Trip to the Museum of Ceramics in Kaunas
Sugihara house museum Kovno Kaunis Lithuania
Sugihara museum, Kovno, Kaunis, Lithuania
Town Hall, Kaunas
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The Town Hall of Kaunas stands in the middle of the Town Hall Square at the heart of the Old Town, Kaunas, Lithuania.The structure dates from the 16th century.It houses a Museum of Ceramics.
About the author(s): Diliff
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Author(s): Diliff (
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Vilnius, City Walk - Lithuania 4K Travel Channel
The starting point for our city walk is the Cathedral of St. Stanislaus. This time take a look inside, where a Holy Mass just takes place
From the cathedral, we continue to the funicular tramway which brings us to the Gediminas mountain. We pass the National Museum of Lithuania, in front of which stands a monument to the Grand Duke Mindaugas. He is regarded as the founder of Lithuania and even received the royal crown at the instigation of Pope Innocent IV, in 1253. He was murdered in 1263 because he had lost the support of the population.
From the top of Gediminas Mountain, we have a wonderful panoramic view over Vilnius. Countless churches determine the cityscape. The steepness of the flanks of the mountain gives a sense of how difficult it was for attackers to take over the fortress. Gediminas' Tower on the mountain now houses a museum and is the landmark of Vilnius.
Back at the foot of the mountain we go back to the cathedral and pass the castle. From there we turn into Pilies gatve. It is the main shopping street and the tourist center of Vilnius.
Along the street you find plenty of restaurants and shops. Approximately in the middle of the road, the Literary Street branches off to the left.
Innumerable bookstores and antiquarians lined the narrow lane once. The Lithuanian writer Adam Mickiewicz also lived here temporarily.
Egle Vertelkaite, the curator of the Modern Art Center, launched the project Literatų Street in 2009. About 150 artists pay homage to writers and poets who influenced Lithuanian literature. Therefore they created on the house walls about 200 tiles and plaques made of different materials, such as ceramics, wood, or glass. Also some unknown literati are immortalized here.
The road ends at the Cathedral of the Theotokos in the Maironio gatve.
From here it is only a few steps to Uzupio gatve. The bridge over the Vilnia leads to Uzupis, one of the oldest districts of Vilnius. After Lithuania's independence, it became more and more of a bohemian district. In 1997, the artists proclaimed the independent Republic of Uzupis.
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Ausgangspunkt für unseren Stadtspaziergang in Vilnius ist die Kathedrale St. Stanislaus. Diesmal werfen einen Blick hinein, wo gerade eine Messe stattfindet.
Von der Kathedrale gehen wir weiter zur Schrägseilbahn die uns auf den Gediminas-Berg bringt. Dabei passieren wir das Nationalmuseum von Litauen, vor dem ein Denkmal des Großfürsten Mindaugas steht. Er gilt als Gründer Litauens und erhielt auf Veranlassung von Papst Innozenz IV im Jahre 1253 sogar die Königskrone. 1263 wurde er ermordet, da er den Rückhalt in der Bevölkerung verloren hatte.
Oben auf dem Gediminas-Berg angekommen, bietet sich uns ein herrlicher Panoramablick über Vilnius. Unzählige Kirchen bestimmen das Stadtbild. Die Steilheit der Flanken des Berges vermittelt ein Gefühl wie schwer es Angreifer hatten, die Festung einzunehmen. Der Gediminas-Turm auf dem Berg beinhaltet heute ein Museum und ist das Wahrzeichen von Vilnius.
Zurück am Fuß des Berges gehen wir zurück zur Kathedrale und passieren das Schloss. Von dort biegen wir in die Pilies gatve ein. Sie ist die Haupteinkaufstrasse und das touristische Zentrum von Vilnius.
Zahlreiche Restaurants und Geschäfte säumen die Straße. Ungefähr in der Mitte des Verlaufs zweigt die Literatenstraße links ab.
Einst reihten sich in der schmalen Gasse unzählige Buchhandlungen und Antiquariate. Aber auch der litauische Schriftsteller Adam Mickiewicz lebte zeitweise hier.
Egle Vertelkaite, Kuratorin des Modern Art Center startete 2009 das Projekt Literatų Straße. Etwa 150 Künstler erinnern an bedeutende litauische Schriftsteller und Dichter. Hierzu schufen sie an den Hauswänden ca. 200 Kacheln und Gedenktafeln aus verschiedenen Materialien, wie Keramik, Holz, oder Glas. Auch einige unbekannte Literaten sind hier verewigt.
Die Straße mündet bei der Kathedrale der Himmelfahrt der Gottesmutter in die Maironio gatve.
Von hier aus sind es nur wenige Schritte zur Uzupio gatve. Die Brücke über die Vilnia führt nach Uzupis, einem der ältesten Viertel von Vilnius. Nach der Unabhängigkeit Litauens entwickelte es sich mehr und mehr zum Künstlerviertel. 1997 wurde Uzupis von den Künstlern zu unabhängigen Republik Uzupis erklärt.
weitere Infos im Reisevideoblog:
Museum of Lithuania in Rumsiskes
Propeller - worker: People's invention inThe Open Air Museum of Lithuania in Rumšiškės - 07-07-20
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【K】Lithuania Travel-Trakai[리투아니아 여행-트라카이]600년 전 세워진 트라카이 성/Trakai Island Castle/Lake Galve
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잔잔한 호수 위 나무를 덮고 잠든 듯한 성, 육백 년 전 세워진 트라카이 성은 중세 리투아니아의 통치자였던 대공이 거주하던 곳이다. 갈베 호수 위 세 개의 섬이 성을 품고 있고 3백 미터의 나무 다리는 성과 육지를 연결한다. 당시엔 호수의 수위가 지금보다 2미터 높았기 때문에 이런 통로는 모두 물에 잠겨 있었고 차가운 호수와 두터운 성벽에 둘러싸인 성은 좀처럼 침입하기 어려운 곳이었다. “이 요새는 십자군에 맞서 싸우기 위해 지은 거예요. 당시 십자군, 독일 기사단이 기독교 신앙을 전파한다는 핑계로 리투아니아를 자주 공격했거든요. 하지만 십자군이 이 성 안으로 들어간 적은 한 번도 없어요. 15세기에 이 성은 정말 튼튼한 성이었거든요. 동유럽에서 가장 견고한 요새 중의 하나였죠” 대공의 왕좌가 놓여 있는 가장 중요한 방에는 잘기리스 전투를 기념하는 그림이 걸려 있다. 리투아니아와 폴란드가 연합해 독일 십자군을 무찔렀던 중세의 자랑스러운 기억. 그런가하면 대공 부인의 침실에는 독일 십자군의 수호성인인 성모 마리아의 그림이 걸려 있다. 유럽의 마지막 이교도 국가가 가톨릭이 되던 혼돈의 시간이 담긴 호수. “뭐가 마음에 들어요?” “자연이요” “아름다워요?” “성이 마음에 드니? 산책하기 좋고, 아름다운 자연도 있죠. 사람들이 없을 때 오면 역사 속의 분위기를 느낄 수 있어서 더 좋아요” “10년, 20년을 살아도 늘 생각나고 되돌아가고 싶은 곳이 트라카이예요. 유난히 깨끗한 호수, 유난히 아름다운 분위기가 있죠. 가장 유명한 공작, 가장 유명한 백작, 많은 지식인들과 착하고 정직한 사람들이 트라카이에 살았던 건 우연이 아니었어요”
[English: Google Translator]
The sleepy castle on the calm lakes, the castle of Trakai built 600 years ago, was the site of the Grand Duchy, the ruler of medieval Lithuania. Three islands above the Galle Lake bear the castle and a 300-foot wooden bridge connects the castle and the land. At that time, the water level of the lake was two meters higher than it is now, so all of these aisles were submerged, and the castle surrounded by cold lakes and thick walls was hardly invaded. This fort was built to fight against the Crusades. At that time, the Crusaders, the Knights of Germany, frequently attacked Lithuania as an excuse to spread Christian faith. But the crusaders have never entered this castle. In the 15th century this castle was a very strong castle. It was one of the strongest fortresses in Eastern Europe. The most important room where the throne of the Grand Prix is located is a picture commemorating the Battle of Chagrin. The medieval proud memory of Lithuania and Poland allied to defeat the German crusade. On the other hand, a picture of the Virgin Mary, the patron saint of the German crusade, is hanging in the bedroom of Mrs. The last pagan nation in Europe was a Catholic lake with chaotic time. What do you like? Nature Is it beautiful? Do you like your surname? It is nice to walk, and there is beautiful nature. It's better to be able to feel the atmosphere in history when people do not exist. Ten years, twenty years, I always remember where I want to go back. There is an exceptionally clean lake, an exceptionally beautiful atmosphere. It was no coincidence that the most famous peacocks, the most famous Count, the many intellectuals, and the good and honest people lived in Trakai
[Lithuania: Google Translator]
Mėlyna ramiųjų ežerų pilis, Trakų pilis, pastatyta prieš 600 metų, buvo Didžiosios kunigaikštystės, viduramžių Lietuvos valdovo vieta. Trijų salų virš Galle ežero yra pilis ir 300 pėdų medinis tiltas jungia pilį ir žemę. Tuo metu ežero lygis buvo dviem metrais aukštesnis nei dabar, taigi visi šie praėjimai buvo panardinti, o pilis, apsupta šaltuoju ežeru ir storomis sienomis, vargu ar buvo įsiveržta. Šis fortas buvo pastatytas kovai su Kryžiaus žygiais. Tuo metu krikščionys, Vokietijos herojai, dažnai puolė Lietuvą kaip pasisekimą išpranašauti krikščioniškąjį tikėjimą. Tačiau kryžiuočiai niekada neįėjo į šią pilį. XV a. Ši pilis buvo labai stipri pilis. Tai buvo vienas iš stipriausių Rytų Europos tvirtovių. Svarbiausias kambarys, kuriame yra Grand Prix sostas, yra paveikslas, primenantis Chagrin mūšį. Viduramžiais didžiuojasi Lietuvos ir Lenkijos atmintis, susijusi su vokiečių kryžiaus kariuomenės nugalėjimu. Kita vertus, Mergelės Marijos, Vokietijos kryžiaus kariuomenės globėjo, paveikslėlis kabo Mrs. Paskutinė pagonių tauta Europoje buvo chaotiškas laikas katalikiškam ežerui. Ką jums patinka? Gamta Ar tai grazus? Ar jums patiko tavo pavardė? Malonu vaikščioti, ir yra graži gamta. Geriau jausti atmosferą istorijoje, kai žmonės neegzistuoja. Dešimt metų, dvidešimt metų aš visada prisimenu, kur noriu sugrįžti. Yra išskirtinai švarus ežeras, išskirtinai gražus atmosfera. Neatsitiktinai Trakuose gyveno garsiausi povai, garsiausias Grafas, daugelis intelektualų, geri ir sąžiningi žmonės
■클립명: 유럽109-에스토니아03-15 600년 전 세워진 트라카이 성
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 김가람 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2018년 6월June
호수,lake,volcanic, crater, caldera, mountain,섬,island,cliff,성/궁전,palace,유럽Europe리투아니아LithuaniaLietuva김가람20186월빌뉴스 주VilniusVilniaus apskritisJune걸어서 세계속으로
Geriausias 2019 metų kūrinys | The Best Artwork of 2019
Nuo sausio 18 d., šeštadienio, Kauno paveikslų galerijoje lankytojus kviečia viena populiariausių ir daug žiūrovų dėmesio sulaukianti paroda „Geriausias metų kūrinys“.
Nuo 1999 m. rengiamoje parodoje meno kūrėjai ir visuomenė turi galimybę išrinkti geriausią praėjusių metų kūrinį.
Parodoje „Geriausias 2019 metų kūrinys“ eksponuojami 93 autorių darbai. Savo kūrinius pristato įvairaus amžiaus menininkai: nuo jauniausių, ką tik baigusių studijas, iki vyriausios – senjorų – kartos. Ekspozicijoje vyrauja tapyba, tačiau yra ir skulptūros, keramikos, tekstilės bei grafikos darbų. Kūriniuose atsispindi menininkų požiūris ir reakcijos į vyraujančias visuomenės nuotaikas bei aktualijas.
Balsuoti už labiausiai patikusį kūrinį lankytojai gali iki vasario 15 d. 17 val. Taip pat kviečiame ir visuomenines organizacijas, kultūros (ir ne tik) įstaigas rinkti ir apdovanoti jiems patikusių kūrinių autorius. Laureatų paskelbimas ir apdovanojimas vyks vasario 16-ąją, Lietuvos valstybės atkūrimo dieną.
Parodos metu vyksta edukacijos bei ekskursijos moksleiviams, studentams, suaugusiesiems bei senjorams. Kartu su tapytoja Egle Velaniškyte ne tik analizuosite, gėrėsitės, vertinsite bei aptarinėsite dailininkų kūrybą, bet ir balsuosite už labiausiai patikusį darbą bei kursite įspūdžių iš parodos piramidę.
Į užsiėmimus būtina išankstinė registracija tel. 8 675 13 161
Edukacijos kaina: 5 Eur (suaugusiesiems); 3 Eur (mokiniams, senjorams)
Ekskursijos kaina: 5 Eur (suaugusiesiems); 2,5 Eur (senjorams, studentams ir mokiniams)
“The Best Artwork of the Year” – one of the most popular and highly praised exhibitions since 1999 invites visitors to the annual show at Kaunas Picture Gallery.
Artists and the public have the opportunity to choose the best artwork of the past year.
The exhibition “The Best Artwork of 2019” presents the creation of 93 authors of various age – from recent graduates to seniors. The display is dominated by painting, although there are sculptures, items of ceramics, textile and graphic art, as well. As usual, the works reflect the artists’ point of view and reactions to the prevailing moods and current issues of the society.
Visitors can vote for the most favourite piece of art until 15 February, 5 p.m.
The winners will be announced and awarded on 16 February, the Day of the Restoration of the State of Lithuania.
Street art galleries around the world - A Vloggi playlist
From the quiet backstreets of England to the sea wall in Bondi and a San Francisco open air gallery, this playlist captures some of the best street art captured by users of the Vloggi video blogging app.
Less graffiti, more murals and more.
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Kaunas | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:01:40 1 Etymology
00:02:26 2 Folk history
00:03:12 3 Coat of arms
00:04:40 4 History
00:04:49 4.1 Early history
00:05:25 4.2 Grand Duchy of Lithuania
00:07:26 4.3 Russian Empire
00:10:00 4.4 Interwar Lithuania
00:18:59 4.5 Soviet occupation and the June Uprising
00:24:48 4.6 Nazi occupation
00:26:33 4.7 Jewish community of Kaunas
00:29:38 4.8 Soviet administration
00:32:43 4.9 Restored independence
00:34:44 5 Geography
00:35:09 5.1 Administrative divisions
00:35:21 6 Climate
00:36:44 7 Religion
00:37:37 8 Culture
00:40:03 8.1 Museums
00:42:01 8.2 Theaters
00:43:04 9 Parks, Leisure, and Cemeteries
00:44:40 10 Economy
00:49:39 11 Demographics
00:51:46 12 Municipality council
00:52:17 12.1 Mayors
00:54:00 13 Transportation
00:54:09 13.1 Airports
00:55:07 13.2 Highways
00:55:53 13.3 Bridges
00:57:06 13.4 Railways
00:58:00 13.5 Hydrofoil
00:58:24 13.6 Public transportation
00:59:48 14 Sports
01:02:25 15 Education
01:04:26 16 Annual events
01:05:27 17 Notable residents
01:05:36 18 Twin towns – sister cities
01:05:49 19 Honours
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Kaunas (; Lithuanian: [ˈkɐʊˑnɐs] (listen); also see other names) is the second-largest city in Lithuania and the historical centre of Lithuanian economic, academic, and cultural life. Kaunas was the biggest city and the centre of a county in Trakai Municipality of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania since 1413. In the Russian Empire, it was the capital of the Kaunas Governorate from 1843 to 1915.
During the interwar period, it served as the temporary capital of Lithuania, when Vilnius, the traditional capital, was considered part of Poland between 1920 and 1939. During that period Kaunas was nicknamed the Little Paris because of its rich cultural and academic life, fashion, construction of countless Art Deco and Lithuanian National Romanticism architectural-style buildings as well as popular furniture, the interior design of the time, and a widespread café culture. The city interwar architecture is regarded as among the finest examples of European Art Deco and has received the European Heritage Label. It contributed to Kaunas being named as the first city in Central and Eastern Europe to be designated as a UNESCO City of Design. Kaunas has been selected as the European Capital of Culture for 2022, together with Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg.The city is the capital of Kaunas County, and the seat of the Kaunas city municipality and the Kaunas District Municipality. It is also the seat of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Kaunas. Kaunas is located at the confluence of the two largest Lithuanian rivers, the Nemunas and the Neris, and is near the Kaunas Reservoir, the largest body of water in the whole of Lithuania.
W140 Showdown II
The second photo shoot featuring Haku`s Black Mercedes S320 W140 and S666, which is my White Mercedes S320 W140.
The first Showdown was filmed in a multi-level parking building at night, so this one was taken in the middle of the day outside to give the cars alternative lighting.
The project took two days - One day to cut and polish the vehicles and another to shoot them. Hello to the Benzworld forum W140 crew.
#kaunasbiennial2017 | Paulina Pukytė
/Please scroll down for English/
42 sekundes žiūrėkite į skaičių, tada pažiūrėkite į sieną.
Ant Laisvės al. 29-ojo namo fasado Kaune atidengtas paminklas, skirtas Jano Zwartendijko atminimui įamžinti. Janas Zwartendijkas, Nyderlandų Karalystės garbės konsulas, dirbo šiame name 1940 metais. Tų metų vasarą nuo nacių bėgantiems žydams jis išdavė 2345 „vizas“, leidusias jiems vykti į Olandijai priklausančią Kurasao salą Karibų jūroje, taip išgelbėdamas juos ir jų šeimas nuo žūties nacių rankose. Tik gavę tokį Nyderlandų Karalystės patvirtinimą, žydai ėjo pas šiandien jau plačiai žinomą Japonijos konsulą Čijūnę Sugiharą tranzitinių „gyvybės vizų“.
Neįprasta, kad šio paminklo neįmanoma nufotografuoti. Jo nepamatyti galima tik atėjus prie Laisvės al. 29-ojo namo ir atsistojus tiesiai priešais jį. Paminklinis kūrinys Pasaulio Tautų Teisuoliui Zwartendijkui ant 29-ojo namo fasado liks visam laikui kaip atmetimas: 2003 m. šio namo savininkas nesutiko, kad čia būtų pakabinta atminimo lentelė žydų gelbėtojui, todėl ji kabo ant 42-ojo Laisvės alėjos namo.
Look at the number for 42 seconds and then look at the wall.
A memorial to Jan Zwartendijk has been unveiled on the façade of 29 Laisvės Avenue, Kaunas, Lithuania. Jan Zwartendijk, Acting Dutch Consul in Kaunas in 1940, worked in this building. In July of 1940 he issued 2,345 permits for persecuted Jews and their families to travel to Curacao, Dutch island in the Caribbean, thus saving their lives from the Nazis. The memorial is unusual in that it declines to be photographed. It is only possible to not see it if you come and stand directly in front of No. 29 Laisvės Avenue.
The memorial to the Righteous Among The Nations Jan Zwartendijk will remain on the façade of No. 29 forever as a refusal: in 2003 the owner of the building rejected the Kaunas Municipality’s request to place a commemorative plaque to the saviour of Jews, therefore the plaque had to be placed on 42 Laisvės Avenue instead.
#kaunobienale2017 #YRAirNERA #kaunasbiennial2017 #THEREandnotTHERE
На один день в Каунас
Поездка на один день в Каунас из Вильнюса в январе 2019 года. Прогулка по основным достопримечательностям зимнего Каунаса.
В видео:
00:38 — Поезд Вильнюс–Каунас
03:39 — Прогулка по центру Каунаса
07:40 — Места, которые стоило посетить
Ссылки из видео:
— официальный туристический портал Каунаса
— литовские железные дороги
— билеты на поезда Литвы
— билеты на междугородные и международные автобусы Литвы
— общественный транспорт Каунаса, официальный сайт перевозчика
— расписание и планировщик маршрутов по Каунасу
— приложение Avenue, с расписанием транспорта Минска, Вильнюса и Каунаса
— Базилика Воскресения Христа
— военный музей имени Витовта Великого
— музей Чюрлёниса, музей чертей
— музей девятого форта
— ресторан Berneliu Uzeiga
Centre Grau-Garriga d'Art Tèxtil Contemporani
Sant Cugat obre el Centre Grau-Garriga d'Art Tèxtil Contemporani a Can Quitèria
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Podcast Traveling - Путешествия:
Litvak Art in Private Lithuanian Collections (360 Degree Video)
MY BOOKMARKS COLLECTION. Lithuanian, Advertisement, Handmade Bookmarks and Gifts. Part 1
MY BOOKMARKS COLLECTION. Lithuanian, Advertisement, Handmade Bookmarks and Gifts. Part 1
Over the years I collected over 100 different bookmarks. This is part 1 showing you my collection. In this video you will see Lithuanian bookmarks, advertisement bookmarks, random bookmarks and bookmarks which I received as gifts.
#collection #bookmarkcollection
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Tallinn Summer Academy of Art, Design and Architecture
The Open Academy of the Estonian Academy of Arts (EAA) is very excited to launch our first international summer school — the 2017 Tallinn Summer Academy of Art, Design and Architecture – Edge/Blurring Boundaries! The programme will offer courses in various visual culture research and artistic disciplines, focusing on innovative, solution-seeking, salient topics: cooperation between the natural environment and humans in nature, mapping roads and traffic to improve the efficacy of investments into public space, Estonian artistic life in the regional and international context, constructing and building large-scale, custom-dimensioned features for the elephants of the Tallinn Zoo and linking art and technology in Clay 3D printing. The teaching staff of the summer academy includes leading educators, researchers and artists from the EAA and partner universities.
The 2017 courses include: Clay 3D Printing, Toys for Elephants, Telling Stories, Numbers and Cognition, The Contemporary Art Field in Estonia, and the FLOODED Summer School. The deadline for registration is 5 June 2017.
For more information and to apply visit
Video shot and edited by Eva Sepping.
DreamRoad: АвтоКультурное Путешествие. S00E01. Литва
В первом из двух пилотных эпизодов DreamRoad Алексей и Женя отправляются в Литву.
Рассказ о Тракае, Вильнюсе, визиты в тюнинг-ателье GroundWirus, Dog Custom Works, к Бесусу (Дарюсу Бесячичюсу, который строит раллийные авто и болиды для дакара), всё это - в первом эпизоде DreamRoad.
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Tea Ceremony
2009 04 29. Lithuania. Tea Ceremony conducted by a speacialist from Aichi, Japan.