Italy Ep.1 Rome - Basilica di San Pietro in Vaticano
Catedrala San Pietro Mormantul Sf Petru Vatican Roma Italia Universul credintei Televiziunea Romana
Bed and Breakfast Roma Vaticano Al Colonnato di San Pietro
Video promozionale del Bed and Breakfast Al Colonnato di San Pietro. Un B&B di Roma molto conosciutoin zona Vaticano e che si trova molto vicino a Piazza San Pietro, la celebre piazza di Roma dove sorge la Basilica più grande del mondo, e il nome del nostro B&B Al Colonnato di San Pietro nasce dal fatto che dall'ingresso principale dell'edificio si vede lo scenografico ovale del Colonnato, celebre opera di Gian Lorenzo Bernini che in Piazza San Pietro ha disegnato il simbolico abbraccio che la chiesa di Roma rivolge ai suoi fedeli.
Bazilica Sfântul Petru(slideshow)-Basilica San Pietro(slideshow)-HD
Bazilica Sfântul Petru (în italiană: Basilica di San Pietro in Vaticano) din Roma se găsește în Cetatea Vaticanului, înăuntrul statului pontifical, în monumentala Piazza San Pietro. Edificiul, lung de 186 metri, înălțimea cupolei de 119 metri, cu o suprafață totală de peste 15.000 m², este cel mai mare lăcaș al creștinătății. Bazilica Sfântul Petru este una din cele patru bazilici patriarhale din Roma, alături de Bazilica San Giovanni in Laterano, Santa Maria Maggiore și Bazilica Sfântul Paul din afara zidurilor.Bazilica este rezultatul unor lucrări dealungul mai multor secole. La început a fost doar un monument comemorativ în locul unde Sfântul Apostol Petru, considerat drept primul papă al Romei, ar fi fost martirizat și înmormântat, în apropierea circului lui Nero. Între anii 319 și 329 împăratul Constantin cel Mare a construit pe acest loc o mare bazilică.
???????? #1 WATYKAN Bazylika Świętego Piotra, Basilica Papale di San Pietro | metro Rzym 2019
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✔ KONTAKT - Sylwia Kulesa
✔ZNIŻKA BOOKING - Jeśli w najbliższym czasie masz zamiar zarezerwować pobyt w hotelu i chcesz odebrać 50 zł zniżki, zapraszam do rezerwacji poprzez link
►► Miałam lecieć do Mołdawii ale ze względu na dwie ważne rzeczy (audiencja oraz koncert) zdecydowałam się jednak na lot do Włoch.
A teraz o Watykanie.
Bazylika Świętego Piotra w Watykanie to najważniejsze miejsce hierarchii kościelnej oraz jedna z najbardziej monumentalnych budowli na świecie. To był nasz pierwszy punkt, który odwiedziliśmy jadąc z lotniska. Ale to nie koniec. W Watykanie spędziliśmy dwa dni (uczciliśmy nasza rocznicę). Drugą część filmu dodam wkrótce, pokażę piękną Bazylikę oraz Grób św. Jana Pawła II.
Zapraszam do obejrzenia.
Mantua Italy • Including a Visit to the Palazzo Ducale Mantova Italia
Mantua Italy Including a Visit to the Palazzo Ducale Mantova Italia. Our cruise has a dramatic approach to Mantua, home of the poet Virgil, artists Mantegna and Donatello and a captivating lakeside setting. Mantua displays extraordinary neo-classical and baroque architecture, portrayed in the 14thC Ducal Palace housing some 15 gardens and courtyards, a museum, basilica and theatre. The intricate frescoes, Gallery of Mirrors and exquisite Rivers Room and 12,000 paintings and sculptures all create a Grand Finale to our Italian Renaissance adventure.
The imposing capital of Lombardy, Mantua (or Mantova) is a beautiful, historic city surrounded on three sides by artificial lakes created during the 12th century. Mantua's historic power and influence under the wealthy Gonzaga family made it one of the main artistic, cultural and musical hubs of Northern Italy. Mantua's most famous ancient citizen is the poet Publius Vergilius Maro, Virgil, who was born near the city in 70 BC. revolt backed by the House of Gonzaga led to the election of Luigi Gonzaga as the Captain General of Mantua. The Gonzagas built new walls with five gates and renovated the architecture of the city in the 14th century. During the Renaissance, the Gonzaga family raised the level of culture and refinement. In 1627, the Gonzaga line came to an end, and the town slowly declined under the new rulers.
Palazzo Ducale, the home of the Gonzaga family from the late 13th to early 17th centuries, is a huge complex of buildings, courtyards, a museum, basilica, theatre and 15 gardens. There are over 500 rooms and some 12,000 paintings and sculptures. The most famous room is the Camera degli Sposi with frescoes from 1474 painted by Mantegna.
The Duomo, the Cathedral of San Pietro, was first erected on the site of a Palaeo-Christian structure that was destroyed by a fire in 894. The church was rebuilt in 1395-1401 with the addition of side chapels and a magnificent Gothic façade. After another fire in the 16th century, the interior was remade. In 1756-1761 the façade was replaced by the Baroque one in Carrara's marble.
The Basilica di Sant'Andrea was begun in 1462 on a site occupied by a Benedictine monastery and finished 328 years later. The Benedictine bell tower from 1414 still remains. The church holds the tomb of the painter Andrea Mantegna and a much-disputed relic said to hold the blood of Christ.
The 11th century Rotonda of San Lorenzo, the most ancient church in the city, is believed to be on the site of a Roman temple to Venus. Deconsecrated, it was used for dwellings, shops and stores. Later it was restored and the external additions removed.
In 2008 Mantua became a UNESCO World Heritage Site based on its Renaissance planning and architecture.
For more information see:
*Music by Daze Audio -
Bazilica SF Petru din Vatican
Processione S.S.Pietro e Paolo Ales 29 Giugno 2012
video creato dal Gruppo folk Gonnosnò Ass. Folklorica culturale cell.3491117541 -
bellissima processione!! ..buona visione!
AMI Sardegna 2016 parte 1 Nora, Ales, museo Romano e Nuraghe Monte ACRI
AMI in gita di studio in Sardegna 2016 parte 1
Nora, cattedrale di Ales, museo di Gramsci, museo romano e nuraghe del monte Arci.
san pietro in vincoli
Intervista al Presidente e al coordinatore del'associazione Vivibalon, gestore del mercato delle pulci di Borgo Dora a Torino. Promotori della regolarizzazione in via sperimentale dell'area mercatale abusiva sita in San Pietro in Vincoli.
Chiesa di San Salvaro - San Pietro di Legnago (Vr)
Immagini della pieve romanica ripresi da un drone.
Video & Edited by Gobbi Matteo
Pașii Pelerinului. Basilica Santa Maria Maggiore, Roma (25 02 2018)
B&B Residenza Roma San Pietro
Il Bed and Breakfast è posizionato nel quartiere Prati, nel centro di Roma, la città eterna. A due passi da San Pietro, e dai musei Vaticani è posizionato a 10 m dalla fermata Ottaviano-San Pietro della linea A della metropolitana. Dal BB è facile raggiungere gli aeroporti di Fiumicino e Ciampino e le stazioni ferroviarie di Termini e Tiburtina
Prin Roma_1.wmv
O vizita de sase ore in Roma incepand cu Piata San Pietro din Vatican , Catedrala San Pietro , apoi pe jos spre Castelul di Angeli , Pantheon , Fontana Trevi si Piata Spaniei.
Campane Duomo di Treviso
Cattedrale di s.Pietro Apostolo 7 campane in Si2(non in scala) Distesa a 3 campane per la S.Messa festiva delle 10.30
Ordinazione Episcopale di S.E. Mons. Tymon Tytus Chmielecki 2019 HD
Ordinazione episcopale di mons. Chmielecki. Parolin: Al servizio del popolo di Dio
Questo pomeriggio nella Basilica di San Pietro, presso l'Altare della Cattedra, mons. Tymon Tytus Chmielecki, Nunzio Apostolico in Guinea e Mali, è stato ordinato vescovo. A presiedere la celebrazione il Segretario di Stato, cardinale Pietro Parolin
Eric Clarks Travel Videos - Rome Italy - The Vatican / Saint Peters Basilica and 4 main statues. WOW
Eric Clarks Travel Videos - Rome Italy - The Vatican / Saint Peters Basilica and 4 main statues. WOW
From Wikipedia
The Papal Basilica of St. Peter in the Vatican (Italian: Basilica Papale di San Pietro in Vaticano), or simply St. Peter's Basilica (Latin: Basilica Sancti Petri), is an Italian Renaissance church in Vatican City, the papal enclave within the city of Rome.
Designed principally by Donato Bramante, Michelangelo, Carlo Maderno and Gian Lorenzo Bernini, St. Peter's is the most renowned work of Renaissance architecture[2] and the largest church in the world.[3] While it is neither the mother church of the Catholic Church nor the cathedral of the Diocese of Rome, St. Peter's is regarded as one of the holiest Catholic shrines. It has been described as holding a unique position in the Christian world[4] and as the greatest of all churches of Christendom.[2][5]
Catholic tradition holds that the basilica is the burial site of Saint Peter, chief among Jesus's apostles and also the first Bishop of Rome (Pope). Saint Peter's tomb is supposedly directly below the high altar of the basilica. For this reason, many popes have been interred at St. Peter's since the Early Christian period, and there has been a church on this site since the time of the Roman emperor Constantine the Great. Construction of the present basilica, which would replace Old St. Peter's Basilica from the 4th century AD, began on 18 April 1506 and was completed on 18 November 1626.[6]
St. Peter's is famous as a place of pilgrimage and for its liturgical functions. The pope presides at a number of liturgies throughout the year, drawing audiences of 15,000 to over 80,000 people, either within the basilica or the adjoining St. Peter's Square.[7] St. Peter's has many historical associations, with the Early Christian Church, the Papacy, the Protestant Reformation and Catholic Counter-reformation and numerous artists, especially Michelangelo. As a work of architecture, it is regarded as the greatest building of its age.[8] St. Peter's is one of the four churches in the world that hold the rank of major basilica, all four of which are in Rome. Contrary to popular misconception, it is not a cathedral because it is not the seat of a bishop; the cathedra of the pope as Bishop of Rome is in the Archbasilica of St. John Lateran.[9]
St. Peter's is a church built in the Renaissance style located in the Vatican City west of the River Tiber and near the Janiculum Hill and Hadrian's Mausoleum. Its central dome dominates the skyline of Rome. The basilica is approached via St. Peter's Square, a forecourt in two sections, both surrounded by tall colonnades. The first space is oval and the second trapezoid. The façade of the basilica, with a giant order of columns, stretches across the end of the square and is approached by steps on which stand two 5.55 metres (18.2 ft) statues of the 1st-century apostles to Rome, Saints Peter and Paul.[10][11]
The basilica is cruciform in shape, with an elongated nave in the Latin cross form but the early designs were for a centrally planned structure and this is still in evidence in the architecture. The central space is dominated both externally and internally by one of the largest domes in the world. The entrance is through a narthex, or entrance hall, which stretches across the building. One of the decorated bronze doors leading from the narthex is the Holy Door, only opened during jubilees.[10]
St Peter's, Bernini's colonnade and Maderno's fountain
The interior is of vast dimensions when compared with other churches.[6] One author wrote: Only gradually does it dawn upon us – as we watch people draw near to this or that monument, strangely they appear to shrink; they are, of course, dwarfed by the scale of everything in the building. This in its turn overwhelms us.[12]
The nave which leads to the central dome is in three bays, with piers supporting a barrel-vault, the highest of any church. The nave is framed by wide aisles which have a number of chapels off them. There are also chapels surrounding the dome. Moving around the basilica in a clockwise direction they are: The Baptistery, the Chapel of the Presentation of the Virgin, the larger Choir Chapel, the altar of the Transfiguration, the Clementine Chapel with the altar of Saint Gregory, the Sacristy Entrance, the Altar of the Lie, the left transept with altars to the Crucifixion of Saint Peter, Saint Joseph and Saint Thomas, the altar of the Sacred Heart, the Chapel of the Madonna of Column, the altar of Saint Peter and the Paralytic, the apse with the Chair of Saint Peter, the altar of Saint Peter raising Tabitha, the altar of St. Petronilla, the altar of the Archangel Michael, the altar of the Navicella, the right transept with altars of Saint Erasmus, Saints Processo and Martiniano, and Saint Wenceslas, the altar of St. Jerome, the altar of Saint ….
In jurul lumii cu STAFE - Italy - Rome
Roma, pe cat de romantica, pe atat de solicitanta. Am profitat de vremea frumoasa pe care am avut-o pe final de calatorie si ne-am plimbat pe stradutele mai putin circulate, dar si pe marile bulevarde. Am facut un tur al orasului in care am curpins o vizita la Colosseum, Forumul Roman si Biserica Sfantul Petru in lanturi.
Pe cont propriu am ales intr-o zi sa vedem Vaticanul, am admirat Castelul Sant’Angelo si am facut cateva fotografii la Fontana di Trevi si podurilor impresionante ce se desfasoara in partea de est a orasului. De asemena am ajuns si la Pantheon. Acest loc magnific se incadreaza cu brio la „cele mai frumoase orase ale lumii, asa ca va invitam sa vizitati cat de curand capitala de imperiu - Roma.
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Sceneries of Rome & Pisa, Italy
Colosseum, Foro Romano, Santa Maria in Cosmedin, Palatine Hill, L'Eglise Sancta Maria Franciscae, L'Arco di Costantino, Le Temple de Romulus, Tempio di Antonino e Faustina, Tempio di Vesta, L'Autel (ou Temple) des Vestales, Tempio dei Castori, Curia, Arco di Settimio Severo, Basilica Giulia, I Rostri, Arco di Settimio Severo, Piazza di Aracoeli, Piazza Venezia, Foro Traiano, Mercati di Traiano, Fontana di Trevi, Triton Fountain, Piazza Barberini, San Pietro, St Peter's Basilica, Via Dei Corridori, Castel Sant' Angelo, Ponte Vittorio Emanuele II, Piazza Navona, Bernini's Fountain of the Four River, The Leaning Tower, Pisa, The Duomo, The Baptistery