Beautiful Lake Cerknica, Slovenia
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Lake Cerknica (pronounced [ˈtseːɾknitsa]; Slovene: Cerkniško jezero, German: Zirknitzer See) is an intermittent lake in the southern part of the Cerknica Polje, a karst polje in Inner Carniola, a region in southwestern Slovenia.[1] The lake, oriented in the Dinaric direction from northwest to southeast, is present for the most part of the year.[1] When full, it is the largest lake in the country. The plain is surrounded by the Javornik Hills (1,268 metres or 4,160 feet) to the south and Slivnica (1,022 m or 3,353 ft) to the north, both belonging to Dinaric Alps. The area of the lake mainly reaches 28 square kilometres (11 sq mi), but can reach up to 38 km2 (15 sq mi) and the surface level varies from 546 m (1,791 ft) to 551 m (1,808 ft) above sea level. The lake is an important wildlife resort, especially as a nesting place for many bird species. Botanically, it is distinguished by amphibious plants. It is therefore a part of two Natura 2000 areas of protection[2] and the focus of the Inner Carniola Regional Park, which covers additional Natura 2000 areas in the broader region.[3] The climate in the area is continental, with a mean temperature of 9.2 °C (48.6 °F) and the annual precipitation about 1,700 millimetres (67 in). The largest settlement at the border of the lake is Cerknica, located north of the lake. Various watersports, including windsurfing, are popular on the lake.
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Lake Cerknica, Slovenia
Lake Cerknica
(pronounced [ˈtseːɾknitsa]; Slovene: Cerkniško jezero, syn.: Cerknice Polje) Více o jezeře v popisku (more in description below).
- Ryba ve videu natočená pod hladinou je malá štika obecná.
ENG: Lake Cerknica, lake that vanishes. When full, Lake Cerknica becomes the largest lake in Slovenia. It lies in the central part of the Slovenian Dinaric Karst. For up to six months per year, lake filled with water with a mean depth of over 6 metres. During the remainder of the year the water simply disappears, leaving just green, wild flower-covered fields. There is an abundance of fish when there is water and abundance of grass when it is dry. (e.g. plants of early marsh orchid, broad-leaved marsh orchid and marsh helleborine). Lake Cerknica is home to the tiniest snail, the biggest of bears, the game and everything in between. In particular, the importance of intermittent Lake Cerknica is because for huge biodiversity. It is also for preservation of endangered birds. 276 bird species have been observed. This number is one half of all European birds. There is also home for 125 butterfly species (little less than a third of all European species), 45 mammal species (one half of all European species) and 15 amphibian species. Therefore, lake and surrounding area is part of Ramsar site and Natura 2000.
“As far as its water regime goes, one must be glad to be able to say that Lake Cerknica remains a typical intermittent lake. During autumn and winter- spring it is a lake, full of water, while during the summer drought it is dry, just like it was 2000 years ago when people tried to change it for the first time – in the past Lake Cerknica was regarded as being more harm than good, as a noxious phenomenon” (Kranjc, 1987).
CZ: Jezero Cerknica je zajímavé tím, že sezónně mizí. V období, kdy je nejplnější, je největším jezerem ve Slovinsku. Zpravidla nejvyšší hladinu mívá jezero na podzim po vydatnýchdeštích (listopad-prosinec) a také po odtátí sněhu na jaře (březen-duben). Jak hladina ustoupí objeví se rozlehlé pláně plné rozmanité vegetace. To se děje v červenci až v září. V této době zůstávají zaplaveny často jen opravdu nejnižší části jezera. Cyklus naplňování, vyprazdňování jezera a změny ve výšce vodní hladiny jsou ale i velmi nepravidelné. Někdy jezero nezmizí několik let, někdy je zmizelé celý rok.
Voda zásobující jezero pochází ve velké míře ze sousedních krasových plošin a z výše položených míst. Několikrát v historii byly snahy o změny vodního režimu jezera.
Nyní je Jezero Cerknica chráněno jako regionální park v rámci obce Cerknica, je součástí Ramsarské Úmluvy o mokřadech majících mezinárodní význam především jako biotopy vodního ptactva a Natury 2000.
Jezero Cerknica je důležitou mokřinou pro mnoho druhů ohrožených hnízdících a stěhovavých ptáků. Jsou tu často k vidění hejna šedých hus, orel mořský, budníčci, rákosníci proužkovaní a kachny (taxon Anas). Také hýlové, vodouši - vodouš tmavý, vodouš bahenní, vodouš kropenatý, vodouš šedý a jesbák bojovný) a potápka rudokrká. Své si tady najdou bramboříček hnědý, polák malý, bukač, konipas luční a chřástalové. V létě mnoho vodního ptactva pozorováno být nemůže, jelikož jezero je dost suché. Oblasti jsou významné poměrně velikým výskytem dravých ptáků. Moták pilich může být vidět v zimě. Velká hejna poštolek rudonohých jsou zde k vidění během jejich migrace. Orlík krátkoprstý může být při troše štěstí pozorován během léta.
I rostlinné zastoupení této lokality stojí za detailnější zmínění. Návštěvníci mohou být okouzleni mokřadními rostlinami s mnohými ohroženými a chráněnými druhy. Opravdovým zážitkem pro nadšence rostlin je více než 150 druhů orchidejí a dalších květenou, která roste v této oblasti. Divokým gladiolám a orchidejím (hlavně orchidejím vstavačům: Dactylorhiza incarnata, Dactylorhiza majalis a také kruštíku bahennímu - Epipactis palustris) se zde daří v takových počtech, že lze pochybovat, že jsou tyto rostliny ohrožené. Jezero Cerknica je lokalitou, kde se vyskytují tři druhy masožravých rostlin – jedním z nich jsou hmyzožravé rosnatky. Také se zde vyskytují desítky ohrožených druhů trav – ty většinu lidí nezaujmou na první pohled, ale je důležité si uvědomit, že tvoří jedinečný ekosystém, na který je vázáno mnoho hmyzu a i živočichů obecně.
Co se týče zvířat a hlavně obratlovců, tak kromě rozmanitého množství ryb v jezeře a ptactva, zde nalezneme i velké savce. Souš a hlavně přilehlé okolí hor je domovem pro medvědy a další zvěř. Množství ryb a zvěře přilákalo lidi a poskytovalo jim zdroj obživy již od doby kamenné. Velký savci, jako je právě medvěd, ale i srnec obecný, jeleni, rysové, divoké kočky a vlci, žijí v rozsáhlých lesních systémech v okolí jezer. Podzemní krasový systém pod jezerem a kolem jezera je stanovištěm vzácného a endemického obojživelníka (taxon Proteus - macaráti).
Yellow Wagtail and Lake Cerknica, Slovenia
Lake Cerknica is the largest intermittent lake of Slovenia. There are many birds around the lake. The Yellow Wagtail is a common breeding bird there. Video shot on 30th April 2009 with a Canon Powershot SX10IS.
MUST VISIT - Magical lake Cerknica, Slovenia
Unforgettable winter day in Slovenia!
Our Master program EMTM is the best because this is how we spend our study Tuesday! Typical field-trip: learning about eco-tourism with ‘Nature in colour’, visiting the wonderful lake Cerknica and trying Slovenian national dishes in the company of friends ????
Get inspired by outstanding nature of Slovenia and eco-tourism experiences!
Visit for more options how to explore Slovenian nature!
Song copyright: minutes - I can
VLOG: Heritage of Slovenia (V.R.B.) - Cerknica lake in winter
Cerknica lake is very special, but in winter is even more beautifull to see... Why? Take a look and see...
But before read some informations why Cerknica lake (Cerkniško jezero) is so different from other lakes.
Cerknica lake, Slovenia
Intermittent lake in Slovenia. Dried out, a stage from between July and August 2013.
An idea for a day trip in Slovenia: Cerknica Lake and Snežnik Castle
There's no doubt a trip through #Slovenia is something you'll never forget ???? Hands up who wants to go? ????
- Secrets of the intermittent Lake Cerknica
- Snežnik #Castle is a 13th-century castle located in the southwest part of the Lož Valley
Find out more:
#ifeelsLOVEnia #myway #karst #greenkarst
Lake Cerknica (Slovenia)
Many birds can be seen around Lake Cerknica in Slovenia, including the Yellow Wagtail (Motacilla flava). Windsurfing is practised by some of the lake. Mount Slivnica is the mountain located to the North of the lake and is a popular destination for hikers. Shot with a Canon Powershot SX10IS on 1st May 2009.
Košnja na Cerkniškem jezeru /Mowing high grass at Cerknica lake
Dark side of Cerknica Lake (LIFE Stržen presentation film)
The objective of project LIFE Stržen is to restore the watercourse Stržen to its former double meander, which will contribute to longer water retention time on Cerknica Lake. We will establish a quiet zone for bittern bird and build guiding infrastructure for visitors. Our goal is to conserve the nature of Cerknica Lake and encourage the development of sustainable tourism. We will educate tourism providers on nature-friendly ways of guiding, which won’t be disturbing for nature or for local people.
In the scope of project LIFE Stržen, we have employed a field worker, who regularly checks the status and activities on Cerknica Lake. He has discovered a disappointing number of illegal landfills in the beautiful nature of Cerknica Lake. This is why we decided to dedicate the first of four presentation films to the topic of undesired activities in the project area.
We hope to encourage all visitors and locals to stop using our nature for their personal dumping site, but rather take their waste to appropriate places that are available within a couple of kilometres from Cerknica Lake.
You can learn more about the project here:
Project LIFE Stržen “Improvement of Natura 2000 statuses with renaturation of Stržen's riverbed on intermittent Cerknica Lake” is financed by the LIFE financial instrument of the European Union.
Project partners:
Notranjska Regional Park
Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Nature Conservation
DOPPS – BirdLife Slovenia
The Fisheries Research Institute of Slovenia
Hidrotehnik d. d.
With the support of:
Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning
Municipality of Cerknica
Alpod d.o.o.
Ebm-papst d.o.o.
Elgoline d.o.o.
Slovenia SUP Paradise: Paddle boarding at Cerknica lake
Cerknica lake is an important wildlife resort especially as a nesting place for many bird species. The nature is stuning and stand up paddling is giving us the opportunity to explore it up close and personal.
It's intermittent lake, so the level of water is changing and so we have to catch the right time, when stand up paddling is even possible. That's why it is also more interesting. :)
Join us:
Road from Cerknica to the lake in Slovenia
Beautiful Slovenia
Lake Cerknica, Slovenia
Lake Cerknica is the largest intermittent lake of Slovenia. The video start zooming on the nearby mount Slivnica, a favourite hiking destination, located to the North of the lake. Then there are several views of the lake as seen from one of its Western shores and at the end one can see the mountain located to the South of the lake. Shot on 30th April 2009 with a Canon Powershot SX10IS.
Od Krima do Cerknice preko Rakitne po Sloveniji
33 Seconds at Slovenia's Cerknica Lake
A brief slideshow/video notebook from a mid-winter hike around Cerknica Lake, Europe's largest intermittent lake. Much more about the lake is here:
Images from February 12, 2017
Yellow Wagtail (Cerknica lake, Slovenia)
A Yellow Wagtail (Motacilla flava) is filmed while perching and calling in its habitat, near lake Cerknica, Slovenia. Shot with a Canon Powershot SX10IS on 1st May 2009.
Lake Cerknica with 20 km2 of cold water
Izlet na Cerkniško jezero. Eno največjih presihajočih jezer v Evropi.
Površina vode +-20 km2
Trip to lake Cerknica, Slovenia. One of the largest intermittent lakes in Europe.
Size of surface +-20km2
Inetermittent Cerknica lake
Inetermittent Cerknica lake
Festival of Cerknica Slovenia
Cerknica's Carnival showcases special traditions, too. For the the time between Shrove Thursday and Ash Wednesday, Cerknica is known as Butale (a village of fools). The lake in Cerknica is home to a witch, who must be drawn out during the festival and paraded through the town.
Flooding at Slovenia's Lake Cerknica, after 12 days of rain - Sept 2017
Scenes from Slovenia's Lake Cerknica, Europe's largest intermittent lake, the day after 12 straight days of rain.
20 September 2017