GoPro taken for a walk around Castle Hill in Porvoo, Finland
This time GoPro is not covered with polarizing filter so at times the snowy parts and the sky appear quite bright. I recorded this video earlier today and it shows how the very old Castle Hill, or Linnamäki in Finnish, looks like this time of the year. The hill is not that hilly and the castle part too is misleading. This lump of soil is mainly a small knoll with embankments in circular way. Some hundreds of years earlier at the top of the knoll was a wooden fortress. In my understanding the water level near river was higher, so that gave better protection for the fortress. Perhaps some hundreds of years before our time hooligans like Vikings visited this area.
In Finnish: Tällä kertaa allekirjoittaneen tärinäkamera kävi kävelyllä Porvoossa Linnamäellä. Porvoon Linnamäki eroaa Helsingin Linnanmäestä yhden n-kirjaimen verran, ja vähän muutenkin. Tämä ei ole huvipuisto. Kaukana siitä. Kyseessä on hyvin vanhan linnoituksen paikka. Ei voi kai sanoa edes, että tässä olisi linnoituksen jäänteet tai rauniot, koska ainoa mitä on jäljellä, on vallihautojen tai pengerrysten piirteet maastossa. Linna oli käsittääkseni joitain satoja vuosia sitten puusta rakennettu. Porvoonjoen vedenpinta lienee ollut linnan aikaan paljon korkeammalla kuin nyt: vedenpinta olisi yltänyt ehkä suoraan linnoituksen juurelle eikä kymmenien metrien päähän siitä kuten nykyaikana.
Porvoo (Finland)
Porvoo (Finland)
Old Town
AREA: Porvoo
ADDRESS: Porvoo, Old Town, Old Porvoo, Vanha Porvoo, 06100 Porvoo, Finland
COUNTRY: Finland
Old Town
- Old Porvoo, Vanha Porvoo, 06100 Porvoo, Finland
- Porvoo Museum (Old Town Hall), Porvoon museo, Raatihuoneentori, 06100 Porvoo, Finland
- Brunberg, Candy Shop, Välikatu 4, 06100 Porvoo, Finland (Local candy maker)
- Porvoo Cathedral, Porvoon tuomiokirkko, Kirkkotori 1, 06100 Porvoo, Finland
- Great Castle Hill, Iso Linnamäki, Linnamäki, Pappilankuja 4, 06100 Porvoo, Finland (site of ancient fortress)
- Näsinmäki Hill, Näsinmäki, Näsinmäentie 5, 06100 Porvoo, Finland (Näsinmäki Hill is located other side of the Porvoo river, opposite the Old Town. You can find there also viewing platform.)
- Näsi Stone (Big Stone), Näsin kivi, Suuri siirtolohkare, Näsinmäentie 5, 06100 Porvoo, Finland (Locates in Näsinmäki Hill)
- Porvoo, Old Train Station, Porvoon vanha rautatieasema, Vanha Hämeenlinnantie 11, 06100 Porvoo, Finland
- Johan Ludvig Runeberg's Home, Aleksanterinkatu 3, 06100 Porvoo, Finland (Finland's national poet. He has also famous small cakes called Runeberg torte/Runebergin torttu).
- Antique Shops
- Restaurants
- Cafes
- It is located near the Helsinki City. From Helsinki Central Railway Station you will get there easily. First walk to the west, about 400 meter to the Kamppi Center and then take a bus that take you to the Porvoo. Bus trip takes only 1 hour.
- Alternative way (summertime only): Boat trip from Helsinki Market Square to Porvoo, with old ship (Boat name: m/s J.L. Runeberg), eat good finnish food in the boat and watch Finnish Coastline and sea. Travelling with this old boat is an experience. You can come also back with the boat or by bus. Bus is much faster than the boat. (Check out schedules!)
- Porvoo, Old Town is a good travel destination for one day trip or about half day trip.
- If the weather is good you can spend whole day easily in a relaxing atmosphere!
This is unofficial video!
YouTube Channel: TravelinFinland
Music by Eric Matyas
Vanha Porvoo - Old Porvoo - Gamla Borgå, Drone footage
Kuvauksessa on noudatettu Suomen ilmailusäädöksiä.
Vanha Porvoo on, kuten sen nimikin kertoo, Porvoon vanhin kaupunginosa Suomen etelärannikolla. Porvoonjoen rannalla sijaitsee yhdet kaupungin maamerkeistä, vanhat varastot joihin kauppatavarat tuotiin muinoin veneillä. Nykyään monissa niistä sijaitsee ravintola, kahvio tai vanhan tavaran myymälä. Mäen päällä on Porvoon Tuomiokirkko 1300-luvun vaihteesta. Se on historiansa aikana palanut jo viisi kertaa.
Old Porvoo is, as it's name says, the oldest part of Finnish town, Porvoo which is locater on a southern coast of Finland. On a river bank there is Porvoos' landmarks, old warehouses where mercandises bought by boats, were held few hundreds years ago. Now many of them serve as a restaurant, cafe or small shop where they sell old items. On a hill stands Porvoo Cathedral from 1300's. It has been burn for five times in it's history.
Porvoo Old Town, Porvoo, Finland
The town of Porvoo, located about 32 miles northeast of Helsinki, Finland, is one of the oldest towns in Finland, dating back to the 1300s.
As a tourist destination, one of its main highlights is the Porvoo Old Town, where the narrow cobblestone streets are lines with wooden buildings that date back 200-300 years.
Its Porvoo Cathedral was built in the 1400s, although parts date back to the previous century. Parts of it have been rebuilt a number of times after fire.
A series of warehouses line the river date back to the 1700s. They have been painted red ochre since they were painted that color in the late 1700s in honor of a visit by King Gustav III.
Porvoo is a popular day trip destination out of Helsinki. Its historic center has been considered for UNESCO World Heritage Site designation.
THe Photos (in order)
E18A2748 - View across Porvoonjoki River towards Porvoo Cathedral
E18A2780 - Porvoo Cathedral belltower
E18A2765 - Site of the Diet of Porvoo, a meeting that occurred after Finland was incorporated into the Russian Empire in 1809; at this meeting the Grand Principality of Finland was established; because Finland was not simply incorporated into Russian territory at that time, the Diet helped preserve Finnish identity and later led to Finland's eventual push for true independence
E18A2808 - Red ochre merchants warehouses line the river
E18A2814 - Although some of the warehouses now house businesses, most are privately owned
E18A2828 - Porvoo Old Town's small town square
E18A2801 - Colorful wooden houses line the cobblestone streets of Porvoo Old Town
E18A2750 - The view upstream of Porvoonjoki River towards Castle Hill, a short walk from the Old Town; no castles survive here, although there are remnants of some moats
PAKUELÄMÄÄ-videosarjassa seurataan #vanlife -elämää pakettiautoon itse rakentamassamme liikkuvassa minikodissa! Tämän sunnuntaisessa jaksossa kurkistetaan aurinkoiseen, keväältä tuntuneeseen päivään ja retkeemme Porvoon Isolle Linnamäelle!
Tervetuloa mukaan seuraamaan seikkailujamme! Uusia jaksoja julkaistaan kanavalla joka sunnuntai-ilta. Toivottavasti viihdyt matkassamme! :)
There are English subtitles available for non-Finnish speakers!
VAN LIFE VLOG -video series follows our #vanlife in Finland! We self-converted our van to a tiny rolling home. On today's vlog we are going to a day hike to the Iso Linnamäki Castle hill in Old Town of Porvoo, Southern Finland.
Welcome to follow our adventures! New video every Sunday on the channel. Hope you enjoy! :)
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Castle, Raseborg, Finland
Kesä on Porvoossa - Linnamäki
Linnamäki tunnetaan linnasta, joka sijaitsi siellä keskiajalla. Linna on ruotsiksi borg ja joki å, josta Porvoo/Borgå on saanut nimensä. Videon on tehnyt Porvoon Sillan Kesäinfo.
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Castle hill is known from a castle which was located there in the Middle Ages. Porvoo/Borgå has got it's name from Swedish words for castle (borg) and for river (å). Video by Porvoo Summer Tourist Info.
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Vuoden viimeisen päivän meininkejä Kertsissä. Erica pikku jekun kohteena :)
Suomenlinna, the biggest Sea Fortress in the World - Finland 4K Travel Channel
A visit to Helsinki should also include a visit to The Fortress of Suomenlinna. The fortress lies on a group of partly connected islands, at the entrance of Helsinki's harbor. We set sail with a small ferry boat and go ashore in a bay. Slightly uphill, we reach the bastion Höpken and enter the courtyard with the tomb of Augustin Ehrensvärd. Ehrensvärd was the builder, who began construction of the fortress in 1748.
At that time, Helsinki still belonged to Sweden. That is why they called the complex Sveaborg (Sweden castle). Peter the Great founded St. Petersburg, moving the Russian frontier closer to Sweden.
In 1788, the fortress had its first practical test during the Swedish Russian naval warfare. After the capitulation in 1808, the fortress was a navy base of the Russian Tsar empire for the next 110 years. Finland became an autonomous Russian Grand Duchy. Up to 13.000 soldiers were here at the same time. During the Crimean war in 1855, the English and French fleet fired at the fortress and damaged it. Finland attained the independence in 1917, but a civil war claimed further victims. Suomenlinna became a prison camp, where 3000 prisoners found the death.
The fortress gained once again great importance in the 2nd World War. As a base for coastal artillery, air defense and submarines, it served the Finns for national defense. After the Second World War, it lost its importance. In 1973 one transformed Suomenlinna into a museum.
Because of its well preserved military architecture, the Fortress of Suomenlinna belongs to the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage since 1991. It receives 900.000 visitors per year.
First, we visit the casemates and gun positions of Susisaari in the south of Kustaanmiekka Island. The strategic position of the fortress is amazing. But also how one used the landscape to deposit ammunition depots in the rocky subsoil and to let the gun positions disappear between the hills. Up to 900 artillery pieces were placed here.
The iconic symbol of the fortress is the King's gate. In the early days, it was the only access to the fortress and secured by a drawbridge.
please read more:
Zu einem Besuchs Helsinkis gehört auch ein Besuch der Festung Suomenlinna, der Finnenburg. Sie liegt auf einer Gruppe von teils miteinander verbundenen Inseln am Eingang des Hafens von Helsinki.
Wir setzen mit einem kleinen Fährboot über und gehen in einer Bucht an Land. Über einen kleinen Anstieg erreichen wir die Bastion Höpken durch die wir den Innenhof mit dem Grabmal von Augustin Ehrensvärd betreten. Er war der Erbauer, der 1748 mit dem Bau der Festungsanlage begann. Damals gehörte Helsinki noch zu Schweden. Deshalb nannte man die Anlage Sveaborg (Schwedenburg). Peter der Große gründete St. Petersburg, wodurch die russische Grenze näher an Schweden rückte.
1788 hatte die Festung im schwedisch-russischen Seekrieg ihre erste Bewährungsprobe. 1808 erfolgte die Kapitulation und für die nächsten 110 Jahre war die Festung eine Marinebasis des russischen Zarenreiches. Finnland wurde zu einem autonomen russischen Großherzogtum. Bis zu 13.000 Soldaten waren hier gleichzeitig stationiert. 1855 während des Krimkrieges wird sie von der englischen und französischen Flotte beschossen und schwer beschädigt. 1917 erlangte Finnland die Unabhängigkeit, doch ein Bürgerkrieg forderte weitere Opfer. Suomenlinna wurde zum Gefangenenlager, in dem 3000 Gefangene den Tod fanden.
Noch einmal erlangte die Festung starke Bedeutung, nämlich im 2. Weltkrieg. Als Stützpunkt für Küstenartillerie, Luftabwehr und für U-Boote diente sie den Finnen zur nationalen Verteidigung. Nach dem 2. Weltkrieg verlor sie ihre Bedeutung und wurde 1973 in ein Museum umgestaltet.
Seit 1991 gehört die Festung Suomenlinna wegen seiner gut erhaltenen Militärarchitektur zum UNESCO Weltkulturerbe. Pro Jahr zählt sie 900.000 Besucher.
Wir gehen zuerst zu den Kasematten und Geschützstellungen von Susisaari in den Süden der Insel Kustaanmiekka. Man staunt wie genial die strategische Lage der Festung ausgewählt wurde. Aber auch wie man die Landschaft ideal nutzte, um Munitionsdepots im felsigen Untergrund anzulegen und die Geschützstellungen praktisch zwischen den Hügeln verschwinden zu lassen. Bis zu 900 Geschütze waren hier stationiert. Wahrzeichen der Festung ist das Königstor. Es war das ursprünglich der einzige Zugang zur Festung und durch eine Zugbrücke gesichert.
weitere Infos im Reisevideoblog:
11072009höyryjuna tulee Keravalle
Steamtrain coming from Porvoo to Kerava 11.7.2009 to celebrate railway from Kerava to Porvoo 135 year old this year. Filmed in Finland.
Most beautiful places in Finland
List of most beautiful places in Finland
Finland, officially the Republic of Finland (Finnish, Suomi or Suomen tasavalta; in Swedish Finland, or Republiken Finland) is a nordic country located in northern Europe. It has borders to the west with Sweden, to the east by Russia and on the north with Norway. On the west and south is surrounded by the Baltic Sea, which separates it from Sweden and Estonia, across the Gulf of Finland, respectively. The capital and most important city of the country is Helsinki.
In the list of most beautiful places in Finland, we have:
1. Fortaleza de Suomenlinna
2. Helsinki
3. El lago Vesijärvi
4. Catedral ortodoxa de Uspenski
5. Catedral de Helsinki
6. Neo-gothic church of Kemi
7. Kuopio
8. Turku
9. Botanical garden of the University (Helsinki)
10. Kiasma
11. Haukipudas
12. Turku castle
13. Olympic stadium of Helsinki
The source of the images is 20 minutos
1. Fortress of Suomenlinna
Suomenlinna (in Finnish), or Sveaborg (in Swedish), is a fortress built on six islands in Helsinki, the capital of Finland. Part of the World Heritage of the Humanity by the UNESCO and it is a very touristy place. His original name was Sveaborg (castle Swedish, the finns changed by Suomenlinna (castle of finland) for patriotic reasons, although both the Swedish and Finnish Swedish language still know by its original name.
2. Helsinki
Helsinki (in Finnish), Helsingfors (in Swedish; listen, Helsset (lapp), is the capital and largest city of Finland. It is located on the southern coast of the country, to the shore of the Gulf of Finland. Helsinki is part of the province of South Finland and the region of Uusimaa. Its coordinates are [show location on an interactive map] 60°10'N 24°56'E / 60.167, 24.933.
Some 568.000 people live in the city of Helsinki
5. Cathedral of Helsinki
The Helsinki Cathedral (in Finnish Helsingin tuomiokirkko, in Swedish Helsingfors domkyrka) is a cathedral evangelical lutheran is located in the centre of Helsinki, Finland. Until the independence of Finland in 1917, it was called Church of San Nicólas.
As a hallmark of the city of Helsinki, the church was built from 1830 to 1852, representing the neoclassical style. It was originally designed by Carl Engel, and later altered by his successor Ernst Lohrmann.
7. Kuopio
Kuopio is a Finnish town, located in the east of the country surrounded by lake Kallavesi. Kuopio is part of the province administrative of Eastern Finland and the region of Savo from the North. With some 91,000 inhabitants is the eighth largest city in Finland and the largest of its province.
It is recognized to Kuopio by its association with one of the culinary delights of national, pate Finnish fish (kalakukko), and also by their dialect savo, in addition to the hill Puijo and the tower, which is located here. Several neighbourhoods of the city are found in several of the islands of the Kallavesi.
10. Kiasma
The Kiasma (built 1993-1998) is a contemporary art museum located in the avenue of Mannerheimintie, Helsinki city, Finland. Exhibits the contemporary art collection of the National Gallery of finland. The main goal of the museum is to make it more popular to contemporary art and to reinforce their status.
11. Haukipudas
Haukipudas is a town in Ostrobothnia in the North, Finland. Its coast extends from the Gulf of Bothnia.Shares a population of 18,115 (2007) and covers an area of 446.22 km2 of which 9.63 km2 is water,its density is about 37.4 per km2.
On our walk around in Finland
First day in Finland, searching for food!
Rauma - the third oldest city in Finland
Vblog 20.5/Trip to Hämeenlinna
Trip to Hämeenlinna. I had some misfortune with trains.The first one was delayed due toe signal problems and the second one due to an accident and the train was substituted by a new train. I had bargain tickets which do not have cancel/change rights but I got new tickets/was allowed to use them because delays were not my fault. I also got a coffee ticket which I will use later.
I visited e.g. the Finnish Prison Museum. I did not have time to visit the actual Hämeen linna (the castle, the city is Hämeenlinna but the Hämeen linna is also a castle, it is a museum. Swedish name of Hämeenlinna is Tavastehus. The castle was founded by Swedish Kings for defense purposes and i open for visitors as a museum like the castle of Turku. Hämeenlinna castle belongs to the same chain of medival castles of Finland as Turku castle and Vyborg castle (which is nowadays in Russia).
Vblog 20.5.2014. Kävin Hämeenlinnassa. Päivä oli hieman epäonninen junamatkustamisen kannalta. Menetin mm. ensimmäisen jatkoyhteyden (opastinhäiriö) ja toinen oli myöhässä 2 tuntia (onnettomuus). Alennuslipuilla ei ole myöskään periaatteessa vaihto/peruutusoikeutta mutta sain uudet liput/pystyin käyttämään ne koska vika ei ollut minun.
Kävin Hämeenlinnassa mm. SA-kaupassa ja Vankilamuseossa. Aikaa ei jäänyt itse Hämeen linnassa käyntiin eikä Militaria-museoon. En myöskään ehtinyt syömään mitään kunnollista päivän aikana.
Pigeons flying over the Medieval Town of Siena-Italy (February 2017)
Pigeons flying over the Medieval Town of Siena-Italy. From the balcony of my hotel (Alma Domus), I was presented a sweeping view of the Old Town of Siena where terracotta roof tops invite my eyes to rise to the highest point of the town being dominated by the magnificent Duomo.
Flocks of rock pigeons were alarmed by the chiming of the church bells give me a sense of heavenly calm as if the birds are being summoned to the Heavenly Clouds. They keep on encircling the surrounding valley until the the bells stopped chiming.
I love Siena because it is the embodiment of a medieval city. Its inhabitants pursued their rivalry with Florence right into the area of urban planning. Throughout the centuries, they preserved their city's Gothic appearance, acquired between the 12th and 15th centuries. During this period the work of Duccio, the Lorenzetti brothers and Simone Martini was to influence the course of Italian and, more broadly, European art. The whole city of Siena, built around the Piazza del Campo, was devised as a work of art that blends into the surrounding landscape.
Helsinki, Finland - walking around Helsinki Cathedral and main square
Phantom 4 capturing a Cold Summer Morning!
This was a cold summer morning and awesome filming conditions captured by my phantom 4!
My second attempt on making a short film. Was filming in Finland Porvoo on a +5 C morning and thought it was absolutely beautiful a cold summer morning!.
I've started to use DaVinci Resolve 12.5 and just love the program, still a lot to learn but i'm getting there.
Shoot with Phantom 4 and ND8 polarizer and ND16 filters.
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Spring in the small City of Finland - Dji Mavic Air footage