SASSARI - Cattedrale di San Nicola
La cattedrale di San Nicola è la chiesa principale della città di Sassari e si trova nel centro storico, in piazza del Duomo.
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Places to see in ( Sassari - Italy ) Cattedrale di San Nicola
Places to see in ( Sassari - Italy ) Cattedrale di San Nicola
Sassari Cathedral is the Roman Catholic cathedral of Sassari, Sardinia, Italy, and is dedicated to Saint Nicholas. It is the seat of the Archbishop of Sassari. It was built in the Romanesque style in the 12th century. The present building also includes Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque and Neoclassical elements. Construction was finished in the 18th century.
The Cathedral of San Nicola is the main church of the city of Sassari . It is located in the historic center, in Piazza del Duomo.
Commonly called duomo or Primaziale , the temple is the seat of the chair of the metropolitan archbishop of the archdiocese of Sassari . Consecrated to St. Nicholas of Mira , the cathedral is also a parish church of the city.
The existence of a church dedicated to St. Nicholas in Sassari dates back to the twelfth century , being mentioned in a monastic document, the Condaghe of St. Peter of Silki , but actually stands on a pre-existing early Christian building , the remains of which are visible below the current apse . This church was rebuilt in the thirteenth century in the Pisan Romanesque style .
The church of San Nicola remained the only parish church of Sassari until 1278 , when other parishes were established in the city. Between 1435 and 1518 the church was radically renovated in Gothic - Catalan style , following the transfer of the bishopric from Porto Torres to Sassari in 1441 , the year in which the parish church of San Nicola was raised to the rank of cathedral .
In the seventeenth century the first of the three bays of the temple was demolished , due to stability problems. Between the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries the current facade of the cathedral was built in Baroque style. The cathedral has a high bell tower , which rises on the left side, whose base, square-shaped, adorned with hanging arches , mullioned windows and mullioned windows , is almost all that remains of the ancient Romanesque church. Above, the bell tower is still raised with a slender octagonal tower with a dome, added in the eighteenth century.
After the portico, turned with a starry cruise , you enter the cathedral from the main portal. The interior is large, with a nave , divided into two spans with pointed arches , on which the vaults are set, cross- shaped delineated by ribs , erected in two phases between 1430 and 1505 in late Catalan Gothic style. On the side there are eight chapels, two per span, which can be accessed through round arches .
Beyond the second bay the transept is grafted , in the middle of which, above a wide quadrangular environment, rises the semi-spherical dome, of Renaissance taste, on four angular pendentives , set on corbels with above the emblems of the four evangelists, of which today only the eagle of San Giovanni remains . Along the dome's drum there are sixteen mullioned windows, of Gothic - Catalan taste, among which some are blind.
( Sassari - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Sassari . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Sassari - Italy
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Volare sul Duomo di Sassari - Sardegna (immagini aeree UAV di San Nicola)
La Cattedrale di San Nicola (Duomo di Sassari - Sardegna) ripresa in UAV.
Team Video System © 2011 Bruno Haver
La Cattedrale di San Nicola: il gioiello barocco della città
Un gioiello frutto del miglior stile barocco: statue, ornati, colonne e fregi. Il primo impatto con la facciata della Cattedrale di San Nicola è di vero e proprio stupore. Incastonata nel centro storico antico, vi si arriva percorrendo strette stradine ricche di fascino. E quando appare all’improvviso quasi si viene rapiti ad ammirare ciò che l’ingegno umano e l’arte possono creare di straordinario.
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Production by of C.M.L. Srl
san nicola il duomo di sassari
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...Sassari....San Nicola Duomo...wmv bellissimo Duomo di chiesa di San da me...!!!
Duomo di San Nicola a Sassari, Sardegna
A video about Sassari in northern Sardinia. It is the second largest town on the island, after Cagliari, having 130,000 inhabitants. Sassari is 1000 years old, more or less but the area where it is built is much, much older. I am videoing the Duomo in the old town; this has to be romanesque with a Spanish baroque facade built later. The day was very hot indeed.
Le campane di Sassari - Cattedrale di San Nicola
Le campane di Sassari - Cattedrale di San Nicola - suonata per la messa
Gruppo Folk San Nicola Sassari ballu a passu
ballu a passu...
gruppo folk san nicola sassari, cavalcata 2012
Festa S.Nicola / Corale ''Cappella Musicale del Duomo di Sassari''
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Sassari: Gruppo folk San Nicola di Sassari
Balletto eseguito presso il Centro Commerciale Auchan di Sassari.
Sassari - città di Sassari
Antica città regia ricca di storia e arte, punto di riferimento più importante del nord della Sardegna per le attività economiche e culturali che vi si concentrano, ha dato i natali a tanti personaggi di spicco della Repubblica italiana
Fontana di Rosello e piazza d’Italia sono i suoi simboli. Fondata nel Medioevo, Sassari è ricca di edifici signorili ed ecclesiastici di grande valore, protetta da una cornice di campi e oliveti. Nel centro spiccano la cattedrale di san Nicola di Bari e le chiese di santa Maria di Betlem e di sant’Apollinare, la più antica della città. Un concentrato di archeologia è il Museo Sanna. Mentre di interesse naturalistico è il parco di Monserrato, un’oasi verde in periferia.
La penultima domenica di maggio si svolge la Cavalcata Sarda, dove sfilano i costumi tradizionali davanti a decine di migliaia di visitatori. A Ferragosto si celebra la festa più sentita, la Discesa dei Candelieri, processione di monumentali ceri di legno portati a spalla lungo le vie per sciogliere il voto alla Vergine Assunta che, dice la leggenda, salvò la città dalla peste. Suggestivi sono anche i riti della Settimana Santa. A proposito di tradizione ecco i gusti della cucina: la favata e le ‘monzette’, lumachine cotte con la pastella.
La testimonianza più imponente della preistoria è il complesso pre-nuragico di monte d’Accoddi (2700 - 2400 a.C.), con un altare megalitico unico in Sardegna per forma, che ricorda i santuari della Mesopotamia. In zona visibili anche domus de Janas, menhir e altri nuraghi.
Rimarrai affascinato dalla costa del suo territorio. La distesa di sabbia di Platamona, nel golfo dell’Asinara, è storicamente la ‘spiaggia dei sassaresi’. Mentre sul versante occidentale, a nord di Capo Caccia, troverai gioielli dai colori abbaglianti: Porto Ferro, con sabbia fine, e Porto Palmas, con piccoli ciottoli candidi e levigati. Risalendo verso nord ecco l’Argentiera, suggestivo simbolo di archeologia mineraria, un tempo in auge, oggi rudere fantasma.
(Dal web)
Ancient royal city rich in history and art, the most important point of reference in the north of Sardinia for the economic and cultural activities that are concentrated there, it gave birth to many prominent figures of the Italian Republic
Rosello Fountain and Piazza d'Italia are its symbols. Founded in the Middle Ages, Sassari is rich in stately and ecclesiastical buildings of great value, protected by a frame of fields and olive groves. In the center stand the cathedral of San Nicola di Bari and the churches of Santa Maria di Betlem and of Sant'Apollinare, the oldest in the city. A concentrate of archeology is the Sanna Museum. While of naturalistic interest is the park of Monserrato, a green oasis in the suburbs.
The penultimate Sunday of May takes place the Cavalcata Sarda, where traditional costumes parade in front of tens of thousands of visitors. In mid-August we celebrate the most heartfelt feast, the Descent of the Candlesticks, a procession of monumental wooden candles carried on the shoulder along the streets to dissolve the vow to the Assumption of the Virgin who, according to legend, saved the city from the plague. The rites of the Holy Week are also evocative. Speaking of tradition here are the tastes of the kitchen: the favata and the 'monzette', snails cooked with batter.
The most impressive testimony of prehistory is the pre-nuragic complex of Monte d'Accoddi (2700 - 2400 BC), with a unique megalithic altar in Sardinia, which recalls the shrines of Mesopotamia. Also visible in the area are domus de Janas, menhirs and other nuraghi.
You will be fascinated by the coast of its territory. The expanse of sand of Platamona, in the Gulf of Asinara, is historically the 'beach of Sassari'. While on the western side, north of Capo Caccia, you will find jewels with dazzling colors: Porto Ferro, with fine sand, and Porto Palmas, with small white and polished pebbles. Going back to the north here is the Argentiera, a striking symbol of mining archeology, once in vogue, today a ghost ruin.
(Dal web)
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Apertura Porta Santa a Sassari
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L'ex cattedrale di San Nicola di Ottana
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cattedrale di san nicola
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