Places to see in ( Alba - Italy ) Centro Storico
Places to see in ( Alba - Italy ) Centro Storico
Alba is a town in Italy’s Piedmont region. It's known for its white truffles. The Alba Cathedral, rebuilt in Gothic style, has a bell tower with city views. Nearby, the Church of San Giovanni Battista contains artworks from the 14th century onward. The Federico Eusebio Museum houses artifacts from prehistoric to Roman times, plus a natural history section.
Alba is a great town--flat for a change, as it's situated in a valley , in contrast to the plethora of hill towns. Great piazzas, gorgeous churches, nice shopping, and of course lots of restaurants and gelaterias.
Wandering the shopping streets of Alba was probably one of our favorite experiences in Piedmont . Lovely Churches to visit and restaurants, wine, truffle and gelato stores to enjoy. So much to take in.
As one of the main pedestrian streets in Alba, everybody seems to end up walking down it. Lots of bars, cafe, restaurants, stores selling local products. spent most of our time in Alba here.
( Alba - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Alba . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Alba - Italy
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Pronti Partenza...Via - ALBA tartufi vini e nocciole #documentario
In questa puntata di Pronti Partenza ...Via viene presentata ALBA, seconda città della provincia di Cuneo, cuore delle Langhe: terra di vini e di sapori, di nocciole e tartufi.
Ogni anno la fiera internazionale del tartufo bianco d'Alba richiama miglia di visitatori in città e nei mesi di ottobre e novembre è possibile assistere a rievocazioni storiche, feste, esposizioni, mostre ed eventi.
La cittadina è di origine romana, sviluppatasi nel medioevo in case-forti e torri che le valsero l'appellativo di città delle cento torri, la maggior parte distrutte dalle lotte tra le famiglie rivali, dalle calamità naturali e dagli eventi bellici.
Attorno alla città storica, che ruota attorno a Piazza Risorgimento e alle due arterie Via Vittorio Emanuele II e Via Cavour, si sviluppò nel secolo scorso quasi una città nuova in concomitanza con la nascita dello stabilimento della Ferrero.
Una realizzazione di Fabrizio Vaghi e Paolo Vaghi
Testi, grafica, montaggio e regia di Fabrizio Vaghi
Una produzione Vaghi per il mondo
Sono intervenuti: Paola Farinetti (Assessore alla Cultura e Turismo della Città di Alba), Paolo Stacchini (Giudice di analasi sensoriale del tartufo bianco d'Alba) e Giovanni Sanino (cercatore di tartufi).
Tutti i diritti riservati, Vaghi per il mondo, novembre 2013 -
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Alba-Centro storico
Una giornata di sole sulle trri del centro storico, tra i portici del comune ed i palazzi...
La mattina di Alberto Cirio, candidato alla presidenza della Regione Piemonte per la coalizione di centrodestra: un caffè al circolo di Sinio, il paese della sua famiglia nelle Langhe, e una visita al cimitero dal papà accompagnato da sua mamma. Poi dopo la messa è andato a votare ad Alba, la città in cui vive, accompagnato da sua moglie Sara, nel seggio Centro Storico del Cortile della Maddalena.
ANDRIA | Rifiuti sparsi in Piazza Duomo, l’alba infelice del centro storico di Andria
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Torna protagonista l’inciviltà anche se sono pochi i bidoni porta rifiuti stradali
Places to see in ( Alba - Italy )
Places to see in ( Alba - Italy )
Alba is a town in Italy’s Piedmont region. It's known for its white truffles. The Alba Cathedral, rebuilt in Gothic style, has a bell tower with city views. Nearby, the Church of San Giovanni Battista contains artworks from the 14th century onward. The Federico Eusebio Museum houses artifacts from prehistoric to Roman times, plus a natural history section.
A once-powerful city-state – its centre sported more than 100 towers – Alba is considered the capital of the Langhe and has big-city confidence and energy while retaining all the grace and warmth of a small rural town. Alba's considerable gastronomic reputation comes courtesy of its white truffles, dark chocolate and wine. Its annual autumn truffle fair draws huge crowds and the odd truffle-mad celebrity (Jay Z, we're looking at you). The vendemmia (grape harvest) remains refreshingly local and low key, if ecstatic in its own way. The vine-striped Langhe Hills radiate out from the town like a giant undulating vegetable garden, replete with grapes, hazelnut groves and wineries. Exploring Alba's fertile larder on foot or with two wheels is a delicious pleasure.
Alba's origins date from before the Roman civilization, connected probably to the presence of Celtic and Ligurian tribes in the area. The modern town occupies the site of ancient Alba Pompeia, the name given after being officially recognized as a town by the Roman consul Gnaeus Pompeius Strabo while constructing a road from Aquae Statiellae (Acqui) to Augusta Taurinorum (Turin). Alba was the birthplace of Publius Helvius Pertinax, briefly Roman emperor in 193.
Of the Roman city, which had a polygonal form, parts of the fortified gate and remains of some edifices with marble and mosaics can still be seen.
Other attractions include:
The Palazzo Comunale (13th century, housing a Nativity by Macrino d'Alba of 1501) and the Bishop's Palace.
Some towers of the 14th and 15th centuries: Alba was once known as the City with hundred towers.
the Romanesque Alba Cathedral of San Lorenzo (Duomo), built in the 12th century, probably over holy edifices of Roman age. It was restructured in the 15th century, by bishop Andrea Novelli, and again in the following centuries. The current appearance is from the controversial restoration of the 19th century, of which the three portals and the crypt are from the original edifice. The church is well known for its wood-carved chorus made in 1512 by Bernardino Fossati. The current belfry, from the 12th century, includes entirely the original bell tower.
The Gothic church of San Domenico (13th through 14th centuries), the most artistically relevant church in town. It has a noteworthy portal with a triple arch within a pointed arch, a polygonal apse and traces of Renaissance frescoes. During the Napoleonic Wars it was used a stable, and was reconsecrated on 22 June 1827.
The Baroque church of St. John the Baptist, housing a Madonna of the Graces (1377) by Barnaba da Modena and a Madonna with Saints (1508) by Macrino d'Alba.
The city museums include the F. Eusebio Municipal Museum of Archaeology and Natural Science.
Alba won a Gold Medal for Military Valour for the heroic activity of its citizens in the Italian resistance movement during the course of World War II. On 10 October 1944, the town was liberated by partisans who established a Republic of Alba which for a few weeks was able to maintain its independence from the Fascist Republic of Salò. The republic lasted to 2 November 1944, when Republic of Salo retook it. It was finally liberated by French troops on 2 May 1945.
( Alba - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Alba . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Alba - Italy
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Città di Alba
Alba, la città dalle cento torri, offre numerosi spunti per una piacevole visita nel cuore delle Langhe, a partire da uno shopping enogastronomico di altissimo livello. Alle attrattive golose, vino e tartufo in testa, si aggiungono quelle storiche ed artistiche risalenti soprattutto all'epoca romana e medievale.
Dell'antica Alba Pompeia rimangono alcune testimonianze situate in vari siti del centro storico. Alba però mantiene in prevalenza un aspetto medievale, connotato dalle numerose torri e dalle antiche caseforti presenti nelle vie principali del centro. Delle leggendarie cento torri ne sono rimaste una ventina, di cui alcune incorporate nei palazzi, altre abbassate a livello dei tetti.
Piazza Duomo è il fulcro della vita religiosa e sociale albese. Qui si svolgono le più importanti manifestazioni legate alla tradizione e al folclore della città. Via Vittorio Emanuele è la Via Maestra di Alba, il luogo della passeggiata pomeridiana e dello shopping, dove edifici in stile medievale, rinascimentale e liberty ospitano le vetrine di eleganti negozi e raffinate botteghe.
Dal 1929 la città di Alba ospita la Fiera Internazionale del Tartufo un appuntamento importante per celebrare e assaggiare, vendere e comprare, il famoso e prezioso Tuber Magnatum Pico.
La manifestazione, che termina con l'Asta Mondiale del Tartufo, si rinnova ogni anno con molte novità, conservando allo stesso tempo una tradizione che vede ormai da anni lo svolgersi del famoso Palio degli Asini, la suggestiva rievocazione medievale del centro storico Il Baccanale del Tartufo e le coloratissime sfilate degli sbandieratori di ogni borgo lungo le vie principali della città.
Walk Around the Wine Town of La Morra, Langhe, Alba, Italy. The Homeland of Great Wines
A Walk Around the Wine Town of La Morra, Alba, Cuneo, Italy.
This is the homeland and town of origin of the great Barolo and Nebbiolo wines.
It is located in the Piemonte (Piedmont) region of Northern Italy
Introduction to town of Alba, Italy
Fans of chocolate and wine will want to consider placing the town of Alba on their list of travel destinations. With many sweet delights to offer, it is also the home of world famous chocolate maker Ferrero.
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Places to see in ( Alba - Italy )
Places to see in ( Alba - Italy )
Alba is a town and comune of Piedmont, Italy, in the province of Cuneo. It is considered the capital of the UNESCO Human Heritage hilly area of Langhe, and is famous for its white truffle, peach
The Langhe is a hilly area to the south and east of the river Tanaro in the province of Cuneo in Piedmont, northern Italy. It is famous for its cheeses, and truffles—particularly the white truffles of Alba. On 22 June 2014, Langhe was inscribed on UNESCO World Heritage list for its cultural landscapes.
Alot to see in ( Alba - Italy ) such as :
Of the Roman city, which had a polygonal form, parts of the fortified gate and remains of some edifices with marble and mosaics can still be seen.
The Palazzo Comunale (13th century, housing a Nativity by Macrino d'Alba of 1501) and the Bishop's Palace.
Some towers of the 14th and 15th centuries: Alba was once known as the City with hundred towers.
the Romanesque Alba Cathedral of San Lorenzo (Duomo), built in the 12th century, probably over holy edifices of Roman age. It was restructured in the 15th century, by bishop Andrea Novelli, and again in the following centuries. The current appearance is from the controversial restoration of the 19th century, of which the three portals and the crypt are from the original edifice. The church is well known for its wood-carved chorus made in 1512 by Bernardino Fossati. The current belfry, from the 12th century, includes entirely the original bell tower.
The Gothic church of San Domenico (13th through 14th centuries), the most artistically relevant church in town. It has a noteworthy portal with a triple arch within a pointed arch, a polygonal apse and traces of Renaissance frescoes. During the Napoleonic Wars it was used a stable, and was reconsecrated on 22 June 1827.
The Baroque church of St. John the Baptist, housing a Madonna of the Graces (1377) by Barnaba da Modena and a Madonna with Saints (1508) by Macrino d'Alba.
The city museums include the F. Eusebio Municipal Museum of Archaeology and Natural Science.
( Alba - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting the city of Alba. Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Alba - Italy
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