Bergamo: Santa Maria Maggiore e la Cappella Colleoni (Roberto Jannone, 1987) | Archivio storico
Il cortometraggio, parte della serie co-prodotta dalla Cariplo “Archivio dell'arte”, presenta una dettagliata descrizione della storia, dell'architettura e delle opere d'arte di Santa Maria Maggiore a Bergamo, la cui posizione “nascosta” tra gli edifici cittadini non deve far dimenticare un processo di costruzione iniziato nel XII secolo e poi proseguito lungo cinque secoli.
Produzione: Cosmovideo/Rai/Regione Lombardia/Cariplo, Servizio Propaganda e Sviluppo
Sezione multimediale Intesa Sanpaolo: materiale audio e audiovisivo eterogeneo per tipologia, storia e qualità, prodotto dagli istituti confluiti nel Gruppo dagli anni Cinquanta in avanti, con qualche rarità risalente alla prima metà del Novecento. Consultabile su appuntamento presso l’Archivio storico.
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Cappella Colleoni – Storia – Bergamo – Audioguida – MyWoWo Travel App
Ciao, sono Mario la tua guida personale ed insieme a MyWoWo ti diamo il benvenuto ad una delle meraviglie del mondo: la Cappella Colleoni.
Questo monumento funebre racconta la storia di un uomo eccezionale: Bartolomeo Colleoni, uno dei più famosi Capitani di Ventura, cioè capo di una compagnia di mercenari del Quattrocento.
Spavaldo, audace e divorato dall’ansia del successo, il bergamasco Colleoni cambiò più volte bandiera, ora al soldo di Milano, ora pagato da Venezia, accumulando enormi ricchezze e tentando addirittura di diventare Signore di Milano.
Per la propria sepoltura non si accontentò di una tomba all’interno di una chiesa, ma la volle edificare affacciata sulla piazza sotto gli occhi di tutti. La magnifica cappella fu così costruita in soli cinque anni a partire dal 1472 e il progetto fu affidato ad uno dei più promettenti giovani artisti di allora: Giovanni Antonio Amadeo, che realizzò una delle opere più importanti del suo tempo.
Per comprendere le abilità dell’architetto, fai attenzione a un geniale effetto scenografico. La cappella voleva superare la vicina Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore, che però è di dimensioni decisamente superiori, e così Amadeo disegnò le spettacolari decorazioni che catturano e incantano lo sguardo facendo dimenticare la basilica alle spalle…
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Cappella Colleoni – Interno – Bergamo – Audioguida – MyWoWo Travel App
All’interno della Cappella non corri il rischio di sbagliare nell’identificare Bartolomeo Colleoni: è il cavaliere in legno dorato, con le vesti da parata, il grosso berretto e il bastone del comando. La sua statua equestre domina, in posizione d’onore, al centro del monumento funerario composto da due sarcofagi sovrapposti.
Anche qui la volontà celebrativa supera il sentimento religioso: la luce che entra dal rosone illumina la statua, mentre l’altare della cappella è confinato in un ambiente più scuro sulla destra. Nel sarcofago inferiore, più grande, fu deposto il condottiero, in quello superiore la moglie Tisbe. Le sculture che li adornano sono capolavori di Giovanni Antonio Amadeo.
In uno dei pannelli coi rilievi delle Storie di Cristo e più precisamente la Flagellazione, puoi nuovamente riconoscere Bartolomeo Colleoni, seduto su un elmo, che sorregge in mano una torcia.
Sulla parete di sinistra vedrai anche un’altra tomba, più modesta ma di grande delicatezza. I tendaggi in marmo scostati rivelano una leggiadra fanciulla, dolcemente composta nella rigidità del riposo eterno. È Medea, figlia naturale del Colleoni, morta a 15 anni, ritratta con grande sensibilità dall’Amadeo…
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Places to see in ( Bergamo - Italy ) Cappella Colleoni
Places to see in ( Bergamo - Italy ) Cappella Colleoni
The Cappella Colleoni is a church and mausoleum in Bergamo in northern Italy. Dedicated to the saints Bartholomew, Mark and John the Baptist, it was built between 1472 and 1476 as the personal shrine for the condottiere Bartolomeo Colleoni, a member of one of the most outstanding families of the city, and his beloved daughter Medea.
The site chosen was that of the sacristy of the nearby church of Santa Maria Maggiore, which was demolished by Colleoni's soldiers. The design was entrusted to Giovanni Antonio Amadeo, whose plan respected the style of the church, as can be seen from the octagonal tambour of the dome and in the lantern cusp, as well as in the use of polychrome marbles.
The façade is characterized by the use of tarsia and polychrome marble decorations in white, red and black lozenges. Over the main portal is a rose window, flanked by two medallions portraying Julius Caesar and Trajan. The upper part of the basement has nine plaques with reliefs of Biblical stories, and four bas-reliefs with Hercules's deeds. The four pilasters of the windows flanking the portal are surmounted by statues of the Virtues. The upper part of the façade has a loggia in Romanesque style.
The interior includes a square hall and a smaller room housing the high altar. The tomb of Bartolomeo Colleoni (who died on November 2, 1475) is on the wall facing the entrance. It is decorated with reliefs of Episodes from the Life of Christ, statues, heads of lions and an equestrian statue of the condottiere in gilded wood, finished by German masters from Nuremberg in 1501. The whole complex is surrounded by a triumphal arch.
Amadeo himself executed the funerary monument of Medea Colleoni (died March 6, 1470). Located on the left wall, it has a statue of the Deposition from the Cross in high relief. The tomb was transferred here in 1892 from Basella di Urgnano. The presbytery has a high altar sculpted by Bartolomeo Manni in 1676, housing statues of the three saints to whom the chapel is dedicated, John, Mark and Bartholomew, by Pietro Lombardo. The upswept cornice is supported by Solomonic columns. The altar table, to a design by Leopoldo Pollack, is supported by angels carved by Grazioso Rusca.
For centuries it was believed that the condottiere's remains had been buried elsewhere, as the sarcophagus appeared empty. On November 21, 1969, however, they were discovered in Colleoni's tomb in a wooden coffin, hidden under a plaster cover.
( Bergamo - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Bergamo . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Bergamo - Italy
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SMILEVISIT - Visita digitale alla Cappella Colleoni a Bergamo
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Bergamo Alta piazza Duomo: Cappella Colleoni S.Maria Maggiore Battistero Duomo (Cattedrale) S. Croce
Oltre gli archi dei Palazzo della Ragione, ci troviamo in piazza del Duomo. Su questa piazza si affacciano monumenti di grande importanza per la storia e per l’arte di Bergamo. Di questi monumenti diamo qui qualche cenno riassuntivo: per una trattazione più dettagliata, si rinvia alle rispettive “schede analitiche”.
Il Battistero fu costruito nel 1340 da Giovanni da Campione per l'interno di Santa Maria Maggiore Dopo varie vicissitudini fu ricostruito nel luogo in cui si trova ora. All'interno la fonte battesimale ottagonale e la statua di S Giovanni Battista di Giovanni da Campione. Su ogni lato dell'ottagono, bassorilievi con storie della vita di Cristo.
Tempietto di Santa Croce. Attraversata l'Aula, ci troviamo in un cortile cintato al cui centro c'è il Tempietto di Santa Croce, costruito intorno all'XI secolo e rimaneggiato nei '500.
La Cappella Colleoni fu eretta nella seconda metà dei '400 dall'Amadeo come mausoleo dei grande condottiero. La facciata policroma di marmi che formano dei disegni geometrici è conclusa da una loggetta di bifore sovrastata da un tamburo ottagonale con cupola a spicchi. All'interno, la tomba del Colleoni occupa la parete di fronte all'ingresso, Sopra un secondo sarcofago è posta una statua equestre di legno dorato opera di uno scultore tedesco. Nella cappella è collocata anche la tomba della figlia Medea la cui immagine è riprodotta nella statua giacente sul sarcofago.
La Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore risale al XII secolo. Il rigore romanico dell'esterno si contrappone alla sontuosità barocca dell'interno ricco di stucchi, fregi e preziosismi. All’interno numerosi arazzi, il confessionale ligneo del Fantoni, la tomba di Gaetano Donizetti, il prezioso presbiterio, con i banchi finemente intarsiati dal Capoferri e dal Belli, su disegni di Lorenzo Lotto.
Il Duomo. Si affaccia sulla stessa piazza anche il Duomo che nasce da un progetto dei Filarete modificato durante la costruzione durata parecchi secoli. La decorazione interna fu completata alla fine dell'800. All'interno troviamo la cappella del Crocifisso che prende il nome da un crocifisso dei '500 posto sull'altare e l'abside sul cui muro sono appese sette grandi tele di cui una dipinta dal Tiepolo.
Places to see in ( Bergamo - Italy )
Places to see in ( Bergamo - Italy )
Bergamo is an Italian city northeast of Milan, in the Lombardy region. Its older upper district, called Città Alta, is characterized by cobblestone streets, encircled by Venetian walls and accessible by funicular. It's home to the Duomo di Bergamo, the city cathedral. Also here are the Romanesque Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore and the grand Cappella Colleoni, a chapel with 18th-century frescoes by Tiepolo.
Bergamo is a city in Lombardy, Italy, about 40 km (25 mi) northeast of Milan and 30 km (19 mi) from the lakes Como and Iseo. The foothills of the Bergamo Alps begin immediately north of the town. Bergamo is the seat of the Province of Bergamo. With a population of around 120,000, Bergamo is the fourth-largest city in Lombardy. The metropolitan area of Bergamo extends beyond the administrative city limits.
Bergamo is well connected to several cities in Europe and the Mediterranean through Il Caravaggio International Airport, the third-busiest airport in Italy with 10.5 million passengers in 2015, and the motorway A4 stretching on the axis between Milan, Verona, and Venice. The town has two centres: Città alta (upper city), a hilltop medieval town, surrounded by 16th-century cyclopic defensive walls, and the Città bassa (lower city). The two parts of the town are connected by funicular/cable car, roads, and foot-paths. Parking spaces are very limited in the upper city.
The upper city, surrounded by Venetian walls built in the 16th century, forms the historic centre of Bergamo. Città Alta is an extremely expensive place to live in, with properties being sold for five to twelve thousand euro per square meter. This has numerous places of interest including:
Cittadella (Citadel), built by the Visconti in the mid-14th century.
Piazza Vecchia (old square)
Palazzo della Ragione. This was the seat of the administration of the city in the age of the communes. Currently it houses a selection of paintings from the Accademia Carrara.
Palazzo Nuovo (Biblioteca Civica Angelo Mai). It was designed by Vincenzo Scamozzi in the early 17th century but only completed in 1928.
Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore (Saint Mary Major). The dome has frescoes by Giovanbattista Tiepolo. Noteworthy are the great Crucifix and the tomb of Gaetano Donizetti.
Cappella Colleoni (Colleoni chapel), annexed to Santa Maria Maggiore, it contains the tomb of the condottiere Bartolomeo Colleoni.
The Battistero (Baptistry), an elegant octagonal building dating from 1340.
Bergamo Cathedral (Duomo).
Rocca (Castle). It was begun in 1331 on the hill of Sant'Eufemia by William of Castelbarco, vicar of John of Bohemia, and later completed by Azzone Visconti.
San Michele al Pozzo Bianco.
Museo Civico Archeologico (Archaeological Civic Museum) This is housed in the Cittadella.
Museo di Scienze Naturali Enrico Caffi (Caffi Natural Science Museum) This is also housed in the Cittadella.
Orto Botanico di Bergamo Lorenzo Rota (botanical garden).
Città Alta and its surroundings are part of the Parco dei Colli di Bergamo
The lower city is the modern centre of Bergamo. At the end of the 19th century Città Bassa was composed of residential neighborhoods built along the main roads that linked Bergamo to the other cities of Lombardy. The main boroughs were Borgo Palazzo along the road to Brescia, Borgo San Leonardo along the road to Milan and Borgo Santa Caterina along the road to Valle Seriana. The city rapidly expanded during the 20th century. In the first decades, the municipality erected major buildings like the new courthouse and various administrative offices in the lower part of Bergamo in order to create a new center of the city. After World War II many residential buildings were constructed in the lower part of the city which are now divided into several neighborhoods such as Longuelo, Colognola, Malpensata and Boccaleone, Redona and Valtesse among many others. The shopping district developed shortly after, now commonly known as the street the shops are located on Via 20 Settembre. The church Santo Spirito exhibits the altarpiece by Lorenzo Lotto Madonna and Child with Saints. The most relevant sites are:
Pinacoteca dell'Accademia Carrara
Galleria d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea (Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art), known as GAMeC.
( Bergamo - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting the city of Bergamo . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Bergamo - Italy
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Trip Bergamo Italy 2017
Did one day trip to Bergamo, Italy. This small yet beautiful city is about an hour train ride from Milan. There are two parts of the city, Bergamo Bassa and Citta Alta connected by Funicolare (trams).
Here are the places that I've been to :
01 Santa Maria Immacolata delle Grazie
02 Centro Culturale S. Bartolomeo
03 Bergamo Citta Alta
04 Ragione Palace Palazzo della Ragione
05 Porta Sant'Alessandro
06 Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore
07 Cappella Colleoni
08 Duomo di Bergamo
09 San Vigilio
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Places to see in ( Bergamo - Italy )
Places to see in ( Bergamo - Italy )
Bergamo is a city in Lombardy, Italy, about 40 km northeast of Milan and 30 km from the lakes Como and Iseo. The foothills of the Bergamo Alps begin immediately north of the town. Bergamo is the seat of the Province of Bergamo.
The town has two centres: Città alta (upper city), a hilltop medieval town, surrounded by 16th-century cyclopic defensive walls, and the Città bassa (lower city). The two parts of the town are connected by funicular/cable car, roads, and foot-paths. Parking spaces are very limited in the upper city.
The upper city, surrounded by Venetian walls built in the 16th century, forms the historic centre of Bergamo.[10] Città Alta is an extremely expensive place to live in, with properties being sold for five to twelve thousand euro per square meter. This has numerous places of interest including:
Cittadella (Citadel), built by the Visconti in the mid-14th century.
Piazza Vecchia (old square)
Palazzo della Ragione. This was the seat of the administration of the city in the age of the communes. Currently it houses a selection of paintings from the Accademia Carrara. Erected in the 12th century, it was rebuilt in the late 16th century by Pietro Isabello. The façade has the lion of St. Mark over a mullioned window, testifying to the long period of Venetian dominance. The atrium has a well-preserved 18th-century sundial.
Palazzo Nuovo (Biblioteca Angelo Mai). It was designed by Vincenzo Scamozzi in the early 17th century but only completed in 1928.
Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore (Saint Mary Major). It was built from 1137 on the site of a previous religious edifice of the 7th century. Construction continued until the 15th century. Of this first building the external Romanesque structure and the Greek cross plan remain. The interior was extensively modified in the 16th and 17th centuries. The dome has frescoes by Giovanbattista Tiepolo. Noteworthy are the great Crucifix and the tomb of Gaetano Donizetti.
Cappella Colleoni (Colleoni chapel), annexed to Santa Maria Maggiore, is a masterwork of Renaissance architecture and decorative art. It contains the tomb of the condottiere Bartolomeo Colleoni.
The Battistero (Baptistry), an elegant octagonal building dating from 1340.
Bergamo Cathedral (Duomo). This was built in the late 17th century with later modifications.
Rocca (Castle). It was begun in 1331 on the hill of Sant'Eufemia by William of Castelbarco, vicar of John of Bohemia, and later completed by Azzone Visconti. A wider citadel was added, but is now partly lost. The Venetians built a large tower in the Rocca, as well as a line of walls (Mura Veneziane) 6,200 metres long.
San Michele al Pozzo Bianco. Built in the 12th century, this church contains a wealth of frescos from the 12th to the 16th centuries, including paintings by Lorenzo Lotto.
Museo Civico Archeologico (Archaeological Civic Museum) This is housed in the Cittadella.
Museo di Scienze Naturali Enrico Caffi (Caffi Natural Science Museum) This is also housed in the Cittadella.
Orto Botanico di Bergamo Lorenzo Rota (botanical garden).
Città Alta and its surroundings are part of the Parco dei Colli di Bergamo.
The lower city is the modern centre of Bergamo. At the end of the 19th century Città Bassa was composed of residential neighborhoods built along the main roads that linked Bergamo to the other cities of Lombardy. The main boroughs were Borgo Palazzo along the road to Brescia, Borgo San Leonardo along the road to Milan and Borgo Santa Caterina along the road to Valle Seriana. The city rapidly expanded during the 20th century. In the first decades, the municipality erected major buildings like the new courthouse and various administrative offices in the lower part of Bergamo in order to create a new center of the city. After World War II many residential buildings were constructed in the lower part of the city which are now divided into several neighborhoods such as Longuelo, Colognola, Malpensata and Boccaleone, Redona and Valtesse among many others. The shopping district developed shortly after, now commonly known as the street the shops are located on Via 20 Settembre. The church Santo Spirito exhibits the altarpiece by Lorenzo Lotto Madonna and Child with Saints. The most relevant sites are:
Pinacoteca dell'Accademia Carrara
Galleria d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea (Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art), known as GAMeC.
( Bergamo - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting the city of Bergamo. Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Bergamo - Italy
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Bergamo: scoperta la tomba del Colleoni.
La settimana Incom 00395 del 26/01/1950
Bergamo: scoperta la tomba del Colleoni.
Descrizione sequenze:Santa Maria Maggiore a Bergamo ; cappella del Colleoni con particolare della tomba del condottiero ; rabdomante con un estesiometro esplora il sottosuolo ; operaio piccona il pavimento della cappella ; tomba del condottiero e della figlia Medea ; tecnico ricompone i resti del condottiero ; monsignor Locatelli con un ritratto del condottiero accanto allo scheletro del Colleoni ; persona anziana osserva fotografia della testa del Colleoni scolpita dal Verrocchio ;
Archivio Storico Luce .
Istituto Luce Cinecittà: tutte le immagini e i fotogrammi più belli di come eravamo, rivissuti attraverso i film, i documentari e i video che hanno fatto la storia del nostro Paese.
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spiegazione della Cappella Colleoni a Bergamo alta che trovate anche sul sito :
SPIEGAZIONE DI: Federico Nozza
VIDEO REALIZZATO DA: Davide Bonafini,Federico Nozza, Algieri Rachele ,Zanchi Rossella, Michela Ferreri
BERGAMO Top 45 Tourist Places | Bergamo Tourism | ITALY
Bergamo (Things to do - Places to Visit) - BERGAMO Top Tourist Places
City in Italy
Bergamo is an Italian city northeast of Milan, in the Lombardy region. Its older upper district, called Città Alta, is characterized by cobblestone streets, encircled by Venetian walls and accessible by funicular.
It's home to the Duomo di Bergamo, the city cathedral. Also here are the Romanesque Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore and the grand Cappella Colleoni, a chapel with 18th-century frescoes by Tiepolo.
BERGAMO Top 45 Tourist Places | Bergamo Tourism
Things to do in BERGAMO - Places to Visit in Bergamo
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Bazylika Capella Colleoni w Bergamo
Przepiękne wnętrze Bazyliki Capella Colleoni w Bergamo
Cappella Colleoni e Battistero Bergamo - Ambient church projection
Cappella Colleoni E Battistero Bergamo - Ambient church projection. 31.10.2009 - Isacaarum Grind Gross E Bamboss Shitally Tour 2009
12 Hours in Bergamo, Italy | EUROPE VLOG 7
RyanAir uses Bergamo as a hub for Milan, but rather than take the 1 hour bus to Milan, we stayed in Bergamo to explore. We only had 12 hours, but we made the most of it!
This is day 7 of our 11-day trip through Europe. Make sure you subscribe to see all the vlogs as we post them.
See a playlist of all the vlogs from this trip here:
Here are some timestamps for some of the things we did today:
2:36 - Funicular up to Citta Alta
3:29 - Colleoni Chapel (Cappella Colleoni)
3:48 - Basilica of/di Santa Maria Maggiore
5:08 - Torre Civica (Climb to the top of the bell tower)
6:48 - Bergamo Cathedral (Duomo di Bergamo)
7:45 - Chiesa di Sant'Agata nel Carmine
7:54 - Views from the Wall of Citta Alta
8:33 - Castello di San Vigilio
9:17 - Sunset Views from Citta Alta
Music is royalty free:
Italian Afternoon by TwinMusicom
licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
Clap Along by Audionautix
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Already There (No Vocals) by Josh Woodward.
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Filmed on Thursday, February 16, 2017 on a Canon G7X and G7X Mark II.
Our Gear:
Canon G7X Mark II: (it’s amazing and basically sees in the dark)
Canon G7X: (the original is almost as good, but less expensive)
Joby Gorillapod: (fantastic versatile bendy tripod – this is the slightly smaller “action” version that’s easier to travel with and comes with a mount for a camera and a gopro)
Macbook Air: (we edit everything on Final Cut Pro on a Macbook Air, which is light and easy to travel with)
External Hard Drive: (the videos are a little too big for the macbook air to handle, so I edit everything off an external hard drive)
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Bergamo Cappella Colleoni
Places to see in ( Bergamo - Italy ) La Citta Alta
Places to see in ( Bergamo - Italy ) La Citta Alta
Bergamo is a city in Lombardy, Italy, about 40 km northeast of Milan and 30 km from the lakes Como and Iseo. The foothills of the Bergamo Alps begin immediately north of the town. Bergamo is the seat of the Province of Bergamo
The upper city ( La Citta Alta ) , surrounded by Venetian walls built in the 16th century, forms the historic centre of Bergamo. La Citta Alta is an extremely expensive place to live in, with properties being sold for five to twelve thousand euro per square meter. La Citta Alta has numerous places of interest including:
Cittadella (Citadel), built by the Visconti in the mid-14th century.
Piazza Vecchia (old square)
Palazzo della Ragione. This was the seat of the administration of the city in the age of the communes. Currently it houses a selection of paintings from the Accademia Carrara. Erected in the 12th century, it was rebuilt in the late 16th century by Pietro Isabello. The façade has the lion of St. Mark over a mullioned window, testifying to the long period of Venetian dominance. The atrium has a well-preserved 18th-century sundial.
Palazzo Nuovo (Biblioteca Angelo Mai). It was designed by Vincenzo Scamozzi in the early 17th century but only completed in 1928.
Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore (Saint Mary Major). It was built from 1137 on the site of a previous religious edifice of the 7th century. Construction continued until the 15th century. Of this first building the external Romanesque structure and the Greek cross plan remain. The interior was extensively modified in the 16th and 17th centuries. The dome has frescoes by Giovanbattista Tiepolo. Noteworthy are the great Crucifix and the tomb of Gaetano Donizetti.
Cappella Colleoni (Colleoni chapel), annexed to Santa Maria Maggiore, is a masterwork of Renaissance architecture and decorative art. It contains the tomb of the condottiere Bartolomeo Colleoni.
The Battistero (Baptistry), an elegant octagonal building dating from 1340.
Bergamo Cathedral (Duomo). This was built in the late 17th century with later modifications.
Rocca (Castle). It was begun in 1331 on the hill of Sant'Eufemia by William of Castelbarco, vicar of John of Bohemia, and later completed by Azzone Visconti. A wider citadel was added, but is now partly lost. The Venetians built a large tower in the Rocca, as well as a line of walls (Mura Veneziane) 6,200 metres long.
San Michele al Pozzo Bianco. Built in the 12th century, this church contains a wealth of frescos from the 12th to the 16th centuries, including paintings by Lorenzo Lotto.
Museo Civico Archeologico (Archaeological Civic Museum) This is housed in the Cittadella.
Museo di Scienze Naturali Enrico Caffi (Caffi Natural Science Museum) This is also housed in the Cittadella.
Orto Botanico di Bergamo Lorenzo Rota (botanical garden).
Città Alta and its surroundings are part of the Parco dei Colli di Bergamo.
( Bergamo - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting the city of Bergamo. Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Bergamo - Italy
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