Old City of Zamość. ( Zamosc -Poland)
Zamosc “a pearl of the Renaissance” – not only because the town is surrounded by bastion fortifications of the distinctly Renaissance type and tenements from that time account for the majority of buildings in Zamosc, but also because its cathedral ranks among the most outstanding accomplishments of late Renaissance architecture.
Zamosc - Cathedral
zamosc.wonder.pl = Zamość zadziwia Fot.MaKa
Sunday at the Cathedral in Zamość - Michał Szostak, improvisation
Katedra Zmartwychwstania Pańskiego i św. Tomasza Apostoła
Cathedral of the Resurrection and Saint Thomas the Apostle
Zamość, POLAND
Sunday at the Cathedral
Michał SZOSTAK, improvisation
Organ Jan Śliwiński, 25/2M+P, 1895
July 22nd, 2018
Zimowy spacer po Zamościu 02.02.2015 (4K UHD)
Taką mamy w tym roku zimę w Zamościu:-)
Całość nagrana 2 lutego 2015 roku.
Film dostępny w jakości 4K Ultra HD
Pomysł, muzyka i realizacja - Lech Okoń.
Zamosc Poland Magic Beauty and Charm of Zamosc dr Jerzy Wowk HD 1080p NQ
Spojrzenie Polaka z Ukrainy na kulturę i historię Polski
Cathedral of Szczecin, Szczecin, West Pomeranian, Poland, Europe
The Cathedral Basilica of St. James the Apostle, Szczecin was built by the citizens of the city and modeled after the Church of St. Mary in Lübeck. It is the largest church in Pomerania and for many years after the reformation was part of the Pomeranian Evangelical Church, but since World War II and the handing over of Stettin to Poland it has been rebuilt as a Roman Catholic cathedral. The church was established in 1187 and the Romanesque-style building was completed in the 14th century. One of its two towers collapsed during a storm in 1456 and destroyed part of the church. Reconstruction lasted until 1503 and the entire church was remodeled based on a single-tower hall church design. The church was destroyed again in 1677 during the Scanian War and rebuilt between 1690 and 1693 in the Baroque style. In 1893, the church was remodeled again however, the west tower collapsed during a storm in 1894 and had to be rebuilt. This remodeling was completed in 1901 leaving the church with a spire of 119 meters (390 feet). Air raids on the night of 16 August 1944 during World War II resulted in collapse of the spire added in 1901 and extensive damage to other parts of the building. The north wall, all altars and artworks inside were destroyed by the bombs and ensuing fire. Following the war, government officials were reluctant to allow econstruction of the church however, a heritage conservator pointed out that demolition of the remaining structure would be more costly than rebuilding it. In 1971, work began on the church and continued for three years. The north wall was reconstructed in a modern style which did not harmonize with the rest of the building and the tower was stabilized, but the spire was not rebuilt. Instead, the tower was capped with a short hip roof or pyramid roof resulting in a height of 60 meters (196 feet). In 2006, another renovation commenced which saw new heating systems and flooring installed. Organs, to replace those removed before the World War II bombing and never recovered, were constructed and the tower was strengthened so it could support a redesigned spire. In 2010, a new, neo-baroque Flèche has been constructed. Today, the church serves as the cathedral of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Szczecin.
Evangelical Church Assembly of God in Zamość Poland
ENDERECO: UL. Promienna 5a, Zamość
Igreja Evangélica Assembléia de Deus em Zamość Polônia – Madureira
Niedziela 9:30 – Modlitwa
Niedziela 10:00 – Nabożeństwo
Wtorek 18:00 – Modlitwa
Czwartek 18:00 – Nabożeństwo,
Studium Biblijne.
Kontakt: Pastor Leonid Panasyuk - 792-566-856 Pastor lokalny
Kontakt: Pastor Antero Kaczan – 664-183-163
kezb.pl email: kezbz@interia.pl
Kościół P.W. Zwiastowania NMP, OO. Franciszkanów w Zamościu - wizualizacja
Kościół P.W. Zwiastowania NMP, OO. Franciszkanów w Zamościu, wizualizacja rekonstrukcji bryły i wnętrza kościoła
Więcej informacji o rewitalizacji największego XVII-wiecznego barokowego kościoła OO.Franciszkanów w Polsce: dzieloodbudowy.pl,
Wizualizacja zaprezentowana na konferencji w sali Consulatus w dniu 18.11.2018.
Franciscan Church in Zamosc - Historical Reconstruction Project - vizualisation
Zamosc - Orthodox Church
zamosc.wonder.pl = Wonders of Zamosc Fot.Rubeus
Zamosc - Cathedral
zamosc.wonder.pl = Wonders of Zamosc Fot.MaKa
Kościół odzyskuje architektoniczną niepodległość
Dzięki rewitalizacji kościół zaczyna widzieć siebie w pełnej prawdzie historycznej- jedni rujnują, drudzy budują. Pracy i środków potrzeba wiele. Dziękujemy naszym Dobrodziejom.
Butterfly Room, Zaoo Zamość, Poland
Film from the most beautyfull butterfly room among Polish Zoological Gardens designed & made by Gady-Gady!
Zamość on Sunday before the Season 2019
Renaissance fortress city. The ideal city was founded. South east Poland. April 2019. 4K
Kościół OO. Franciszkanów w Zamościu - kopuły
Kościół P.W. Zwiastowania NMP, OO. Franciszkanów w Zamościu, wizualizacja rekonstrukcji kopuł nad kaplicami.
Więcej informacji o rewitalizacji największego XVII-wiecznego barokowego kościoła OO.Franciszkanów w Polsce: dzieloodbudowy.pl
Zamosc - Fortress walls
zamosc.wonder.pl = Zamość zadziwia Fot.MaKa
Orszak Trzech Króli - Zamość 2020
Ulicami miasta przeszedł VI Orszak Trzech Króli.
Kaplica Ordynacka
Filmy zawierają rysunki prof. Jerzego Kowalczyka z pracy doktorskiej „Kolegiata w Zamościu Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe Warszawa 1968 oraz zdjęcia eksponatów z Muzeum Zamojskiego w Zamościu
Zamosc - Cathedral Presbytery
zamosc.wonder.pl = Wonders of Zamosc Fot.Rubeus
Old City of Zamość (UNESCO/NHK)
Zamosc was founded in the 16th century by the chancellor Jan Zamoysky on the trade route linking western and northern Europe with the Black Sea. Modelled on Italian theories of the 'ideal city' and built by the architect Bernando Morando, a native of Padua, Zamosc is a perfect example of a late-16th-century Renaissance town. It has retained its original layout and fortifications and a large number of buildings that combine Italian and ...
Source: UNESCO TV / © NHK Nippon Hoso Kyokai