata, the church that once stood where the cathedral now stands. The term monumental serves to differentiate it from the later-established urban cemetery in Pisa. The building was the fourth and last one to be raised in the Cathedral Square. It dates from a century after the bringing of the soil from Golgotha, and was erected over the earlier burial ground. The construction of this huge, oblong Gothic cloister was begun in 1278 by the architect Giovanni di Simone. He died in 1284 when Pisa suffered a defeat in the naval battle of Meloria against the Genoans. The cemetery was only completed in 1464. It seems that the building was not meant to be a real cemetery, but a church called Santissima Trinità (Most Holy Trinity), but the project changed during the construction. However we know that the original part was the western one (and this should be, at least for a while, the mentioned church), and all the eastern part was the last to be built, finally closing the structure. The outer wall is composed of 43 blind arches. There are two doorways. The one on the right is crowned by a gracious Gothic tabernacle. It contains the Virgin Mary with Child, surrounded by four saints. It is the work from the second half of the 14th century by a follower of Giovanni Pisano. This was the original entrance door. Most of the tombs are under the arcades, although a few are on the central lawn. The inner court is surrounded by elaborate round arches with slender mullions and plurilobed tracery. The cemetery has three chapels. The oldest ones are the chapel Ammannati (1360) and takes its name from the tomb of Ligo Ammannati, a teacher in the University of Pisa; and the chapel Aulla, were there is an altar made by Giovanni della Robbia in 1518. In the Aulla chapel we can see also the original incense lamp that Galileo Galilei used for calculation of pendular movements. This lamp is the one Galileo saw inside the cathedral, now replaced by a larger more elaborate one. The last chapel was Dal Pozzo, commissioned by archbishop of Pisa Carlo Antonio Dal Pozzo in 1594; it has an altar dedicated to St. Jerome and a little dome. In this chapel in 2009 were translated the relics of the Cathedral: the relics include among the others eleven of the twelve Apostles, two fragments of the True Cross, a thorn from the Crown of Thorns of Christ and a small piece of the dress of the Virgin Mary. Also in the Dal Pozzo chapel sometimes a Mass is celebrated. The Campo Santo contained a huge collection of Roman sarcophagi, but there are only 84 left together with a collection of Roman and Etruscan sculptures and urns, now in the Museum of the vestry board.
The sarcophagi were initially all around the cathedral, often attached to the building itself. That until the cemetery was built, then they were collected in the middle all over the meadow. Carlo Lasinio, in the years he was the curator of the Campo Santo, collected many other ancient relics that were spread in Pisa to make a sort of archeological museum inside the cemetery. Nowadays the sarcophagi are inside the galleries, near the walls. The walls were once covered in frescoes; the first were applied in 1360, the last about three centuries later. The first was the Crucifixion by Francesco Traini, in the south western side. Then, continuing to right, in the southern side, the Last Judgement, The Hell, The Triumph of Death and the Anacoreti nella Tebaide, usually attributed to Buonamico Buffalmacco. The cycle of frescoes continues with the Stories of the Old Testament by Benozzo Gozzoli (15th century) that were situated in the north gallery, while in the south arcade were the Stories of Pisan Saints, by Andrea Bonaiuti, Antonio Veneziano and Spinello Aretino (between 1377 and 1391), and the Stories of Job, by Taddeo Gaddi (end of 14th century). In the same time, in the north gallery were the Stories of the Genesis by Piero di Puccio.
On 27 July 1944, a bomb fragment from an Allied raid started a fire. Due to all the water tanks being controlled, the fire could not be put out in time, and it burnt the wooden rafters and melted the lead of the roof.
VATICAN MYSTERY: Holy city could hold key to finding teenager missing for 36 YEARS
The Vatican city may hold the key to finding Emanuela Orlandi (Image: GETTY) Emanuela Orlandi disappeared 36 years ago and was last seen leaving a music class aged just 15-years-old. The daughter of a Vatican police guard has never been seen since vanishing in 1983. However, the holy city has received an anonymous letter, presented by her family lawyer, which states the teenager is located in a German cemetery within the Vatican walls. Related articles Pope makes SHOCK claim against ‘hypocrite’ Christians Vatican to open secret World War 2 archives for first time EVER The Vatican is yet to reveal if the claims are genuine but has confirmed it is looking into it. Vatican spokesman Alessandro Gisotti said in a statement: “I can confirm that the letter by Emanuela Orlandi's family has been received and the requests it contains will be studied.” This news comes in the wake of reports in Italy's Corriere della Sera daily on Monday of another location within the grounds where Emanuela may be found. Lawyer Lauro Sgro received a note last year telling her to “look where the angel is pointing” occupied by an image of the tomb.Emanuela Orlandi disappeared 36 years ago (Image: AP) Related articles Human BONES found in VATICAN building could solve 35-year mystery of m Human remains found under embassy don’t belong to missing teen girls The tomb identified features a marble angel with “rest in peace” written in Latin. However, tests completed on the tomb showed it had already been opened and the date encrypted was also different. But Ms Sgro maintains she is able to “verify that some people knew there was a chance Emauela Orlandi's body had been hidden in the German cemetery”. This is not the first time the family has been alerted to the prospect of finding Emmanula. Last year human remains were discovered on a Vatican property, however test showed the skeleton did not belong to the missing teenager.
Città del Vaticano LE TOMBE DEI PAPI, Basilica San Pietro
Città del Vaticano LE TOMBE DEI PAPI, Basilica San Pietro
La crocifissione di Pietro - Marco Frisina
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