Chandi Devi Temple, Haridwar
Chandi Devi Temple, Haridwar (Hindi: चण्डी देवी मंदिर, हरिद्वार) is a Hindu temple dedicated to Goddess Chandi Devi in the holy city of Haridwar in the Uttarakhand state of India. The temple is situated atop the Neel Parvat on the Eastern summit of the Sivalik Hills, the southernmost mountain chain of the Himalayas. Chandi Devi Temple was built in 1929 by Suchat Singh in his reign as the King of Kashmir. However, the main murti of Chandi Devi at the temple is said to have been installed in the 8th century by Adi Shankaracharya, one of the greatest priests of Hindu religion. The temple also known as Neel Parvat Teerth is one of the Panch Tirth (Five Pilgrimages) located within Haridwar.
Chandi Devi Temple is highly revered by devotees as a Siddh Peetha which is a place of worship where desires get fulfilled. It is one of three such Peethas located in Haridwar, the other two being Mansa Devi Temple and Maya Devi Temple.
Source- Wikipedia
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Maa Chandi Devi Temple Haridwar India, चण्डी देवी मंदिर, हरिद्वार
चण्डी देवी मंदिर, हरिद्वार, चंडी देवी मंदिर नील पर्वत के शिखर पर स्थित है। यह देश के प्रसिद्ध धार्मिक स्थलों में से एक है। यह मंदिर 52 शक्तिपीठों में से एक है एवं इसे कश्मीर के तत्कालीन शासक द्वारा वर्ष 1929 में बनवाया गया था।
हालांकि ऐसा कहा जाता है कि मंदिर में जो मूर्ती है उसे महान संत आदि शंकराचार्य ने आठवीं शताब्दी में स्थापित किया था। एक लोककथा के अनुसार नील पर्वत वह स्थान है जहाँ हिंदू देवी, चंडिका देवी ने शुंभ और निशुंभ राक्षसों को मारने के बाद कुछ समय आराम किया था। इस स्थान तक पहुँचने के लिए यात्री हरिद्वार में कहीं से भी ऑटो, रिक्षा, टैक्सी, या तांगा ले सकते हैं। यात्री इस स्थान तक ट्रेकिंग के रास्ते भी पहुँच सकते हैं जो चंडीघाट से लगभग 3 किमी दूर है।
केबल कार भी एक अच्छा विकल्प है और इससे पहुँचने में 25 मिनट का समय लगता है।
चण्डी देवी का यह पौराणिक मन्दिर देवभूमि उत्तराखण्ड की शीर्षस्थ सिद्धपीठों में एक है। देवी अराधक ‘शाक्त सम्प्रदाय’ में महाकाली, महालक्ष्मी और महासरस्वती इन तीनों के ‘एकीकृत विग्रह’ यानि तीनों महादेवियों के एक संयुक्त अवतार को ही चण्डी अथवा दुर्गा कहा जाता है।
इस पावन पीठ की एक और विशेषता यह है कि रामभक्त हनुमान की माताश्री ‘अंजनि’ का जग प्रसिद्ध एकमात्र मन्दिर भी यहीं इसी मन्दिर के पास ही है। चण्डी देवी के इस मन्दिर में साल में दो बार चैत्र व दशहरे के नवरात्रों पर भव्य मेला लगता है।
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Music Credit - Youtube Audio Library
Chandi Devi Temple, located on the top of Neel Parvat, Chandi Devi Temple is one of the major tourist attractions in Haridwar. It is also major religious site of this town. This is around 3 km from Chandighat. It is one of the Shidhh peeth. The temple is devoted to Goddess Chandi. The main temple is situated on top of Hill peak.
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Chandi Devi Temple, Haridwar, Uttarakhand | Chandi Devi Mandir Haridwar rishikesh
Video Link to Mansa Devi temple
Video link to know how to reach Haridwar
Hi viewers,
In previous video we took you to the tour of Mansa devi temple in Haridwar,if you have missed that video, then you can check out the video, link to it is provided in the description section.
Now we are heading towards the busstand, where we can get bus to Chandi devi temple Cable car station.
now we have reached at chandi devi temple Cable car bus stand, we are heading towards the cable car , there is a long queue similar to the one that we had in Mansa devi temple, quqeue here is comparatively smaller than Mansa devi and we were able to board the Cable car in 10 mins,
Now we ae heading to the mountain top for CHandi devi temple, this mountain is known as Neel parvat, Chandi devi or Chandika devi is form of Durga, Chandi devi temple in Haridwar was built in 1929 by suchat singh, who was king of Kashmir at that time, but the idOl of the goddess is believed to be installed in 8th century by Adi Shankaracharya, Chandi devi temple is one of three Siddh peeth in Haridwar, the other two being Mansa devi and Mayadevi temple.
Chadi devi temple is at a distance of 5 KMs from har ki pauri, apart from Cable car,one can also take trekking route which is about 3 KMs, total length of of the ropeway is 740 Metres and it takes 5 minutes to reach the top, speed of cable car here is less compared to that of Mnansa devi temple cable car, this jounrey offers you a scenic view. Temple is open from Morning 6 to Night 8 O clock, temple experiences huge crowd during Festivals and Kumbh Mela, there is also another temple ato the top, which is dedicated to Anjani devi, the mother of Lord Hanuman, distance between Anjani devi temple and CHandi devi temple is just 200 metres,
We have finally reached the top and lets proceed towards the temple, first we are heading towards CHandi devi temple, Here you need to be cautious with your things as monkeys snactches things from people, you can place your footwear at the stand proceed further, as photography and videography inside the temple is prohibited we won't be able to show you the inside view.
After Chandi devi Darshan, we are now moving to Anjani devi temple, which is jus 5-10 mins walk from CHandi devi temple, Queue here is very less so we were able to get the Darshan in few mins
Now we have boarded Cable car to go down the Hill, wow the view of forest , Ganga and Haridwar city is breath taking and after reaching down the hill you can take the Bus servcie to got Mansa devi temple
मनसा देवी मंदिर का वीडियो लिंक
हरिद्वार कैसे पहुँचें, जानने के लिए वीडियो लिंक
पिछले वीडियो में हम आपको हरिद्वार में मनसा देवी मंदिर के भ्रमण पर ले गए, अगर आपने उस वीडियो को याद किया है, तो आप वीडियो की जांच कर सकते हैं, इसका वर्णन विवरण अनुभाग में दिया गया है।
अब हम चंडी देवी मंदिर केबल कार बस स्टैंड पर पहुँच गए हैं, हम केबल कार की ओर जा रहे हैं, मनसा देवी मंदिर में हमारे पास एक लंबी कतार है, यहाँ पर क्विक्यू तुलनात्मक रूप से मनु देवी से छोटा है और हम सक्षम थे 10 मिनट में केबल कार में सवार होने के लिए,
अब हम चण्डी देवी मंदिर के लिए पहाड़ की चोटी पर जा रहे हैं, इस पर्वत को नील पर्वत, चंडी देवी या चंडिका देवी के रूप में जाना जाता है, दुर्गा का रूप है, हरिद्वार में चंडी देवी मंदिर 1929 में सुफत सिंह के लिए बनाया गया था, जो कश्मीर के राजा थे उस समय, लेकिन देवी की मूर्ति को 8 वीं शताब्दी में आदि शंकराचार्य द्वारा स्थापित माना जाता है, चंडी देवी मंदिर हरिद्वार में तीन सिद्ध पीठों में से एक है, अन्य दो मनसा देवी और मायादेवी मंदिर हैं।
चड्डी देवी मंदिर हर की पौड़ी से 5 KM की दूरी पर है, केबल कार के अलावा, एक ट्रेकिंग मार्ग भी ले सकता है जो लगभग 3 KM है, रोपवे की कुल लंबाई 740 मीटर है और इसे शीर्ष तक पहुंचने में कुछ मिनट लगते हैं यहां केबल कार की गति, मनसा देवी मंदिर केबल कार की तुलना में कम है, यह जौनरी आपको एक सुंदर दृश्य प्रदान करता है। मंदिर सुबह 6 से रात 8 बजे तक खुला रहता है, मंदिर में उत्सव और कुंभ मेले के दौरान भारी भीड़ का अनुभव होता है, ऊपर एक और मंदिर भी है, जो अंजनी देवी, भगवान हनुमान की माँ, अंजनी देवी मंदिर और के बीच की दूरी के लिए समर्पित है। चण्डी देवी मंदिर सिर्फ 200 मीटर है,
हम अंत में शीर्ष पर पहुंच गए हैं और मंदिर की ओर बढ़ने देते हैं, पहले हम चण्डी देवी मंदिर की ओर जा रहे हैं, यहाँ आपको अपनी चीजों से सतर्क रहने की जरूरत है क्योंकि बंदर लोगों से चीजें छीनते हैं, आप अपने जूते को स्टैंड पर रख सकते हैं। मंदिर के अंदर फोटोग्राफी और वीडियोग्राफी प्रतिबंधित है हम आपको अंदर का दृश्य नहीं दिखा पाएंगे।
चंडी देवी दर्शन के बाद, हम अब अंजनी देवी मंदिर में जा रहे हैं, जो चण्डी देवी मंदिर से 5-10 मिनट की पैदल दूरी पर है, यहाँ कतार बहुत कम है इसलिए हम कुछ मिनटों में दर्शन प्राप्त करने में सक्षम थे
अब हम पहाड़ी के नीचे जाने के लिए केबल कार पर सवार हो गए हैं, वन, गंगा और हरिद्वार शहर का नजारा देखते हुए सांस ले रहे हैं और पहाड़ी से नीचे पहुँचने के बाद आप मनसा देवी मंदिर के लिए बस सर्विस ले सकते हैं
Chandi Devi Temple, Haridwar, Uttarakhand
Shown in this video is the Chandi Devi temple, a popular pilgrim centre in Haridwar, Uttarakhand state of India.
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Chandi Devi Mandir
Chandi Devi Temple, Haridwar in the Uttarakhand
Chandi Devi Temple was built in 1929 by the King of Kashmir, Suchat Singh on the top of the Neel Parvat . The distance from Haridwar to the temple is about 6 kms and the there is an option of trekking uphill for the last three 3 kms or taking the cable car. There is an interesting story behind this temple. Legend has it that two demon kings Shumbha and Nishumbha waged a war against Lord Indra and captured his kingdom. Then they threw all the Gods out of heaven and started to make merry. Taking pity on the God's plight, Goddess Parvati took the form of Chandi Devi to slaughter the demon kings and return the kingdom to Indra. The Goddess Chanda Devi is believed to have rested on this very hill top for a while. Hence the temple was built on that sacred spot to commemorate her. The main idol of Goddess Chanda Devi is said to have been established in the 8th century by Adi Shankaracharya. This temple is known as one of the Siddha Peethas where one's wishes are fulfilled and every year, millions of devotees make their way to seek the blessings of Chanda Devi. JOLLYKHANNA1's shared video file.
Chandi Devi Temple, Haridwar
Chandi Devi Temple, Haridwar (Hindi: चण्डी देवी मंदिर, हरिद्वार) is a Hindu temple dedicated to Goddess Chandi Devi in the holy city of Haridwar in the Uttarakhand state of India. The temple is situated atop the Neel Parvat on the Eastern summit of the Sivalik Hills, the southernmost mountain chain of the Himalayas. Chandi Devi Temple was built in 1929 by Suchat Singh in his reign as the King of Kashmir. However, the main murti of Chandi Devi at the temple is said to have been installed in the 8th century by Adi Shankaracharya, one of the greatest priests of Hindu religion.[1][2] The temple also known as Neel Parvat Teerth is one of the Panch Tirth (Five Pilgrimages) located within Haridwar.
Source- Wikipedia
Chandi Devi Temple, Haridwar is a Hindu temple dedicated to Goddess Chandi Devi in the holy city of Haridwar in the Uttarakhand state of India. The temple is situated atop the Neel Parvat on the Eastern summit of the Sivalik Hills, the southernmost mountain chain of the Himalayas. Chandi Devi Temple was built in 1929 by Suchat Singh in his reign as the King of Kashmir.
However, the main murti of Chandi Devi at the temple is said to have been installed in the 8th century by Adi Shankaracharya, one of the greatest priests of Hindu religion. The temple also known as Neel Parvat Teerth is one of the Panch Tirth (Five Pilgrimages) located within Haridwar. Chandi Devi Temple is highly revered by devotees as a Siddh Peetha which is a place of worship where desires get fulfilled. It is one of three such Peethas located in Haridwar, the other two being Mansa Devi Temple and Maya Devi.
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Present! - The Chandi Devi Temple in Haridwar, India
We visited the Chandi Devi Temple in Haridwar, India but werre not allowed to video the wish-fulfilling idol.
Ropeway to Chandi Devi Temple, Haridwar
Ropeway to Chandi Devi Temple, Haridwar
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Chandi Devi Temple, Haridwar( Shakthipeet)
Chandi Devi Temple, Haridwar is a Hindu temple dedicated to Goddess Chandi Devi in the holy city of Haridwar in the Uttarakhand state of India. The temple is situated atop the Neel Parvat on the Eastern summit of the Sivalik Hills, the southernmost mountain chain of the Himalayas. Chandi Devi Temple was built in 1929 by Suchat Singh in his reign as the King of Kashmir. However, the main murti of Chandi Devi at the temple is said to have been installed in the 8th century by Adi Shankaracharya, one of the greatest priests of Hindu religion. The temple also known as Neel Parvat Teerth is one of the Panch Tirth (Five Pilgrimages) located within Haridwar.
Chandi Devi Temple is highly revered by devotees as a Siddh Peetha which is a place of worship where desires get fulfilled. It is one of three such Peethas located in Haridwar, the other two being Mansa Devi Temple and Maya Devi Temple.
The Temple is located at a distance of 4 kilometres (2.5 mi) from Har ki Pauri. To reach the temple one has to either follow the three kilometre trekking route from Chandighat and reach the shrine by climbing a number of steps or climb the recently introduced rope-way (cable car) service. The rope-way service known as Chandi Devi Udankhatola was introduced for the benefit of the pilgrims and it caters to the pilgrims also to the nearby located Mansa Devi shrine. The rope-way carries the pilgrims from the lower station located near Gauri Shankar Temple on the Nazibabad Road directly to the Chandi Devi Temple located at an altitude of 2,900 metres (9,500 ft). The total length of the ropeway route is about 740 metres (2,430 ft) and height is 208 metres (682 ft). There is a dense forest on the other side of the hill and the ropeway offers scenic views of the Ganges River and Haridwar.
Chandi Devi Mansa Devi I NARENDRA CHANCHAL I Jo Bhi Kumbh Nahaya I T-Series Bhakti Sagar
Bhajan: Chandi Devi Mansa Devi
Music Director: SOHAN LAL
Music Label: T-Series
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#Chandi Devi Yatra Vlog Haridwar | Mandir | चंडी देवी मंदिर | Chadhai | Har ki pauri Lord Shiva
Har ki Pauri to Maa Chandi Devi Mandir Haridwar Vlog | Uttarakhand | Lord Shiva Rishikesh| चंडी देवी मंदिर हरिद्वार
Goddess Chandi Devi Mandir in the Holy city of Haridwar in Uttarakhand state of India. The Temple is situated at Neel Parvat on the eastern summit of Shivalik HIlls , Chandi Devi Temple was build in 1929 by Suchat Singh in his regin as the king of Kashmir. However the main murti of Chandi Devi at the temple is said to have been installed in the 8th century by Adi Shankaracharya, one of the greatest priest of Hindu religion. The temple is known as Neel Parvat Teerth is one of the Panch Teerth.
Chandi Devi Mandir is highly revered by devotees as a Siddh Peetha which is a place of worship where desires get fulfilled.
भारत के उत्तराखंड राज्य के पवित्र शहर हरिद्वार में देवी चंडी देवी मंदिर। मंदिर शिवालिक HIlls के पूर्वी शिखर पर नील पर्वत पर स्थित है, चंडी देवी मंदिर का निर्माण 1929 में सुच्चत सिंह ने कश्मीर के राजा के रूप में किया था। हालाँकि मंदिर में चंडी देवी की मुख्य मूर्ति को 8 वीं शताब्दी में आदि शंकराचार्य द्वारा स्थापित किया गया है, जो हिंदू धर्म के सबसे बड़े पुजारी हैं। मंदिर को नील पर्वत तीर्थ के रूप में जाना जाता है।
चंडी देवी मंदिर भक्तों द्वारा सिद्ध पीठ के रूप में अत्यधिक पूजनीय है, जो एक ऐसा पूजा स्थल है जहाँ मनोकामनाएँ पूरी होती हैं।
Haridwar Tour - Chandi Devi Temple
Chandi devi temple is a hindu temple dedicated to goddess chandi devi, in holy city of haridwar. It's situated on top of neel parvat. Litrle far from haridwar station, you can go there from mansa devi temple, by the bus service provided by the time of udankhatola tickets from mansa devi temple. The views over there is very relaxing. you can enjoy the view of holy haridwar city and ganga from there.
Music in this video
1.Eveningland - Nimbus [No Copyright Music]
Audio Library - Royalty Free Music
Published on Feb 13, 2018
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Artist: Eveningland
Title: Nimbus
Genre: Dance & Electronic
Mood: Happy
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Music: Nimbus by Eveningland
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2. Hear the Noise -John Deley- [No Copyright Music]
Free Audio Library- No Copyright Music
Published on Aug 8, 2018
Hear the Noise -John Deley- (Royalty Free Music)
Track Info: No Copyright Music, Creative Commons Music, Free Audio Library, Copyright Free Music
Artist : John Deley
Genre : R&B & Soul
Mood : Inspirational
You’re free to use this song in any of your videos.(Copy & Paste)
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Chandi Devi Temple , Haridwar
This video shows Mata Chandi Devi Temple , Haridwar. It is a holy place to visit if you ever come to Haridwar. Come let me show you this beautiful place.
Manasa Devi Temple ! Hiking Tour ! Haridwar uttarakhand !! haridwar temple ! char dham yatra
The temple is known for being the holy abode of Manasa, a form of Shakti and is said to have emerged from the mind of the lord Shiva. Mansa is regarded as the sister of the Nāga (serpent) Vasuki. The term Mansa means wish and it is believed that the goddess fulfils all the wishes of a sincere devotee. Devotees who want their wishes to be fulfilled by Mansa tie threads to the branches of a tree located in the temple. Once their wishes are fulfilled, people come back again to the temple to untie the thread from the tree. Mansa is also offered coconuts, fruits, garlands and incense sticks in order to appease her.
Mansa Devi Temple is a Siddh Peetha which are the places of worship where desires get fulfilled. It is one of three such Peethas located in Haridwar, the other two being Chandi Devi Temple and Maya Devi Temple.[3] The inner shrine has two deities installed, one with eight arms and the other one three headed with five arms
Chandi Devi Temple - Haridwar | Quick Tour | $$007
Chandi Devi Temple, Haridwar (Hindi: चण्डी देवी मंदिर, हरिद्वार) is a Hindu temple dedicated to Goddess Chandi Devi in the holy city of Haridwar in the Uttarakhand state of India. The temple is situated atop the Neel Parvat on the Eastern summit of the Sivalik Hills, the southernmost mountain chain of the Himalayas. Chandi Devi Temple was built in 1929 by Suchat Singh in his reign as the King of Kashmir. However, the main murti of Chandi Devi at the temple is said to have been installed in the 8th century by Adi Shankaracharya, one of the greatest priests of Hindu religion. The temple also known as Neel Parvat Teerth is one of the Panch Tirth (Five Pilgrimages) located within Haridwar.
Chandi Devi : oddess Chandi also known as Chandika is the presiding deity of the temple. The story of the origin of Chandika is as follows: Long time ago, the demon kings Shumbha and Nishumbha had captured the kingdom of the god-king of heaven - Indra and thrown the gods from Swarga (heaven). After intense prayers by the gods, Parvati assumed the form of Chandi, an exceptionally beautiful woman and amazed by her beauty, Shumbha desired to marry her. On being refused, Shumbha sent his demon chiefs Chanda and Munda to kill her. They were killed by goddess Chamunda who originated out of Chandika's anger. Shumbha and Nishumbha then collectively tried to kill Chandika but were instead slain by the goddess. Thereafter, Chandika is said to have rested for a short while at the top of Neel Parvat and later a temple was built here to testify the legend. Also, the two peaks located in the mountain range are called Shumbha and Nishumbha
The temple : The Temple is located at a distance of 4 kilometres (2.5 mi) from Har ki Pauri. To reach the temple one has to either follow the three kilometre trekking route from Chandighat and reach the shrine by climbing a number of steps or climb the recently introduced rope-way (cable car) service. The rope-way service known as Chandi Devi Udankhatola was introduced for the benefit of the pilgrims and it caters to the pilgrims also to the nearby located Mansa Devi shrine. The rope-way carries the pilgrims from the lower station located near Gauri Shankar Temple on the Nazibabad Road directly to the Chandi Devi Temple located at an altitude of 2,900 metres (9,500 ft). The total length of the ropeway route is about 740 metres (2,430 ft) and height is 208 metres (682 ft). There is a dense forest on the other side of the hill and the ropeway offers scenic views of the Ganges River and Haridwar.
The temple is run by the Mahant who is the presiding priest of the temple. On a normal day, the temple is open between 6.00 am. to 8.00 pm. and the morning aarti at the temple begins at 5.30 am. Leather accessories, non vegetarian food and alcoholic drinks are strictly prohibited in the temple premises.
Chandi Devi Temple, Haridwar
Chandi Devi Temple, Haridwar (Hindi: चण्डी देवी मंदिर, हरिद्वार) is a Hindu temple dedicated to Goddess Chandi Devi in the holy city of Haridwar in the Uttarakhand state of India. Chandi Devi Temple is highly revered by devotees as a Siddh Peetha which is a place of worship where desires get fulfilled.
Chandi Devi Temple | My Haridwar Trip ????????
Chandi Devi Temple is highly revered by devotees as a Siddh Peetha which is a place of worship where desires get fulfilled. It is one of three such Peethas located in Haridwar, the other two being Mansa Devi Temple and Maya Devi Temple.
Mansa Devi & Chandi Devi Temple Haridwar Uttarakhand India