Exposició: Surrealisme a Catalunya. Els artistes de l'Empordà i Salvador Dalí - Museu del Tabac
Museu del Tabac - Antiga fàbrica Reig (02.03.2017 - 28.05.2017)
No podem parlar del surrealisme a Espanya, sense parlar del surrealisme a Catalunya, amb Miró i Dalí com a màxims representants. I no es pot citar el surrealisme espanyol sense esmentar la comarca de l’Alt Empordà, bressol d’un dels artistes més universal, Salvador Dalí i d’uns altres menys coneguts, que amb les seves inquietuds l’han convertit en una terra d’artistes.
Joan Massanet, Àngel Planells, Salvador Dalí, Ángeles Santos, Esteban Francés, Jaume Figueras, Evarist Vallès i Jaume Turró. Practiquen el realisme màgic amb un dibuix de gran realisme i perfeccionisme. Els somnis sempre se situen a l’Empordà que és, en realitat, el protagonista de les seves obres.
El paisatge, de gran bellesa i contrastos, és una de les seves principals fonts: Figueres, Cadaqués, Portbou, Empúries, l’Escala, el golf de Roses, el cap de Creus i el seu mític vent de tramuntana, llum nítida i brillant.
Tots aquests artistes seguiran diferents camins, però tenen en comú l’amor a la seva terra i el seu paisatge.
Surrealismo en Cataluña
Los artistas del Ampurdán y Salvador Dalí
No podemos hablar del surrealismo en España sin hablar del surrealismo en Cataluña, con Miró y Dalí como máximos representantes. Y no se puede citar el surrealismo español sin mencionar la comarca del Alto Ampurdán, cuna de uno de los artistas más universales, Salvador Dalí, y otros menos conocidos que, con sus inquietudes, la han convertido en una tierra de artistas.
Joan Massanet, Àngel Planells, Salvador Dalí, Ángeles Santos, Esteve Francés, Jaume Figueras, Evarist Vallès, Jaume Turró y Antoni Pitxot practican el realismo mágico con un dibujo de gran realismo y perfeccionismo. Los sueños siempre se sitúan en el Ampurdán, que es, en realidad, el protagonista de sus obras.
El paisaje, de gran belleza y contrastes, es una de sus principales fuentes: Figueres, Cadaqués, Portbou, Ampurias, L’Escala, el golfo de Roses, el cabo de Creus y su mítico viento de tramontana, luz nítida y brillante.
Todos estos artistas seguirán distintos caminos, pero tienen en común el amor a su tierra y su paisaje.
Surréalisme en Catalogne
Les artistes de l’Ampurdan et Salvador Dalí
Nous ne pouvons pas parler du surréalisme en Espagne sans aborder le surréalisme en Catalogne, Miró et Dalí en étant les représentants les plus éminents. Et la mention au surréalisme espagnol passe nécessairement par l’évocation du Haut-Ampurdan (Alt Empordà), berceau de l’un des maîtres les plus universels, Salvador Dalí, mais aussi d’autres virtuoses moins connus qui, avec leurs inquiétudes, ont fait de cette région une terre d’artistes.
Joan Massanet, Àngel Planells, Salvador Dalí, Ángeles Santos, Esteve Francés, Jaume Figueras, Evarist Vallès, Jaume Turró et Antoni Pitxot pratiquent le réalisme magique avec un dessin d’une réalité et d’un perfectionnisme surprenants. Les rêves se déroulent toujours en Ampurdan, région qui, de fait, reste l’élément phare de leurs oeuvres.
Le paysage, de toute beauté et riche en contrastes, en constitue l’une de leurs principales sources : Figueras, Cadaqués, Portbou, Empúries, L’Escala, le golfe de Roses, le cap de Creus et son vent de tramontane légendaire ainsi que sa lumière limpide et brillante.
Ces artistes suivront différents chemins, mais ils partagent tousl’amour de leur terre et de son paysage.
Surrealism in Catalonia
The artists of the Empordà and Salvador Dalí
Any reference to Surrealism in Spain necessarily requires mention of Surrealism in Catalonia, of which Miró and Dalí were the major exponents. Any approach to Spanish Surrealism also requires mention of the Empordà region, the birthplace of one of the most universal artists, Salvador Dalí, and others, who were lesser known and whose concerns made it a land of artists.
Joan Massanet, Àngel Planells, Salvador Dalí, Ángeles Santos, Esteve Francés, Jaume Figueras, Evarist Vallès, Jaume Turró and Antoni Pitxot were exponents of magic realism, which involved drawing with great realism and perfectionism. The dreams always take place in the Empordà, which in reality is the main focus of their works.
The landscape, of great beauty and contrasts, is one of their main sources: Figueres, Cadaqués, Portbou, Ampurias, L’Escala, the Gulf of Roses, Cap de Creus and its legendary tramontane wind, and sharp, bright light.
All these artists took different paths but shared a love for the land they were from and its landscape.
C/Doctor Palau, 17
AD600 Sant Julià de Lòria
Principat d’Andorra
Tel.: (+376) 741 545
Els Pelegrins de Les Useres 2011 Sant Miquel de Torroselles
Marina Rossell - Gran Teatre del Liceu de Barcelona (Clàssics Catalans) SUBT[EN][FR][ES]
[CAT] Concert al Gran Teatre del Liceu de Barcelona, ofert el 11 de setembre del 2008. Marina Rossell interpreta en directe el seu repertori de Clàssics Catalans (de la Renaixença als nostres dies...), la gravació del qual, li va suposar obtenir, el 26 de febrer del 2009, el premi al Millor Àlbum de Música Tradicional d'Espanya, otorgat per l'Acadèmia de les Arts i les Ciències de la Música, a la seva XIII edició.
[ESP] Concierto en el Gran Teatro del Liceo de Barcelona, ofrecido el 11 de Septiembre de 2008. Marina Rossell interpreta en directo su repertorio de Clásicos Catalanes (del Renacimiento a nuestros días...), cuya grabación le valió obtener, el 26 de Febrero de 2009, el premio al Mejor Álbum de Música Tradicional de España, otorgado por la Academia de las Artes y las Ciencias de la Música, en su XIII edición.
[FRA] Concert au Grand Lyceum Theatre à Barcelone, offert le 11 septembre 2008. Marina Rossell interprète en direct leur répertoire de classiques catalans («de la Renaissance à nos jours ...), dont l'enregistrement lui a valu obtenir, le février 26 2009, le prix du Meilleur Album de Musique Traditionnelle de l'Espagne, décerné par le Académie Espagnole des Arts et Sciences de la Musique, à sa treizième édition.
[ENG] Concert at Grand Lyceum Theatre of Barcelona, shown on April 19th 2012. Marina Rossell performs live his repertoire of Catalan classics (from the Renaissance to the present day ...), whose recording was worth getting, the February 26, 2009, the award for Best Album of Traditional Music from Spain, awarded by the Spanish Academy of Arts and Sciences of Music, in its thirteenth edition.
Disponible / Available at:
Unterwegs in den Pyrenäen - Bahnforum-Sommerreise 2012
Die traditionelle Bahnforum-Sommerreise führte uns im Juli 2012 in die Pyrenäen. Unter Anderem besuchten wir die Zahnradbahn ins Núria-Tal, die Cremallera de Montserrat mit den angrenzenden Seilbahnen und die Ligne de Cerdagne, deren oberer Abschnitt als Petit train jaune weltbekannt ist. Ein Höhepunkt unserer Reise war der Besuch des wenig bekannten Train d´Artouste - einer Panoramabahn auf 50cm-Spur, welche auf einer Höhe von ungefähr 2000 Metern über Meer verkehrt. Die 10 Kilometer lange, einst für den Bau und Unterhalt der Kraftwerksanlagen am gleichnamigen See gebaute Bahn ist auf dem grössten Teil ihrer Strecke seit über 80 Jahren auch für die Öffentlichkeit zugänglich.
Ruta al Toll de l'ou desde Ulldemolins (Tarragona)
El Toll de l'Ou es uno de los sitios más singulares de la serra de Montsant (Tarragona). Está formado por diferentes hoyas excavadas en las rocas y unidas por pequeñas cascadas. Se encuentra en el barranc dels Pèlags y suele tener agua casi todo el año.
More info.
Music. Fretless Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
25 Things to do in Barcelona, Spain | Top Attractions Travel Guide
Barcelona! After a few days in the Spanish capital, we headed over to Catalunya to see what this popular seaside city has to offer. We ended up discovering an eclectic mix of funky architecture, distinct neighbourhoods, and stretches of golden beaches. It was vibrant, it was stylish, and it was addicting. Here's a look at what we got up to during our visit to this world class city.
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25 Things to do in Barcelona:
1: Barceloneta beach - La Barceloneta
2: Teleférico de Montjuïc - Montjuïc Cable Car
3: Castell de Montjuïc - Montjuïc Castle - Castillo de Montjuich
4: Parc Güell - Park Güell - El Parque Güell
5: Sagrada Família - La Sagrada Familia
6: Futbol Club Barcelona – FCB – Barcelona Football Club (Barça or Blaugrana)
7: Mercat de Sant Josep de la Boqueria - Mercat de la Boqueria – Boqueria Market - La Boqueria
8: La Rambla - Rambla
9: Boardwalk
10: Museu d'Història de Catalunya – Catalan Museum of History
11: Barri Gòtic - Gothic Quarter
12: Mercat Gotic – Gothic Market
13: Catedral de la Santa Creu i Santa Eulàlia - Catedral de la Santa Cruz y Santa Eulalia - Barcelona Cathedral
14: Santa Maria del Pi - St. Mary of the Pine Tree
15: Arc de Triomf – Arch of Triumph
16: Casa Batlló – Gaudi's Casa dels ossos (House of Bones)
17: Casa Milà - La Pedrera - (Antoni Gaudí's 'The Quarry')
18: Casa de les Punxes - Llibreria les Punxes
19: Jardines de Laribal – Laribal Gardens
20: Fundació Joan Miró, Centre d'Estudis d'Art Contemporani (Joan Miró Foundation)
21: Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya - National Art Museum of Catalonia - MNAC
22: Font màgica de Montjuïc - Magic Fountain of Montjuïc - Fuente mágica de Montjuic
23: Bicing - bicycle sharing system in Barcelona
24: Museo de Cera - Barcelona Wax Museum
25: Palau de la Música Catalana - Palace of Catalan Music
As always with our travel guides we seek to find the best places for discovering art, entertainment and architecture. In Barcelona you'll find numerous museums with many of them dedicated to the unique Catalunya culture.
25 Things to do in Barcelona, Spain | Top Attractions Travel Guide Video Transcript:
This week we are exploring another Spanish city. We are in Barcelona and this video is going to highlight 25 things to do here.
It is kind of hard to believe our time in Barcelona has expired. So final thoughts.
Well, it was a really fun city to visit. Great architecture, really nice beaches. It is very lively especially at night. The only downfall is that we were here in the middle of summer so it was super hot and super crowded and sometimes that made it a little bit difficult to enjoy. Especially at midday or in the mid-afternoon. So keep that in mind. Maybe consider visiting in the springtime, fall, winter.
Well, so what did you think of the city?
It is definitely a fun city. We had a lot of fun going to the beaches. One thing that is really different about this city compared to some other European cities though is that it is really spread out. In order for us to visit all of these different attractions we had to chunk them together into groups to visit them day by day. Overall, it was a decent city. It didn't quite click with me the same way that Madrid did. But that is just personal preference I suppose.
And that is a wrap for Barcelona! Our 5 days in the city flew by, and while this guide didn't cover everything, we hope we were able to give you a feel of what this fun seaside city has to offer. As always, if you have any suggestions of things to do around town, feel free to add them in the comments below. And if you want to catch our latest travel videos, don't forget to hit subscribe!
This is part of our Travel in Spain series. We're making a series of videos showcasing Spanish culture, Spanish arts, Spanish foods, Spanish religion, Spanish cuisine and Spanish people.
This is part of our Travel in Catalonia series. We're making a series of videos showcasing Catalan culture, Catalan arts, Catalan foods, Catalan religion, Catalan cuisine and Catalan people.
All photos and video taken by Samuel Jeffery (Nomadic Samuel) and Audrey Bergner (That Backpacker).
Music in this video courtesy of Audio Network
MTB Sant Cugat - Can Barata - Mataric - Rubí - Sant Joan
MTB Sant Cugat - Can Barata - Mataric - Rubí - Sant Joan
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Btt, Rockriders por senderos de Miramar
Paisatges de Borriol per Elisa Merino
Paisatges de Borriol per l'artista Elisa Merino, realitzat expressament per a les XVI Jornades Culturals al Museu de Borriol (Castelló), juntament amb la gran exposició de pintura: BORRIOL VIST PELS SEUS ARTISTES organitzat per:
Paisatges de Borriol por la artista Elisa Merino realizado expresamente para la exposición Borriol vist pels sues artistes , Museo de Borriol (Castellón) España
Landscapes of Borriol by the artist Elisa Merino, Borriol Museum (Castellon), Spain
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Going to the beach in Barcelona + Adrian made me climb Montjuïc Castle
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Hotel Can Jou en Sant Jaume de Llierca
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Hotel Can Jou es una Casa rural ubicada en la dirección Can Jou De La Miana de la ciudad de Sant Jaume de Llierca, España.
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Nostradamus is the most well known prophet of the millennium because his predictions came true. What was the true source of his visions? How deeply ingrained in the occult was he? What was his medical background? What innovations did he use to fight the Black Plague that was rampant at the time? Was he a puppet working for the Illuminati? Or were they working for him?
Now the real question is, was Nostradamus just a psyops planned hundreds of years ago and the demonic forces are just controlling events as Nostradamus predicted?
Some deep insights into the life and times of Nostradamus with David Carrico of The Midnight Ride.
In depth information you'd have to watch like 8 documentaries about Nostradamus to get.
Free Truth Productions
Truth should be Open Source...
Azərbaycanca / آذربايجان
བོད་ཡིག / Bod skad
Sinugboanong Binisaya
ᏣᎳᎩ (supposed to be Burmese but it doesn't show...)
словѣньскъ / slověnĭskŭ
Krèyol ayisyen
Bahasa Indonesia
Basa Jawa
Kurdî / كوردی
Kırgızca / Кыргызча
ລາວ / Pha xa lao
Lazuri / ლაზური
Bahasa Melayu
Norsk (bokmål / riksmål)
Diné bizaad
ਪੰਜਾਬੀ / पंजाबी / پنجابي
Romani / रोमानी
Srpskohrvatski / Српскохрватски
Gagana Samoa
Basa Sunda
ไทย / Phasa Thai
Lea Faka-Tonga
Reo Mā`ohi
babylon working
H.G. Wells
vlad the impaler
mk ultra
right of the pyramid
kings chamber
ark of the covenant
order of the garter
Afrikaans: gevalle engel
Arabic: ملاك ساقط
Azerbaijani: düşmüş mələk
Belarusian: Палы анёл
Bulgarian: паднал ангел
Bengali: পতিত দেবদূত
Bosnian: pali andjeo
Catalan: Àngel caigut
Cebuano: napukan nga anghel
Czech: padlý anděl
Welsh: angel syrthio
Danish: falden engel
German: fallen angel
Greek: έκπτωτος άγγελος
English: fallen angel
Esperanto: fallen angel
Spanish: Ángel caido
Estonian: Langenud ingel
Basque: Aingeru eroria
Persian: فرشته افتاده
Finnish: langennut enkeli
French: Ange déchu
Irish: aingeal tar éis titim
Galician: Anxo caído
Gujarati: ઘટી દેવદૂત
Hausa: mala'ika ya fadi
Hindi: गिरी हुई परी
Hmong: fallen angel
Croatian: pali anđeo
Haitian Creole: tonbe zanj
Hungarian: Bukott angyal
Armenian: ընկած հրեշտակ
Indonesian: Malaikat yang jatuh
Igbo: mmụọ ozi dara ada
Icelandic: fallinn engill
Italian: Angelo caduto
Hebrew: מלאך שנפל
Japanese: 堕天使
Javanese: widodari tiba
Georgian: დაცემული ანგელოზი
Kazakh: құлаған ангел
Khmer: ទេវតាធ្លាក់ចុះ
Kannada: ಬಿದ್ದ ದೇವದೂತ
Korean: 타락한 천사
Latin: fallen angel
Lao: fallen angel
Lithuanian: kritęs angelas
Latvian: kritušais enģelis
Malagasy: anjely nianjera
Maori: anahera hinga
Macedonian: паднат ангел
Malayalam: വീണുപോയ ദൂതൻ
Mongolian: унасан тэнгэр элч
Marathi: पडलेला देवदूत
Malay: malaikat yang jatuh
Maltese: waqa 'anġlu
Myanmar (Burmese): ပြိုလဲကောငျးကငျတမနျ
Nepali: गिर परी
Dutch: gevallen engel
Norwegian: Fallen engel
Chichewa: mngelo wakugwa
Punjabi: ਡਿੱਗ ਦੂਤ
Polish: upadły anioł
Portuguese: anjo caído
Romanian: inger decazut
Russian: падший ангел
Sinhala: වැටුනාවූ දූතයා
Slovak: padlý anjel
Slovenian: padli angel
Somali: malaa'igtii dhacday
Albanian: engjell i rene
Serbian: пали анђео
Sesotho: lengeloi le oeleng
Sundanese: malaikat fallen
Swedish: fallen ängel
Swahili: malaika aliyeanguka
Tamil: விழுந்த தேவதை
Telugu: స్వర్గం నుంచి పడిన దేవత
Tajik: фариштаи золим
Thai: เทวดาตกสวรรค์
Filipino: nahulog na anghel
Turkish: düşmüş melek
Ukrainian: занепалий ангел
Urdu: باغی فرشتہ
Uzbek: tushgan farishta
Vietnamese: Thiên thần sa ngã
Yiddish: געפאלן מלאך
Yoruba: angẹli ti o ṣubu
Chinese: 堕落的天使
Chinese (Simplified): 堕落的天使
Chinese (Traditional): 墮落的天使
Zulu: ingelosi ewile
Afrikaans: Lucifer
Arabic: إبليس
Azerbaijani: lucifer
Belarusian: Люцыпар
Bulgarian: Луцифер
Bengali: শয়তান
Bosnian: lucifer
Catalan: lucifer
Cebuano: lucifer
Czech: Lucifer
Welsh: lucifer
Danish: lucifer
German: Luzifer
Greek: Εωσφόρος
English: lucifer
Esperanto: lucifer
Spanish: lucifer
Estonian: lutsifer