5-04-15 Jungle exploration Cerro Biotope Cahui, El Remate (Guatemala)
5-04-15 Ants procession Cerro Biotope Cahui, El Remate (Guatemala)
Cerro Cahui Biotope- Cute walk in nature, El Remate
Almost 1 hour from Flores is a small village , El Remate. It is en route to Tikal. El Remate is at the junction of 3 lakes - Peten Itza, Salpetén, and Macanche.
Take a local bus from Flores ( Santa Elena ) and it will drop you at El Remate. It has many many campsite along the lake and also hotels with wi-fi. It is a great spot to camp. There is also a school to volunteer.
Highlight of El Remate is a 8 KM walk in Cerro Cuhai Biotope. It is a jungle. At the entrance you have to pay 40 quetzals and you can go. At the entrance are glass jars filled with snakes. These are the species inside the biotope. But it is super safe and will really give a feel of jungle.
Path is very well made and there are rest points on the way. There are three points from where you can have the lake view.
In addition, there is also a Jade Museum and a cute Cemetery in El Remate.
It is a great spot for 2-3 days of camping and feeling the solitude of nature.
Note: If you are the serious camper the camp in El Remate and then take off to Tikal for camping and the to Uaxactun. All places have areas for camping and shops, restaurants.
5-04-15 Monkey habits exploration Cerro Biotope Cahui, El Remate (Guatemala)
Lago de Petén Itzá, camino del Remate a cerro Cahui, 18/12/2016 Erick Reyes Andrade
Este es una camino fascinante que lo lleva a uno a bordear el lago luego de pasar El Remate en Petén Itzá, aún es mejor dado que es de terracería el camino.
A Python snake goes through the bushes at Cerro Cahui, where the mountain (cerro) gives the appearance of a crocodile swimming into the lake.
Cerro Cahuí - Mayan Mirador Lookout
The Cerro Cahuí is an Eco-park which was a venerated location for the Maya. To get to this lookout one hikes 2 miles, almost all uphill, along a tropical jungle path. We saw Howler Monkeys not far from here. Cahuí means Crocodile in Mayan language, and it gets the name because from a distance it looks like a Croc entering the lake.
El Cerro Cahuí es un Eco-parque que era un lugar venerado por los Maya. Para llegar al mirador hay que caminar 3 km, casi todo hacia arriba, por un sendero selvatico. Vimos monos aulladores cerca de aqui. Cahuí significa Cocodrilo en lengua Maya, y se llama asi porque desde lejos se ve como cocodrilo entrando al lago.
cerro cahui excursion
Cerro cahui
Feb 18th, 2011 - Biotopo Cerro Cahui, Guatemala [Video 1/2]
Biotopo Cerro Cahui, Guatemala
We hear some howler monkeys in the jungle. We never got to see them but their howling is pretty unique.
Petén él Remate
Guatemala City . Petén
las bellezas del remate peten
El Remate: Guatemala
Guatemala Trip
El Remate, Guatemala
Kids playing Tig, on the pier, in El Remate, Guatemala. January 2013
Having fun in El Remate, Petén, Guatemala
Playing foosball during Navidad 2008 in El Remate
Jungle Run with Howler Monkeys: Cerro Cahui Biotopo Guatemala
Maya Itzá - La Voz Del Comienzo (Documental)
La Cultura Maya Itzá aun vive entre nosotros y la encontramos revitalizandose en el Municipio de San José Petén, su idioma, sus costumbres y tradiciones, su gastronomia, sus recetas medicinales y mucho más.
Estudiantes del curso de Producción Audivisual de Academia Enigma se complace en presentar su proyecto 2018 Maya Itzá - La Voz Del Comienzo Documental producido en su totalidad por los participantes del curso durante octubre y noviembre del presente.
Agradecimientos totales a todos los participantes, a las personas que amablemente nos abrieron las puertas en San José Petén, a los abuelos Maya Itzá que nos enriquecieron con el conocimiento de su culutra, en fin a todos y todas las que hiceron posible este proyecto.
#MeGustaEnigma #ProducciónAudivisual2018 #PeténGuatemala #MayaItzá #PeténItzá #VideosPetén #SanJoséPetén
Petencito Zoo, Lake Petén Itzá, Guatemala, Central America, North America
Lake Petén Itzá is a lake in the northern Petén Department in Guatemala. It is the second largest lake in Guatemala, after the Izabal Lake. It is located around 16°59′0″N 89°48′0″W. It has an area of 99 km² some 32 km. long and 5 km wide. Its maximum depth is 160 m. The lake area presents high levels of migration, due to the existence of natural resources such as wood, chewing gum, oil, and agricultural and pasture activities. Because of its archaeological richness, around 150,000 tourists pass through this region yearly. The city of Flores, the capital of El Petén, lies on an island near its southern shore. There are at least 27 Maya sites around this lake and the arhcaoelogical remains of Tayasal, located across the lake on a peninsula close to the former Itza Maya capital, the last to be conquered in Mesoamerica in 1697. This lake has more than 100 important indigenous species such as the red snook fish (Petenia splendida), crocodiles (Crocodylus moreletii and Crocodylus acutus), jaguars (Panthera onca), Pumas (Puma concolor), White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), red brocket (Mazana americana), and several bird species, including parrots, toucans, and macaws. On its northeast shore is the Cerro Cahui Protected Biotope, a natural reserve for butterflies is a 1,600-acre (6.5 km2) reserve is home to toucans, spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi), howler monkeys (Alouatta palliata, Alouatta pigra), and many other rain forest species.
27-03-15 Belizean Television
Biotope for Angels Tank No 2..
Angels, Black Neons, Emperors in 20 gallon tank