Catacombs - Catacombe San Marziano - Catacombs of Syracuse
Catacombe di San Marziano
Catacombs of Syracuse
Se si eccettua il periodo dei tiranni, che a Siracusa segna il massimo di espansione culturale e politica, non v'è altro paragone, in nessuna altra epoca, che possa tenere il confronto con tutto ciò che lasciò il periodo paleocristiano. Intanto tutto intorno all'area effettivamente abitata (Ortigia - Acradina) si realizzarono i vasti cimiteri sotterranei, ognuno dei quali legato a un particolare momento culturale e connotato da una particolare caratteristica: le catacombe di S. Giovanni, il sistema più monumentale e più meditato nell'impianto planimetrico, vicino al primo luogo chiesastico di periodo cristiano in Sicilia: la cripta di S. Marziano. Le arcaicissime catacombe di S. Lucia, dedaliche e ancora non completamente esplorate.
Le catacombe di Vigna Cassia realizzate su diversi piani di escavazione e infine le catacombe di S. Maria del Gesù. A questo sistema di cimiteri pubblici che per vastità e importanza non hanno riscontro che a Roma, si affiancano le tombe private, i ricchi ipogei ricavati nell'area dei vecchi e ormai disabitati quartieri greci, ornati da pitture parietali, come quelli ritrovati entro la villa Landolina.
Le chiese vedono la realizzazione di uno schema di basilichetta primitiva a portico, vale a dire senza interclusione fra le pareti perimetrali e le zone esterne (S. Focà e Palagonia: così doveva anche essere la scomparsa chiesa della Pinta a Palermo) e, più tardi, su schema diverso, la costruzione di basiliche come S. Pietro intra moenia e S. Pietro ad Bajas.
Sempre su queste forme venne costruita in periodo bizantino la nuova cattedrale in Ortigia ricavata dalla trasformazione dell'Athenaion. Un'altra basilichetta ricavata nell'area di una precedente costruzione classica fu quella oggi chiamata piscina romana della quale più appresso parleremo e la chiesa ricavata entro il perimetro della cella del tempio di Apollo.
È chiaro che dal punto di vista urbanistico nulla fu più, sia pure da lontano, paragonabile al periodo greco, alla metropoli dei Geloni e dei Dionigi, alla città che aveva battuto gli etruschi, i cartaginesi e tenuto testa a Roma.
Siracusa non raggiungerà più quella dimensione di metropoli fittamente popolata ed enormemente estesa in relazione alle coeve città del mondo mediterraneo. È chiaro che nei confronti della città greca ogni periodo, ad eccezione di quello romano che vide grandi lavori di sistemazione urbanistica, fu un momento di regresso.
La tendenza inarrestabile che già era ben manifesta verso lo spopolamento, dovuto sia alla contrazione demografica sia all'esodo verso le campagne (dove si organizzarono forme di vita sociale che prefiguravano chiaramente il feudalesimo), si fa progressivamente più evidente ed è manifestata dall'avanzamento delle necropoli entro il cuore dei vecchi e ormai disabitati quartieri greci di Tiche e della stessa Neapoli per poi investire, già dal Il secolo dopo Cristo, l'Acradina, che appunto fu sede dei grandi cimiteri pubblici cristiani: S. Giovanni, S. Lucia (il sistema cimiteriale più vasto e più antico), S. Maria del Gesù e Vigna Cassia.
Lo spopolamento, al quale già Augusto tentava di porre rimedio in tutto il proprio impero varando una apposita politica demografica, fu dovuto anche, nei riguardi dell'esodo dalle zone urbanizzate verso la campagna, a situazioni di incertezza politica che ormai facevano della città un poco sicuro rifugio. E infatti proprio nel III secolo, a fronte della contrazione di Siracusa e dell'insediamento di zone cimiteri ali nel cuore dell'antica città, sta il sorgere della splendida villa del Casale di Piazza Armerina, sede di un'ultima romanità arroccata entro vaste tenute gravitanti intorno alla dimora signorile che insieme era munita contro i pericoli esterni.
È vero che Siracusa era stata cinta dalla poderosa cinta dionigiana costruita a sua difesa ma è logico pensare che tale opera fosse ormai invecchiata e che mancassero le forze per il suo restauro. Durante i secoli romani, infatti, la consistenza politica dello stato romano e la conseguente sicurezza della vita cittadina avevano procurato l'abbandono del sistema della fortificazione urbana che venne invece ripreso già a partire dal II secolo, quando lo stato romano cominciò a fare naufragio. Ma a quel tempo, posto che si fosse restaurata l'opera greca, sarebbero mancati gli uomini per poterne presidiare l'enorme sviluppo lineare che presupponeva una città densamente popolata e urbanizzata in ogni parte.
Il primo insediamento cimiteriale, di età romana, fu realizzato nell'estremità orientale della Neapoli, in contrada Grotticelle. La maggior parte delle tombe di questa necropoli è di periodo romano e solo dopo il III secolo si ha, nella stessa zona, qualche tomba cristiana.
Siracusa in Sicily
Siracusa in Sensational Sicily is presented by Alessandro Sorbello showcase one of the most beautiful regions on earth, rich in history, Sicily formed part of the cradle of civilization. This project is born from a collaboration between the Region of Sicily The Italian Chamber of Commerce, New Realm Media and Alessandro Sorbello Productions.
Syracuse, Sicily, Comune di Siracusa, Municipal coat of arms, Country Italy, Region Sicily, Province Siracusa (SR), Mayor Giambattista Bufardeci (from June 14, 2004), Elevation 17 m, Area 204 km², Population - Total (as of December 31, 2004) 123,322, - Density 593/km²
Frazioni Belvedere, Cassibile, Fontane Bianche, Isola, Santa Teresa Longarini Scalo, Targia, Patron Saint Lucy, - Day December 13 Location of Syracuse in Italy, Website: UNESCO World Heritage Site
Syracuse (Italian Siracusa, Sicilian Sarausa, Greek Συρακοῦσαι, Latin Syracusae) is an Italian city on the eastern coast of Sicily and the capital of the province of Syracuse. Once described by Cicero as the greatest Greek city and the most beautiful of them all, the ancient center of Syracuse is on the UNESCO World Heritage List.
Sicily · Comuni of the Province of Syracuse
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Greek period
Syracuse and its surrounding area have been inhabited since ancient times, as shown by the findings in the villages of Stentinello, Ognina, Plemmirio, Matrensa, Cozzo Pantano and Thapsos, which already had a relationship with Mycenaean Greece.
Syracuse was founded in 734 or 733 BC by Greek settlers from Corinth and Tenea, led by the oecist (colonizer) Archias, who called it Sirako, referring to a nearby swamp. The nucleus of the ancient city was the small island of Ortygia. The settlers found the land to be fertile and the native tribes to be reasonably well-disposed to their presence. The city grew and prospered, and for some time stood as the most powerful Greek city anywhere in the
Mediterranean. Colonies were founded at Akrai (664 BC), Kasmenai (643 BC) and Kamarina (598 BC). The descendants of the first colonist, called Gamoroi, held
the power until they were expelled by the Killichiroi, the lower class of the city. The former, however, returned to power in 485 BC, thanks to the help of Gelo, ruler of Gela. Gelo himself became the despot of the city, and moved numerous inhabitants of Gela, Kamarina and Megera to Syracuse, building the new quarters of Tyche and Neapolis outside the walls. His program of new constructions included also a new theater, designed by Damocopos, which gave the city a flourishing cultural life: this in turn attracted personalities as Aeschylus, Ario of Metimma, Eumelos of Corinth and Sappho, who had been exiled here from Mytilene. The enlarged power of Syracuse made unavoidable the clash against the Carthaginians, who ruled over the Western part of Sicily. In the Battle of
Himera, Gelo, who had allied with Theron of Agrigento, decisively defeated the African force led by Hamilcar. A temple, entitled to Athena (on the site of the today's Cathedral), was erected in the city to commemorate the event A Syracusan tetradrachm (c. 415--405 BC), sporting Arethusa and a quadriga.Gelo was succedeed by his brother Hiero, who fought against the Etruscans at Cumae in 474 BC. His rule was eulogized by poets like Simonides of Ceos, Bacchylides and Pindar, who visited his court. A democratic regime was introduced by Thrasybulos (467 BC). The city continued to expand in Sicily, fighting against the rebellious Siculi, and on the Tyrrhenian Sea, making expeditions up to Corsica and Elba. In the late 5th century BC, Syracuse found itself at war with Athens, which sought more resources to fight the Peloponnesian War. The Syracusans enlisted the aid of a general from Sparta, Athens' foe in the war, to defeat the Athenians, destroy their ships, and leave them to starve on the island (see Sicilian Expedition). In 401 BC, Syracuse contributed a force of 3,000 hoplites and a general to Cyrus the Younger's Army of the Ten Thousand.
Not long after, in the early 4th century BC, the tyrant Dionysius the Elder was again at war against Carthage and, although losing Gela and Camarina, kept that power from capturing the whole of Sicily. After the end of the conflict Dionysius built a massive fortress on the Otrigia island of the city, as well as another 22 km-long walls line that encircled the whole of Syracuse. After another period of expansion, which saw the destruction of Naxos, Catania and Lentini, the city entered again in war against Carthage (397 BC). After various changes of fortune, the Africans managed to besiege Syracuse itself, but were eventually pushed back by a pestilence. A treaty in 392 BC allowed Syracuse to enlarge further its possessions, founding the cities of Adrano, Ancona, Adria, Tindari and Tauromenos, and conquering Reggio Calabria on the continent. Apart from his battle deeds, Dionysius was famous as a patron of art, and Plato himself visited Syrcacuse several times.
His successor was Dionysius the Younger, who was however expelled by Dion in 356 BC. However, the latter's despotic rule led in turn to his expulsion, and Dionysius reclaimed his throne in 347 BC. A democratic government was installed by Timoleon in 345 BC. The long series of internal struggles had weakened Syracuse's power in the island, and Timoleon tried to remedy this situation, defeating the Carthaginians in 339 BC near the Krimisos river. The struggle among the city's parties, however, restarted after his death and ended with the rise of another tyrant, Agathocles, who seized power with a coup in 317 BC.
He resumed the war against Carthage, with alternate fortunes. He however scored a moral success, bringing the war to the Carthaginians' native African soil,
inflicting heavy losses to the enemy. The war, however, ended with another treaty of peace which did not prevent the carthaginians interfering in the
politics of Syracuse after the death of the tyrant Agathocles (289 BC). The citizens therefore called Pyrrhus of Epirus for help. After a brief period under the rule of Epirus, Hiero II seized power in 275 BC.
Hiero inaugurated a period of fifty years of peace and prosperity, in which Syracause became one of the most renowned capitals of Antiquity. He issued the so-called Lex Hieronica, which was later adopted by the Romans for their administration of Sicily; he also had the theater enlarged and a new immense altar, the Hiero's Ara, built. Under his rule the most famous Syracusan lived, the natural philosopher Archimedes. Among his many inventions were various military engines including the claw of Archimedes, later used to resist a Roman siege. Literature figures included Theocritus and others.
The siege of Syracuse in a 17th century engraving.Hiero's successor, the young Hieronymus (ruled from 215 BC), broke the alliance with the Romans after their
defeat at Cannae and accepted Carthago's support. The Romans, led by consul Marcus Claudius Marcellus, besieged the city in 214 BC. The city held out for three years, but fell in 212 BC. It is believed to have fallen due to a peace party opening a small door in the wall to negotiate a peace, but the Romans charged through the door and took the city, killing Archimedes in the process.
From Roman domination to the Middle Ages
Though declining slowly by the years, Syracuse maintained the status of capital of the Roman government of Sicily and seat of the praetor. It remained an
important port for the trades between the Eastern and the Western parts of the Empire. Christianity spread in the city through the efforts of Paul of Tarsus
and Saint Marziano, the first bishop of the city, who made it one of the main centres of proselytism in the West. In the age the persecutions massive catacombs were carved, whose size is second only to Rome's ones.
After a period of Vandal rule, Syracuse and the island was recovered by Belisarius for the Byzantine Empire (31 December 535). From 663 to 668 Syracuse was the seat of Emperor Constans II, as well as metropolis of the whole Sicilian Church.
Another siege in 878, which ended with the fierce sack of the city, inaugurated two centuries of Muslim rule. Syracuse lost its capital status in favour of Palermo. The Cathedral was turned into a mosque and the quarter on the Ortygia island was gradually rebuilt along Islamic styles. The city, anyway, maintained important trade relationships, and housed a relatively flourishing cultural and artistic life: several Arab poets, including Ibn Hamdis, the most important Sicilian poet of the 12th century, lived here.
In 1038, the Byzantine general George Maniaces reconquered the city, sending the relics of St. Lucy to Constantinople. The eponymous castle on the cape of Ortygia bears his name, although it was built under the Hohenstaufen rule. The Normans entered Syracuse, one of the last Saracen strongpoints, in 1085, after a summer-long siege by Roger I of Sicily and his son Jordan of Hauteville, who was given the city as count. New quarters were built, and the cathedral was restored, as well as other churches.
In 1194 Henry VI of Swabia occupied Syracuse. After a short period of Genoese rule (1205--1220), which favoured a rise of trades, Syracuse was conquered back by emperor Frederick II. He began the construction of the Castello Maniace, the Bishops' Palace and the Bellomo Palace. Frederick's death brought a period of
unrest and feudal anarchy. In the struggle between the Anjou and Aragonese monarchies, Syracuse sided with the Aragonese and defeated the Anjou in 1298, receiving from the Spanish sovereigns great privileges in reward. The pre-eminence of baronal families is also showed by the construction of the palaces of Abela, Chiaramonte, Nava, Montalto.
Modern Syracuse
The city in the following centuries was struck by two ruinous earthquakes in 1542 and 1693, and, in 1729, by a plague. The 17th century destruction changed forever the appearance of Syracuse, as well as the entire Val di Noto, whose cities were rebuilt along the typical lines of Sicilian Baroque, considered one of the most typical expressions of art of Southern Italy. The spread of cholera in 1837 led to a revolt against the Bourbon government. The punishment was the move of the province capital seat to Noto, but the unrest had not been totally choked, as the Siracusani took part to the 1848 revolution.
After the Unification of Italy of 1865, Syracuse regained its status of provincial capital. In 1870 the walls were demolished and a bridge connecting the mainland to Ortygia island was built. In the following year a railway link was constructed.
Heavy destruction was caused by the Allied and the German bombings in 1943. After the end of World War II the northern quarters of Syracuse experienced a heavy, often chaotic, expansion, favoured by the quick process of industrialization.
Syracuse today has about 125,000 inhabitants and numerous attractions for the visitor interested in historical sites (such as the Ear of Dionysius). A process of recovering and restoring the historical centre has been ongoing since the 1990s. Nearby places of note include Catania, Noto, Modica and Ragusa.
The Roman amphitheatre. The Maniace Castle. Detail of Palazzo Beneventano Del Bosco. View of Archimede Square. Ancient buildings. The Temple of Apollo, adapted to a church in Byzantine times and to a mosque under Arab rule. The Fountain of Arethusa, in the Ortygia island. According to a legend, the nymph Arethusa, hunted by Alpheus, took shelter here. The Theatre, whose cavea is one of the largest ever built by the ancient Greeks: it has 67 rows, divided into nine sections with eight aisles. Only traces of the scene and the orchestra remain. The edifice (still used today) was modified by the Romans, who adapted it to their different style of spectacles, including also circus games. Near the theatre are the latomìe, stone quarries, also used as prisons in ancient times.
The most famous latomìa is the Orecchio di Dionisio (Ear of Dionysius). The Roman amphitheatre, of Roman Imperial age. It was partly carved out from the rock. In the centre of the area is a rectangular space which was used for the scenic machinery. The so-called Tomb of Archimede, in the Grotticelli Nechropolis. Decorated with two Doric columns, it was a Roman tomb. The Temple of Olympian Zeus, about 3 km outside the city, built around 6th century BC.
The Cathedral was built by bishop Zosimo in the 7th century over the great Temple of Athens (5th century BC), on the Ortygia island. This was a Doric edifice with six columns on the short sides and 14 on the long ones: these can still be seen incorporated in the walls of the current church. The base of the Greek edifice had three steps. The interior of the church has a nave and two aisles. The roof of the nave is from Norman times, as well as the mosaics in the apses. The façade was rebuilt by Andrea Palma in 1725--1753, with a double order of Corinthian columns, and statues by Ignazio Marabitti. The most interesting pieces of the interior are a font with marble basin (12th--13th century), a silver statue of St. Lucy by Pietro Rizzo (1599), a ciborium by Luigi Vanvitelli, and a statue of the Madonna della Neve (Madonna of the Snow, 1512) by Antonello Gagini. Basilica of Santa Lucia extra Moenia, a Byzantine church built, according to tradition, in the same place of the martyrdom of the saint in 303 AD. The
current appearance is from the 15th-16th centuries. The most ancient parts still preserved include the portal, the three half-circular apses and the first two orders of the belfry. Under the church are the Catacombs of St. Lucy.
Church of San Paolo (18th century). Church of San Cristoforo (14th century, rebuilt in the 18th century). Church of Santa Lucìa alla Badìa, a Baroque edifice built after the 1693 earthquake. Church of Santa Maria dei Miracoli (13th century). Church of the Spirito Santo (18th century). Church of the Jesuite College, a majestic, Baroque building. Church of St. Benedict (16th century, restored after 1693). It houses a painting of the Death of Saint Benedict by the Caravaggisti Mario Minniti. Chiesa della Concezione (14th century, rebuilt in the 18th century), with the annexed Benedictine convent. Church of San
Francesco all'Immacolata, with a convex façade intermingled by columns and pilaster strips. It housed and ancient celebration, the Svelata (Revelation), in which an image of the Madonna was unveiled at dawn of November 29. Basilica of St. John the Evangelist, built by the Normans and destroyed in 1693. Only partially restored it was erected over an ancient crypt of the martyr San Marciano, later destroyed by the Arabs. The main altar is Byzantine. It includes the Catacombs of San Giovanni, featuring a maze of tunnels and passages, with thousands of tombs and several frescoes.
Other edifices and sights
The Castello Maniace, constructed between 1232 and 1240, is an example of the military architecture of Frederick II's reign. It is a square structure with
circular towers at each of the four corners. The most striking feature is the pointed portal, decorated with polychrome marbles. The important Archaeological
Museum, with collections including findings from the mid-Bronze Age to 5th century BC. Palazzo Lanza Buccheri (16th century). Palazzo Mergulese-Montalto (14th century), which conserves the old façade from the 14th century, with a pointed portal. The Archbishop's Palace (17th century, modified in the following century). It houses the Alagonian Library, founded in the late 18th century. The Palazzo Vermexio, the current Town Hall, which includes fragments of an
Ionic temple of the 5th century BC. Palazzo Francica Nava, with parts of the original 16th century building surviving. Palazzo Beneventano del Bosco, originally built in the Middle Ages but extensively modified between 1779 and 1788. It has a pleasant internal court. Palazzo Migliaccio (15th century), with notable lava inlay decorations. The Senate Palace, housing in the court an 18th century coach. The Castle of Euryalos, built nine kilometres outside the city by Dionysius the Elder and which was one of the most powerful fortresses of ancient times. It had three moats with a series of underground galleries which allowed the defenders to remove the materials the attackers could use to fill them.