Il Castello di Thiene
Scopri il castello di Thiene
Castello Di Thiene
Castello Porto Colleoni Thiene
Castello di Thiene
Castello di Thiene
Registrato Domenica 8 ottobre
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Castello di thiene
Shooting presso il castello di thiene a Vicenza
Riprese effettuate da matricezero con polecam minicrane
Greta & Davide - Matrimonio al Castello di Thiene
Photos by Selene Pozzer ( )
Viaggiando Viaggiando ci porta nel castello del conte Gaetano di Thiene (Vicenza)
Thiene (Vi).wmv
Thiene is a city and comune in the province of Vicenza, in northern Italy, located approximately 75 km west of Venice and 200 km east of Milan.
The city has an active and lively industrial sector, composed mainly of small-to-medium sized companies. It also has one the top ranked Italian boardwalks (listed as number 3 of the top 10). Thiene also has a tradition every 24 December to unite its community to sing a song indigenous only to this town.
The "Centro Europeo per i Mestieri del Patrimonio" is located at Villa Fabris.
Thiene is a lively busy town of more than 21,000 inhabitants, and dates back to Roman times. It was developed around a "castrum" and in Medieval times was transformed into a castle to defend the village and protect the local church: "Pieve di S. Maria".
In 1281 the Thiene Irrigation Ditch was dug, and numerous craft workshops and craftsmen's homes opened along its banks. A castrum, a castle and its parish church, a road and an irrigation ditch are those vital factors that gave life to Thiene. Its lucky geographic position and important road network for traffic from the Veneto Region, the Tyrol and beyond have all helped its growing prosperity.
Thiene became part of the Veneto Republic in 1404, which gave it the security and peace it needed to develop its economy and spread the arts and cultures. Markets, rural in medieval times and Free in 1492, then weekly every Monday, Festivals (St. John Baptist and the third Monday in October), workshops and stores all became the nerve centre for business for the town and larger territory.
Members of noble Vicenza families, middleclass merchants, artisans and professionals all invested money into buying, reclaiming and irrigating the land, trade, building work which would all change and enrich the appearance of streets, squares and corners of the town.
The old St. Mary's Parish Church became the town Church, beautiful villas and palazzos were built with their own private chapels (Villa Porto-Colleoni-Thiene and Palazzo Cornaggia) smart noble homes, important factories and farms.
Thiene gradually grew over the years, showing its genuine spirit and cultural, artistic and social soul in the dynamic and busy area that surrounds the town.
Still today Thiene is a valid example of the Veneto model, being a reference centre for the social and economic fabric of the northern part of the province of Vicenza.
Thiene è un comune di 23.171 abitanti della provincia di Vicenza.
La città di Thiene è situata al centro dell'ampia pianura nord vicentina, nella cosiddetta zona della Pedemontana, vicino allo sbocco della Val d'Astico, antica via per la Germania. Dista in linea d'aria 10 km da Schio, 20 da Vicenza e 22 da Bassano del Grappa. Fanno da corona: a est le colline pedemontane di Sarcedo e Fara Vicentino; a sud la pianura che scende con dolce inclinazione verso il capoluogo di Vicenza e i suoi colli Berici; a sud-ovest le prime propaggini dei monti Lessini, la zona collinare di Monte di Malo e Monteviale digradante dolcemente fino a Sovizzo; a nord-ovest il cono del Monte Summano e a nord l'Altopiano dei sette comuni.
Thiene Palace, Vicenza, Veneto, Italy, Europe
Thiene Palace is a 15th-16th-century palace in Vicenza, northern Italy, designed for Marcantonio and Adriano Thiene, probably by Giulio Romano, in 1542, and revised during construction from 1544 by Andrea Palladio. In 1994 the palace was included in the Vicenza, city of Palladio World Heritage Site by UNESCO. In 1996 the World Heritage Site was renamed City of Vicenza and the Palladian Villas of the Veneto, and it was expanded to include outlying villas. The palace is used as the historic headquarters of a bank and it also hosts some exhibitions and culture events. The palazzo was the headquarter of Banca Popolare di Vicenza. The original Gothic palace was committed by Lodovico Thiene to Lorenzo da Bologna in 1490, with an East front on contrà Porti made of bricks squared by angular lesenes worked at diamond edge, with a portal by Tommaso da Lugano and a triple window made in rose marble. In October 1542 Marcantonio and Adriano Thiene began to remodel their 15th century family palace in a grandiose project, which would have occupied an entire city block of 54 x 62 metres and faced onto Vicenza’s principal artery (today’s Corso Palladio). The rich, powerful and sophisticated Thiene brothers belonged to that great Italian nobility which could move with ease among Europe’s most important courts: they therefore required a domestic stage adequate for the cosmopolitan expectations of their guests who might visit them. At the same time, as exponents of a well-defined, political faction in the city’s aristocracy, they desired a princely palace to emphasise their proper role in the city itself, as the sign of their quasi-seigniorial power. When in 1614 the young English architect Inigo Jones visited the palace, he noted down information directly garnered from Vincenzo Scamozzi and Palma il Giovane: “this project was made by Giulio Romano and executed by Palladio”. Most probably, in fact, the original conception of the Palazzo Thiene should be attributed to the mature and expert Giulio Romano and the young Palladio should be held responsible rather for the executive design and execution of the building, a role which became ever more essential after Giulio’s death in 1546. The elements of the palace which are attributable to Giulio and alien to Palladio’s vocabulary are clearly recognisable: the four-column atrium is substantially identical with that of the Palazzo Te; also Giulian are the windows and the ground storey facades onto the street and courtyard, while Palladio must have been defined the upper storey trabeation and capitals. Works began on the building in 1542. In December of the same year, Giulio Romano visited Vicenza for two weeks as a consultant on the Loggias for the Basilica. Probably on this occasion he supplied the outline project for the Palazzo Thiene. But works proceeded slowly: on the external facade is inscribed the date 1556, and in the courtyard 1558. In 1552 Adriano Thiene died in France and thereafter, when Marcantonio’s son Giulio became marchese of Scandiano, family interests gradually shifted to Ferrara. As a result, only a small portion of the grandiose project was ever realised, but probably neither the Venetians nor the other Vicentine nobles would have accepted such a grandiose private enclave in the centre of their city.
Travel in Time: Thiene 1492 | Italia Slow Tour
Come to Thiene during the weekends of september or october, you will leave for a real travel in time! Thiene 1492 is an historical re-enactment which takes place every year, deeply felt by the locals. Its main moment is the great parade, with 1200 volunteers wearing precious historical costumes.
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Progetto Musa / Castello di Thiene /Liceo Zanella
Video realizzato dai ragazzi delle 5CA del Liceo Classico G. Zanella di Schio (VI) per il progetto pilota M.U.S.A. proposto da Ufficio Scolastico Regionale per il Veneto in collaborazione con Ass. Ville Venete
Thiene Italy.1. 05.01.2019
Viridalia 2015, Castello di Thiene - Hydrophyllum
Stand alla fiera di Thiene, VIRIDALIA 2015.
Hydrophyllum è una piccola azienda agricola che alleva, riproduce ninfee, fiori di loto e piante acquatiche in genere e dedica la propria attività a tutte le persone che trovano nel giardino il rifugio della propria anima:
Gocce di ricordi
“Di meravigliose giornate vado riempiendo la mia esistenza…e così’ come gocce di rugiada che si posano sull’erba, la memoria riempie le stanze del nostro giardino ideale con i ricordi piu’ belli rendendolo unico.
Riflessi sull’acqua, forme, profumi, colori, sapori, sensazioni che ci hanno emozionato e che vogliamo tutti i giorni ritrovare passeggiando nel giardino di casa.”
Fabio Cartolaro
La nostra squadra è composta da:
Fabio: 3475409904
Curatore di giardini dal 1984 è sempre disponibile al confronto e ad aiutarvi nelle vostre scelte.
Si occupa della manutenzione del vivaio e della progettazione e realizzazione di laghetti decorativi e biolaghi.
Linda: 3400579910
Figlia d’arte, stregata dai colori di loti e ninfee si occupa della gestione amministrativa e della manutenzione del vivaio, delle spedizioni, cura e invasa piante, gestisce il sito internet ed è la referente per l’organizzazione di eventi.
Marco: 3284725318
Curatore di giardini, collabora con noi per allestire stand per eventi e “quando c’è da lavorare duro”. Si occupa di manutenzioni e in particolar modo di potature di grandi e importanti alberi dandogli dignità con interventi non invasivi con la tecnica del tree-climbing.
Qual Buon VENETO... [Thiene]
Alla scoperta di Thiene in provincia di Vicenza.
Tutti i diritti sono riservati.
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Thiene O.O. P.P. Backstage per la fiera di San Giovanni Battista Patrono della città il 24 Giugno ....
01 - Stage Aikido Nel Giardino del Castello Di Thiene.
Stage Aikido Nel Giardino del Castello Di Thiene. 11-9-2009. Per ragazzi di 6 a 12 anni. Sono stati 3 gruppi di 30 ragazzi circa ciauscuno. Qui facciamo base Shiho-nage.
Le Ville Venete alla notte di RadioUno con l'arch. Giacomo di Thiene
06 - Stage Aikido Nel Giardino del Castello Di Thiene.
Stage Aikido Nel Giardino del Castello Di Thiene. 11-9-2009. Per ragazzi di 6 a 12 anni. Sono stati 3 gruppi di 30 ragazzi circa ciauscuno. Qui facciamo Shiho-nage per coppie. La Maestra Andrea Fabiana Navarro spiega alle coppie. Come sfondo il bellisimo Castello.