Макарьево-Унженский монастырь / Makaryev-Unzhensky Convent: 1910
Россия на дореволюционных фотографиях
Макарьево-Унженский монастырь
Макарьев, Кострома регион
Фотографии С.М. Прокудин-Горский
Russia in pre-revolutionary photographs
Makaryev-Unzhensky Convent
Makaryev, Kostroma region
Photographs by C. M. Prokudin-Gorskii
Величит душа моя Господа
Хор сестер Николо-Сольбинского женского Монастыря
My soul doth magnify the Lord
Sung here by the Choir of the Sisters of
the Nicholas-Solbinsky Women's Monastery
The Makaryevo-Unzhensky Monastery is a male (until 2016 - female) monastery in the town of Makariev, Kostroma Region , located on the banks of the Unzhi River in the city center. Founded in 1439 by Rev. Makariy Unzhensky .
According to the life of Macarius, after the destruction of the Zheltovodsk monastery, a new place was found on the high right bank of the River Unzhi, where Makarius put up a cross, a small hut, and also dug a well, the water in which was considered to have healing properties.
The architectural ensemble was formed in the XVII-XIX centuries. Monumental construction in the monastery began in the second half of the 17th century, when the main part of its buildings was built: the Trinity Cathedral (1664–1670), the warm Makaryevskaya church (1670–1674), the Church of the Annunciation with the refectory and bell tower (1677–1680), the Nikolskaya Church over the Holy Gates (1682-1685) and the building of cells, which included two corps - the refectory and the brotherhood with the rector's cells and the official chamber (1687).
In 1919 the monastery was abolished, the brethren expelled. In 1926, the first of the monastery churches was closed (the Nikolsky Church on the gate), and in December 1929 the other temples were closed. The relics of Rev. Macarius were opened and transferred to the museum of local lore, and a machine-tractor station and grain warehouses were located in the monastery itself. In the 1930s , with the exception of a small section and two towers, the fence was dismantled. In 1970, the Kostroma restoration workshop began work on the restoration of the monastery, which were carried out until the early 1990s under the guidance of architects L. S. Vasilyev and A. P. Chernov. A part of the lost walls was recreated, church buildings were restored.
Andrei Rublev - Andrei Tarkovsky 1966 HD - Legendado PT-BR 1080p (english subtitles added)
Filme publicado apenas com objetivo de divulgar em português o trabalho de Tarkovsky, sem interesses financeiros.
Andrei Rublev foi um pintor de ícones da Rússia do início do século XV. Encarregado de pintar as paredes da Catedral da Anunciação, no Kremlin, ele trabalha sob a direção do mestre grego Teófanes. Este é atormentado pela crueldade da época e a atribui à ira do Céu. Rublev, por outro lado, acredita no livre arbítrio. Esta obra-prima do cinema russo é vista como incomparável, uma elevação espiritual de senso plástico deslumbrante, que mostrou ao mundo um jovem e promissor cineasta. Andrei Rublev ficou censurado pelas autoridades da ex-União Soviética durante anos, por questionar o enfoque narrativo da História.