Prezentare cu Drona - Parcul Carol
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Carol Park (Romanian: Parcul Carol) is a public park in Bucharest, Romania, named after King Carol I of Romania. A French garden located in the southern-central area of Bucharest, partly on Filaret hill, originally capable of hosting various exhibitions, it suffered considerable modifications during the communist regime, including a name change to Parcul Libertății (Liberty Park). source: Wikipedia
Bucharest-Aerial view
Bucharest, in southern Romania, is the country's capital and commercial center. Its iconic landmark is the massive, communist-era Palatul Parlamentului government building, which has 1,100 rooms. Nearby, the historic Lipscani district is home to an energetic nightlife scene as well as tiny Eastern Orthodox Stavropoleos Church and 15th-century Curtea Veche Palace, where Prince Vlad III (“The Impaler”) once ruled.
Herastrau Park,
Palace of Parliament,
Grigore Antipa National,
Museum of Natural History,
Patriarchal Cathedral,
Victoriei Street,
Unirii Square,
The National Museum of Art of Romania,
Carol Park (Liberty Park),
The Art Collections Museum,
Coltea Hospital,
Muzeul National de Istorie a Romaniei,
Biserica Sf. Nicolae,
Statuia Ecvestra a Lui Carol I,
Baratia Church,
Palatul Patriarhiei,
Sala Palatului,
Bucharest - Aerial perspective
Bucharest, in southern Romania, is the country's capital and commercial center. Its iconic landmark is the massive, communist-era Palatul Parlamentului government building, which has 1,100 rooms. Nearby, the historic Lipscani district is home to an energetic nightlife scene as well as tiny Eastern Orthodox Stavropoleos Church and 15th-century Curtea Veche Palace, where Prince Vlad III (“The Impaler”) once ruled.
Herastrau Park,
Palace of Parliament,
Grigore Antipa National,
Museum of Natural History,
Patriarchal Cathedral,
Victoriei Street,
Unirii Square,
The National Museum of Art of Romania,
Carol Park (Liberty Park),
The Art Collections Museum,
Coltea Hospital,
Muzeul National de Istorie a Romaniei,
Biserica Sf. Nicolae,
Statuia Ecvestra a Lui Carol I,
Baratia Church,
Palatul Patriarhiei,
Sala Palatului,
Parcul Carol Phantom 3
Carol I Park (Romanian: Parcul Carol) is a public park in Bucharest, Romania, named after King Carol I of Romania. A French garden located in the southern-central area of Bucharest, partly on Filaret hill, originally capable of hosting various exhibitions, it suffered considerable modifications during the communist regime, including a name change to Parcul Libertății (Liberty Park).
Aside from its beautiful vegetation and panoramic views, the park also includes several monuments, such as a Mausoleum, the Cantacuzino Fountain (built in 1870), another fountain Fântâna Minelor și Carierelor (1906), the Giants' Statues, the Zodiac Fountain (1934), the Technical Museum (first opened in 1909), a monument in the shape of a small mosque built in 1923 as a sign of reconciliation. Also in the park are the open-air Roman Arena, and the Astronomical Institute of the Romanian Academy.
The Carol Park Mausoleum (Mausoleul din Parcul Carol), known during the Communist régime as the Monument of the Heroes for the Freedom of the People and of the Motherland, for Socialism (Monumentul eroilor luptei pentru libertatea poporului și a patriei, pentru socialism), is located on a plateau. Formerly, it was the site of the Arts Palace (Palatul Artelor) and later of the Military Museum (Muzeul Militar), with the fountain in front of the latter museum.
The mausoleum was built in honour of revolutionary socialist militants. Designed by architects Horia Maicu and Nicolae Cucu, it was inaugurated on 30 December 1963, the 16th anniversary of the Romanian People's Republic.
The base is circular and plated with black granite. Above rise five narrow arches covered with red granite. Inside the base there is a rotunda covered in red granite plates; the ceiling is decorated with a golden mosaic. Prior to the Romanian Revolution of 1989, the rotunda contained the crypts of Communist leaders Petru Groza, Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej and Constantin Ion Parhon.
Thank you for watching.
Parcul Sebastian Bucuresti
Historical monuments and attractions in Bucharest (Monumente şi locuri din Bucureşti) I.wmv
locuri interesante din Bucureşti: Opera Comică, stadionul Giuleşti, cheul Dâmbovitei, Primăria Capitalei, Hanul lui Manuc, statuia lupoaicei, Hanul cu Tei, ruinele palatului voivodal (al lui Vlad Ţepeş), clădirea Tribunalului, Palatul Şuţu, Intercontinental, Universitatea, Politehnica, Parcul Carol, Mauzoleul, Mormântul Soldatului Necunoscut, Palatul Parlamentului, Statuia lui Cogălniceanu, Casa Armatei, Casa Presei, Coloana Fetelor, monumentul lui Charles de Gaulle, parcul Cişmigiu, parcul Herăstrău, Hotel Capşa, Statuia lui Mihai Viteazu, cinematograful Bucureşti, teatrul Odeon, staţia de metrou Piaţa Unirii I, AFI Palace Cotroceni, Liberty Center, clubul sportiv Steaua....
Into The Clouds - Romania - Timelapse
Some timelapse shots captured in Ranca (Transalpina) Parang Mountains.
Audio credit: [Ambient] Aude - Morrow
Ukraine Christmas & Happy New Year: Christmas at Frosty Maidan in Kyiv, Ukraine
Ukraine Christmas & Happy New Year: Christmas at Frosty Maidan in Kyiv, Ukraine = VIDEO LINK = News in Ukraine in 2015: Frosty Christmas at Maidan, or Square of Independence, in Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine 2015. = Ukraine News 2015: Christmas at Frosty Maidan in Kyiv, Ukraine 2015.
Ukraine Christmas 2015: Christmas at Frosty Maidan in Kyiv, Ukraine 2015.
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VIDEO WAS RECORDED: 06.01.2015, the city of Kiev, the capital of UKRAINE. Recorded by Victor Fursov, Entomologist in Ukraine.
ОРИГИНАЛЬНОЕ ВИДЕО ЗАПИСАНО: 06.01.2015., г.Киев, столица УКРАИНЫ. Original Video was recorded by Viktor Fursov, Biologist and Entomologist in Ukraine.
Explicit written and oral permission for recording and uploading this unique Video was received from interviewed persons (lecturers). We express them a great acknowledgement for this permission.
121910 Ukraine Kiev Maidan Snow Frost 69
God rest in peace His Majesty King Michael of Romania!
God rest in peace His Majesty King Michael of Romania!
Romania Holds State Funeral For Former King Michael
The last Romania's King - Michael I - on the last road.. The funeral!
King Michael - The Last King of Romania. Romania's King Michael dies in Switzerland aged 96.
Source: Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
Mihai Viteazul statue relocation in Bucharest
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The 12Ks of Christmas - sung by the Region of Runners Choir
The 2015 version of the annual Newy Christmas Gift group run featured a musical interlude performed at the famous rotunda in King Edward Park, Newcastle NSW.
Man In The Mirror
2012 Liberty Middle School Talent Show
Abandoned Old Historic Paper Mill Road Bridge! Phoenix, MD 10/1/2019
Come along with me as I check out this old historic metal three-hinged braced ribbed through arch, fixed bridge that was built in 1922 by Bethlehem Steel Company of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania and engineer/designed by John Edwin Greiner. This bridge was replaced by another fancy slightly longer and wider bridge to cut down on traffic, but they left the old bridge as you can see. Filmed on 10/1/2019. (Paper Mill Road Bridge Phoenix, MD)
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Easter Rising
We invites you for St. Patrick's Day weekend to Poland. Lots of attractions & premiere of this film: pays respect to Rising Heroes. Bydgoszcz 17.03-20.03.16 Inaugural St. Patrick's Day parade - 19th March - University Open Day 18.03.16 ( Medicine, Nursing, Physiotherapy) - programs in English.
Opera Philadelphia - Welcome to Opera on the Mall
- WELCOME! Opera Philadelphia opens its 39th Season with the Company Premiere of NABUCCO, the first great opera from Giuseppe Verdi, performed September 27, 29M, October 2, 4, 6M at the Academy of Music, with a FREE, HD broadcast of the opera at Independence National Historical Park on Saturday, September 28 at 7:00 p.m. To register for free tickets, visit
Voluntari (DN2) - Calea Rahovei (Bucuresti)
E85, E60
Regina MARIA a României
I don't hold any copyrights for any of these images or the song.
Alteta sa principesa Maria, nascuta Marie Alexandra Victoria, s-a nascut la 29 octombrie 1875, la Eastwell Park, in Marea Britanie, fiind fiica principelui Alfred al Marii Britanii, principe de Saxa-Cobur-Gotha si duce de Edinburg, si a ducesei Maria Alexandrovna a Rusiei. De asemenea, era nepoata Reginei Victoria a Marii Britanii.
Regina Maria s-a logodit la 16 ani cu printul Ferdinand de Hohenzollern, mostenitor al tronului Romaniei, iar casatoria a avut loc la 29 decembrie 1892.
La scurt timp dupa venirea in Romania, calitatile sale o transforma intr-o figura publica binecunoscuta si iubita. A fost supranumita de popor Mama Regina, Mama ranitilor, Regina soldat, datorita actiunilor sale din perioada Primului Razboi Mondial, cand a ajutat soldatii aflati in spitalele de pe front. De asemenea si-a legat numele de viata culturala si artistica din Romania acelor ani.
Maria a devenit regina in 1914, dupa care a inceput o serie de turnee internationale prin care promova interesele Romaniei, cel mai cunoscut fiind cel din Statele Unite ale Americii, din 1926. Desi rolul femeilor in politica, in acea perioada, era cel putin redus (ca sa folosim un eufemism), Regina Maria a fost sfatuitorul cel mai apropiat al Regelui Ferdinand, pana la decesul acestuia in 1927.
In momentul in care fiul sau Carol a mostenit tronul, acesta a izolat-o complet de viata publica.
Regina Maria fost mama a sase copii: principele Carol, principesele Elisabeta si Marioara, principele Nicolae, principesa Ileana si principele Mircea.
Regina Maria a fost legata sufleteste de doua locuri: Balcic si Bran, locuri carora le-a imprimat o amprenta ce se poate vedea si astazi. Balcicul si Branul sunt casele mele de vis, inima mea, spunea Regina Maria.
In testamentul Reginei Maria se gaseste o ultima adresare catre poporul roman si catre tara :
Tarii mele si Poporului meu, Cand veti ceti aceste slove, Poporul meu, eu voi fi trecut pragul Tacerii vesnice, care ramane pentru noi o mare taina. Si totusi, din marea dragoste ce ti-am purtat-o, as dori ca vocea mea sa te mai ajunga inca odata, chiar de dincolo de linistea mormantului.[...]Eu am ajuns la capatul drumului meu. Dar inainte de a tacea pentru vesnicie vreau sa-mi ridic, pentru ultima data, mainile pentru o binecuvantare. Te binecuvantez, iubita Romanie, tara bucuriilor si durerilor mele, frumoasa tara, care ai trait in inima mea si ale carei carari le-am cunoscut toate. Frumoasa tara pe care am vazut-o intregita, a carei soarta mi-a fost ingaduit sa o vad implinita. Fii tu vesnic imbelsugata, fii tu mare si plina de cinste, sa stai vesnic falnica printre natiuni, sa fii cinstita, iubita si priceputa. Am credinta ca v'am priceput: n'am judecat, am iubit...
A murit la 18 iulie 1938 la Sinaia.
Nu detin drepturi de autor pentru fotografii si nici pentru muzica !
Nu le folosesc in scopuri comerciale !
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3d fish
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