La Domenica della Buona Gente - Film Completo Pelicula Completa by Film&Clips
La Domenica della Buona Gente - Film Completo Pelicula Completa by Film&Clips
Regia di Anton Giulio Majano
Con Maria Fiore, Sophia Loren, Carlo Romano, Vittorio Sanipoli, Renato Salvatori.
1953, Italia.
ll film si sviluppa nel racconto di tre episodi, distinti, ma paralleli, che avvengono contemporaneamente durante una domenica calcistica. Un ex calciatore vede sfumare le speranze di trovare un nuovo lavoro, la moglie quasi lo lascia, ma la figlioletta cerca di salvare il matrimonio. Un pensionato fa progetti credendo di aver fatto tredici al totocalcio, ma si sbaglia. Allo stadio, il giovane Giulio incontra una donna che medita di uccidere l'amante e cerca di far in modo che ciò non avvenga.
La película se divide en tres episodios distintos, pero paralelos, que se desarrollan durante un domingo de fútbol. En el primero, un ex-futbolista ve esfumarse la posibilidad de encontrar un nuevo trabajo cuando su mujer decide dejarlo. En el segundo, un jubilado hace proyectos con una quiniela que ha acertado. Y en el tercero, en el campo de fútbol, Giulio encuentra a una mujer que medita matar a su amante.
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La Domenica della Buona Gente - Film Completo Pelicula Completa by Film&Clips
Icaro Tv. Barricato coi fucili, paura a Bellariva
Momenti di paura giovedì 28 febbraio in una villetta bifamiliare di via Melucci, a Bellariva, dove un uomo armato, dopo aver minacciato l'anziana madre con una pistola, si è barricato in casa.
(servizio di Icaro Tv del 28/02/2013)
Don Luigi Ciotti: Chiesa e diocesi di Torino
Nob. Cav. Attilio De Lisa (Padre di Rocco e Vincenzo) onora Don Luigi Ciotti amico dei poveri e degli ultimi come Papa Francesco insieme ai presenti don Tonino Palmese di Libera già incontrato ed onorato nel 2015 a Sanza come ospite,don Antonino Savino per il 40° anno di Sacerdozio,Mons. Antonio De Luca e Curia Diocesana di riferimento insieme ai parroci e parrocchie,Vittorio Russo Procura e Procuratore della Repubblica presso il Tribunale di Lagonegro,Salvatore Malfi Prefetto e Prefettura di Salerno assente per impegni e Tenente Michele Zitiello dell'Arma dei Carabinieri di Sapri + Maresciallo Antonio Russo di Sanza e Forze Armate - Santa Sede - Santa Romana Chiesa -Segreteria dello Stato Vaticano - Prefettura della Casa Pontificia - Diocesi di Roma - Diocesi di Napoli - Conferenza Episcopale Italiana - Diocesi di Torino - Diocesi di Asti - Diocesi di Salerno Campagna-Acerno - Diocesi di Teggiano-Policastro - Diocesi di Foggia-Bovino - Diocesi di Aversa - Diocesi di Vallo della Lucania - Diocesi di Perugia - Diocesi di Acireale -Diocesi di Fiesole - Diocesi di Novara - Comune Aquara, Atena Lucana, Bellosguardo, Buonabitacolo, Camerota, Casalbuono, Casaletto Spartano, Caselle in Pittari, Castelcivita, Celle di Bulgheria, Controne, Corleto Monforte, Ispani, Monte San Giacomo, Montesano sulla Marcellana, Morigerati, Ottati, Padula, Pertosa, Petina,Polla, Postiglione, Roccagloriosa, Roscigno, Sala Consilina, San Giovanni a Piro, San Pietro al Tanagro, San Rufo, Santa Marina, Sant'Angelo a Fasanella, Sant'Arsenio, Sanza, Sapri, Sassano, Serre, Sicignano degli Alburni, Teggiano, Torraca, Torre Orsaia, Tortorella e Vibonati.
Parrocchia Concattredale Santa Maria Assunta Policastro Bussentino (Sa)
Lunedì 26 giugno 2017 ore 17.30 - Concattredale
CONCELEBRAZIONE EUCARISTICA presieduta da don Luigi Ciotti nel 40° anniversario di Ordinazione Sacerdotale di don Antonino Savino.
ore 18.30 Cineteatro Giovanni Dibenedetto
Testimonianza di don Luigi Ciotti per dire NO alle dipendenze”, convegno sulla prevenzione, la legalità, i rischi e gli effetti delle droghe, dell’alcol e degli abusi.
A moderare il dibattito don Antonino Palmese e Girolamo De Curtis.
In apertura del convegno i saluti del Sindaco del Comune di Santa Marina Giovanni Fortunato e del Vescovo della Diocesi di Teggiano-Policastro Antonio De Luca.
Intervenuti : Don Antonino Savino, Parroco della Diocesi di Policastro-Santa Marina; D’Angelo, Dir. U.O.C. di Sapri;Vittorio Russo, Procuratore della Repubblica presso il Tribunale di Lagonegro;Salvatore Malfi, Prefetto di Salerno;
Ciro Falanga, Senatore della Repubblica.
Dal Nobile Cav. Attilio De Lisa che con la sua presenza ha onorato da cattolico cristiano praticante proveniente dal Comune di Sanza in provincia di Salerno della Regione Campania designato nel Libro d'Oro delle famiglie Nobili e Notabili Italiane e appartenente sia all'Ordine Equestre Pontificio di San Silvestro Papa con a capo il Gran Maestro Papa Francesco Vescovo della Diocesi di Roma e Pontefice della Chiesa Cattolica che a quello dei Cavalieri Templari Ugone dei Pagani oltre di riferimento a Mons. Antonio De Luca della Diocesi di Teggiano-Policastro al rispetto della Santa Sede.
Don Pio Luigi Ciotti (Pieve di Cadore, 10 settembre 1945) è un presbitero italiano, molto attivo nel sociale, ispiratore e fondatore dapprima del Gruppo Abele, come aiuto ai tossicodipendenti e altre varie dipendenze, quindi dell'Associazione Libera contro i soprusi delle mafie in tutta Italia (ha affermato di educare non con le parole ma testimoniando come Papa Francesco in modo umile e semplice oltre la Politica per il Bene Comune).
Infine onore e gloria alla Parola del Signore Gesù (Via,Vita e Verità) e della Madre Chiesa Cattolica di cui il Nobile Cav. Attilio De Lisa si riconosce da sempre e continuerà in futuro sempre con questi sani principi.
Vigevano, organo Carlo I Vegezzi Bossi - Mentasti dell'Istituto Negrone - minuetto improvvisato
Improvvisazione in stile minuetto dialogato eseguita sull'organo Vegezzi Bossi - Mentasti (1898-1908) della cappella dell'Istituto Negrone a Vigevano.
Lo strumento attualmente in dotazione alla Cappella dell'Istituto, fu costruito nel 1908 dall'organaro Alessandro Mentasti di Novara. Originariamente a trasmissione pneumatico-tubolare, venne poi elettrificato dai Benzi di Crema nel 1970, i quali aggiunsero anche il registro ai pedali Basso Dolce 8' (realizzato con canne Tamburini). In realtà, recenti nuove documentazioni emerse dall'archivio, hanno fatto scoprire che il Mentasti non costruì l'organo ex novo, ma che invece utilizzò ben 12 registri di un organo realizzato da Carlo I Vegezzi-Bossi per una chiesa della Valsesia nel 1898, poi mai montato. Di Mentasti sono i somieri, la manticeria, le canne di facciata e i registri posti nel Grand'Organo: Flauto Armonico 8' e Oboe 8' ad ancia. Quest'ultimo non è un oboe classico, ma un registro di taglio più grande, a metà tra l'oboe e la tromba, che con la sua versatilità permette di avere un'ottima voce di canto per diversi Corali, ed allo stesso tempo una poderosa ancia nel tutti. L'organo fu restaurato interamente dai Krengli di Novara nel 1985. Purtroppo nell'elettrificazione del 1970 operata dai Benzi andò persa l'originale consolle in noce cesellato di Carlo I Vegezzi-Bossi, che il Mentasti aveva installato. Attualmente la manutenzione è affidata agli organari Alessandro Venchi di Pavia, e Sergio Castegnaro di Tortona.
Descrizione tecnica:
L'organo e posto su ampia cantoria in muratura, all'interno di una grande cassa lignea neoclassica decorata a tempera con dorature. La mostra è divisa i tre specchiature con rispettivamente 11, 15 e 11 canne di facciata in lega di stagno ad alta percentuale disposte a cuspide (una per ogni specchiatura) con bocche allineate e labbro superiore a scudo, appartenenti ai registri Principale 8' e Flauto Armonico 8' (la canna centrale è il Fa1 del Principale 8'). La consolle si trova in fondo alla cantoria, leggermente inclinata verso l'Altare e l'Aula, e consta di due tastiere cromatiche di 58 note (Do1-La5) e di una pedaliera cromatica concavo-radiale di 27 note (Do1-Re3); i registri sono a placchetta a bilico e sono posti in unica fila sopra le tastiere; la trasmissione è elettrica, con somieri pneumatici a membrane. Lo strumento è accordato secondo temperamento equabile a 440 Hz alla pressione d'aria di 70 mm. in colonna d'acqua. Le canne sono 1122
Disposizione fonica:
Grand'Organo (I Tastiera):
Principale 8'
Flauto Armonico 8'
Dulciana 8'
Ottava 4'
Decimaquinta 2'
Ripieno 5 file
Oboe 8' (ad ancia)
Organo Espressivo (II Tastiera):
Bordone 8' (le prime 12 in legno)
Viola da Gamba 8'
Violini 8' 2 file
Concerto Viole 8' 3 file
Flauto a Camino 4'
Unda Maris 8'
Subbasso 16' (le prime 12 canne sono in realtà di un Contrabbasso modificato)
Basso Dolce 8' (in legno)
Unioni ed accoppiamenti:
A placchetta e pistone:
Unione pedali alla I Tastiera
Unione pedali alla II Tastiera
Unione Tastiere
A pistone:
Combinazione Libera
Ripieno Grand'Organo
Fortissimo (tutti i registri e le unioni)
A placchetta:
Ottava Acuta I Tastiera al Pedale
Ottava Grave II Tastiera alla I Tastiera
Ottava Acuta I Tastiera
Ottava Acuta II Tastiera
Staffa Espressione II Tastiera
Staffa Crescendo/Decrescendo (Sweller)
Pistoncini per Combinazioni Fisse
Tastini numerati per Combinazione Libera
Traspositore di Tono --3/0/+2
NYSTV - Nostradamus Prophet of the Illuminati - David Carrico and the Midnight Ride - Multi Language
Nostradamus is the most well known prophet of the millennium because his predictions came true. What was the true source of his visions? How deeply ingrained in the occult was he? What was his medical background? What innovations did he use to fight the Black Plague that was rampant at the time? Was he a puppet working for the Illuminati? Or were they working for him?
Now the real question is, was Nostradamus just a psyops planned hundreds of years ago and the demonic forces are just controlling events as Nostradamus predicted?
Some deep insights into the life and times of Nostradamus with David Carrico of The Midnight Ride.
In depth information you'd have to watch like 8 documentaries about Nostradamus to get.
Free Truth Productions
Truth should be Open Source...
Azərbaycanca / آذربايجان
བོད་ཡིག / Bod skad
Sinugboanong Binisaya
ᏣᎳᎩ (supposed to be Burmese but it doesn't show...)
словѣньскъ / slověnĭskŭ
Krèyol ayisyen
Bahasa Indonesia
Basa Jawa
Kurdî / كوردی
Kırgızca / Кыргызча
ລາວ / Pha xa lao
Lazuri / ლაზური
Bahasa Melayu
Norsk (bokmål / riksmål)
Diné bizaad
ਪੰਜਾਬੀ / पंजाबी / پنجابي
Romani / रोमानी
Srpskohrvatski / Српскохрватски
Gagana Samoa
Basa Sunda
ไทย / Phasa Thai
Lea Faka-Tonga
Reo Mā`ohi
babylon working
H.G. Wells
vlad the impaler
mk ultra
right of the pyramid
kings chamber
ark of the covenant
order of the garter
Afrikaans: gevalle engel
Arabic: ملاك ساقط
Azerbaijani: düşmüş mələk
Belarusian: Палы анёл
Bulgarian: паднал ангел
Bengali: পতিত দেবদূত
Bosnian: pali andjeo
Catalan: Àngel caigut
Cebuano: napukan nga anghel
Czech: padlý anděl
Welsh: angel syrthio
Danish: falden engel
German: fallen angel
Greek: έκπτωτος άγγελος
English: fallen angel
Esperanto: fallen angel
Spanish: Ángel caido
Estonian: Langenud ingel
Basque: Aingeru eroria
Persian: فرشته افتاده
Finnish: langennut enkeli
French: Ange déchu
Irish: aingeal tar éis titim
Galician: Anxo caído
Gujarati: ઘટી દેવદૂત
Hausa: mala'ika ya fadi
Hindi: गिरी हुई परी
Hmong: fallen angel
Croatian: pali anđeo
Haitian Creole: tonbe zanj
Hungarian: Bukott angyal
Armenian: ընկած հրեշտակ
Indonesian: Malaikat yang jatuh
Igbo: mmụọ ozi dara ada
Icelandic: fallinn engill
Italian: Angelo caduto
Hebrew: מלאך שנפל
Japanese: 堕天使
Javanese: widodari tiba
Georgian: დაცემული ანგელოზი
Kazakh: құлаған ангел
Khmer: ទេវតាធ្លាក់ចុះ
Kannada: ಬಿದ್ದ ದೇವದೂತ
Korean: 타락한 천사
Latin: fallen angel
Lao: fallen angel
Lithuanian: kritęs angelas
Latvian: kritušais enģelis
Malagasy: anjely nianjera
Maori: anahera hinga
Macedonian: паднат ангел
Malayalam: വീണുപോയ ദൂതൻ
Mongolian: унасан тэнгэр элч
Marathi: पडलेला देवदूत
Malay: malaikat yang jatuh
Maltese: waqa 'anġlu
Myanmar (Burmese): ပြိုလဲကောငျးကငျတမနျ
Nepali: गिर परी
Dutch: gevallen engel
Norwegian: Fallen engel
Chichewa: mngelo wakugwa
Punjabi: ਡਿੱਗ ਦੂਤ
Polish: upadły anioł
Portuguese: anjo caído
Romanian: inger decazut
Russian: падший ангел
Sinhala: වැටුනාවූ දූතයා
Slovak: padlý anjel
Slovenian: padli angel
Somali: malaa'igtii dhacday
Albanian: engjell i rene
Serbian: пали анђео
Sesotho: lengeloi le oeleng
Sundanese: malaikat fallen
Swedish: fallen ängel
Swahili: malaika aliyeanguka
Tamil: விழுந்த தேவதை
Telugu: స్వర్గం నుంచి పడిన దేవత
Tajik: фариштаи золим
Thai: เทวดาตกสวรรค์
Filipino: nahulog na anghel
Turkish: düşmüş melek
Ukrainian: занепалий ангел
Urdu: باغی فرشتہ
Uzbek: tushgan farishta
Vietnamese: Thiên thần sa ngã
Yiddish: געפאלן מלאך
Yoruba: angẹli ti o ṣubu
Chinese: 堕落的天使
Chinese (Simplified): 堕落的天使
Chinese (Traditional): 墮落的天使
Zulu: ingelosi ewile
Afrikaans: Lucifer
Arabic: إبليس
Azerbaijani: lucifer
Belarusian: Люцыпар
Bulgarian: Луцифер
Bengali: শয়তান
Bosnian: lucifer
Catalan: lucifer
Cebuano: lucifer
Czech: Lucifer
Welsh: lucifer
Danish: lucifer
German: Luzifer
Greek: Εωσφόρος
English: lucifer
Esperanto: lucifer
Spanish: lucifer
Estonian: lutsifer
Suspense: Stand-In / Dead of Night / Phobia
The program's heyday was in the early 1950s, when radio actor, producer and director Elliott Lewis took over (still during the Wilcox/Autolite run). Here the material reached new levels of sophistication. The writing was taut, and the casting, which had always been a strong point of the series (featuring such film stars as Orson Welles, Joseph Cotten, Henry Fonda, Humphrey Bogart, Judy Garland, Ronald Colman, Marlene Dietrich, Eve McVeagh, Lena Horne, and Cary Grant), took an unexpected turn when Lewis expanded the repertory to include many of radio's famous drama and comedy stars — often playing against type — such as Jack Benny. Jim and Marian Jordan of Fibber McGee and Molly were heard in the episode, Backseat Driver, which originally aired February 3, 1949.
The highest production values enhanced Suspense, and many of the shows retain their power to grip and entertain. At the time he took over Suspense, Lewis was familiar to radio fans for playing Frankie Remley, the wastrel guitar-playing sidekick to Phil Harris in The Phil Harris-Alice Faye Show. On the May 10, 1951 Suspense, Lewis reversed the roles with Death on My Hands: A bandleader (Harris) is horrified when an autograph-seeking fan accidentally shoots herself and dies in his hotel room, and a vocalist (Faye) tries to help him as the townfolk call for vigilante justice against him.
With the rise of television and the departures of Lewis and Autolite, subsequent producers (Antony Ellis, William N. Robson and others) struggled to maintain the series despite shrinking budgets, the availability of fewer name actors, and listenership decline. To save money, the program frequently used scripts first broadcast by another noteworthy CBS anthology, Escape. In addition to these tales of exotic adventure, Suspense expanded its repertoire to include more science fiction and supernatural content. By the end of its run, the series was remaking scripts from the long-canceled program The Mysterious Traveler. A time travel tale like Robert Arthur's The Man Who Went Back to Save Lincoln or a thriller about a death ray-wielding mad scientist would alternate with more run-of-the-mill crime dramas.
On the Run from the CIA: The Experiences of a Central Intelligence Agency Case Officer
Agee stated that his Roman Catholic social conscience had made him increasingly uncomfortable with his work by the late 1960s leading to his disillusionment with the CIA and its support for authoritarian governments across Latin America. About the book:
He and other dissidents took encouragement in their stand from the Church Committee (1975-76), which cast a critical light on the role of the CIA in assassinations, domestic espionage, and other illegal activities.
In the book Agee condemned the 1968 Tlatelolco massacre in Mexico City and wrote that this was the immediate event precipitating his leaving the agency.
While Agee claimed that the CIA was very pleased with his work, offered him another promotion and his superior was startled when Agee told him about his plans to resign, the anti-communist journalist John Barron claims that Agee's resignation was forced for a variety of reasons, including his irresponsible drinking, continuous and vulgar propositioning of embassy wives, and inability to manage his finances.
Agee was accused by U.S. President George H. W. Bush of being responsible for the death of Richard Welch, a Harvard-educated classicist who was murdered by the Revolutionary Organization 17 November while heading the CIA Station in Athens. Bush had directed the CIA from 1976 to 1977.
Inside the Company identified 250 alleged CIA officers and agents. The officers and agents, all personally known to Agee, are listed in an appendix to the book. While written as a diary, it is actually a reconstruction of events based on Agee's memory and his subsequent research.
Agee writes that his first overseas assignment was in 1960 to Ecuador where his primary mission was to force a diplomatic break between Ecuador and Cuba, no matter what the cost to Ecuador's shaky stability, using bribery, intimidation, bugging, and forgery. Agee spent four years in Ecuador penetrating Ecuadorian politics. He states that his actions subverted and destroyed the political fabric of Ecuador.
Agee helped bug the United Arab Republic code room in Montevideo, Uruguay, with two contact microphones placed on the ceiling of the room below.
On December 12, 1965 Agee explains how he visited senior Uruguayan military and police officers at a Montevideo police headquarters. He realized that the screaming he heard from a nearby cell was the torturing of a Uruguayan, whose name he had given to the police as someone to watch. The Uruguayan senior officers simply turned up a radio report of a soccer game to drown out the screams.
Agee also ran CIA operations within the 1968 Mexico City Olympic Games and he witnessed the events of the Tlatelolco massacre.
Agee stated that President José Figueres Ferrer of Costa Rica, President Luis Echeverría Álvarez (1970--1976) of Mexico and President Alfonso López Michelsen (1974--1978) of Colombia were CIA collaborators or agents.
Following this he details how he resigned from the CIA and began writing the book, conducting research in Cuba, London and Paris. During this time he alleges he was being spied on by the CIA.
Calling All Cars: The Long-Bladed Knife / Murder with Mushrooms / The Pink-Nosed Pig
The radio show Calling All Cars hired LAPD radio dispacher Jesse Rosenquist to be the voice of the dispatcher. Rosenquist was already famous because home radios could tune into early police radio frequencies. As the first police radio dispatcher presented to the public ear, his was the voice that actors went to when called upon for a radio dispatcher role.
The iconic television series Dragnet, with LAPD Detective Joe Friday as the primary character, was the first major media representation of the department. Real LAPD operations inspired Jack Webb to create the series and close cooperation with department officers let him make it as realistic as possible, including authentic police equipment and sound recording on-site at the police station.
Due to Dragnet's popularity, LAPD Chief Parker became, after J. Edgar Hoover, the most well known and respected law enforcement official in the nation. In the 1960s, when the LAPD under Chief Thomas Reddin expanded its community relations division and began efforts to reach out to the African-American community, Dragnet followed suit with more emphasis on internal affairs and community policing than solving crimes, the show's previous mainstay.
Several prominent representations of the LAPD and its officers in television and film include Adam-12, Blue Streak, Blue Thunder, Boomtown, The Closer, Colors, Crash, Columbo, Dark Blue, Die Hard, End of Watch, Heat, Hollywood Homicide, Hunter, Internal Affairs, Jackie Brown, L.A. Confidential, Lakeview Terrace, Law & Order: Los Angeles, Life, Numb3rs, The Shield, Southland, Speed, Street Kings, SWAT, Training Day and the Lethal Weapon, Rush Hour and Terminator film series. The LAPD is also featured in the video games Midnight Club II, Midnight Club: Los Angeles, L.A. Noire and Call of Juarez: The Cartel.
The LAPD has also been the subject of numerous novels. Elizabeth Linington used the department as her backdrop in three different series written under three different names, perhaps the most popular being those novel featuring Det. Lt. Luis Mendoza, who was introduced in the Edgar-nominated Case Pending. Joseph Wambaugh, the son of a Pittsburgh policeman, spent fourteen years in the department, using his background to write novels with authentic fictional depictions of life in the LAPD. Wambaugh also created the Emmy-winning TV anthology series Police Story. Wambaugh was also a major influence on James Ellroy, who wrote several novels about the Department set during the 1940s and 1950s, the most famous of which are probably The Black Dahlia, fictionalizing the LAPD's most famous cold case, and L.A. Confidential, which was made into a film of the same name. Both the novel and the film chronicled mass-murder and corruption inside and outside the force during the Parker era. Critic Roger Ebert indicates that the film's characters (from the 1950s) represent the choices ahead for the LAPD: assisting Hollywood limelight, aggressive policing with relaxed ethics, and a straight arrow approach.
Age of Deceit (2) - Hive Mind Reptile Eyes Hypnotism Cults World Stage - Multi - Language
An information packed documentary ranging from topics to the Upside Down Cross to Alister Crowley to The Beatles to Sigil Trances to Archetypal Symbolic Programming to Subliminal Magic to 5G Hive Programming to Project Mauntak to Triggering MK Ultra Programming to Witchcraft in Hollywood to transgender CEOs to Ancient Witch Covens to Ley Line Satellite Cities to the City of The Fallen Angels to The Curse of Griffith Park to just so much more.
XtremerealitcyCheck... Like really cutting edge info. Check it out.
Free Truth Productions
The whole Truth n nothing but...
Icelandic: fallinn engill
Italian: Angelo caduto
Hebrew: מלאך שנפל
Japanese: 堕天使
Javanese: widodari tiba
Georgian: დაცემული ანგელოზი
Kazakh: құлаған ангел
Khmer: ទេវតាធ្លាក់ចុះ
Kannada: ಬಿದ್ದ ದೇವದೂತ
Korean: 타락한 천사
Latin: fallen angel
Lao: fallen angel
Lithuanian: kritęs angelas
Latvian: kritušais enģelis
Malagasy: anjely nianjera
Maori: anahera hinga
Macedonian: паднат ангел
Malayalam: വീണുപോയ ദൂതൻ
Mongolian: унасан тэнгэр элч
Marathi: पडलेला देवदूत
Malay: malaikat yang jatuh
Maltese: waqa 'anġlu
Myanmar (Burmese): ပြိုလဲကောငျးကငျတမနျ
Nepali: गिर परी
Dutch: gevallen engel
Norwegian: Fallen engel
Chichewa: mngelo wakugwa
Punjabi: ਡਿੱਗ ਦੂਤ
Polish: upadły anioł
Portuguese: anjo caído
Romanian: inger decazut
Russian: падший ангел
Sinhala: වැටුනාවූ දූතයා
Slovak: padlý anjel
Slovenian: padli angel
Somali: malaa'igtii dhacday
Albanian: engjell i rene
Serbian: пали анђео
Sesotho: lengeloi le oeleng
Sundanese: malaikat fallen
Swedish: fallen ängel
Swahili: malaika aliyeanguka
Tamil: விழுந்த தேவதை
Telugu: స్వర్గం నుంచి పడిన దేవత
Tajik: фариштаи золим
Thai: เทวดาตกสวรรค์
Filipino: nahulog na anghel
Turkish: düşmüş melek
Ukrainian: занепалий ангел
Urdu: باغی فرشتہ
Uzbek: tushgan farishta
Vietnamese: Thiên thần sa ngã
Yiddish: געפאלן מלאך
Yoruba: angẹli ti o ṣubu
Chinese: 堕落的天使
Chinese (Simplified): 堕落的天使
Chinese (Traditional): 墮落的天使
Zulu: ingelosi ewile
Afrikaans: transhumanisme
Arabic: بعد إنسانية
Azerbaijani: transhumanism
Belarusian: трансгуманизма
Bulgarian: трансхуманизъм
Bengali: transhumanism
Bosnian: transhumanizam
Catalan: transhumanisme
Cebuano: transhumanism
Czech: transhumanismus
Welsh: trahumaniaeth
Danish: transhumanisme
German: Transhumanismus
Greek: διανθρωπισμό
English: transhumanism
Esperanto: transhumanism
Spanish: transhumanismo
Estonian: transhumanism
Basque: transhumanism
Persian: transhumanism
Finnish: Transhumanismi
French: transhumanisme
Irish: trashumanachas
Galician: transhumanismo
Gujarati: ટ્રાન્સહ્યુમેનિઝમ
Hausa: transhumanism
Hindi: ट्रांसह्युमेनिज़म
Hmong: transhumanism
Croatian: transhumanizam
Haitian Creole: transhumanism
Hungarian: transzhumanizmust
Armenian: տրանսմունաբանություն
Indonesian: transhumanisme
Igbo: transhumanism
Icelandic: transhumanism
Italian: transumanesimo
Hebrew: טרנסומניזם
Japanese: トランスヒューマニズム
Javanese: transhumanisme
Georgian: ტრანსჰუმანიზმი
Kazakh: траншуманизм
Khmer: transhumanism
Kannada: ಟ್ರಾನ್ಸ್ಹ್ಯೂಮನಿಸಂ
Korean: 트랜스 휴머니즘
Latin: transhumanism
Lao: transhumanism
Lithuanian: transhumanizmas
Latvian: transhumanismu
Malagasy: transhumanism
Maori: transhumanism
Macedonian: трансхуманизам
Malayalam: മനുഷ്യത്വവാദം
Mongolian: transhumanism
Marathi: ट्रान्सहुमनिझ्म
Malay: transhumanisme
Maltese: transumaniżmu
Myanmar (Burmese): transhumanism
Nepali: transhumanism
Dutch: transhumanisme
Norwegian: transhumanism
Chichewa: transhumanism
Punjabi: transhumanism
Polish: transhumanizm
Portuguese: transumanismo
Romanian: transumanismului
Russian: трансгуманизма
Sinhala: අධිරාජ්යවාදය
Slovak: transhumanism
Slovenian: transhumanizem
Somali: transhumanism
Albanian: Transhumanizmi
Serbian: трансхуманизам
Sesotho: transhumanism
Sundanese: transhumanism
Swedish: transhumanism
Swahili: transhumanism
Tamil: மீவு மனிதத்துவம்
Telugu: రూపాంతరణ
Tajik: transhumanism
Thai: transhumanism
Filipino: transhumanism
Turkish: transhumanism
Ukrainian: трансгуманізм
Urdu: ٹرانسمیشنزم
Uzbek: transhumanizm
Vietnamese: siêu nhân
Yiddish: טראַנסהומאַניסם
Yoruba: transhumanism
Chinese: 超人
Chinese (Simplified): 超人
Chinese (Traditional): 超人
Zulu: transhumanism
The Groucho Marx Show: American Television Quiz Show - Wall / Water Episodes
In public and off-camera, Harpo and Chico were difficult to recognize by their fans without their wigs and costumes, but it was almost impossible to recognize Groucho without his trademark eye-glasses, fake eyebrows and mustache. More Groucho:
The greasepaint mustache and eyebrows originated spontaneously prior to a vaudeville performance in the early 1920s when he did not have time to apply the pasted-on mustache he had been using (or, according to his autobiography, simply did not enjoy the removal of the mustache every night because of the effects of tearing an adhesive bandage off the same patch of skin every night). After applying the greasepaint mustache, a quick glance in the mirror revealed his natural hair eyebrows were too undertoned and did not match the rest of his face, so Marx added the greasepaint to his eyebrows and headed for the stage. The absurdity of the greasepaint was never discussed on-screen, but in a famous scene in Duck Soup, where both Chicolini (Chico) and Pinky (Harpo) disguise themselves as Groucho, they are briefly seen applying the greasepaint, implicitly answering any question a viewer might have had about where he got his mustache and eyebrows.
Marx was asked to apply the greasepaint mustache once more for You Bet Your Life when it came to television, but he refused, opting instead to grow a real one, which he wore for the rest of his life. By this time, his eyesight had weakened enough for him actually to need corrective lenses; before then, his eye-glasses had merely been a stage prop. He debuted this new, and now much-older, appearance in Love Happy, the Marx Brothers's last film as a comedy team.
He did paint the old character mustache over his real one on a few rare performing occasions, including a TV sketch with Jackie Gleason on the latter's variety show in the 1960s (in which they performed a variation on the song Mister Gallagher and Mister Shean, co-written by Marx's uncle Al Shean) and the 1968 Otto Preminger film Skidoo. In his late 70s at the time, Marx remarked on his appearance: I looked like I was embalmed. He played a mob boss called God and, according to Marx, both my performance and the film were God-awful!.
The exaggerated walk, with one hand on the small of his back and his torso bent almost 90 degrees at the waist was a parody of a fad from the 1880s and 1890s. Fashionable young men of the upper classes would affect a walk with their right hand held fast to the base of their spines, and with a slight lean forward at the waist and a very slight twist toward the right with the left shoulder, allowing the left hand to swing free with the gait. Edmund Morris, in his biography The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt, describes a young Roosevelt, newly elected to the State Assembly, walking into the House Chamber for the first time in this trendy, affected gait, somewhat to the amusement of the older and more rural Members who were present. Groucho exaggerated this fad to a marked degree, and the comedy effect was enhanced by how out of date the fashion was by the 1940s and 1950s.
Report on ESP / Cops and Robbers / The Legend of Jimmy Blue Eyes
Extrasensory perception (ESP) involves reception of information not gained through the recognized physical senses but sensed with the mind. The term was adopted by Duke University psychologist J. B. Rhine to denote psychic abilities such as telepathy, clairaudience, and clairvoyance, and their trans-temporal operation as precognition or retrocognition. ESP is also sometimes casually referred to as a sixth sense, gut instinct or hunch, which are historical English idioms. It is also sometimes referred to as intuition. The term implies acquisition of information by means external to the basic limiting assumptions of science, such as that organisms can only receive information from the past to the present.
Parapsychology is the pseudoscientific[1] study of paranormal psychic phenomena, including ESP. Parapsychologists generally regard such tests as the ganzfeld experiment as providing compelling evidence for the existence of ESP. The scientific community rejects ESP due to the absence of an evidence base, the lack of a theory which would explain ESP, and the lack of experimental techniques which can provide reliably positive results.
Vincent Jimmy Blue Eyes Alo (May 26, 1904 -- March 9, 2001) was a New York mobster and member of the Genovese crime family who set up casino operations with mob associate Meyer Lansky in Florida and Cuba.
Tesla Franz Von Holzhausen Keynote Address 2017 Audio Only W/Subs
Tesla Franz Von Holzhausen Keynote Address 2017
A Keynote address by Tesla's Franz Von Holzhausen. Audio Only. Provided by a Viewer. I do not know the background of the event, however, it is from sometime in 2017.
Audio has been enhanced as best as I could. Please consider contributing to the Closed Captions and Translations!
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About Franz Von Holzhausen
Franz von Holzhausen (born May 10, 1968 in Simsbury, Connecticut) is an automobile designer, currently in charge of design at Tesla Inc. after resigning his position at Mazda North American Operations on July 31, 2008.[1] He designed the Tesla Model S, an electric premium sedan starting in 2008.
He was also an assistant design chief at Volkswagen.[when?] Earlier in Franz's career at Volkswagen, he had an instrumental involvement in the New Beetle concept project, known as Concept One, under design lead J Mays (von Holzhausen saw the New Beetle concept through to production in Germany).
After taking his role at Mazda on February 21, 2005, von Holzhausen led the design of the Mazda Kabura concept car that debuted at the 2006 North American International Auto Show.[citation needed] Prior to this, von Holzhausen designed the Pontiac Solstice and Saturn Sky while Design Director at General Motors.[when?] He then went on to work for the car company Tesla where he is working presently. He is also known for designing the new versions of Tesla cars including the Model S, the Model X, the Model 3,[4] and the new Tesla Roadster.
Source: Wikipedia
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) is a multilateral agreement regulating international trade. According to its preamble, its purpose is the substantial reduction of tariffs and other trade barriers and the elimination of preferences, on a reciprocal and mutually advantageous basis.
It was negotiated during the UN Conference on Trade and Employment and was the outcome of the failure of negotiating governments to create the International Trade Organization (ITO). GATT was signed in 1947 and lasted until 1993, when it was replaced by the World Trade Organization in 1995. The original GATT text (GATT 1947) is still in effect under the WTO framework, subject to the modifications of GATT 1994.
The Uruguay Round began in 1986. It was the most ambitious round to date, hoping to expand the competence of the GATT to important new areas such as services, capital, intellectual property, textiles, and agriculture. 123 countries took part in the round. The Uruguay Round was also the first set of multilateral trade negotiations in which developing countries had played an active role.
Agriculture was essentially exempted from previous agreements as it was given special status in the areas of import quotas and export subsidies, with only mild caveats. However, by the time of the Uruguay round, many countries considered the exception of agriculture to be sufficiently glaring that they refused to sign a new deal without some movement on agricultural products. These fourteen countries came to be known as the Cairns Group, and included mostly small and medium sized agricultural exporters such as Australia, Brazil, Canada, Indonesia, and New Zealand.
The Agreement on Agriculture of the Uruguay Round continues to be the most substantial trade liberalization agreement in agricultural products in the history of trade negotiations. The goals of the agreement were to improve market access for agricultural products, reduce domestic support of agriculture in the form of price-distorting subsidies and quotas, eliminate over time export subsidies on agricultural products and to harmonize to the extent possible sanitary and phytosanitary measures between member countries.
In 1993, the GATT was updated (GATT 1994) to include new obligations upon its signatories. One of the most significant changes was the creation of the World Trade Organization (WTO). The 75 existing GATT members and the European Communities became the founding members of the WTO on 1 January 1995. The other 52 GATT members rejoined the WTO in the following two years (the last being Congo in 1997). Since the founding of the WTO, 21 new non-GATT members have joined and 29 are currently negotiating membership. There are a total of 155 member countries in the WTO, with Montenegro and Samoa being new members as of 2012.
Of the original GATT members, Syria and the SFR Yugoslavia has not rejoined the WTO. Since FR Yugoslavia, (renamed to Serbia and Montenegro and with membership negotiations later split in two), is not recognised as a direct SFRY successor state; therefore, its application is considered a new (non-GATT) one. The General Council of WTO, on 4 May 2010, agreed to establish a working party to examine the request of Syria for WTO membership. The contracting parties who founded the WTO ended official agreement of the GATT 1947 terms on 31 December 1995. Serbia and Montenegro are in the decision stage of the negotiations and are expected to become the newest members of the WTO in 2012 or in near future.
Whilst GATT was a set of rules agreed upon by nations, the WTO is an institutional body. The WTO expanded its scope from traded goods to include trade within the service sector and intellectual property rights. Although it was designed to serve multilateral agreements, during several rounds of GATT negotiations (particularly the Tokyo Round) plurilateral agreements created selective trading and caused fragmentation among members. WTO arrangements are generally a multilateral agreement settlement mechanism of GATT.
Zero Days Unit8200 (Talpiot Program)
Unit 8200 (Hebrew: יחידה 8200, Yehida Shmoneh-Matayim) is an Israeli Intelligence Corps unit responsible for collecting signal intelligence (SIGINT) and code decryption. Military publications include references to Unit 8200 as the Central Collection Unit of the Intelligence Corps, and it is sometimes referred to as Israeli SIGINT National Unit (ISNU). It is subordinate to Aman, the military intelligence directorate. _from wiki
Talpiot program is an elite Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) training program for recruits who have demonstrated outstanding academic ability in the sciences and leadership potential. Graduates pursue double higher education while they serve in the army, and they use their expertise to further IDF research and development in technological leadership positions. The program was inaugurated in 1979. _from wiki
-Israel's Talpiot Tech-Takeover Program Exposed by Brendon O' Connell:
-useful links:
Zero Days (2016) Documentary Translated.
Subtitles are added for the following languages:
Arabic, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Norwegian, Persian, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Vietnamese.
Bill Schnoebelen - Interview with an ex Vampire (7 of 9) - Multi - Language
Part 7 of the most in depth information on vampires out there. There are vampire clubs where wannabe yuppies drink each other's blood and wear black and talk about the Lessor Keys of Solomon.
One detail is that the fangs actually grow out and it's mostly and automatic response.
Free Truth Productions
The Truth is still weird...
Azərbaycanca / آذربايجان
བོད་ཡིག / Bod skad
Sinugboanong Binisaya
словѣньскъ / slověnĭskŭ
Krèyol ayisyen
Bahasa Indonesia
Basa Jawa
Kurdî / كوردی
Kırgızca / Кыргызча
ລາວ / Pha xa lao
Lazuri / ლაზური
Bahasa Melayu
Norsk (bokmål / riksmål)
Diné bizaad
ਪੰਜਾਬੀ / पंजाबी / پنجابي
Romani / रोमानी
Srpskohrvatski / Српскохрватски
Gagana Samoa
Basa Sunda
ไทย / Phasa Thai
Lea Faka-Tonga
Reo Mā`ohi
Afrikaans: vampier
Arabic: رعب
Azerbaijani: vampir
Belarusian: вампір
Bulgarian: вампир
Bengali: রক্তচোষা
Bosnian: vampir
Catalan: vampir
Cebuano: vampire
Czech: upír
Welsh: vampire
Danish: vampyr
German: Vampir
Greek: βρυκόλακας
English: vampire
Esperanto: vampire
Spanish: vampiro
Estonian: vampiir
Basque: banpiroa
Persian: خون آشام
Finnish: vampyyri
French: vampire
Irish: vampire
Galician: vampiro
Gujarati: વેમ્પાયર
Hausa: vampire
Hindi: पिशाच
Hmong: vampire
Croatian: vampir
Haitian Creole: vanpir
Hungarian: vámpír
Armenian: վամպիր
Indonesian: vampir
Igbo: vampire
Icelandic: vampíru
Italian: vampiro
Hebrew: ערפד
Japanese: 吸血鬼
Javanese: vampir
Georgian: vampire
Kazakh: вампир
Khmer: បិសាច
Kannada: ರಕ್ತಪಿಶಾಚಿ
Korean: 흡혈귀
Latin: vampire
Lao: vampire
Lithuanian: vampyras
Latvian: vampīrs
Malagasy: Vampire
Maori: vampire
Macedonian: вампир
Malayalam: വാമ്പയർ
Mongolian: цус сорогч
Marathi: पिशाच
Malay: Pontianak
Maltese: vampir
Myanmar (Burmese): သွေးစုပ်ဖုတ်ကောင်
Nepali: पिशाच
Dutch: vampier
Norwegian: vampyr
Chichewa: vampire
Punjabi: ਪਿਸ਼ਾਚ
Polish: wampir
Portuguese: vampiro
Romanian: vampir
Russian: вампир
Sinhala: වැම්පයර්
Slovak: upír
Slovenian: vampir
Somali: vampire
Albanian: vampir
Serbian: вампире
Sesotho: moferefere
Sundanese: vampir
Swedish: vampyr
Swahili: vampire
Tamil: காட்டேரி
Telugu: పిశాచ
Tajik: vampire
Thai: แทตย์
Filipino: vampire
Turkish: vampir
Ukrainian: вампір
Urdu: ویمپائر
Uzbek: vampire
Vietnamese: ma cà rồng
Yiddish: וואַמפּיר
Yoruba: vampire
Chinese: 吸血鬼
Chinese (Simplified): 吸血鬼
Chinese (Traditional): 吸血鬼
Zulu: i-vampire
Our Miss Brooks: Head of the Board / Faculty Cheer Leader / Taking the Rap for Mr. Boynton
Our Miss Brooks is an American situation comedy starring Eve Arden as a sardonic high school English teacher. It began as a radio show broadcast from 1948 to 1957. When the show was adapted to television (1952--56), it became one of the medium's earliest hits. In 1956, the sitcom was adapted for big screen in the film of the same name.
Connie (Constance) Brooks (Eve Arden), an English teacher at fictional Madison High School.
Osgood Conklin (Gale Gordon), blustery, gruff, crooked and unsympathetic Madison High principal, a near-constant pain to his faculty and students. (Conklin was played by Joseph Forte in the show's first episode; Gordon succeeded him for the rest of the series' run.) Occasionally Conklin would rig competitions at the school--such as that for prom queen--so that his daughter Harriet would win.
Walter Denton (Richard Crenna, billed at the time as Dick Crenna), a Madison High student, well-intentioned and clumsy, with a nasally high, cracking voice, often driving Miss Brooks (his self-professed favorite teacher) to school in a broken-down jalopy. Miss Brooks' references to her own usually-in-the-shop car became one of the show's running gags.
Philip Boynton (Jeff Chandler on radio, billed sometimes under his birth name Ira Grossel); Robert Rockwell on both radio and television), Madison High biology teacher, the shy and often clueless object of Miss Brooks' affections.
Margaret Davis (Jane Morgan), Miss Brooks' absentminded landlady, whose two trademarks are a cat named Minerva, and a penchant for whipping up exotic and often inedible breakfasts.
Harriet Conklin (Gloria McMillan), Madison High student and daughter of principal Conklin. A sometime love interest for Walter Denton, Harriet was honest and guileless with none of her father's malevolence and dishonesty.
Stretch (Fabian) Snodgrass (Leonard Smith), dull-witted Madison High athletic star and Walter's best friend.
Daisy Enright (Mary Jane Croft), Madison High English teacher, and a scheming professional and romantic rival to Miss Brooks.
Jacques Monet (Gerald Mohr), a French teacher.
Our Miss Brooks was a hit on radio from the outset; within eight months of its launch as a regular series, the show landed several honors, including four for Eve Arden, who won polls in four individual publications of the time. Arden had actually been the third choice to play the title role. Harry Ackerman, West Coast director of programming, wanted Shirley Booth for the part, but as he told historian Gerald Nachman many years later, he realized Booth was too focused on the underpaid downside of public school teaching at the time to have fun with the role.
Lucille Ball was believed to have been the next choice, but she was already committed to My Favorite Husband and didn't audition. Chairman Bill Paley, who was friendly with Arden, persuaded her to audition for the part. With a slightly rewritten audition script--Osgood Conklin, for example, was originally written as a school board president but was now written as the incoming new Madison principal--Arden agreed to give the newly-revamped show a try.
Produced by Larry Berns and written by director Al Lewis, Our Miss Brooks premiered on July 19, 1948. According to radio critic John Crosby, her lines were very feline in dialogue scenes with principal Conklin and would-be boyfriend Boynton, with sharp, witty comebacks. The interplay between the cast--blustery Conklin, nebbishy Denton, accommodating Harriet, absentminded Mrs. Davis, clueless Boynton, scheming Miss Enright--also received positive reviews.
Arden won a radio listeners' poll by Radio Mirror magazine as the top ranking comedienne of 1948-49, receiving her award at the end of an Our Miss Brooks broadcast that March. I'm certainly going to try in the coming months to merit the honor you've bestowed upon me, because I understand that if I win this two years in a row, I get to keep Mr. Boynton, she joked. But she was also a hit with the critics; a winter 1949 poll of newspaper and magazine radio editors taken by Motion Picture Daily named her the year's best radio comedienne.
For its entire radio life, the show was sponsored by Colgate-Palmolive-Peet, promoting Palmolive soap, Lustre Creme shampoo and Toni hair care products. The radio series continued until 1957, a year after its television life ended.
Suspense: I Won't Take a Minute / The Argyle Album / Double Entry
The program's heyday was in the early 1950s, when radio actor, producer and director Elliott Lewis took over (still during the Wilcox/Autolite run). Here the material reached new levels of sophistication. The writing was taut, and the casting, which had always been a strong point of the series (featuring such film stars as Orson Welles, Joseph Cotten, Henry Fonda, Humphrey Bogart, Judy Garland, Ronald Colman, Marlene Dietrich, Eve McVeagh, Lena Horne, and Cary Grant), took an unexpected turn when Lewis expanded the repertory to include many of radio's famous drama and comedy stars — often playing against type — such as Jack Benny. Jim and Marian Jordan of Fibber McGee and Molly were heard in the episode, Backseat Driver, which originally aired February 3, 1949.
The highest production values enhanced Suspense, and many of the shows retain their power to grip and entertain. At the time he took over Suspense, Lewis was familiar to radio fans for playing Frankie Remley, the wastrel guitar-playing sidekick to Phil Harris in The Phil Harris-Alice Faye Show. On the May 10, 1951 Suspense, Lewis reversed the roles with Death on My Hands: A bandleader (Harris) is horrified when an autograph-seeking fan accidentally shoots herself and dies in his hotel room, and a vocalist (Faye) tries to help him as the townfolk call for vigilante justice against him.
With the rise of television and the departures of Lewis and Autolite, subsequent producers (Antony Ellis, William N. Robson and others) struggled to maintain the series despite shrinking budgets, the availability of fewer name actors, and listenership decline. To save money, the program frequently used scripts first broadcast by another noteworthy CBS anthology, Escape. In addition to these tales of exotic adventure, Suspense expanded its repertoire to include more science fiction and supernatural content. By the end of its run, the series was remaking scripts from the long-canceled program The Mysterious Traveler. A time travel tale like Robert Arthur's The Man Who Went Back to Save Lincoln or a thriller about a death ray-wielding mad scientist would alternate with more run-of-the-mill crime dramas.
The Case of the White Kitten / Portrait of London / Star Boy
London is the capital city of England and the United Kingdom, the largest city, urban zone and metropolitan area in the United Kingdom, and the European Union by most measures.[note 1] Located on the River Thames, London has been a major settlement for two millennia, its history going back to its founding by the Romans, who named it Londinium.[3] London's ancient core, the City of London, largely retains its square-mile mediaeval boundaries. Since at least the 19th century, the name London has also referred to the metropolis developed around this core.[4] The bulk of this conurbation forms the London region[5] and the Greater London administrative area,[6][note 2] governed by the elected Mayor of London and the London Assembly.[7]
London is a leading global city, with strengths in the arts, commerce, education, entertainment, fashion, finance, healthcare, media, professional services, research and development, tourism and transport all contributing to its prominence.[8] It is the world's leading financial centre alongside New York City[9][10][11] and has the fifth- or sixth-largest metropolitan area GDP in the world depending on measurement.[note 3][12][13] London has been described as a world cultural capital.[14][15][16][17] It is the world's most-visited city measured by international arrivals[18] and has the world's largest city airport system measured by passenger traffic.[19] London's 43 universities form the largest concentration of higher education in Europe.[20] In 2012, London became the first city to host the modern Summer Olympic Games three times.[21]
London has a diverse range of peoples and cultures, and more than 300 languages are spoken within its boundaries.[22] In March 2011, London had an official population of 8,174,100, making it the most populous municipality in the European Union,[23][24] and accounting for 12.5% of the UK population.[25] The Greater London Urban Area is the second-largest in the EU with a population of 8,278,251,[26] while the London metropolitan area is the largest in the EU with an estimated total population of between 12 million[27] and 14 million.[28] London had the largest population of any city in the world from around 1831 to 1925.[29]. The latest census reveals white Britons as minority in London for first time in modern times. [30] London contains four World Heritage Sites: the Tower of London; Kew Gardens; the site comprising the Palace of Westminster, Westminster Abbey, and St Margaret's Church; and the historic settlement of Greenwich (in which the Royal Observatory marks the Prime Meridian, 0° longitude, and GMT).[31] Other famous landmarks include Buckingham Palace, the London Eye, Piccadilly Circus, St Paul's Cathedral, Tower Bridge, Trafalgar Square, and The Shard. London is home to numerous museums, galleries, libraries, sporting events and other cultural institutions, including the British Museum, National Gallery, Tate Modern, British Library, Wimbledon, and 40 West End theatres.[32] The London Underground is the oldest underground railway network in the world and will complete 150 years of operations on 9 January 2013.[33][34]
Calling All Cars: Don't Get Chummy with a Watchman / A Cup of Coffee / Moving Picture Murder
The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) is the police department of the city of Los Angeles, California.
The LAPD has been copiously fictionalized in numerous movies, novels and television shows throughout its history. The department has also been associated with a number of controversies, mainly concerned with racial animosity, police brutality and police corruption.
radio show Calling All Cars hired LAPD radio dispacher Jesse Rosenquist to be the voice of the dispatcher. Rosenquist was already famous because home radios could tune into early police radio frequencies. As the first police radio dispatcher presented to the public ear, his was the voice that actors went to when called upon for a radio dispatcher role.
The iconic television series Dragnet, with LAPD Detective Joe Friday as the primary character, was the first major media representation of the department. Real LAPD operations inspired Jack Webb to create the series and close cooperation with department officers let him make it as realistic as possible, including authentic police equipment and sound recording on-site at the police station.
Due to Dragnet's popularity, LAPD Chief Parker became, after J. Edgar Hoover, the most well known and respected law enforcement official in the nation. In the 1960s, when the LAPD under Chief Thomas Reddin expanded its community relations division and began efforts to reach out to the African-American community, Dragnet followed suit with more emphasis on internal affairs and community policing than solving crimes, the show's previous mainstay.
Several prominent representations of the LAPD and its officers in television and film include Adam-12, Blue Streak, Blue Thunder, Boomtown, The Closer, Colors, Crash, Columbo, Dark Blue, Die Hard, End of Watch, Heat, Hollywood Homicide, Hunter, Internal Affairs, Jackie Brown, L.A. Confidential, Lakeview Terrace, Law & Order: Los Angeles, Life, Numb3rs, The Shield, Southland, Speed, Street Kings, SWAT, Training Day and the Lethal Weapon, Rush Hour and Terminator film series. The LAPD is also featured in the video games Midnight Club II, Midnight Club: Los Angeles, L.A. Noire and Call of Juarez: The Cartel.
The LAPD has also been the subject of numerous novels. Elizabeth Linington used the department as her backdrop in three different series written under three different names, perhaps the most popular being those novel featuring Det. Lt. Luis Mendoza, who was introduced in the Edgar-nominated Case Pending. Joseph Wambaugh, the son of a Pittsburgh policeman, spent fourteen years in the department, using his background to write novels with authentic fictional depictions of life in the LAPD. Wambaugh also created the Emmy-winning TV anthology series Police Story. Wambaugh was also a major influence on James Ellroy, who wrote several novels about the Department set during the 1940s and 1950s, the most famous of which are probably The Black Dahlia, fictionalizing the LAPD's most famous cold case, and L.A. Confidential, which was made into a film of the same name. Both the novel and the film chronicled mass-murder and corruption inside and outside the force during the Parker era. Critic Roger Ebert indicates that the film's characters (from the 1950s) represent the choices ahead for the LAPD: assisting Hollywood limelight, aggressive policing with relaxed ethics, and a straight arrow approach.
Calling All Cars: Crime v. Time / One Good Turn Deserves Another / Hang Me Please
The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) is the police department of the city of Los Angeles, California.
The LAPD has been copiously fictionalized in numerous movies, novels and television shows throughout its history. The department has also been associated with a number of controversies, mainly concerned with racial animosity, police brutality and police corruption.
The radio show Calling All Cars hired LAPD radio dispacher Jesse Rosenquist to be the voice of the dispatcher. Rosenquist was already famous because home radios could tune into early police radio frequencies. As the first police radio dispatcher presented to the public ear, his was the voice that actors went to when called upon for a radio dispatcher role.
The iconic television series Dragnet, with LAPD Detective Joe Friday as the primary character, was the first major media representation of the department. Real LAPD operations inspired Jack Webb to create the series and close cooperation with department officers let him make it as realistic as possible, including authentic police equipment and sound recording on-site at the police station.
Due to Dragnet's popularity, LAPD Chief Parker became, after J. Edgar Hoover, the most well known and respected law enforcement official in the nation. In the 1960s, when the LAPD under Chief Thomas Reddin expanded its community relations division and began efforts to reach out to the African-American community, Dragnet followed suit with more emphasis on internal affairs and community policing than solving crimes, the show's previous mainstay.
Several prominent representations of the LAPD and its officers in television and film include Adam-12, Blue Streak, Blue Thunder, Boomtown, The Closer, Colors, Crash, Columbo, Dark Blue, Die Hard, End of Watch, Heat, Hollywood Homicide, Hunter, Internal Affairs, Jackie Brown, L.A. Confidential, Lakeview Terrace, Law & Order: Los Angeles, Life, Numb3rs, The Shield, Southland, Speed, Street Kings, SWAT, Training Day and the Lethal Weapon, Rush Hour and Terminator film series. The LAPD is also featured in the video games Midnight Club II, Midnight Club: Los Angeles, L.A. Noire and Call of Juarez: The Cartel.
The LAPD has also been the subject of numerous novels. Elizabeth Linington used the department as her backdrop in three different series written under three different names, perhaps the most popular being those novel featuring Det. Lt. Luis Mendoza, who was introduced in the Edgar-nominated Case Pending. Joseph Wambaugh, the son of a Pittsburgh policeman, spent fourteen years in the department, using his background to write novels with authentic fictional depictions of life in the LAPD. Wambaugh also created the Emmy-winning TV anthology series Police Story. Wambaugh was also a major influence on James Ellroy, who wrote several novels about the Department set during the 1940s and 1950s, the most famous of which are probably The Black Dahlia, fictionalizing the LAPD's most famous cold case, and L.A. Confidential, which was made into a film of the same name. Both the novel and the film chronicled mass-murder and corruption inside and outside the force during the Parker era. Critic Roger Ebert indicates that the film's characters (from the 1950s) represent the choices ahead for the LAPD: assisting Hollywood limelight, aggressive policing with relaxed ethics, and a straight arrow approach.