Central Botancal Garden Minsk - Ep 5 Сhapter 2 In Belarus
We had a very pleasant day in Botanical Garden which is more than 80 years old. With the size of 153 gectars or 0.6 square miles and more than 10,000 types of plants, it`s considered to be one of the largest Botanical Gardens in Europe. Under the canopy of his green undergrowth plants from all around the world you can find together - the American ash and Siberian larch, oak, Manchurian rare varieties of orchids. Here are some unusual exotic, and also typical plants for Belarus. The rose garden is open, with the exposition of Flowers of the world. In addition, there are special rooms for butterflies in a botanical garden. And in the near future the garden plans to move a few peacocks and pheasants.
It is a nice quiet place to walk around, feed the birds in a small Swan lake, sit on the bench and click pictures..
In 2007, the botanical garden has opened an exposition in greenhouse, which includes exotic plants that inhabit different climatic zones of the planet. Due to this this event, botanical garden is opened to visitors now and in the winter.
Lokomotiv Stadium, Minsk, Belarus
Belarus ready to settle its debt
Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko says Minsk will settle its half-billion dollar debt with the Russian gas giant Gazprom in the next few days. Meanwhile, the European Commission has called on both Russia and Belarus to ensure that supplies to Europe are not affected.
Offroad crazy sedan ride in Belarus
I planned business trip to Minsk. But we decided to combine business with pleasure and we went to the mini-tour.
We drive to Belarus on the part of Mogilev went to Minsk on the toll road. We look for a place to spend the night near the Blade on the lake, but have not found the place. That's where we went on the field, but in the end we were stopped by impassable strip plantations near the lake.
It was decided to go to Peter Lake. As it turned out, the decision was correct. Peter the Great Reservoir at 20-minute drive from Minsk. Second, around the forest, not a field that more pleasing to the eye + protection from the sun and wood.
When we wake up in the morning , we saw the sun and beautiful weather. We cooked a meat, baked potatoes, showered in the river, dressed up and went to Minsk.
In Minsk we had time to 6 o'clock in the evening, which we used to ride on the main street (Independence Avenue), visited all the main square, called in the National Belarusian Library, but, unfortunately, we got there in only Monday of the month (last ) when it is closed for maintenance work.
After we found city park, where we have the lunch and went to look for Minsk souvenirs.
After the business meeting we went to the store to purchase products and went back to Peter Lake, but in another place. It was not very easy, especially at the sedan, but we're made it.
The place was much more beautiful than the previous one, there was a good bottom and deep water, in contrast to the previous place.
In the morning we went home, but in another way - through Bobruisk and Gomel. By the way, we traveled on toll roads. When you enter the toll road, there is a huge sign, shout about it when we leave - too. But this is no posts, barriers, etc. Well, we drove on these roads, naively thinking that somewhere there will be some post with taking payment when a toll road is over, we have rejoiced, saying that that's what we have done, drove on the toll road for free! But in the end we have traffic police fined 400 euros. It turns out all fixed cameras and entered into the database. Each of toll road without payment - 100 euros. Be careful! This applies to cars from countries that are not part of the customs union and for trucks over 3.5 tonnes.
Auto awesome videos:
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cong dong nguoi viet don nam moi tai minsk 2012-2013
Путешествие в Мир гигантов (Экскурсия на БЕЛАЗ)
Привет, друзья!
В этом видео мы расскажем Вам о нашей недавней экскурсии на завод БЕЛАЗ, расскажем, что может увидеть любой из вас, поделимся впечатлениями и конечно-же дадим информацию об этих потрясающих машинах-гигантах и о заводе, где их выпускают. И ещё покажем уникальные кадры с карьеров, где БЕЛАЗЫ предстают во всей красе в работе...
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По музычке, использованы композиции:
Heartshaped 2 - Joachim Nilsson
Victory 3 - Marc Torch
Saw Me - Johnny Berglund
Take A Glance - Johnny Berglund
Еврейская генеалогия для начинающих от mitzvatemet.com Проект Jewishgen ч. 2
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