Cetatea FAGARAS Fortress (Transylvania, Romania)
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Fagaras Fortress is located in the town of Fagaras in Transylvania, in the central part of Romania. Built in 1310 on the site of a former 12th century wooden fortress, Fagaras was enlarged between the 15th and 17th centuries and was considered one of the strongest fortifications in Transylvania. The fortress was surrounded by a deep moat which could easily be filled with water. The fortress boasts three floors, five towers and four bastions. Fagaras Fortress functioned mainly as a residence for various princes and their families. Transylvanian Prince Gabriel Bethlen (1613-1629), strongly influenced by the Italian Renaissance, rebuilt the fortress, bestowing elegance and beauty to the construction. During the rule of Georg Rákóczi (1630-1649), the castle's fortifications were doubled and the moat was enlarged. Ráckózi had the bastions bridged and covered, the moat paved with stones, the bridge and the casemates repaired and a guardhouse built. The entry of Făgăraş Fortress in the property of the Habsburg Empire in 1696 and its transformation into a military garrison was the beginning of a period of decline. Serving military purposes, the castle and fortress of Făgăraş lost their former elegance and splendor. Between 1918 and 1948, the fortress was a Romanian army garrison. From 1918 to 1924, it served as a place of refuge for White Russians who fled the Bolsheviks. Also, after the fall of Poland in 1939, a large number of Poles found refuge in the fortress. Between 1948 and 1960, the fortress was transformed into a communist political prison until 1960 when it was turned into a museum. Fagaras Fortress houses the Museum of Fagaras Country having mixed profile (history, ethnography, art). It includes 20 collections, exhibition of Fagaras representing the evolution of civilization in a string of moments and significant events. Remember by the famous exhibit The Iron Maiden. In recent years, the fortress has been extensively restored, strengthened and equipped with museum inventory, essential being the restoring of the Great Hall of the Throne.
Cetatea Făgăraș este situată în orașul Făgăraș (jud. Brașov) din Transilvania, în partea centrală a României. Construită în 1310 pe locul unei foste cetăți de lemn din secolul al XII-lea, cetatea actuală a fost lărgită între secolele XV și XVII, fiind considerată una dintre cele mai puternice fortificații din Transilvania. Cetatea era înconjurată de un șanț adânc care, la nevoie, putea fi ușor de umplut cu apă. Fortăreața are trei etaje, cinci turnuri si patru bastioane. Cetatea Făgăras a funcționat în principal ca reședință pentru diferiți prinți și familiile lor. Gabriel Bethlen (1613-1629), puternic influențat de Renașterea italiană, a reconstruit cetatea, dăruind eleganță și frumusețe construcției. În timpul domniei lui Georg Rákóczi (1630-1649), fortificațiile castelului au fost dublate iar șanțul a fost mărit. De asemenea, pe timpul lui Ráckózi s-au acoperit bastioanele, șanțul a fost pavat cu pietre, podul și cazematele reparate și s-a construit un corp de gardă. Intrarea Cetății Făgăraș în proprietatea Imperiului Habsburgic în 1696 și transformarea ei într-o garnizoană militară a fost începutul unei perioade de declin. Servind scopurilor militare, castelul și cetatea Făgărașului și-au pierdut din fosta lor eleganță și strălucire. Între 1918 și 1948, cetatea a fost folosită ca garnizoană a armatei române. De asemenea, între 1918 și 1924, a servit ca adăpost pentru albii ruși care au fugit de bolșevici. În anul 1939, după căderea Poloniei, un număr mare de polonezii s-au refugiat în cetate. Intre anii 1948 si 1960, cetatea a fost transformată în închisoare politică comunistă. Din anul 1960, cetatea devine muzeu. Cetatea Făgăraș adăpostește Muzeul Țării Făgărașului având profil mixt (istorie, etnografie, artă). Cuprinde 20 de colecţii. Expoziţia de bază prezentă evoluţia civilizaţiei Ţării Făgăraşului într-o înşiruire de evenimente semnificative. De amintit faimosul exponat ”Fecioara de Fier”. În ultimii ani, cetatea a fost intens restaurată, consolidată și dotată cu inventar muzeistic. De primă importanță este refacerea Marii Săli a Tronului, redată circuitului turistic în anul 2015.
Sighisoara Biserica Manastirii (The Monastery Church) ✔
➤ “The Monastery Church, also known as the Church of the Dominican Monastery (Romanian: Biserica Mănăstirii Dominicane), is a Gothic church formerly part of a medieval Dominican monastery in Sighişoara, Romania The church was erected in 1289, and incorporates half of a Dominican monastery which was demolished in 1888. The monastery was one of a network planned by Paulus Hungarus (Paul the Hungarian) throughout the Kingdom of Hungary to act as a bulwark against heresy. Saxon nobleman Leonard Barlabassy gave the church an endowment.
Between the inside and outside of the church there are some stylistic differences. If in the interior the Baroque style is prevailing, on the exterior the simple facades retain most of the elements of late Gothic architecture. The west facade is the most impressive, dominated by a triangular pediment equipped with three very tall gothic windows. After the demolition of medieval buildings located in the space between the church and the Clock Tower, on the southern side were built three vertical columns, which end at the top with three arches supporting masonry church.
Inside the church architectural elements and artistic furniture typical of the early Baroque era are prevailing. Elements such as pillars and arches, the altar, pews, canopy, painted organ and balconies and oriental carpets that adorn the church.
The most important piece of furniture is a baptismal font made in bronze. This font is the oldest and most valuable piese of furniture art in the church. A latin inscription is visible on the cup showing the scope of baptism: „Baptism banish the forces of evil and the devil” and specifing the name of the author of the artwork:”This work was made by the hands of Jacob, the one that makes bells, in the Year of Our Lord 1440”.
The font was made in a local workshop in Sighisoara; it is 108.5 cm high and has 60.3 cm of diameter. The cup bell contains the inscription mentioned and it’s decorated with biblical scenes and lilies.
A similar font, dating from the same period, is in the Evangelical Church of Sibiu, but it doesn’t have the same „grace” as the one in Sighisoara.”
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Fr. Arsenie Boca - Man of God
I hope that by making this documentary accessible to English speaking audiences, Fr. Arsenie Boca - the blessed Romanian elder and prophet - will enter the hearts of many God loving people. As one person interviewed in this documentary says: Fr. Arsenie made Christ transparent to us. He still does. His presence in the midst of us after his passing is a reminder of the proximity of Heaven. This film is an opportunity to (re)discover it for yourself.
A shorter film made by a commercial television, which is spectacular in its own right and weighs more on the prophetic side of Fr. Arsenie is available here:
This is the HD version of the film loaded at
Castles and Towers of Romania 4K UHD Aerial Drone Footage (3840 x 2160)
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Aearial drone footage using DJI Mavic Pro from Romania
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Music track Rewind (Hard Trap) by Makaih Beats