Wawel Castle and Cathedral on Wawel Hill in Kraków (Poland)
The Wawel Hill is an architectural complex of outstanding beauty, famous for the Wawel Royal Castle (Zamek Królewski na Wawelu) and the Wawel Cathedral (Royal Archcathedral Basilica of Saints Stanislaus and Wenceslaus on the Wawel Hill / królewska bazylika archikatedralna śś. Stanisława i Wacława na Wawelu). Other parts of this historic and grandeur site includes the Royal Kitchens (Kuchnie Królewskie) joined to the Inner Courtyard of the Wawel Castle, the Sandomierz Tower (Baszta Sandomierska), the Senator Tower (Baszta Sandomierska) and the Old Hospital building behind which you can see spectacular views of the River Vistula.
Ross Bugden - ''Flying Hymn''
Krakow Poland Wawel Royal Cathedral dr Jerzy Wowk 720p
Spojrzenie Polaka z Ukrainy na kulturę i historię Polski
Chciałbym wytłumaczyć swoją motywację wyboru muzyki niemieckiego zespołu Karat na muzyczne tło dla niniejszej prezentacji. Oczywiście, że doskonale zdaję sobie sprawę z tego, jak szczególnie wyjątkowym i symbolicznym dla nas, wszystkich Polaków, niezależnie od miejsca zamieszkania jest takie miesce jak zamek na Wawelu i znajdująca się na wzgórzu Wawelskim Katedra, w której spoczywają nasi królowie. Dlaczego wybór mój padł właśnie na kompozycję König der Welt zespołu Karat? Z kilku powodów. Po pierwsze bardzo bym chciał uczynić chociażby coś co mogę uczynić by zbliżyć do siebie te dwa sąsiednie narody polski i niemiecki, losy których tak mocno są związane przez naszą wspólną historię. I nie wszystko w naszych wspólnych dziejach było tragiczne i dramatyczne. Były i wspaniałe przykłady współdziałania naszych narodów, w tym na polu kultury, oświaty i nauki. I to, że właśnie w tej jednej z najważniejszych dla Polaków Świątyń znajdują się owoce pracy twórczej wybitnego niemieckiego malarza Dürera jest najlepsyzm dowodem do wyżej przeze mnie powiedzianego. Po drugie sama treść piosenki i jej nazwa jak najlepiej pasują do moich własnych refleksji co do tego kim są dla nas Polaków nasi dawni władcy. Właśnie, że królami świata, jak brzmi tytuł wybranej przeze mnie piosenki, ponieważ tyle oni zrobili dla całej kultury europejskiej, że całkowicie zasłużyli właśnie na takie refleksje... A drogim Rodakom na całym świecie i wszystkim sympatykom kultury polskiej niezależnie od przynależności narodowej życzę miłego oglądania niniejszej prezentacji i takiej miłości do wszystkiego co jest polskie, jaką ja mam w swoim sercu.
Bialystok Cathedral, Białystok, Podlaskie, Poland, Europe
Team Metropolitan Basilica Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Bialystok - Bialystok Temple team, consisting of two interconnected church buildings: the old (from the beginning. Seventeenth century) and new (from the beginning. Twentieth centuries). The Basilica is the main temple of the Archdiocese of Bialystok and the parish of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Bialystok. The church was built in the late Renaissance period 1617-1626, fireplace, built from the foundation of Peter Wiesiołowski. Inside the late baroque equipment funded by the John Clement Branickiego. Originally the temple was the nature of late Gothic with elements of the Renaissance Mazovia-Lithuanian. The walls of the church covered with polychrome from 1751 made by Anthony Herliczkę. The main altar is a wooden, covered with white polychrome gilt. Above the altar hangs a painting of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, painted by an artist of the Baroque, forming the court Branickich, Augustine Mirys. Eye appears over the image of Divine Providence. The following mensa of the tabernacle (similar to the tabernacle by Bernini in Rome). Frontal, a shoal with rococo carvings, representing an iconographic rarity, used here because in the age of Enlightenment threads apocryphal. Central frontal scene shows the Assumption of the Virgin; appears to the right of the prophet Elijah; Left - a man with his face turned to Mary. On both sides of the main altar are statues of St.. Peter and Paul in 1751 by Jakub Fontana and John James Plersch. In addition to the main altar in the church is the altar of Jesus Crucified. On the wall hangs the Old Church Epitaph Izabella Branicka. It is embroidered fabric in a beautiful frame of 1811 by a friend Ms. Krakow. On top of the epitaph is an alabaster vase containing souvenirs dear to Isabella. Temple has a late Baroque organ donated by John Clement Branickiego and built in 1753 by Anthony Wierzbowski from Warsaw. On the walls of the Old Parish Church hang three arrays. First commemorating the foundation of the church from 1617 that reads In honor of the Most High God, the Trinity, the Virgin Mary and All Saints, built the foundations of the temple of Peter Veselovskii Marshal of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, the governor of Kaunas, Tykocin (original in Latin). The second memorial Francis Karpinski saying In this Church for the first time sounded devotional songs Francis Karpinski (1741-1825). When the early risers auroras, all our daily affairs, God is born, the Song of the Divine mercy before appeared in Supra OO in the annexe. Basilian in 1792 ... the plaque was founded in the 175th anniversary of the death of the poet. Third with information about the consecration of the temple on the second Sunday after Easter in 1664. The historic portal of the old parish church. The late Renaissance pulpit in the old parish church. The church was the family mausoleum of the Griffin family-Branickis. The tombstone on the right side of the altar is dedicated to the memory of his grandmother and his father John Clement - are buried here Heart Crown Marshal Catherine Aleksandra Czarneckis Branicka (d. 1698) and Stephen Nicholas Branickiego (d. 1709). Tombstone (designed by Casper Bazanka) is built of black marble Debica (partly also of pink). Above the cartouche sarcophagus, made of gilded copper sheet, with the coats of arms of clan: Griffin (Branickis), Fox (Sapieha) and Lodz (Czarneckis) and crown. On both sides of the cartridge angels putti holding attributes of transience - an hourglass and a human skull. This mausoleum was founded by the wife of Stephen Nicholas, and also the mother of John Clement - Catherine Scholastica Sapieha Branicka. The second tombstone is located on the opposite side of the altar (relative to the first tombstone) and was founded by Isabella of Poniatowski. The tombstone was made in Rome, and then imported into Polish. It is made of Italian multicolored marble and gilded bronze. It is buried in the heart of John Clement Branickiego (d. 1771). Urn is supported by a heraldic griffins, and the whole pyramid closes with a golden medallion with the profile Branickiego. On the tombstone are also trophies power hetman (such as a plumed helmet, sword and mace). In the basement of the old church are the crypt, among them crypt founders in the rest include: Catherine Poniatowska (d. 1772 Rococo coffin, richly gilded) and Isabella of Poniatowski Branicka (coffin neoclassical mahogany). In other crypts are the coffin of Archbishop Edward von Ropp (d. 1939 imported to Bialystok in 1983), bishop of the diocese of Minsk-Mahilyow, and Archbishop Edward Kisiel (d. 1993). In the temple are held in June Sunday organ concerts called Music in the Old Church. Next to the Old Parish Church is much larger neo-Gothic church, built between 1900-1905, designed by Joseph Pius Dziekoński in neo-gothic style Vistula, long at 90 m high at 72.5 m (towers).
Muzeum Bursztynu, Gdańsk, Pomeranian, Poland, Europe
Amber Museum in Gdansk in Gdansk craft museum, founded in 2000, a branch of the Historical Museum of the City of Gdansk; documents the history of amber in Poland. The museum was opened June 28, 2006, is located in the Prison Tower in Gdansk, by the Royal Route. In February 2000, the decision of the City was established as a branch of the Amber Museum, Historical Museum of the City of Gdansk. For the purposes of the museum were then adapted to all floors of the Prison Tower. In June 2006, the Amber Museum was inaugurated. The exhibition was conceived so that on each floor show amber in various aspects. You can learn about the history of amber, amber crafts history and amber trade routes, traditions of amber in medicine, use it as a magical stone, research material and plastic arts. Traditional methods of multimedia presentation is accompanied by a specially designed slots in each exhibition hall. It is the only lizard in Poland inclusion amber nugget dating 40 million years ago, inside which the mummified lizard. It is unique in the world is the second lizard found in Baltic amber, first in 1875 was R. Klebs. For lump encountered in 1997 on the beach in Gdansk Stogi, was donated to the Museum by the Banking Foundation. Leopold Kronenberg. In addition, there is a nugget plant detritus and Italian oak. On the basis of these characteristics is made to identify inclusions. Studies have shown that a young lizard, and the specimen originates from the area of Gdansk. The origins of the Baltic lizards milky coating provides łapek.Jaszczurka Gierłowska her first public was issued in Gdansk at the international symposium Baltic amber and other fossil resins - 997 Urbs Gyddanzc, 1997 Gdańsk. Cabinet-type Gdansk baroque cabinet of 1724 years by the Gdańsk craftsman Johan Georg Zernebacha. This is kind of the cabinet with many drawers, made of amber in different shades.
Katedra Wniebowzięcia Najświętszej Maryi Panny w Aberdeen
Główne miejsce kultu katolików w Aberdeen, a przechodząc tam słyszałem mszę w języku polskim, co świadczy o tym, że na nabożeństwo niedzielne przychodzi wielu Polaków. Sam kościół położony jest niedaleko Union Street.
Z pewnością potrzebują oni duchowego wsparcia podczas pracy zarobkowej na emigracji.
That Cathedral Church is the main place of worship in the Catholic Diocese of Aberdeen.
20 Huntly St, Aberdeen
Cathedral of St Mary of the Assumption
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Stoczek Klasztorny - Sanktuarium Matki Bożej Królowej Pokoju
Stoczek Klasztorny. Sanktuarium Matki Bożej Królowej Pokoju
Podoba Ci się wideo?? To daj łapkę w górę i subskrybuj nasz kanał. Dziękujemy!!
Spacer Kraków - Zamek Królewski na Wawelu Smok Wawelski
Witam serdecznie i zapraszam na wycieczkę, na spacer po Krakowie.
Dziś rozpoczniemy naszą wędrówkę od pomnika Grunwaldzkiego, gdzie na szczycie, na koniu jest król Władysław II Jagiełło
00:19 Kościół świętych Apostołów Piotra i Pawła, barokowy z rzeźbami z wapienia na ogrodzeniu.
Kościół świętego Andrzeja i po chwili dochodzimy do zamku królewskiego na Wawelu.
00:27 Reprezentacyjne komnaty królewskie, wieża duńska, baszta sandomierska, 00:39 brama bernardyńska.
Baszta sandomierska, złodziejska i widok na Wisłę.
01:05 Na terenie zamku Katedra Wawelska z pięknym ozdobnym wejściem.
Wieża zegarowa, na której pierwszy zegar umieszczono w 1521 roku.
01:50 Spacer bulwarami Wisły do pomniku smoka wawelskiego.
02:05 Smok zieje ogniem, legenda głosi, że podano mu barana wypchanego siarką, smołą co go tak wysuszyło, że pił wodę z Wisły aż pękł.
02:20 W tle balon widokowy oraz termy krakowskie Forum.
SPA krakowskie, jest na Multisport, aż 75 minut. Wejście bez karty 50zł za 2 godziny.
02:30 Kładka Ojca Bernatka z balansującymi rzeźbami oraz kłódkami zakochanych.
02:40 Bazylika Bożego Ciała w Krakowie, kościół świętej Katarzyny Aleksandryjskiej.
03:14 Bazylika świętego Michała Archanioła i świętego Stanisława. Piękna brama wejściowa.
03:22 Ujęcie wody o składzie 3414 mg składników makro i mikro elementów.
Bazylika na skałce, piękne wnętrza i ołtarz.
#Kraków #zamek #zwiedzanie #spacer
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Wizyta na wieży zegarowej na Biskupiej Górce
Wizyta na wieży zegarowej na Biskupiej Górce
Kalisz - serce zegara ratuszowego
Serce zegara w wieży ratuszowej w Kaliszu. W tle słychać dzwony okolicznych kościołów.
Heart of clock in City Hall tower in Kalisz. Bells of nearby churches can be heard in the background.
Панорамный вид с крыши Главной ратуши на улице Длуги Тарг (длинная площадь) в Гданьске
Панорамный вид с крыши Главной ратуши на улице Длуги Тарг (польск. - Длинный рынок) в Гданьске (Польша). 23.08.2015.
Высота шпиля на крыше - 81 метр, а панорамный вид с немножко меньшей высоты.
POLONIA #3 | La colina de Wawel | Entre Rutas
Cracovia no sería Cracovia si no hablamos de la colina de Wawel, donde antiguamente se concentraba el poder de todo el país. Tiene de todo: castillos, catedrales, ruinas... ¡y hasta un dragón!
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Wrocław | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:03:18 1 Etymology
00:05:34 2 History
00:07:07 2.1 Middle Ages
00:13:17 2.2 Renaissance, Reformation and Counter-Reformation
00:16:25 2.3 Napoleonic Wars
00:17:45 2.4 Prussia and Germany
00:26:32 2.5 Second World War and afterwards
00:29:46 2.6 After the war
00:34:52 3 Environment
00:35:14 3.1 Air pollution
00:37:29 3.2 Climate
00:39:34 3.3 Fauna
00:41:41 3.4 Water
00:42:31 4 Government and politics
00:43:12 4.1 Districts
00:45:31 4.2 Municipal government
00:47:21 5 Tourism
00:47:53 5.1 Landmarks and points of interest
00:53:22 5.2 Swimming
00:54:25 5.3 Shopping malls
00:55:36 5.4 Entertainment
00:57:11 5.5 Museums
00:58:54 6 Wrocław in literature
01:00:14 7 Education
01:03:46 8 Transport
01:08:05 9 Demographics
01:08:15 9.1 Population
01:08:25 9.2 Religion
01:12:17 10 Professional sports
01:14:09 10.1 Men's sports
01:16:02 10.2 Women's sports
01:16:31 11 Economy
01:21:14 12 Major corporations
01:21:25 13 International relations
01:21:36 13.1 Twin towns and sister cities
01:21:51 13.2 Partnerships
01:22:05 14 Gallery
01:22:14 15 Notable people
01:22:24 16 See also
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I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
Wrocław (UK: , US: , Polish: [ˈvrɔtswaf] (listen); German: Breslau [ˈbʁɛslaʊ]; Czech: Vratislav; Latin: Vratislavia) is a city in western Poland and the largest city in the historical region of Silesia. It lies on the banks of the River Oder in the Silesian Lowlands of Central Europe, roughly 350 kilometres (220 mi) from the Baltic Sea to the north and 40 kilometres (25 mi) from the Sudeten Mountains to the south. The population of Wrocław in 2018 was 640,648, making it the fourth-largest city in Poland and the main city of the Wrocław agglomeration.Wrocław is the historical capital of Silesia and Lower Silesia. Today, it is the capital of the Lower Silesian Voivodeship. The history of the city dates back over a thousand years, and its extensive heritage combines almost all religions and cultures of Europe. At various times, it has been part of the Kingdom of Poland, Kingdom of Bohemia, Kingdom of Hungary, Habsburg Monarchy, Prussia and Germany. Wrocław became part of Poland again in 1945, as a result of the border changes after the Second World War, which included a nearly complete exchange of population.
Wrocław is a university city with a student population of over 130,000, making it one of the most youthful cities in the country. Since the beginning of the 20th century, the University of Wrocław, previously Breslau University, produced 9 Nobel Prize laureates and is renowned for its high quality of teaching.Wrocław is classified as a Gamma-global city by GaWC. It was placed among the top 100 cities in the world for the quality of life by the consulting company Mercer and in the top 100 of the smartest cities in the world in the IESE Cities in Motion Index 2019 report.The city hosted the Eucharistic Congress in 1997 and the Euro 2012 football championships. In 2016, the city was a European Capital of Culture and the World Book Capital. Also in this year, Wrocław hosted the Theatre Olympics, World Bridge Games and the European Film Awards. In 2017, the city was the host of the IFLA Annual Conference and the World Games.