Precista Church Galati, Romania (Biserica Precista)
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The church was built in 1647, it is the oldest architecture monument from Galati, Romania.
Built from stone and wood. Was burned to the ground, plundered, went through earthquakes. It was restored a few times.
Video captured on May 2017.
Romania, Galati CIty - Presentation
Galaţi (pronounced [gaˈlaʦʲ]) is a city in Moldavia, eastern Romania, the capital city of Galaţi County on the banks of the Danube, very close to Brăila forming with it the Cantemir metropolitan area. In 2002, according to the official Romanian census, the city had a population of 298,861 people, making it Romania's 7th largest city.
Name: The name of the city appears to have derived from Cuman galat, which was borrowed from the Arabic qal'at (fortress). Also other etymologies were suggested, such as the Serbian galac; however the galat root appears in several nearby toponyms, some of which show clearly a Cuman origin, for example Gălăţui Lake, which has the typical Cuman -ui suffix for water. A derivation from Galatia (Gaul), suggesting a Celtic origin, is possible, but unlikely.
History: The first mention of the city dates from 1445. In 1789, during the Russo-Turkish War, Galaţi was burnt down by the Russian forces led by general Mikhail Kamensky.
Galaţi 1826
A peasant revolt took place in and around the city in 1907, but eventually it was crushed by the authorities.
Tourist sights: Galaţi has a fine 20th century Romanian Orthodox cathedral - St. George (Sfântu Gheorghe) and another particularly striking fortified church (that of St. Mary - Sf. Precista) on the banks of the Danube, which was built in 1647 by Vasile Lupu (legend has it that a tunnel was dug from the church and under the river).Other features of the city include a botanical garden, several museums, a television tower opened to the public and offering full view of the city, the newly-restored Galaţi Opera House, and a sculpture park lining a promenade of several kilometres along the banks of the Danube.
Remarkable architectural structures: Galaţi TV Tower (Romanian: Turnul de televiziune Galaţi), a 150-metre tall telecommunication tower built of concrete, also used for FM broadcasting
Education: Galaţi has a university, the Dunărea de Jos University, founded in 1951 as a Naval and Mechanical Engineering Institute and given university status in 1974, by merging the Polytechnical Institute (the successor of the initial Institute) with the College of Education (founded in 1959). The city also a host to other educational and cultural institutions; among these, the Vasile Alecsandri and Mihail Kogălniceanu National Colleges rank as the first pre-university level educational institutions in Galaţi and the country.
Economy: The city has the largest iron and steel plant in Romania the Arcelor-Mittal Galaţi, state-owned until 2001. It is still commonly referred to under the old name Sidex. Also, the country's largest shipyard on Danube is located here, benefiting from the good access Galaţi has to the Black Sea through the Danube and the short distance between its facilities and the Mittal Plant.
Galaţi in fiction: In Bram Stoker's novel Dracula, Galaţi (Galatz) is the port at which Count Dracula disembarked ship on his escape back to Transylvania.
Primarul din Ulm -Germania a debarcat la Galati
10 zile de sfidare a legii la şantierul Cathedral Plaza
Sâmbătă, 31 octombrie 2009, ora 11: La 10 zile de la somaţia PMB de oprire a lucrărilor la Cathedral Plaza firma Millenium continuă nerespectarea acestei hotărâri a Primăriei punând în pericol grav Catedrala „Sf. Iosif şi vieţile bucureştenilor.
Yamaha Tenere Club Romania - 10th Anniversary - Danube Delta Ride
Dus: Baia Mare - Lacul Zetea (camping) - Lacul Sf. Ana - Focsani - Galati - Baltenii de Sus - Tura Macin - Tura Delta Dunarii pana in loc. Chilia Veche.
Retur: Tulcea - Braila - Vulcanii Noroiosi (camping) - Brasov - Sighisoara - Tg. Mures - Reghin - Baia Mare.
Lungime traseu - Aprox 2080km
Audio: Lorde - Team
645 de elevi din Galaţi şi Brăila au participat la etapa judeţeană a olimpiadei de religie
Romania: Day 65 -Tour of Timisoara
Tour of Timisoara, Romania (City Centre & Romanian Orthodox Cathedral)
September 7, 2010
Timisoara, Romania
Catedrala umilirii neamului
Duminică, 25 noiembrie 2018: zeci de mii de români au venit la București să trăiască pe viu un eveniment istoric și au aflat că istoria nu e de nasul lor.
Deși au străbătut sute de kilometri pentru a participa la sfințirea Catedralei Naționale, catedrala le-a apărut ca o himeră învăluită în ceață, pe care au fost nevoiți să o privească din depărtare, urcați pe garduri și împrejmuiți de jandarmi.
La slujbă au avut acces doar clerul, politicienii și cei care s-au remarcat prin sponsorizări generoase. Oamenii de rând au rămas în stradă, îndurând frigul și înghesuindu-se unii într-alții.
Între ei și Biserică n-a fost doar o distanță prea mare. Au fost și limuzinele somptuoase, și turbanele cu sclipici, și paturile moi de la Marriott, unde prelații au fost cazați și invitați la agapă.
Catedrala și-a deschis porțile abia după orele amiezii, când credincioșii veniți din țară plecaseră deja spre autocare: dezamăgiți, înghețați și derutați de imensitatea bulevardelor.
În urma lor a rămas o imagine simbolică pentru Anul Centenarului: imaginea unui neam blestemat să fie umilit și tratat cu dispreț de instituțiile care ar trebui să-l slujească. Aici este cronologia unei zile istorice. Însă istoria nu e întotdeauna glorioasă și sfântă.
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1. MOSKOVITS PALACE,ORADEA 47° 3'31.37N 21°56'6.24E
46°21'24.14N 25°48'11.59E
3. KOREA'S OBELISK,ALBA LULIA 46° 4'1.04N 23°34'31.30E
4. ORTHODOX CHURCH,BONTIDA 46°54'38.96N 23°48'48.44E
5. TOWN HALL,SIGISOARA 46°13'12.88N 24°47'37.14E
6. COZIA MONASTERY, CACIULATAA 45°16'18.32N 24°18'57.21E
7. BUTCHERS' TOWER,SIGISOARA 46°13'8.04N 24°47'24.41E
8. ST.MICHAEL CATHEDRAL,ALBA LULIA 46° 4'3.42N 23°34'11.02E
9. MAYORALTY OLF ARAD,ARAD 46°10'31.61N 21°19'7.96E
10. CHURCH,BRASOV 45°38'40.33N 25°35'21.02E
11. CASA PRESEI LIBERE,BUCHAREST 44°28'52.73N 26° 4'16.01E
46°32'45.78N 24°33'47.79E
13. KISSING GATE,TARGU JIU 45° 2'22.18N 23°16'6.90E
14. EVANGHELICA CHURCH,GHIMBAV 45°39'48.50N 25°30'20.74E
15. MEMORIAL OF REBIRTH,BUCHAREST 44°26'20.15N 26° 5'51.03E
16. MUSEUM,ORADEA 47° 3'28.33N 21°56'7.17E
17. ST.STEFAN CHURCH,BUCHAREST 44°26'0.68N 26° 6'56.84E
18. EVANGELICAL CHURCH,CISNADIE 45°42'47.26N 24° 9'4.21E
45°25'53.79N 28° 3'43.00E
20. REFORMED CHURCH,ORADEA 47° 3'23.73N 21°55'24.40E
21. ROMANIAN ANTHENAEUM,BUCHAREST 44°26'28.62N 26° 5'50.65E
22. RASNOV 45°35'26.50N 25°28'4.43E
23. TOWER OF FIREGUARDS,SATUMARE 47°47'39.92N 22°52'33.22E
45°44'28.72N 21°13'34.90E
25. BABOS PALACE,CLUJ NAPOCA 46°46'26.89N 23°35'17.29E
26. CASTLE POIENARI,ARGES 45°21'12.84N 24°38'5.58E
Lucrări ilegale la auto-intitulata Cathedral Plaza, 12.10.2011 ora 10.25
12 octombrie 2011, ora 10.25: Deşi nu există autorizaţie de construcţie, clădirea nu este întabulată şi nici nu există proces verbal de recepţie a clădirii, toate necesare pentru legalitatea existenţei unei construcţii, la clădirea ilegală auto-intitulată „Cathedral Plaza se lucrează la foc continuu, sub adăpostul deciziei desfiinţării şantierului de la această clădire.
Wedding Day Rada & Lucian 2 Iulie 2016 GALATI by CRS Photographer
Servicii Foto-Video | 0741217709
Constanța old town (centrul vechi) filmed in 4K
The old town is a district of Constanța, without administrative existence. It corresponds to the extent of Constanta in 1900. It includes the Peninsula where all the ancient and medieval history of the city is concentrated. This is commonly considered to include the part of Constanța located between the Black Sea, Ferdinand Boulevard, Mihai Viteazu and Termelor Streets, a perimeter corresponding to the ancient city of Tomis, the Byzantine fortress Constantiniana and the Ottoman town Küstence.
One of the main tourist attractions of the old city is the statue dedicated to the Roman poet Publius Ovidius Naso, in Ovidiu Square (Piața Ovidiu). Here are The Great Mahmudiye Mosque (Moscheea Mare Mahmoud II) build by King Carol I in 1910 and the Museum of National History (Muzeul de Istorie Naţională şi Arheologie). Other landmarks are The Roman Mosaics (Edificiul Roman cu Mozaic), The Genoese Lighthouse (Farul Genovez), The Casino (Cazinoul), The House with Lions (Casa cu Lei), Romanian Navy Museum (Muzeul marinei române), and Hotel Palace. Most important churches are Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul (Catedrala Sfinții Apostoli Petru și Pavel) and the Greek Church Transfiguration (Metamorphosis).
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Stire TVR: Lucrări ilegale la Cathedral Plaza
A început un nou episod în lupta dintre biserica Romano-Catolică şi Millenium Building. De această dată, preoţilor li s-a alăturat şi primăria Capitalei. Municipalitatea a sesizat Parchetul de pe lângă Judecătoria Sectorului 1 pe motiv că lucrările la imobil au continuat în ilegalitate.
Romania Crestina - Sf. Treime -Tei. In memoria parintelui Motoc
Watch: Venkaiah Naidu visits Sinaia Monastery & Peles Castle in Romania
Romania, Sep 20 (ANI): Vice President M. Venkaiah Naidu arrived in Romania's Bucharest city for the last leg of his three-nation tour. During his visit, Naidu visited Sinaia Monastery and Peles castle along with other dignitaries. After completing his bilateral engagements, the Vice President will depart for India.
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Ռումինիայի հայոց թեմ. հայկական հետք
Հաղորդումը պատմում է Բոտոշանի, Յաշի, Ռոմանի, Թրգ Օքնայի, Գալացի, Բրեյլայի, Ֆոքշանի, Պիտեշտի և Կոնստանցիայի հայ համայնքների ու եկեղեցիների մասին, ներկայացնում ծխական կյանքը: Այս քաղաքները ռումինական Մոլդովա և Վալախիա մարզերում են: Հիշատակվում են նաև Տրանսիլվանիայի կաթոլիկ հայերն ու եկեղեցիները:
Armenian Diocese of Romania: Armenian Trace
The program is about the Armenian communities and Churches of Botosani, Iasi, Romani, Tîrgu Ocna, Galati, Braila, Focsani, Pitesti and Constanta, and presents the parish life. These cities are situated in Romanian Moldova and Valahia regions. Catholic Armenians and Churches of Transilvania are also noted.
Incendiu de proporții la Baia
Casa Galati - Palermo - Italy
Casa Galati hotel city: Palermo - Country: Italy
Address: Via Narciso Cozzo 22; zip code: 90139
Located in Palermo, Casa Galati offers stylish rooms with air conditioning and free Wi-Fi throughout. It features a sweet breakfast provided daily, and Palermo Cathedral is just 1 km away.
-- Installé à Palerme, le Casa Galati propose des hébergements élégants et climatisés dotés d'une connexion Wi-Fi gratuite. Situé à seulement 1 km de la cathédrale de la ville, il sert tous les matins un petit-déjeuner sucré.
-- La Casa Galati está situada en Palermo, a solo 1 km de la catedral de la ciudad. Ofrece habitaciones elegantes con aire acondicionado, conexión Wi-Fi gratuita en todas las instalaciones y un desayuno diario con productos dulces.
-- In Palermo bietet die Casa Galati stilvolle Zimmer mit Klimaanlage und kostenfreiem WLAN im gesamten Bereich. Morgens wird Ihnen ein süßes Frühstück serviert und die Kathedrale von Palermo liegt nur 1 km entfernt.
-- Casa Galati ligt in Palermo en biedt stijlvolle kamers met airconditioning en overal gratis WiFi. De accommodatie verzorgt dagelijks een zoet ontbijt. De kathedraal van Palermo ligt op 1 km afstand.
-- Situata a Palermo, ad appena 1 km dalla Cattedrale, la Casa Galati offre eleganti camere climatizzate, la connessione Wi-Fi gratuita in tutti gli ambienti e la colazione dolce mattutina.
-- パレルモに位置するCasa Galatiは、エアコン付きのスタイリッシュな客室、館内全域での無料Wi-Fi、毎日のスイート(甘味)の朝食を提供しています。パレルモ大聖堂までわずか1kmです。 客室には、白と黒のタイル、白い木製家具、薄型テレビ、専用バスルーム(客室外または客室内)が備わります。 Galati Casaでは、甘いペストリー、クロワッサン、ホットドリンクを含むスイート(甘味)のイタリア式朝食を提供しています。 ...
-- Casa Galati酒店位于巴勒莫(Palermo),提供配有空调和免费无线网络连接的时尚客房。酒店每天提供甜味早餐,距离巴勒莫主教座堂(Palermo Cathedral)有1公里。 酒店的客房都配有黑白瓷砖、白色的木制家具、平面电视以及外部或连接私人浴室。 客人可以在Galati Casa酒店享用甜味意大利早餐,开始新的一天。早餐包括甜糕点和羊角面包以及热饮。 酒店距离Palermo Train Station火车站有1公里,距离蒙德罗(Mondello)及海滩有20分钟的车程。
-- В расположенном в Палермо отеле типа «постель и завтрак» Casa Galati имеются стильные номера с кондиционером и бесплатный WiFi на всей территории. Ежедневно для гостей сервируется сладкий завтрак. Собор Палермо находится всего в 1 км от отеля.
-- يقع Casa Galati في مدينة باليرمو، ويوفر غرفًا أنيقة مُزودة بتكييف وخدمة الواي فاي المجانية في جميع أنحاء المكان. كما يتميز بوجبة إفطار حلوة يتم تقديمها يوميًا، وتبعُد كاتدرائية باليرمو مسافة كيلومتر واحد فقط.
???????? Alexandria, Romania - City tour and historical buildings
Alexandria is a city in Romania and the capital of the district Teleorman.
Sights: The episcopal cathedral Sfântul Alexandru, Teleorman County Museum, Alexandria Town Hall, Alexandria train station.