Austria- Vienna, Hallstatt, Salzburg
Doing an internship in Stuttgart Germany took a weekend trip to visit Austria.
Vienna- St. Stephen's Cathedral, Natural History Museum, Wombat's CITY HOSTEL VIENNA The Lounge
Hallstatt- Central Square Marktplatz
Salzburg- Pilgrimage Church Maria Plain, Schloss Hellbrunn & Trick Fountain Tour there, Mozartsteg
Hallstatt Austria Österreich
Hallstatt, Upper Austria is a lakeside village located at the south-western shore of the Hallstätter See in the austrian Salzkammergut region, southeast of Salzburg . The town lies on the national road linking Salzburg and Graz. Salt was a valuable resource, so the region was historically very wealthy. The village also gave its name to the early Iron Age Hallstatt Culture and is a World Heritage Site for Cultural Heritage. Hallstatt is a popular tourist attraction owing to its small-town appeal and can be toured on foot in ten minutes. The Hallstatt culture was the predominant Central European culture from the 8th to 6th centuries BC (European Early Iron Age), developing out of the Urnfield culture of the 12th century BC (Late Bronze Age) and followed in much of Central Europe by the La Tène culture.
By the 6th century BC, the Halstatt culture extended for some 1000 km, from the Champagne-Ardenne in the west, through the Upper Rhine and the upper Danube, as far as the Vienna Basin and the Danubian Lowland in the east, from the Main, Bohemia and the Little Carpathians in the north, to the Swiss plateau, the Salzkammergut and to Lower Styria. The culture is commonly linked to Proto-Celtic and Celtic populations in its western zone and with (pre-)Illyrians in its eastern zone. This secluded and utterly captivating landscape counts as one of the first places of human settlement due to the rich sources of natural salt, which have been mined for thousands of years. It is possible to tour the world's first known salt mine, located above downtown Hallstatt.
Hallstatt liegt im inneren Salzkammergut am Hallstätter See. Auf dem schmalen Uferstreifen zwischen den steil aufragenden Bergen drängen sich die Häuser dicht aneinander, sind teilweise sogar mit Pfählen in den See gebaut. Im Wesentlichen besteht der Ort aus einer Straße und dem kleinen Marktplatz. Die Ausdehnung beträgt von Nord nach Süd 9,1 km, von West nach Ost 13,2 km. Die Gesamtfläche beträgt 59,8 km², 34,8 % der Fläche sind bewaldet.
Flügelaltar Pfarrkirche Maria Himmelfahrt: Die 1505 fertig gestellte spätgotische Pfarrkirche Maria Himmelfahrt thront auf einem Felsen über den Dächern des Ortes. Der mächtige Turm ist der einzig erhaltene Teil einer Vorgängerkirche aus dem Jahr 1320. Die zweischiffige Hallenkirche beherbergt als kulturhistorisch bedeutendste Sehenswürdigkeit den Hallstätter Marienaltar, einen spätgotischen Wandelaltar aus Oberösterreich. Der Altar mit zwei Flügelpaaren entstand um 1515 in der Werkstatt des Gmundner Bildschnitzers Leonhard Astl.
Karner: An der Nordseite der Kirche steht im Friedhof der Karner mit dem kleinen Beinhaus, das ins 16. Jahrhundert datiert. Insgesamt 1500 Totenschädel sind auf den Knochen der Verstorbenen übereinander gestapelt. Nach etwa 20 bis 30 Jahren werden die Gebeine exhumiert, gebleicht und anschließend verziert: Auf der Stirn stehen über Geburts- und Sterbedatum meist der Name der Person, bemalt mit dunklen Kränzen aus Eichenlaub, Efeu oder Blumen. Das Beinhaus ist auf der Welt einzigartig, da dort die Gebeine ganzer Generationen vollständig aufbewahrt werden.
Museum Hallstatt Museum Hallstatt: Das Museum besitzt, neben dem Naturhistorischen Museum Wien, die zweite umfangreiche Sammlung von Fundstücken der Hallstattzeit in Österreich, die in einer modernen Präsentation gezeigt wird. Hallstattzeitliches Gräberfeld und Salzstollen: Zum hallstattzeitlichen Gräberfeld und dem Salzstollen - dem ältesten der Welt, führen ein Fußweg und die Salzbergbahn hinauf. 1282 bis 1284 ließ hier Herzog Albrecht I. von Österreich den Rudolfsturm errichten, der nach seinem Vater, Rudolf I., benannt wurde. Er diente im Salzkrieg gegen den salzburgischen Erzbischof Konrad IV. als Verteidigungsanlage und war seit 1313 bis in die Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts die Wohnung des jeweiligen Bergmeisters. Heute beherbergt der Turm eine ihrer herrlichen Aussicht wegen beliebte Gaststätte.
Hallstatt part 6 哈修塔特 - 午餐 day 9 - 29 ( Austria )
2011.04.22 ( Hallstatt ) 這充滿魅力的小鎮直到一個世紀前,人們只能通過划船或者馱畜到達這裡。1750年,祝融毀壞哈修塔特大部分建築,重建建築受到晚期巴洛克風格影響,哥德式建築圍攏著三角形集市,馬克廣場(Marktplatz)是小小的市中心。旁邊的天主教的聖瑪麗教堂,在大火中倖存,延續至今完好如初。
Австрия, Гальштат - зимняя Сказка | Austria, Hallstatt - winter's Tale
Число жителей этого австрийского городка – не более тысячи человек. Расположен он в окружении гор, буквально вытеснивших крохотный городок на берег озера, в труднодоступном месте, вдали от крупных магистралей. Однако, несмотря на все вышеперечисленное, трудности не пугают многочисленных туристов, которые круглый год приезжают в Гальштат.
Причин, по которым поток гостей в Гальштат (другой вариант названия – Хальштатт) не иссякает, а лишь увеличивается год от года, несколько. Первая, и самая наглядная – место это просто идиллическое. Живописные, словно игрушечные разноцветные домики, узкие улочки, величественные склоны горного массива Дахштайн, голубые воды Гальштатского озера, в которых отражается вся синева неба, белые лебеди на волнах и повсеместное ощущение духа времени – кажется, что история в Гальштате остановилась, предварительно запечатлев, как на полотнах старых мастеров, всю прелесть этого словно оторванного от реальности места.
Гуляя по улицам городка (а их всего две и прогулка займет не более десяти минут), не нужно искать достопримечательностей – они здесь буквально во всем. Центральная площадь Марктплац, башня Рудольфстурм 13 века, ряды аккуратных домиков в несколько ярусов, католическая церковь Святой Марии, датированная серединой 15 века, небольшая часовня Святого Михаила рядом с крошечным приходским кладбищем, в подвале которой находится местное костехранилище. Об этом последнем стоит сказать отдельно. Дело в том, что земли в Гальштате мало, и хоронить покойников особенно негде. В связи с таким дефицитом и появилась в конце 18 века традиция: спустя десять лет после смерти кости умерших людей доставали из земли, высушивали до цвета слоновой кости и укладывали в костницу, подобно тому, как это делали в чешском Седлеце или, например, в катакомбах Парижа. Некоторые черепа при этом расписывали всевозможными украшениями и рисовали даты жизни. Так освобождалось место для новых захоронений, а в Гальштате таким образом появился склеп, который сегодня стал отдельным магнитом для туристов.
Впрочем, многие гости городка предпочитают не спускаться в мрачный церковный подвал, а, наоборот, подниматься на склоны гор. Там находится главная причина процветания этих мест на протяжении многих столетий – соляные копи. К одной из шахт, куда устраивают экскурсии для всех желающих, ведет фуникулер. Соляные копи Гальштата – одни из самых древних в мире, им 3 тысячи лет.
Hallstatt Austria
Hallstatt is a little town of breathtaking views located between Salzburg and Graz.
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Germany Austria Late Winter Road Trip [100 Attractions] [4K]
A romantic road trip to Germany and Austria with my wife to experience the German culture. Together, we traveled to many amazing towns and other destinations over 2000km distance in the following sequence: Nuremberg, Wurzburg, Wertheim, Frankfurt, Heidelburg, Bad Wimpfen, Rothenburg, Dinkelsbuhl, Füssen, Neuschwanstein, Zugspitze, Innsbruck, Salzburg, Hallstatt and back to Munich.
Travel Period: 22 March 2019 - 2 April 2019 (Late Winter)
Video Contents:
- Kaiserburg Castle [00:48]
- Albrecht Dürer’s House [01:04]
- St. Sebaldus Church [01:13]
- Neef Confiserie Café [01:17]
- Alte Mainbrücke View (Old Main Bridge) [01:25]
- Aussichtspunkt Festung Marienberg [01:36]
- Residenz Palace [01:45]
- Fortess Marienberg [01:51]
- Müllerbäck Bakery [01:56]
- Wertheim Village Outlet Mall [02:03]
- Amorino Gelato Ice Cream [02:05]
- Euro-Skulptur (Night) [02:21]
- Altstadt [02:22]
- Römerberg [02:24]
- Historisches Museum [02:29]
- Eiserner Steg [02:30]
- Euro-Skulptur (Day) [02:47]
- Wewe Cafe (Breakfast) [02:48]
- Heidelberg Castle (Schloss Heidelberg) [02:58]
- Scheffelterrasse [03:03]
- Heidelberg Tun (Großes Fass) [03:13]
- Heidelberger Marktplatz [03:23]
- Thai Restaurant Phuket Inh. Tipakorn Tonparsong [03:30]
- Old Bridge Heidelberg (Alte Brücke Heidelberg) [03:37]
- Eis Roma (Ice Cream) [03:40]
::Bad Wimpfen
- Marktplatz [03:48]
::Rothenburg ob der Tauber
- Galgentor [03:54]
- Bäckerei-Konditorei-Café Walter Friedel e.K. (Breakfast) [03:56]
- Marktplatz [04:09]
- Plönlein [04:16]
- Spital Bastion [04:20]
- Gedeckte Brücke [04:21]
- Walk the Medieval Walls [04:22]
- The Little Christmas Shop [04:32]
- Gerlachschmiede [04:37]
- Zum Wilden Mann (Wilder Mann) (Lunch) [04:48]
- Münster St. Georg Dinkelsbühl [05:06]
- Marktplatz [05:15]
- Rothenburger Tor [05:17]
- Hotel Füssen (Parkhaus) [05:39]
- Resturant Pizzeria Il Pescatore [05:44]
- Hohenschwangau Castle [06:14]
- Neuschwanstein Castle [06:34]
- Seilbahn Zugspitze Talstation (Eibsee Cable Car)
- Eibsee Lake (Hiking to capture Zugspitze) [07:11]
- Zugspitzstraße [07:28]
- Mukkefuck (Lunch) [07:29]
- Colourful Houses [07:43]
- Old Town Square [07:47]
- Tomaselli Gelateria [07:51]
- The Golden Roof [07:54]
- Siegmundstor Tunnel [08:06]
- Restaurant Humboldt Stubn [08:10]
- Glüxfall - Café Bar [08:20]
- Museum der Moderne [08:32]
- Aussichtsplattform am Mönchsberg [08:40]
- Fortress Hohensalzburg [08:49]
- Festungsbahn Bergstation [09:01]
- Petersfriedhof [09:06]
- Balkan-Grill Walter [09:14]
- Mozart’s Birthplace [09:17]
- Mozartplatz [09:21]
- Salzburg Cathedral [09:23]
- Mirabell Palace and Gardens (Mirabellgarten) [09:33]
- Bärenwirt Restaurant (Dinner) [09:44]
- Wolfgangsee [09:53]
- Hallstätter See [10:05]
- Ofenfrische Schaumrollen [10:14]
- Martplatz [10:19]
- Karmez Kebap Cart (Lunch) [10:21]
- Aussichtspunkt Hallstatt [10:41]
- Hallstatt Skywalk Welterbeblick [10:46]
- World Heritage View Point [10:57]
- Road with Mountain View (towards Bad Aussee) [11:19]
- Obertraun Park [11:39]
::Other Small Towns
- Berchtesgaden View Point [11:56]
- *toot*ing Town [11:58]
- L`Antico Borgo Ristaurante Pizzeria (Lunch) [12:07]
- Ingolstadt Old Town [12:17]
- Weissbräuhaus zum Herrnbräu (Dinner) [12:20]
- DD Suites Serviced Apartments [12:41]
- Pablo Panini (Breakfast) [12:45]
- Mittersendling S-Bahn [12:51]
- Marienplatz [12:59]
- Wittelsbacher Gruft [13:29]
- Haxnbauer (Lunch) [13:36]
- Heiliggeistkirche [13:50]
- Victuals Market (Viktualienmarkt) [13:57]
- Feldherrnhalle [14:07]
- Hofgarten [14:09]
- Dianatempel [14:11]
- Cafe Sommer(Breakfast) [14:13]
- Nymphenburg Palace [14:22]
- Marstallmuseum [14:39]
- Deutsches Museum [14:49]
- Mini Hofbräuhaus im Englischen Garten [14:59]
- English Garden (Englischer Garten) [15:07]
- Eisbachwelle [15:22]
- Bräustüberl Weihenstephan (Dinner) [15:36]
- Trachtenvogl (Breakfast) [15:48]
- Chois Hotpot & Lounge [15:58]
- Paulaner Bräuhaus [16:03]
- Driving to Flughafen München [16:13]
(C) MeRv Studio Production 2019
Munich Central Square & Landmark Buildings Marienplatz In 4K
Munich Central Square & Landmark Buildings Marienplatz In 4K
Dudelsackpfeifer Bad Goisern im Salzkammergut
Flashmob. Die Black Smith Pipers Marktplatz Bad Goisern in Salzkammergut Österreich #servusgoisern #regional
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Places to see in ( Mannheim - Germany ) Marktplatz
Places to see in ( Mannheim - Germany ) Marktplatz
The Mannheim market square in the northern part of Mannheim's inner city (so-called Western Lower Town ), just west of the Kurpfalzstraße , is one of the oldest and most frequented squares in the city. It includes the entire square G 1. At the southern end is the baroque double building of the Old Town Hall (now a café) and the Catholic parish church of St. Sebastian , which is the oldest building in Mannheim. The square itself is dominated by Marktplatzbrunnen , the Elector Karl Theodordonated to the city in 1767. By the stop market place with the lines 1, 3, 4, 5 and 7 of the Rhine Neckar traffic GmbH (RNV) operated tram the place is directly connected to the public passenger traffic (ÖPNV).
The marketplace was soon after the city was founded in 1607 together with the first city hall. Since then, a food market has been held three days a week. After the destruction of the city in the Thirty Years' War and the Palatinate War of Succession , the site was maintained in each case. The construction of a new town hall and the parish church of St. Sebastian as a double building in the years after 1700 symbolizes the change from the Protestant to the Catholic denomination in the Palatinate under Elector Johann Wilhelm : Catholic Church and state authority resided under one roof. Above the portals is the dedicationJustitiae et Pietati (Justice and Piety). The marketplace lost its central position in the following years due to the city expansion to the south, the alignment of the castle and the grounds of Paradeplatz , but remained the center of public and political life. For example, it was also the place of jurisdiction where public executions took place. During the Baden Revolution in 1848/49 popular gatherings took place on the square with more than 6,000 participants; in the aftermath of the November Revolution, unrest broke out in 1919 due to higher prices. In 1933, the National Socialist book burning took place in the squareinstead of. After the end of the Second World War , tens of thousands of people from Mannheim demonstrated against the consequences of the currency reform, which were initially negatively perceived as price increases . In 1978/1979 an underground car park was built under the market square. Since the arrival of the first migrant workers in West Germany in the 1960s, the western lower city has become the preferred residential area of Turkish immigrants who created their own infrastructure.
The market square is today on the edge of a neighborhood characterized by restaurants, shops and facilities of all kinds, which is popularly referred to as Little Istanbul or Little Istanbul (especially the squares north and west of the square: G 1, H 1, G 2 and H 2). At the cafés and shops at the market, therefore, also a Turkish bakery, a Turkish butcher and several Turkish restaurants joined. These are now among the attractions for visitors of Mannheim and especially on the weekends Turkish come from all over southwest Germany and Alsaceto eat and shop here. The historic market square is one of the few inner-city areas in Germany that are heavily influenced by immigrant cultures. The marketplace is still a popular place for political demonstrations and rallies, celebrations, festivals and other events. On the eastern side of the square is, among other things, the former editorial building of Mannheimer Morgen , which was sold in 2003 and today houses a Lidl branch.
( Mannheim - Germany ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Mannheim . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Mannheim - Germany
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Places to see in ( Bremen - Germany ) Marktplatz
Places to see in ( Bremen - Germany ) Marktplatz
The Bremer Marktplatz is a square situated in the centre of the Hanseatic City of Bremen, Germany. One of the oldest public squares in the city, it covers an area of 3,484 m². It is no longer used as a market place except for the Christmas market and the annual Freimarkt Fair at the end of October.
At least parts of the market place had been in function since the age of Charlemagne. Its southern side originally was the bank of river Balge (river), a branch of the Weser and Bremen's first port. There was an easy access for boats, but this section of the bank was too low for permanent buildings. From late 12th to late 13th century, the area of the market place was levelled and plastered in several stages. Theories that before the construction of the Bremen Town Hall in 1405 to 1410 all or only most of the market activities took place near Liebfrauenkirche have been falsified by archeological findings. Meantime with the townhall, Roland Statue was erected on the market square. Some time later, a stone wall was built between the inner and the outer areas of the square. The inner space was used for the market. A rule was made which allowed only merchants whose vehicles could pass one of the seven openings in the wall to sell their products. The city council made this rule in order to ensure that there was sufficient space for pedestrians between the market stalls.
In the end of the 18th or beginning of the 19th century, the wall was removed and replaced by a circle of columns. At the same time, the market place lost its outstanding importance as a centre of trade and commerce even though it continued to be used as a market until mid 20th century. In 1836, the square was repaved with sandstone. Inside the circle of columns, darker stones depicted a wheel with 10 spokes. At centre of the wheel, reddish stones form a Hanseatic Cross. With a diameter of 4.8 m (16 ft), it commemorates the importance of the Hanseatic Legion during the Wars of Liberation (1813-1815). Between February and June 2002, the pavement was renewed without changing its historical layout.
The building ensemble which flanks the Marktplatz is considered one of the most beautiful in Germany. In July 2004, the part consisting of the Roland Statue and the Town Hall was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Sandstone and brick are uniformly used for the façades of the buildings.
The most magnificent building on the market square is certainly the town hall , in front of which the proud Roland testifies to the freedom of the city. Both belong to the UNESCO World Heritage. If you turn clockwise on the Hanseatic Cross at the Roland, you will see St. Peter's Cathedral, the citizenship and the Schütting. By the way , the Böttcherstraße can be reached directly along the Schütting by a narrow lane. After the office building follows the row of houses with beautiful gables on the west side.
( Bremen - Germany ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Bremen . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Bremen - Germany
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Площа Ринок у Познані. Цікаві місця Польщі. Old Market Square Tour, Poznań city, Poland
#poznan #poland #walkingtour
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Площа Старий Ринок - центральна площа міста Познань у Польщі. Площа знаходиться у історичній частині Познані - Старому місті і була заснована у 1253 році як головне місце для покупки та продажу товарів.
Серед цікавих об'єктів, які розташовані на території площі - відреставрована Познанська ратуша у стилі ренесанс, статуя Святого Яна Непомуцького, фонтани Нептуна, Марса, Прозерпіни, Аполлона; площу оточує ряд кольорових будиночків, в яких зараз функціонують як житлові помешкання, готелі, ресторани та ін. Поблизу площі розташована церква Parish Church of St. Stanislaus (Fara Church).
Під час Другої світової війни Старе місто разом з площею зазнала значних руйнувань. В результаті реконструкції багато будинків втратили свій первісний вигляд. Більшість будинків були відновлені в класичному стилі і стилі бароко, фасади деяких споруд виконані в готичному стилі.
Екскурсія у центрі Познані, що побачити і що варто відвідати в Познані, найкрасивіші міста Польщі, дивовижні місця світу, фото-екскурсія, цікаві місця Польщі, подорожі, екскурсії, відпочинок, відпустка, поїздки на вихідні.
Площадь Старый Рынок в Познани
Площадь Старый Рынок - центральная площадь города Познань в Польше. Площадь находится в исторической части Познани - Старом городе и была основана в 1253 году как главное место для покупки и продажи товаров.
Среди интересных объектов, расположенных на территории площади - отреставрированная Познанская ратуша в стиле ренессанс, статуя Святого Яна Непомуцкого, фонтаны Нептуна, Марса, Прозерпины, Аполлона; площадь окружает ряд цветных домиков, которые сейчас функционируют как жилые помещения, гостиницы, рестораны и др. Вблизи площади расположена церковь Parish Church of St. Stanislaus (Fara Church).
Во время Второй мировой войны Старый город вместе с площадью был сильно поврежден. В результате реконструкции многие здания потеряли свой первоначальный вид. Большинство домов были восстановлены в классическом стиле и стиле барокко, фасады некоторых сооружений выполнены в готическом стиле.
Экскурсия в центре Познани, что увидеть и что стоить посетить в Познани, самые красивые города Польши, удивительные места мира, фото-экскурсия, интересные места Польши, путешествия, экскурсии, отдых, отпуск, поездки на выходные.
Old Market Square in Poznan
Old Market Square is the central square of the city of Poznan in Poland. The square is located in the historical part of Poznan - the Old Town and was founded in 1253 as the main place for buying and selling goods.
Among the interesting objects located on the territory of the square are the restored Poznan Renaissance town hall, the statue of St. John of Nepomuk, the fountains of Neptune, Mars, Proserpine, Apollo; The square is surrounded by a number of colored houses, which now function as living quarters, hotels, restaurants, etc. The Parish Church of St. is located near the square. Stanislaus (Fara Church).
During World War II, the Old Town along with the square was badly damaged. As a result of the reconstruction, many buildings lost their original appearance. Most of the houses were restored in the classical and Baroque style, the facades of some structures are made in the Gothic style.
Excursion in the center of Poznan, what to see and what to visit in Poznan, the most beautiful cities in Poland, amazing places in the world, photo excursion, interesting places in Poland, travel, excursions, leisure, vacation, weekend trips.
Alter Marktplatz in Posen
Alter Marktplatz ist der zentrale Platz der Stadt Posen in Polen. Der Platz befindet sich im historischen Teil von Posen - der Altstadt und wurde 1253 als Hauptgeschäftsplatz für den Kauf und Verkauf von Waren gegründet.
Unter den interessanten Objekten, die sich auf dem Territorium des Platzes befinden, sind das restaurierte Rathaus aus der Posener Renaissance, die Statue des hl. Johannes von Nepomuk, die Brunnen von Neptun, Mars, Proserpine und Apollo; Der Platz ist von mehreren farbigen Häusern umgeben, die heute als Wohnräume, Hotels, Restaurants usw. dienen. In der Nähe des Platzes befindet sich die Pfarrkirche St. Stanislaus (Fara-Kirche).
Während des Zweiten Weltkriegs wurde die Altstadt zusammen mit dem Platz schwer beschädigt. Durch den Umbau haben viele Gebäude ihr ursprüngliches Aussehen verloren. Die meisten Häuser wurden im klassischen und barocken Stil restauriert, die Fassaden einiger Gebäude sind im gotischen Stil gehalten.
Ausflug in das Zentrum von Posen, was zu sehen und zu besuchen in Posen, die schönsten Städte in Polen, erstaunliche Orte in der Welt, Fotoexkursion, interessante Orte in Polen, Reisen, Ausflüge, Freizeit, Urlaub, Wochenendausflüge.
Heidelberg Shopping Center (December 02, 2012)
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A video of The Heidelberg Shopping Center just 7 months before it closed.
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AS SEEN ON TV - European White Christmas 2011
Have yourself a Merry Merry Christmas in a European village with Albatross Tours... Eggnog, Horse & Carriage and the famous Christmas markets are a few of the many memories you can experience this Christmas!
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Mainzer Marktplatz
Sunday market on the Mainz central square, with the magnificent dome filling up the background.